This unusually engrish celebratory level is unquestionably intended to announce some sort of “Ten V’th Birthday” for Jazz, but precisely what numeral Ten.V is designed to represent is left unfortunately unclear. Jazz’s main birthday transpired several months previous to the present day, and the 10(.v?)th anniversary of HH94 and Jazz CD is not due for another twenty-four days. Thus, what possible meaning can be derived from the unappealing birthday known as 10.v? Perhaps that my language in this paragraph has been really annoying?
Anyway, in summary, I have no idea what this is the 10th birthday of. Maybe the author started playing Jazz ten years ago? That would be kind of cool. Let’s review the level.
Based on the level description and the end boss, this is a Single Player level, but it’s kind of hard to tell as there are no enemies of any kind. There are, in fact, only two real dangers. There’s a single three-tile-wide-pit-of-spikes which can be avoided with ease, and a drop to the bottom of the level which you are quite likely to fall into. You see, you are running along a small platform, and must fall off onto another small platform right below. If you miss the platform, you hit the bottom of the level. This is really poor planning, as there’s no indication that the author meant for this to happen.
Of course, now that I’ve said that, I find myself wondering exactly what the author did mean to happen. The level seems to be a simple romp through a brightly colored tribute to Jazz. The tileset choice is pretty good for that intention – “Jazz Paradise”, featuring fireworks, palm trees, pictures of Jazz, and various party stuff – but it would have been even cooler to see a tileset featuring pictures of Jazz’s more memorable adventures, plus really cool pictures of everyone. “Jazz’s greatest hits”, if you will. Unfortunately, I have no right to expect that from some as new to J2O as Cloud is, and I am left with a hop-skip-jump through Jazz Paradise. Which isn’t a bad thing, but isn’t perfect, either.
The main reason I’m not sure I like this non-difficult level is that without obstacles of any sort, the level becomes boring. I was unable to come up with any reason I was there. Devan appears at the end, controlling a Jazz clone (nice touch… pity they don’t work very well), which seems to give the impression of a plot. Where is the plot in the rest of the level? Actually, where was anything? There were no goodies, no cool stuff like springs or vines, pretty much no anything except for pinball events and warps. The warps don’t even work all that well – they all have the same WarpID.
Pretty much all that’s left to talk about for this level is the eyecandy. It’s not bad. More could probably have been done with the tileset – I’m not entirely sure who this “J A Z S” is, though we all seem to love him – but the author uses a large number of the available tiles, and most of the time there are no real errors. Some places look downright ugly – the area right after the belts, for example – while others manage to look quite nice. I still am not totally enthralled with the tileset, but it’s used fairly well. (Are the background layers stolen? They look like they might be.)
So, in summary…
PROS: Level is kind of fun if you have the right sort of brain, and the eyecandy’s not all that bad. It is also a good level for someone who seems new in the field.
CONS: Kind of boring, and the lack of plot confuses me. A few too many event use errors.
RATING: 3.9 should work. I may come back and change it later, as this level is something of a mixed bag. Add enemies, goodies and random objects and this level should be much better.
(It came to my attention on my second play through that the bottomless pit area I mentioned actually involves belts. You are supposed to stand still and let the belts carry you around safely. Still, the belts are way too slow, don’t work quite right, and you can fall off easily. Too bad.)
I liked it a little bit, but maybe thats because I’m a Redwall fan. I really enjoyed the music, but maybe if th level was longer I might just tear my brains out. Which is another thing: The level is way to short. I was expecting a romp through a large abbey trying to do something or other. The short level we have here as a somewhat good concept (run through the abbey whilst opening up new areas to run about in) but the shortness detracts from any fun we could possibly have.
Well, thats all I have to say. Yep.
It Isn’t A Good Level It’s Short And The Eyecandy Are Nothing
It’s A BAD Lev.
A 1.2 From Me
This well and truely does deserve a 10!!
Great on every levels (especially the last level with the monks) in gameplay, the placement of coins is good and even includes other items besides gems, but Potions and Keys!
Well done
Download Recommendation: Definatly yes!!!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal and R reduction. Did you download the tileset? I’m not really sure. Please read the reviewing rules. ~Violet)
(Unsupported rating (10) removal and R reduction. When reviewing a tileset, make sure that you are reviewing the tileset, and not the author. What if Disguise had made a tileset worthy of a 1? Would you give it a 10 anyway? ~Violet)
Ok, it’s been a while I reviewed, but I’m back. :)
Introduction: Golradir is a level created by Commander Dats and uses the Odyssey tileset. The level name is weird, but I don’t give points for a levelname.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good
This level’s gameplay is pretty good. I liked how the springs were placed and you don’t have to jump alot to get to another place, so that’s a good thing. I liked the large tubes on the left and right sides of the level. The layout of this level looked good, at least it’s not a symmetrical battle level :P. I didn’t see any dead ends, so it doesn’t lower my rating. I don’t have any mayor complaints about the gameplay.
Eye candy/tileset use/layer use: Good/Very Good
This level’s eye candy looks good. I especially like layer 6. The tileset was used very well, there were also alot of animations. I saw layer 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were used. That’s a good thing. Some places could use more eye candy like near 46,23, but still, pretty good.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good
About the Ammo, it was good placed. Not too many at one place and it was also good spread. I don’t have complaints about it. About the Power-Ups, I saw 3 Power-Ups. There was also some Fast Fire which is Power-Up too in JCS. The carrot placement was fine. The Full Energies can’t be reached but there are +1 Carrots.
Originality: Good/Very Good
Yes, this level is original, because of the backgrounds and some animations. I have never seen the music file, so that’s original too. It’s a good idea to place Full Energies in a place you can’t go to.
Overall, I give this level a 7.91 = 8.
Download is recommended.
AMAZING < Mystic Lygends >
I Dont Says More
(Unsupported rating removal. I am getting really tired of this, Jarno. READ THE RULES. ~Violet)
YES Our First And Baddest Pack Ever
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. Please explain your rating in a readable fashion. ~Violet)
Only 1 tile used in the whole thing. Like the idea, but no eyecandy. You chose a good music file (saveing yourself from a 2.7).
There’s something wrong with this. It’s not for JJ2 1.23. I think it’s for the TSF version since it didn’t work on my JJ2. The tileset was just plain empty and had nothing in it. The level crashed my JCS.
Well, this is very usefull for people that makes many levels, or download much to review them (like DX :P). Also it’s for me a must, cause I even cant open my own levels to test them :D!
There are enough things what I could tell you, but I will have it short:
This is a must if your HCL is full. You can simpely open levels by searching them with captain cook. All names will apear in a line of the alphabet. Then you choose your character, and press start!
“A new invention for this universe from Jazz Jackrabbit!” – Daily Carrot news
“This is just TOO SIMPLE!! YAY!” – Carrot-Airmail
“everybody, just everybody, needs this! This is a must for yong and old, big and tiny.” – Jazzpress
so how I could say it: DOWNLOAD THIS THIS IS A MUST!!!!
EDIT1: Hey, now they’re not on alphabet line! This makes it very hard to find levels. (-0.2)
excellant! no more suffering at the hands of levels i have to use captain cook to play in the rare event that it cannot load the level in question.
note. no matter what character you choose it plays as jazz. please repair soon and reupload as major change so i get contacted. otherwise a 10.
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please do not “review” uploads more than once. It should be added that you can select characters in TSF, but that functionality is not available in 1.23. ~Violet)
excellant.a must have download. nbice one TK!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Read the J2O rules. ~Violet)
I WANT JJ1!!!!
Yay! I have JJ1 and it works! (Surprisingly)
Er……….most people use .ZIPS, not PK3. I don’t even know what PK3 is. If it’s PK3, i’m obviously not going to find it. If there is any way you could put it into .ZIP, PLEASE DO IT.
It’s very good. Full of diamonds and I could find use for eyecandy. The only thing wrong is the backround. It’s too light. You’ve got DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION and a 9.2
Jarno, this level was created for Razz Arena, a mod for Quake III Arena. I’ll tell you a secret, though, rename the .pk3 part to .zip and you can look inside and find buried treasure!
Fearofdark: This file must be a .pk3, not a .zip, or else Quake III Arena will not recognize it as a compatible file. What I was trying to say was that .pk3 files are basically just .zip files with different file extensions. You can extract them with a program such as Winzip to view the contents. Extracting this .pk3 and trying to use it with Quake III Arena, or God forbid JJ2, isn’t reccomended.
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.