This Pack
Are In One Word GREAT
Oh Sorry Violet ~Jarno
(No, look. If I remove your rating, that doesn’t mean you put it back and say you’re sorry. It means you make the review better, then put in a rating. Ok? Ok. ~Violet)
WOW This Is Really GREAT.
How Come You On That Perfect Idea To Make This Great Tileset ?
The Mystic Island Are Cool Jungly Tileset.
EyeCandy Are Also Great 9.2
Glowing Diamonds 6.5
Backround 7.0
Total Score 9.7
See Ya!
Here A 6.0
It Wasn’t Hard For Me
That Robots And Devan Clones Are Very Easy For Me It Are Good Levels I Give It An 6.0
(Rating removal. -Trafton)
Oh Sorry Trafton I FORGOT Thing’s To Say About The Pack.
Eyecandy 4.4
Make Better Eycandy Please!!!!!
Level Sise And High’t
Not Really Long 5.0
And Trafton
Medivo is probaly one of the darkest planets.
EYECANDY SEARCH: You have a choice of 2 backrounds, rain or skyline. You have extra rain if youi want to put it down. I couldn’t find any other eyecandy.
FEATURES: Sucker tubes made out of bricks, the JJ1 signs and some animation tiles.
COLOURS: Perfect!!!! Exactly the same as the origonal MEDIVO planet on JJ1.
Rating: 7.7
Download: It’s over 7.5, so yes.
Even though I don’t know what PEZROCK planet looks like. I give you a 9.5 for the conversion.
EYECANDY SEARCH: Just like Dreempipes, good. Again, not many foreground tiles and loads of backround tiles.
FEATURES: I think this tileset has more features than most of the other JJ1 tilesets. You have spikes, Skyline ect. The only thing you don’t have are shooting blocks.
COULORS: Some are too bright, EG. The skyline you could make a little darker.
Download?: You can guess.
Finally! A brand new level from Cmdr Dats! It really has been a while since he released his last level but he has certainly not lost his skills and Golradir, though not one of his best creations, is a level you must take a closer look at.
Golradir (it’s a weird name – no idea what it means) is quite large with many open areas as well as some tight and closed tunnels to explore and battle in. The layout consists of loads of platforms that take up most of the level and a smaller area consisting of a tunnel-like place at the bottom. This is nothing new as otside and inside levels have been done over and over and over and over again…etc, etc. The platforms are nicely arranged so you will always be a rabbit hop away from each one and springs are in the right places to reach places quickly and easily. The level has a lot of places you can bump into if you’re not careful, but it is very open, as mentioned earlier, and Golradir lets you navigate through it with the minumum of pain. For even faster movement, easily reached suckertubes are placed all over the level, which gives you an advantage over those on foot. I think that the suckertubes will be vital for pursuit and escape. The bad things about these tubes are that they take up a lot of space and it seems to me that you tend to take the tube rather than travel by foot, much like today’s commuters :). Since you can’t really control your movement while in the tube, these suckertubes spoil the fun of running around and shooting, but not by much.
Weapons placement is good and you don’t have to take huge detours just to get some ammo and most stuff can be reached by spring or by one jump, which smoothens the flow of the level. One complaint I have, however, is that ammo is so widely distributed. There are no large concentrations of ammo in one sinle place, which forces you to scavenge the level for ammo, which is bad news for campers or those who tend to hang around in the same area. Some crates would be really helpful but I guess anti-campers would probably see the lack of ammo as a positive thing.
The eyecandy is, like the weapons placement, very good but, like ammo, is widely distributed. Cmdr Dats have puts a little of this and a little of that here and there but he hasn’t used much of the tiles of the excellent Odyssey tileset, which is disappointing. A big window showing Earth, some lightning effects or more use of foreground layers would be great. And by the way, those great-looking teleport tiles are not used, most likely because there are no warps in Golradir. It’s acceptable when a level does not have warps, but at least use all tiles for eyecandy or you won’t be fully exploiting the tileset.
Despite the sparse ammo and equally sparse eyecandy, Golradir is a battle level worth having, and more importantly, playing. Battle freaks should definitely download this and those that are reluctant to mindlessly blow stuff up should still download and play this because of its great gameplay.
Cmdr Dats has done it again. Download recommendation and a nice 8.2 rating from me.
G R E A T And Also G R E A T
| I Have Not More To Says I This Rev.
(Rating removal and also rating removal. -Trafton)
More Says I Not
(More says you should. Please give details regarding why you chose this particular rating for this upload, showing how you based it off of the quality of the file/s. Original rating 10.0. ~Violet)
My Episodes And Levels Are Nothing
From That From You!
ALL Levels Are very Cool
Tomb Rabbit Are THE BEST EPISODE EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Unsupported rating removal. Please explain what makes this so good – what specific features stood out? Were there any flaws at all? What type of user would you suggest should download this? Original rating 10.0. ~Violet)
This Is Really Good
Eyecandy How I,ve see it Are The eyecandy Well Good 5.7
Levels ( From This Episode and The First )
How I Can See It An 7
Bonus Levels ( From This Episode and The First ) Very Good 1 2 Are The Best 3 With That Bird Are More Funny Than Good
Musics And Tileset Are GOod !
The 3rd Episode I Don’t Review That !
Yet another boring day of reviewing and doing what i do worst.
EYECANDY: Bad, on all levels. NO FLOOR TILES!!!!!! A level needs floor tiles. 3/20
GAMEPLAY: Extremely bad. No crates or good bits. Just nothing fun. 1/20
ENEMIES: Bad. Not enough enemies in any level. Just some monkeys and 3 bosses. 5/20
ITEMS: Finally, something good!! 11/20
SIZE: TOO SMALL. Make levels bigger!5/20
Add them all up = 25. Divide by 10 = 2.5
Realy bad. Somehow, people like downloading bad stuff. Lots of downloads for you.
Not that bad as I expected. A background layer is used, although it doesn’t move at all, and that’s a bad sign. There are some tilebugs, too, and they are actually easy to spot (cavern tiles errors). Entire level looks bland with too less layers and cave tiles used, and diamonds in the grounds were placed in somewhat ugly way.
w00t! The gameplay here is really mediocre. ;| This level lacks of original ideas! All you do is running around and searching for crates, much like in JJ2. Except this feels a bit too boring than JJ2 for some reason. Maybe unbalanced enemy placement? In some spots they’re clumped, and in another spots there are no enemies at all! That still doesn’t change the fact, that this level is plain… easy. (use flying enemies to make levl harder.)
Overall : Below average. Boring and bland looking… eeh. Keep trying.
What, you are uploading short levels made in your boredom!?
Ok, let’s start my review then.
There isn’t many bads to say about this.
It’s good placed, there are some
trees and mushrooms.
But i think eyecandy isn’t really
needed in these short levels.
You know, it’s not hurting your eyes :P
Some food, some gems, a carrot,
nothing more.
For the few seconds you are in the level, it’s great.
It are the standard enemys using
in the diamondus world (you know, Lizards and Turtles).
The boss level also has some enemys
and that’s not originaly but nice.
Like i and we all sayd, 2 short levels
made for boredom purposes only.
Well, i only can say that making levels
in your boredom is nice, but never
upload them!
Rating: 2.0
This is not really my first creation in JCS, it’s only my first finished level work.
(if you care) :P
Eyecandy: You only put eyecandy on 2 layers. Two isn’t enough, 3 would be enough, but its your first level release, so you probaly wouldn’t have. 13/20.
Gameplay: Very good gameplay, especialy crates, i give you 20/20 for that.
ITEMS: Add a few more and you would have gotten another 20. But you didn’t, so i’ll give you 18/20.
Enemies: Same as items, its not hard enough, but there are less enemies, but there is a blissy boss ate the end. You would of had 16, but the boss, so 17/20.
Size: You were right, not too big, not too small. 18/20.
Added Up = 86/100. Divide by 10= 8.6. Round up to nearest rating= 8.5
8.5: Very good first try!!!
EDIT: OK then, very good first SP level.
a VERY cool hotel. I have played this map a lots of times with my friend in net :)
cool thingys:
+secret house area
-when in net, it shoots only ever 10th shot :(
-big to dl in net
Download this now and host a server with this map!!!11
EYECANDY: Bit more on the foreground layers then you would have made me more happy than i am. I give eyecandy 14/20 (STILL GOOD)
SIZE: NICE BIG BATTLE ARENA. But I found very thin parts of the map. I’d say…..17/20 on size.
ITEMS: Hmmmmm, not sure about this one. Some places there are lots of ammo and some places there arn’t any at all. You’ve got a 15/20 on items.
GAMEPLAY: Not sure on this one either. There are a fair amount of warps and hidden bits. Um……. 17/20.
FEATURES (to fill enemies): I’m also not sure on this one. A few DESTRUCT and BUTTSTOMP tiles. What am I saying? 20/20!!!!!
14= 83/100 Convert into 10 = 8.3
Download Recommendation: Yes!!!!
Man im’ bored……. Strange name.
Level 1: At first I thought “Hey this isn’t bad, nice eyecandy, good enemies…” Until I finished in a matter of seconds……That was level one.
Level 2: It’s a boss level, after a very short level. I defeat the boss then says something odd, then done, finished the whole thing.
1/5….. You have the eyecandy. Items, Gemeplay, Enemies, Size = NO.
Rating: 1.7
Download recommendation: No unless you want to time yourself doing a boss (Thats what I love doing: Fearofdarks time: 1 minute 56 seconds)
Final Comments: You are nowhere near my recommendation for a download. You need a 7.5.
This remake, is, 100% accurate. The only fixed things are shield (changed to RF powerup, which is good alternative if you don’t mind getting fake health) and a morph placed nearby copter. Unfortunately, most people will not know how to access it with bouncers. ;| Anyway, this is pretty much accurate B1 edit.
Good for given tileset. Some places look a little bland, and destructable scenery remains are pretty much ugly. Note: They are fixed now. +0.2 Color which background fades in doesn’t fit that much, but gives nice atmosphere (Along with cool music. ++Timelord) Background layers are used, and particularly look good, although they’re not used too creatively.
cool level pack but a few things.
1. what do you have against spaz?
2. why the wide screen?
i still recommend this level pack.
i am a spaz user too.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.