Its a nice idea this only your lvls could be a little longer and harder and not only whith a story.
If you only have a story but no good lvls i recommand to write a book or something.
story: 8
gems: 5
playing: 6.5
Two levels, one incredibly short with some enemies, and second a plain, yet quite entertaining boss arena.
All you do is killing foes on your way in order to reach exit, completely triggerless. No ammo at all, but it couldn’t have any use, because of the shortness. Not any kind of a puzzle, which is BAAD. This level must’ve taken few minutes to do.
Second level consists of few foes, a beehive, and a Tuf Boss. If Tuf was put in some hard environment, this level could be more fun. Instead, it’s not that fun, but there’s something oddly satisfacting in killing him trying to squish regenerating bee as well.
The eyecandy saves this from a 2. It’s not that bad as I expected. No tilebugs, background layers used, etc. I only despise slow XSpeed of layer with leaves in level 2.
(On a side note, both levels could’ve been easily put in one level, but that’s irrelevant.)
Ignore it when ppl say it sux, coz it is hard to grasp the essence of a good 1st level, my 1st ones sucked, but look how i turned up, im now making great levels. See “Ragnarok’s Stronghold”, it was a success, as so shall your future levels be. Ask yourself when you make levels, “Do i like it? Will others?” After that you get ppl to test it for you. Get people that are good to test and give you pointers. Hmmm, good luck. I’m not gonna say how much worse my 1st level was. PHT overrated it, when i was making it. But keep trying, and have fun. ;D
This is one of the best tilestes I’ve seen so far… But the only thing stpping me from giving you 9.5 is the small amount of tiles in you tileset. It’s very detailed and some animations. You sure spent a lot of effort here
@ Tover:
I don’t wanna see your first level, OR WAS IT BETTER?
It rarely happens that a first level is great.
Theese levels are too bad, poor and you cannot make a level.
(Unsupported rating removal. It’s late, and this review is really bad. Rewrite it. ~Violet)
(I got forced to write a review.)
Well. First of all, I’d like to compliment you on the background. It owns.
The arrangement of the tiles is also nice, finding the right tiles is very easy.
I personally don’t like the sucker tubes. I don’t even see a reason to use a suckertube in this tileset.
And as Neon said, this also reminds me of this mirrow tileset.
This is great, I’ve allways wanted these songs.
Thank you guys:)
Here came a lot worse critic, yet still constructive and not biased against incredibly bad grammar in text strings.
No level here is using any kind of ground tile. Yes, the floors, ceilings and walls are oftenly SAME TILES. Labrat levels are basically same thing, except sometimes there are pipes and metal plates, which are badly done as well. Carrottus levels don’t feature textured backgrounds, which makes them look extremely dull. No level feature a background eyecandy in layers 5-6-7. Put there anything. A vine. A castle. A machine. Structured tube. Pancake. Anything to make level look better. ;p
First level features big cache of ammo I actually didn’t use at all, because these levels are very easy, despite clustered around with enemies. Because there’s a lot of free space, I can avoid them easily. The exception here was incredibly clumsed (and probably the only level with vertical scrolling) level 3. Bunch of enemies, poorly placed platforms, etc. I can even lose a life when I accidentally fall.
No ammo at all but a vast area featuring all kinds of munitions in level one. All levels have bonus warps in themselves (and nothing but food inside), and coins are poorly spread over levels, basically in evil dead-ends, guarded by bunches and bunches of Floating Lizards. Also, in level 5, you can freeze the Robot with Frostbiter. Never put Frostbiter if you plan to use Robot Boss. Frozen Robot will stop move after the ice melts down, and that makes the “fight” easier than it would be.
Like LRK said once, “Sux. X(” Those levels serve no quality whatsoever. Keep on trying, as those are your 1st levels.
Download: Maybe to check accuracy of my review.
Replay: Maybe to recheck bad quality of this. I oftenly do so with iCeD’s “Voldards Cool Treasure Jungle”. ;|
Mercury, this isn’t a 3.7 job, either.
If you know that your levels are crappy, then don’t upload them. Improve them and re-upload.
You might find my review interesting to learn something from it.
You should always take some time to come up with a good story before you make the levels. Now this storyline was okay, though a little weak. I’ve already beaten up Devan quite a lot of times. Come up with something new. Try to be more original
The flow of the levels in general is fine. But: try to do something with it. Don’t make the levels like a straight line, but vary.
Now the levels seperately:
This is crap. Never ever do this again in the future. You don’t need this HUGE amount of weapons. Instead, spread the weapons over the levels, and don’t use all of the weapons. Also, don’t use the fastfire pickups. They make the game boring.
And why do we have to shoot the exit sign?? Just make an ordinary Area End Of Level, that’s just as good and even better.
You know what a tileset is? Then you might also know that there are floor tiles in the Carrottus tileset. Carrottus is one of the easiest tilesets I know. It shouldn’t be hard to make something of it. At least spend some time on thinking how to use the tileset to make the level more attractive. Except the background, you used four (!) different tiles. USE the tileset. No textured background (the depth, you know). Too many enemies and food without point. Always think: is it of any point to place that there? You put food in the coin warp. Food is only good for sugar rushes and I hate sugar rushes. You haven’t used layer 1,2,5,6 and 7 and layer 3 rarely and badly. I’m not going to talk about the tile bugs, I think you can figure this out yourself.
And the level is way too short too.
This is basicly the same story as Day in Carrottus. No us of the tileset, instead of the wall tiles. Again, your coin warp was food. And again, the level is very short.
In this level you had some good ideas. You made the level vertical instead of horizontal, which is good, but still there is no variation. Oh, and I wanted to say something about your language. Your English is awful: No punctuation and I’ve never heard of TO B. Very annoying. I apologize for being a teacher. I’m sorry.
A boss fight with a schwarzenguard and respawning tuf turtles. Finally, you did something with the rest of the Carrottus tiles, although it is not that spectacular. Still, there is not a proper floor.
You could have put the endboss in the level before, that saves you a level to make. You could use Limit X Scroll. Oh well.
I would say, lab entrance is the same as entrance to the lab. Anyway, another boss fight, this time with the robot. One of the better levels, if I might say. At least there’s a floor, though not perfectly created. Devan is hidden in the wall. What else do I have to say?
Agian, a linear flow. A lot of food. I would say, this level is an improvement to the Carrottus levels. At least you did something with some of the tiles. Buttstomp scenery, springs and sucker tubes are used. This level still needs many improvements, but it is something better than the rest.
The climax of the story… Devan surrounded by respawning sparks. Not fun.
There is a loose tile without a purpose?? Again, this level is straightforward but still bad.
A pretty strange ending. You could as well have left this level out. It has no point.
I don’t know anything else to say. For a first pack it is nice. You could improve this pack and it will be worth moer than a 3.7 Keep it up!
Cooba, this pack isn’t that bad that it deserves a 1.0. It’s unfair. And I’m not saying this because this is his first pack. The difference between 1 and 3.7 is like the difference between 8.5 and 5.8!
I’ll make a quite short review.
Although Craccoboy’s uploads almost never are the kind I like (Ballon races, for example, were far too hard) I really liked this levelpack. I didn’t see any enemies or pickups (but I didn’t really finish level 5)and there were no bosses, but somehow the levels managed to be funny anyways. The point was always to find five hidden things.
I didn’t really like the last level, but it doesn’t drop the rating because I still managed to complete all tests i tried, except the choose-your-warp-thingie which I thought was boring.
Download if you want to play something new or just do it anyway.
D/L: Yes
Ok, nobody else wants to review? Fine, I’ll do it myself then… Only to give it the rating it deserves before it gets knocked off the list. :p
First impressions
If you’ve seen an “Office” level of some sorts, you may agree that this level takes the cake: it’s a real office building, complete with a basement :P This level gives the phrase “Office Party” a new meaning, as it’s filled with ammo ;). Coins are there too, for a bonus. O yeah, you can move between floors via holes on the floor.
Smal and simple at it’s best. The reason it’s an office building is that it’s… well, nothing more than 2 stacked rooms and 2 basement rooms connected by a smal passage. Like I said before, the stacked are connectd by holes in the floor. No worries if you want to get back up again, there are springs placed in this level. The upper most floor can only be reached by using the coin warp, or should rather, I can easily reach it with Spaz’ double jump! It’s not a total disaster (see “Ammo, Food etc.”), but still, the function of that room is now downgraded. There’re still two secrets left tho, in the basement passage.
Tileset Use and Eye Candy
It’s an Office themed tileset, what would you expect in terms of eye candy? That’s right: roll-away chairs, desks, vending machines, lights and what not. The basement section looks like a basement, with elevator doors, switches (non-functioning), barrels and vending machines. An interesting thing to note is that Art Rabbit used only used layer 5 for background eye candy, but he still filled layer 8. The rest is just plain blocks and a “Keep Out” in the basement.
Ammo, Food, Stuff that’s Good
This is a neat part of the level. Each type of Eye Candy has it’s own type of goodie. Vending machines have ammo (even different machines have different kinds), desks usually have coins, coffee machines have carrots and the message board has fast fire. While that may seem creative, it’s also the weakest part. The Vending machines first. I’ve spotted only one of each kind. You can get all kinds (excluding TNT), but if you want a particular kind, you’d have to run :P Further more, why is there Pepper Spray and Electro Gun in the bonus room?! These two kinds are utterly useless in battle, especially the first (See why it wouldn’t be a disaster if Spaz were to get there?). It would have been better to seal that room and fill it with Power-ups. As for the coins (which are now pretty much useless now), it’s pretty easy to get enough for the coin warp if you’re playing a duel (yay for secrets filled with gold coins). Fast fire and carrots are OK I guess.
What bugs me is that Art Rabbit included the set in the zip, but not the music (aws_fire.xm “Breath of Fire” by Awesome). It’s about a megabyte big, so it would fit kinda (the limit is 2 mb, but zip files below 1 mb are preferred), but I understand why he didn’t bother. I just wish he indicated what music he used. The next level setting is ok, the level loops :P
A decent level, pretty much fit for carnages with the right ammo. If the pepper spray and electro guns would have been replaced with power-ups and the “bonus room” sealed off. It would have been a 7. For now, it’s a 6.5 worth.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
Answer to Moonblaze
The first bit is just very old levels. I stopped making them and playing Jazz 2 for like 2 years. Then I got back into it after a while. Thats why the levels were crap and all that. My later levels were better than the others. (Level 18 to level 22). The rest is just some playing around with levels.
I’m thinking of reuploading these levels with MCE’s and SCE’s. These things are the strange stuff that you see in some peoples levels. Like a bunch of jazz people flying out of nowhere and a Jazz 2 sign popping out of nowhere. I’ll also try to fix all the messy stuff you said about these levels.
And remember, these levels were supposed to be for me but I uploaded it anyways
I Have This Played In 1 Min.
I Hate It Zapper Make Better Levels
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. You have managed to explain that this is a short level, but that’s about it. Were there any other factors contributing to your rating? ~Violet)
yeah, yeah, i’m a bit late to rate this but anyway:
story: n/a
orginality: great
gameplay: great
tileset use: excellent
eyecandy: excellent
music choice: excellent
general impression: excellent
a very nice level. i find the boss a bit too easy to beat because of the laser along the bottom but other than that, it’s flawless.
I was playing this level a long time ago when cell was hosting it. I thought the level rocked then already. The music is funky and fits good. The ammo placement is also done in an excellent way. The layers – hmm they are used in a creative and good looking way. At all a great level by mr. spy.
At first look this tileset is super.
But the example showed what it can do.
Tiles: Very nicely made, realy fits it’s name.
Eyecandy: This is probably where there isn’t that much, but enough to make a decent lvl.
Extras: THe Bg was my fav, vert nice gives the lvl a good feel
PS: THis lvl reminds me of mirrows Easter Island tileset :P
Anyway, 8.7 out of 10 Keep up the good work.
This is what I always do with multilevel downloads. Do a small review.
I even had trouble getting past level 3 (Evan3). To many darn enemies.
Evan 1 I can complete in less than 4 seconds.
Bosses: impossible. Evan 21, there are loads and loads of bees you can only hear this annoying buzzing sound.
You had 4 or 5 bosses there and the carrots are 100 squares above you. You have to stomp the enemies to go up and get the carrots.
The ‘Rainbow’ levels ARE OK. They are the only levels that have eyecandy in.
Evan 4 was good aswell, but youy put in the wrong backround.
The NELSON and EVAN level is like the ultimate test. If you go to the last door after the begginning you fall for a bit, then collect loads of blue gems. Then loads TNT. Then loads of POWERUPS at the bottom.
This is taking such a long time. Lets say all the levels were bad.
3.2 isn’t going to help you
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Never downloads something like this
EDIT: Review cut short, too long.
(I know I don’t review, but MB made me do it. ;P)
Anyway, when I viewed this tileset in JCS, I really liked how it was done.I also think the concept of it is original-same goes to the floating diamonds in there.And I think this tileset works well for a SP level.Can’t say more because I’m no tilset/JCS expert.:P
Kinda tied here on the rating, but I’ll give it a 9 because I think the concept of it is original-in my opinion-and it’s well done.
I could’nt even download it because of a download error (It’s not TSF, it’s somthing thats gone wrong with the download).
Either there is a minor bug, someones messed up the download or it just doesn’t work on the COMPUTER i’m useing.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.