RecommendedReview by Unhit

17 Oct 2004, 09:02
For: Mystic Island
Level rating: 8.6

Wow, it has been some time since I’ve written a review. But I’ll just do it for MB =) (I hope this won’t affect my objectivity).

What we got here is a nice tileset coming with a small, but not only 20-seconds-example-level, but 30. Okay, that was lame. But I liked the example level.

When I just checked the tilesets’s masks, I actually spotted the first thing about it which I didn’t like =P No greetings or so, tsk! But anyway, let’s get back to topic.

I’ll give this tileset a 8.5 rating. Recently, there were other tilesets which surely weren’t better than MB’s Mystic Island, but got higher ratings. This is a good tileset nevertheless, every tile is nicely worked out and I see no flaws when trying tiles next to each other, such as strange boarders or so. But overall, I think it features too few tiles for a really big level. If I would ever make a level again (that is when wc3 mapping gets boring, aka NOT TOO SOON.), I might consider using this tileset. However, for a single player level, I dunno, the amount of tiles might now allow you to do more than a little interlude level. But that might as well just be because of my lack of skills using JCS.

Well anyway, I think 8.5 is fair. It’s no Agama tileset, but also no Unhit tileset =P

Not recommendedReview by monkey

17 Oct 2004, 06:16
For: Just Levels
Level rating: 3.9

some original ideas in here:

story: n/a
orginality: good
gameplay: good
tileset use: crap
eyecandy: crap
music choice: crap
general impression: okay

i don’t know about your impression, but i had fun playing these levels. of course you had to skip a lot of them but the ideas were creative.

Review by MoonBlazE

16 Oct 2004, 16:54
For: Just Levels
Level rating: 3.9

You know what’s wrong with the Download section at the moment? Nobody’s uploading! >O

Just kidding. That’s a lot of levels. Please tell, is this some really old stuff or recently made? (Just want to know if it’s considerable to download, since it’s so many levels.)

Review by Nobody

16 Oct 2004, 12:31
For: Just Levels
Level rating: 3.9

Hey, its not that hard to me. Take advantage of all the goodies and pickups in the level. This has good levels for somebody who wants a lot of action. Hey, you don’t have to kill EVERYTHING in the levels. Skip some.

Not recommendedReview by Olsen

16 Oct 2004, 09:31
For: October v2
Level rating: 6.3

Hello, long time ago since i last reviewed, but here goes!

Grapichs: 6.2

Ground tiles look good, background is NOT good, eyecandy mountains has 4 colors, not much, and dont look that good. Ground tiles bring up the rating a bit though.

Tiling: 8

Did not find any problems here, but it would be fun with a bit more tiles.

Overall: 6.7

Good, but not enough. Keep on, i say! You have the potential to do this

(I was lasy and didnt have time for a big review so please dodnt get mad at me.)

PS. i think mostly what JeLZe said. DS.

Not recommendedReview by Mercury

16 Oct 2004, 07:31
For: Power Shortage
Level rating: 6.3

Ok, here we go.

Story: 0/5
No story, a pity. Stories make the level fun, makes you feel that there’s some point to play the level.

Originality: 4/5
There were some original elements in your level, e.g. you get an airboard if you have enough coins. Good!

Gameplay: 35/50
The flow of the level is good. It is short, though, too short. Make your levels a little bit longer. Your level is a little boring, put some more variety in it (hooks?). Also, it is too dark. I like the collapsing surprises, though, and the boss fight too, which makes the level more interesting. Ammo placement is good, some seekers and toasters. They are useful, because you can beat up the overcrowded sucker population on the spiky floor. What is missing, as PHT said, are puzzles, apart from the coin warp. Why did you put wind left at one collapsing floor point? What is the point? Secrets: a few, but not many. You could add some more. Gameplay bugs: You can shoot the six coins to the left side of the level and then you can’t get them anymore. Avoid this by placing a wall. And other gameplay bugs I couldn’t really find. And oh yeah, I like the fact that there’s a difference between easy and hard mode.

Jcs/tileset use/eyecandy: 18/30
Tileset choice is okay. You have left quite a few tiles unused. What about those eyecandy things for layers 1,2,6 and 7? You could have done something with those layers. Some eyecandy is there: the basic things, but not outstanding.

Music choice: 3/5
Okay, the tube song of jj1. I do think you could have found a more interesting one.

General Impression: 4/5
A nice level, but needs some improvements.

Total score: 64/100

A fine level. No download recommendation, I’m afraid.

Review by Rapcore

16 Oct 2004, 05:51
For: Fearofdark: Jazz 1 game. (Episode 1: Devans Comeback
Level rating: 7

I would hope that you’re using my music, man :D

Review by Blade

15 Oct 2004, 17:26 (edited 10 Aug 06, 12:50 by Cooba)
For: October v2
Level rating: 6.3

Neon PSY, you could have made a tileset of your own. I don’t really like the idea that you copied in few seconds what I struggled with several hours. Well, to be honest, nowadays I could produce something like Desert’s background in a short while, but anyway. Please do original tilesets. I think you won’t get much respect in the JJ2 community with works like this.
Don’t worry Neon PSY. I wasn’t angry at you. Just create your tileset completely by your own hand. When the set is done, you’ll feel more satisfied.

Your sets show a lot potential. Just improve the use of palette and add lots of stuff, and you’ll have there a masterpiece.

Not recommendedReview by Aildail

15 Oct 2004, 02:40
For: October v2
Level rating: 6.3

Neon IT SCARES ME !! there is a program that you can make JJ2 backrounds with

what program did you use? i wana make tilesets Oh What the heck what is the phone for if you cant call frinds i well call you soon neon BEWARE

I like the Head blowing of the Sqwel cant spell it

i like the mountes tho
there is not much more i can say…

im bad a reviewing but ill give you a 6.5

Not recommendedReview by Jarno vos

14 Oct 2004, 17:27
For: Just Levels
Level rating: 3.9

Very baaaaaaaad

Eyecandy 5.0
levels Are Very Short And You Make The bosses Inpossible !!!!!!!!
I Hate This Whitout jjgod Is It Impossible!!!!!!!!

Total Score 1.2

Very Large

Review by Nobody

14 Oct 2004, 11:02
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

So good, so far, untill it didn’t find a tileset or something at level 16. Overall, the other levels were good!
(Unsupported rating removal. What makes it good? Can you explain your rating by describing the quality of the work? What type of graphic quality does it have? Is the level design any good? Does the pack suffer from any major flaws that you noticed? Original rating 8.5. ~Violet)

Review by Nobody

14 Oct 2004, 10:44
For: Energized Action
Level rating: 9.1

Really gooooooood

A lot of nice large levels for me to play. I’m still in the middle of trying to finsh it! This deserves such a high rating!!
(Unsupported rating removal. Can you support your rating with anything other than it being a long pack? What makes the levels “nice”? What specific qualities do you refer to? Original rating 9.5. ~Violet)

Review by Neon PSY

13 Oct 2004, 19:29
For: October v2
Level rating: 6.3

I’ll probably make a new one. Sorry Blade, I’ll make a new soon and update it.

I thought is was original. I wasn’t thinkg desert, instead October in the mountains.

Review by JelZe

13 Oct 2004, 11:11
For: October v2
Level rating: 6.3

I say, I really must have way too much time on my hands, otherwise I wouldn’t get first review each time :P Not that I care…

First impressions

As the name may explain it all, this is an autumn (fall) themed tileset, so there’s a lot colors related to that season: red, orange, very light brown… A tree, a mountain background and a squirrel statue are the main decorations. Looks nice at first sight.

Ground and Wall tiles, can’t play without them ;p

Like I said above, the main colors are red, orange and a light brown. The red and orange of course are used for the area that are supposed to be green. The actually has nice texture, considering it’s made in MSPaint! No kidding! (It said so in the mask message). The background wall tiles are a pure black with no texture. Hmmmm…

Tileset Extras

Neon Psy was kind enough to put in two pieces of extras: an H-pole and a V-Pole, both masked, and that’s where the problem is. Poles are supposed to be unmasked (Thank you Disguise’s Tileset Resource). The result is that the player will get stuck in the H-Pole (the one standing up) and fly in the opposite direction. The V-Pole works fine, which is a stroke of luck. It can still be used as a vine tho, which isn’t a bad alternative. That’s all I have to say about extras.

Eye Candy

This is the area where this tileset lacks the most. I said in a previous review “Stuff is Good”. The more stuff you put in, the better. Anyway, The only pieces of Eye Candy I can see is that nicely done squirrel statue, with a shootable head, (Squirrel haters here’s your chance ;p), water (a pure blue), a ripped Diamondus tree (nicely converted), 3D Background ripped from Blade’s tilesets (Not so nicely done, it only has two colors and looks a tad weird in 8-bit) and a Mountain background (ripped from Blade’s Desert). At least he credited Blade for them, I may have to ask him if he really gave permission :p


The only thing I will talk about here is this: wasted tileset space. Right next to the 3D Background you’ll an empty space of 2 × 8 tiles, and aboe the mountain a strip of 7 empty tiles. If you ask me, they could have been used for more extras of eye candy, like a big tree you can climb in. Given the texture in the ground I’m sure Neon PSY can pull that off :P Or destructable blocks, a must for every tileset. The way I see it, empty space equals wasted potential for improvement.


Not a bad try for a first. Everything necessary is there, but that’s it. With a couple of more extras and Eye Candy, people would be able to make a nice level with it. What really i’d like to see is an update, with the poles unmasked, 3D background fixed in 8-bit, and a couple more things added.

Edit: I’m on a roll here folks :p In this edit I’ll just discuss the changes made to this set, so pay attention.

Tileset Extras

More extras were added in this update, in the form of destructable blocks. It’s a shame there are only two kinds: the blank and ! kind. O well, Neon is still a beginner, we can’t expect miracles. He was even kind enough to fix the H-Pole by unmasking it. :)

Eye Candy

Two new pieces of Eye Candy are introduced in this update: A new tree stem with branches, and a new top for the Diamondus tree. They both look good, but the tree looks more like a stick poking out of the ground. It would have been nice if the branches were masked for Jazz to hang on to. The background has been remodeled, but it’s still evident Neon took Blade as an example: he used the same colors, but different shapes, which is fine in my book. The 3D background still looks weird in 8-bit though.


Same as before, a nice try. Maybe it’s time for Neon to start thinking about making a new tileset, he definetly shows potential. For now, this set is worth a look at. Well done!

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

12 Oct 2004, 22:52
For: Winter Celebration
Level rating: 9

Meh. Not going to go through this all, but I didn’t quite like it as much as the rest. Since this was pre-awesome conversions by Violet/Noka era, the HH94+95 sets used were ones of poor quality. The levels were alright, but fairly barren with not much new. A few bugs in some of them too, like one of the save points in the holidaeus being next to blocks needing a trigger to open. Well, once you die and touch that save point, when you resurrect, the trigger blocks are set to 1st anim therefore masked, and you get stuck in a wall. Eyecandy is average. The pack isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t give it higher then an 8. 7.5. A nice little pack with some fun things, but most things aren’t more then decent. Download reccomendation, although I feel empty because I expected more from soemthing rated 9. Maybe its because I have a small headache atm. OH well. review ends =D.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

12 Oct 2004, 22:14
For: hunt for red october
Level rating: 8.5

What everyone else said I guess. Eyecandy was semi-decent/decent, looked a bit clustered in the beginning and it was hard to tell what was masked and what wasn’t. Didn’t like the beginning much overall, but the end was rux. Great submarine idea, and nice final boss. This is old yet I havent seen anything else like it. Definite download reccomendation.


Review by _Jaws

10 Oct 2004, 20:33
For: Harry Potter Music
Level rating: 1

In case you didn’t notice, I converted the music for my Harry Potter tileset… that’s why I put it of J2o.

Review by Rapcore

10 Oct 2004, 18:21
For: ALL Jazz1 Music Ever (Correcly formatted) - s3m format [Part 1]
Level rating: N/A

I was thinking about deleting this after John4300 got it, but I’ll keep it because people are actually downloading it.

Review by Jarno vos

10 Oct 2004, 17:20
For: Toxic Factory (Eyecandy Contest Entry update)
Level rating: N/A

Hey This Is Really Good (I’ve Nothing To Sys In My Review)
(Unsupported doesn’t-make-any-sense rating removal. If this is good, why rate it 4.2? Why rate it at all if you won’t review? ~Violet)

Review by Rapcore

10 Oct 2004, 03:02
For: ALL Jazz1 Music Ever (Correcly formatted) - s3m format [Part 1]
Level rating: N/A

Lol, now they got thumbs up and thumbs down reviews. Useless. Oh well, well I don’t care if anyone doesn’t like this or not, apparently you didn’t read the readme, to the reason why I included those levels multiple times. Please check the documentation included next time before sayign something.

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