RecommendedReview by Br>Spazy12

30 Sep 2004, 20:53
For: Broken Halfpipe
Level rating: 7.2

*silenced :O

nice man ,
got no words for it.

only the paino is not tuned.. :|

RecommendedReview by Ragnarok!

30 Sep 2004, 19:22
For: Hangmen Rush
Level rating: 5.9

Hmm, the reviews made me think the level was shit, so i downloaded it. But it wasn’t as bad as the ratings. Hmm, well Cooba and Dx were underrating eachother’s levels for some reason. Which i don’t care of, but back to the level. Okay, the tileset used was overused, but who cares… Here we go:

My rating: 7.7
Comments: The background was kinda original. I disliked the animations of this tileset. The warps (Spinning things) were too unoriginal, hmm but the red thing u go in in the blue base is cool, i like it. Moving on, There is no forground.

My Rating: 6.7
Comments: The rooms were really cool, but some were unevenly made, as in some has easy access, like the red base has a gay suckertube. But still… The powerups, the only useful one is toaster.

My Rating: 7.2
Comments: Some PU’s are useless, the blaster, the bouncy, but the toaster has a good use here! The ammo is placed good. There should be some fastfires.

Overall: 7.2 i think, i felt like it ;D

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

30 Sep 2004, 06:50
For: Hangmen Rush
Level rating: 5.9

“Hangmen Rush”, in addition to being a weird name, is a weird CTF level. The author boasts that it is strategic, but this seems to be more the “I’ll-call-it-strategic-because-it’s-unusual” syndrome than actual strategicism, as there is really only one path between the bases. This path is made up out of warps. I think this level has been done before.

Eyecandy is a mixed bag. Everything in the background is zooming towards the right, which is presumably intended to make it feel like layer 4 goes to the left, but fails (don’t worry, few levels accurately achieve the perspective effect). The stuff flying by consists of, basically, whatever tiles Cooba saw in the tileset and liked. This means the sucker tubes, the giant scaffolding things, and of course those girders which show up in every 7th Lava Fall level. Layer 4 is about the same, with random wall tiles thrown here and there, in an effect which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. The most notable flaw in the eyecandy is the lava animation next to the blue base, which does not even pretend to be done well. Fortunately, you can only see a small portion of it.
PROS: Good variety of tile use, multiple layers.
CONS: No foreground, some tiles feel random, that lava is really ugly.

As the author’s description graciously informs you, this level is split up into several small rooms, connected by the spinning pink warps which you know if you’ve ever seen the tileset before. There are, unless I’m mistaken, five different rooms – the blue base, the red base, and three inbetween, each with a +1 carrot. The designs of these rooms vary – some have slopes, some do not, some have annoying combinations of slopes/non-slopes. Possibly my favorite is the tetris style room, which is a rotated L with warps and no ammo. Anyway, these rooms are all held up with chains, but that doesn’t effect the gameplay at all.
To get from one base to another, you must travel through all three rooms, meaning there is only one path between the bases. Not one best path, but one path. Just one. I’m not sure how much this would add up to strategy, as there’s going to be 97% camping and 10% bad math. Fortunately?, the setup of the warps is mostly symmetrical, with the possible exception of the blue base, which has warps in two different places, both leading to the same room. The left side of the level is just annoying period, because it has a red fog one way area beneath the blue base, and a really long sucker tube to reach the middle room. I have now talked enough about the design of this level that my brain is complaining. Let’s move on.
PROS: Well… the author tried.
CONS: Camping, camping, camping, I hate that sucker tube.

I didn’t pay too much attention to the weapons, but there aren’t enough of them, and I see no need for the RF’s when the whole level is made up of tiny rooms. There are also a whopping three powerups in this level, each accessible by Electro Blasters (or, in the case of the Toaster, Jazz’s uppercut), which is an all right choice but might be a little much for such a small level. Carrots are kind of annoying, as there’s little challenge in getting them, especially when warps are right above them, and this just leads to base-biasedness with the SUCKER TUBE that I mentioned earlier. Bases are boring and logically placed. Pancakes.
PROS: Bases are thankfully in opposite sides of the level, powerups generally need EB’s, and there are no seekers.
CONS: Not much use for a Blaster powerup without fastfire, so why is it the most hidden?

The music doesn’t fit well.
RATING: -0.1

This CTF is somewhat… rushed? It’s not too bad, but it’s not particularly interesting, and the sucker tube is really rather annoying. The idea behind this level could probably have been expanded to create something more fun, but I don’t feel like figuring out how. Next time, have more than one route between bases, and make sure the placement and design aren’t biased. A bigger level might also be nice. Depends.
PROS: It does have a concept behind it, and the eyecandy’s not too bad.
CONS: There are a lot of things about this level which rub me the wrong way.

Review by Violet CLM

28 Sep 2004, 00:13
For: Destruction X
Level rating: 6

I have gone through and removed all the spam posts. Please move the discussion somewhere private. Reviews are not meant for such things, and if this happens again, I may be forced to use the warning button. Yes, you are scared now.
Edit: I should have been more clear. Don’t post reviews complaining about the discussion, either.

Review by Ragnarok!

25 Sep 2004, 09:09
For: Broken Halfpipe
Level rating: 7.2

Danyjel, maybe it is a bit too overrated… Okay… I actually hate the original Dreempipes, and i would give the music about, errr 5.5, because it fits in and stuffz. Okay, here we have an upgraded version of the music, which is better. I wont say too much, im not too bothered to do a long review. But Here we go:
Yesh, Yesh, Yesh, professional like Danyjel said, but not to my standards!

It is good, it has a nice beat, well so does the original, but yesh, its good. The other Dreepipes remix i have owns (Sarcasm) Well, its just about 5 times faster than the orignal Dreempipes, but this is different. Im not bothered to make a calculation.

There are few things that i noticed changed, like the notes (Or was it the instruments?) =P.

I don’t like it too much, thats why i think Dany overrated, but get some other reviewers instead of me, I’m just bored so i review stuff, i jus reviewed a few other things (Or will)
Download: Yup to see it
Use: If it really fits…
Learn from: Yes, its well done. So next ppl’s remixes better own!

Review by Tover

25 Sep 2004, 08:43
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 1: Episode 1
Level rating: 7.9

This is A Good Jazz Jackrabbit 1 conversion To Jazz2’s environment. I give you 10/10 points. :))) But the Exit’s Doesn’t work. I was use jjnext cheat code. :)
(Unsupported rating removal. The exits worked for everyone else, by the way. And there’s no reason to give it a perfect score if you have a problem that big. Why did you give it a perfect score? Can you explain your rating in a logical fashion? Original rating 10.0. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by guest

24 Sep 2004, 22:47
For: 6 Pointless Diamondus Edits
Level rating: 8.6

Woo!! this is interesting, 6 Pointless Diamondus Edits is just that, pointless. but theyre all original and funny and crazy and cool. the example levels could have been sp levels instead of ctf, but thats ok. i think its fun to walk around on a tileset im so used to, only fliped upside downy. my brain agrees that its cool and so does my spleen. i like the color changed also, and the waterfall. im a goin’ to use these in a level i made and put it here.

cheese is green on tuesday!


Not recommendedReview by cooba

24 Sep 2004, 16:57
For: Destruction X
Level rating: 6

To be honest, what this level features?

Eyecandy : Bad
Same kind of eyecandy like in many old levels, like Security Breach. Pure black background, with moving stars in background. Except SB had way nicer effect, because stars were moving slower and they were less repetitive. This level doesn’t suffer from lush blandness, as oftenly sawn in lot of Mez01 levels. Layer 5 gets on my nerves, because it’s confusing, some parts there don’t tile, and it’s generally ugly.

Gameplay : Bad
This level has a decent gameplay, although I disliked that there were One-Ways there. That makes bases insaneo hard to defense, and that’s no fun at all. ;p This would work better with triggers and such. Flow is average; the ground is rather flat (really bad thing at multiplayer), some parts require jumping. Anyway, this gameplay could be decent, but you can get flag bug here. Always make at least one tile thick border in your CTFs to prevent flag bug in multiplayer game. You can get flag bug at level’s edges, but if you are out of luck, you will get it also in coin warp.

Balancing : Bad
This level is not balanced at all. Red side has more ammo on their side, and more coins. Seeker powerup (ICKICKICK) is placed somewhere in the middle, kind of fair.

Bugs : Some
This level falls prey yet again. There’s mentioned flag bug (ALWAYS PUT BORDERS), and each team has +15 AMMO CRATE. DO NOT PUT THOSE. There were some bugs with tiling too, and this LACKS CARROTS. Put carrots in CTF. Always.

What can I say? If your levels need dozens of reviews to make you understand that you have to take advice from reviewers, then I feel it’s my duty to review your levels.

Host this : Don’t. This is bad.

RecommendedReview by DoubleGJ

24 Sep 2004, 16:29
For: Happy Carrot Mix
Level rating: 6.6

Ah, found the last one to go through. A lot different from the ElectroChoir and TubElectra.
The name does not actually fit. This remix is a very calm (the rhytm is hard, but peacful, like in some hip-hop tunes), piano played melody. Here we have the most recognised parts of JJ melodies joined together, in a way that really makes it good. The pattern order is quite monotonious, but still, logical. The JJ1/JJ2 theme could’ve been done better, in some moments it sounds more like church bells than piano… But that sounds too. Not for game, you say? In my opinion, it would be great for Agama’s Heaven or some sanctuary/church tileset. Maybe it’s not a must-have, but it’s really nice, so if you’re looking for something to listen or making a heavenly level, you surely can pick this one.

Review by DoubleGJ

24 Sep 2004, 16:05
For: ElectroChoir
Level rating: 5.1

Two Danyel’s remixes in line… Both suffer from the same problems. Some samples are annoying (FLUTE!!!), the basses are too silent. Yet once again the melody is very interesting, I especially like the one added in the moment of orchestra hits. Just like before – you can download it if you want. This remix is not outstanding or something, but music maniacs may be interested in the new pattern order and stuff addded in the melody. Especially since this one is appearently better than TubElectra.

Review by DoubleGJ

24 Sep 2004, 15:49
For: Tubelectra
Level rating: 5.7

The beginning is quite dull. Pattern by pattern, new bass lines enter, and we hear the ol’ Tubelectric BG all the time, which sounds annoying in this remix. When the bass is hot (at least it is compared to the beginning, if this was supposed to sound like techno, it’s too silent), the main Tubelectric line enters, with a very good electric sample. Point for that. Next we have the lead sample, which sounds a lot like another X-mas remix… The rest is ordered quite interesting, I like the way it goes.
So, I can’t really tell what was the idea of this remix. Techno or x-mas? It’s bad when put in one of categories, and isn’t awesome as a hybrid either. Therefore, I have no idea what level would use it. Just for listening? Maybe, but some samples are annoying. The melody is the biggest upperhand. You may download it if you’re curious… but sorry, no candy.

Not recommendedReview by PHT

22 Sep 2004, 16:42
For: The Mighty Tower (It's really hard! Try it!)
Level rating: 4.4

Actually there is stuff for layer 5 which could be used. Also what about some creativity? If you can’t find anymore eyecandy tiles think about other tiles to use.

At the start of the first level the eyecandy seems to be not bad, I like the stuff in layer five. If you go further up it gets boring because only the same tiles are used again and again. The lighting is ok though.
In the second level the tileset is changed to the night version and it’s darker which looks very cool. Still there is not really much eyecandy.
Pros: No tilebugs, good lighting
Cons: Gets boring really fast, no background layers
Final Rating: 5.0

Gameplay is not really original, but I found it interesting to play. You have to get up a tower which is guarded by a lot of enemies. Sounds boring, but the enemies are a bit strategically placed which keeps it interesting (I didn’t believe someone would find a way to place a floating sucker strategically :D). In the first level you get some weapons and start your journey to the top. In one place there’s a “froggy lane” which is ripped from “Snow in Carrotus”, with the difference of it being easier.
In the second level there seems to be some sort of puzzle, but one spot is impossible because a sucker tube is modified in a wrong way. Because I really didn’t knew what to do I won’t rate the rest of the level.
Food placement is decent, gems are a bit sparsely placed. I only used the blaster powerup and sometimes the bouncer pu, the other weapons aren’t really needed I think.
Pros: Sometimes strategically placed enemies keep it interesting, decent food placement
Cons: Froggy Lane is ripped, too less gems, most weapons at the start aren’t really needed.
Final Rating: 6.0

Weapon Placement:
At the start of the first level you get six weapons, I only used two of them which gives me the feel the other four weren’t really needed. Also there could be a coin warp or something which gives you some additional weapons, and less weapons at the start.
No pros and cons this time because Violet is a pink elephant. :)
Final Rating: 5.7

Enemy Placement:
The baddys were sometimes strategically placed which is good. Also I like that there are many different enemies used. The baddys were neither unfair placed, which makes a 7.5
Pros: Often strategically placed baddys, many different ones, no unfair placed enemies
Cons: Some don’t really fit to the tileset
Final Rating: 7.5

In the first level there is a gate which you have to open. Above there is a vine, but you can’t get through because it seems the author forgot to put vine events. I cheated jjnowall though so I could continue.
In the second level there is a sucker tube which is wrong modified, it pushes you back down when you enter it and there are no other things you could do. Sadly there’s no real why to ignore this bug with cheating, so I sadly have to give a 5.
Final Rating: 5.0

So now my review seems to be finished,
so let’s do the ending comments. Overall:
Eyecandy isn’t all that interesting, really needs more work.
Gameplay is ok, though there could be some new ideas
Weapon placement…..some will like the idea, others won’t
Enemy placement is not bad, but next time look a bit if your choices fit to the tileset
The bug in the second level really ruins the hole pack, the player isn’t able to finish it, so sorry no download reccomendation, but a solid 6.0.

Review by Gizmaluke

21 Sep 2004, 13:20
For: Merry Xmas
Level rating: 7.7

The tileset is kinda cool.
But background is bad.
I think you get that wreath tile taken by holiday hare 98 tileset.

Review by nim

21 Sep 2004, 07:36
For: t3mple CTF
Level rating: 6.5

ok i’ll fix the townhouse thing i was thinkin of making another CTF after that but i changed my mind and i forgot to change it

RecommendedReview by Sacrush

20 Sep 2004, 19:10
For: Destruction X
Level rating: 6

Ok! Ðx has a new level and he forced me to review this level (as he always do).

Gameplay: rating: 7.2.
This level has different Gameplay then most of the levels. This level is more straight and don`t have many ways to go. That is mostly boring in levels but in this level it isn`t really boring because the ground isn`t really flat but you have to jump alot. Although it is linear you can`t just run from site to site because each team has his own fort/castle. And there is only one way in the fort and one way out so it can be really well guarded and will have a little bit of the feeling as both sided assault.It`s easy to get to the flag but if the fort is well gaurded it`s hard and then this level will be really fun esspecially when there are 5 players in each team or more. O.o the level isn`t fully bordered and there will be a flagbug. Although the gameplay isn`t perfect it can still be fun when the teams use stragety what almost never happens.

Leveldesign: rating: 7.0
The leveldesign is really basic but I like the design of the bases because they really have the shape of a fort. To make the forts complete there are 2 towers with a flag on it if I`m right. ouside the fort there is nothing spacial just much up and downs. Also there is a tunnel that is wel designed and isn`t flat either. Damn don`t know more to say.

Placement: rating: 8.0
I start with the ammo placement. There is nothing wrong with it they ammo is nicely spreaded and all ammo that`s usefull is there. There are no places where you are dying for ammo and no places where it`s full of them so it`s equally spread out through the level. There are also coins and there aren`t to much of them and are also fairly and goodly spread out. There is only one powerup and that`s in the coinwarp and I am glad there is only one or it would be impossible to enter the base. There is no Carrot in the level and that`s something I will miss when I am playong this level but it`s not a big problem in this level.

Eyecandy: rating: 7.5
The eyecandy in this level is not bad. The background has moving stars. There are lovely animations at the forts and windows in the towers and a flag on the top of the towers. Each fort has his own teamcollor. Outside the forts there are tubes connected to each other for eyecandy what looks fine. The tunnels to the bases also looks pretty neat. There could be more eyecandy and animations in the ground but I am not complaining.

Extra stuff:

Final rating: 7.2+7.0+8.0+7.5=29.7:4=7.4+0.2=*7.6*


Not recommendedReview by Ðx

20 Sep 2004, 18:29
For: Dyamondush
Level rating: 4



Not much and ther is’y layer 6-7 so kinda bad i miss the eyecandy also on layer 6-7


Bad sorry i miss very much and because the lvl is SO small ther is’t much…


Its a boring lvl and small… its not fun to play and its mayby just for 2-3 players…

Sorry low rating: 4.0

~ Dx CC

Review by JelZe

20 Sep 2004, 18:26
For: t3mple CTF
Level rating: 6.5

Well, nobody’s gonna rate this, might as well be me :p

First thoughts

Well, lemme tell you I had to play in Co-op to play this level properly. It’s basicly just a square in the sky, and in SP, you start outside of it. A dirty glitch, but it can be prevented. (Ask Disguise, or take a look at his levels). Anyway, the level is rather smal and simple in every way. Easy to navigate, which is a good thing.


The easiest way to make a big MP level is just to make half and mirror it. However, symmetry isn’t necessarily a good thing. You’ve seen half, you’ve seen it all. The layout isn’t half bad tho (no pun intended), just an open space with some platforms with springs. The way I see it, it’s made to make a quick getaway. There are sucker tubes in the border walls, which start at the base and end at the top, where you can find powerups (more on that later). The tubes have multiple entrances, so it’s quite easy getting them. On the bottom you can find a darkened cave with a smal tunnel, ideal to shake opponents who use RF a lot. Overall, very simple, but it does the job it needs to do. O forgot to mention, the symmetry is hampered a bit because one of the two springs is misplaced at the blue base. It’s better to keep the one on the edge and remove the other.

Tileset use and Eye Candy

Alien Temple II isn’t that big, it doesn’t have much eye candy. The background only has a fall of gems, a system of tubes and layer 4 wall tiles. Layer 4 has background walls with alien letters, alien faces and gemstones in the ground. The gems have been made translucent, but sadly the ground around the tile too. It would have been better if they were solid. Eye Candy wise that’s it, basic tileset eye candy, but the tileset has more to offer, namely gems sticking out of the ground. And even tho the tunnel has been darkened, it’s not reflected by layer 4 wall tiles. That doesn’t make sense to me.

Ammo, food and other stuff that’s good

No food here, just ammo. Even then it’s only fields of toasters, RF, pepper spray and seekers. There are two powerups, an RF and a seeker one, in the top left and right part of the level. Seeing the level doens’t have a layout based on strategy (ok, maybe the tunnel) but on speed, RF, Toasters and Seekers are all you’ll need. I just wish the placement was a tad more symmetrical.


First of all, I’m not fond of the name given to the ZIP-file. “New WinZip file” is too generic, i would have preferred something like “TempleCTF”. That aside… The music used in this level is called “Acid Phuture”, tracked by the Deviant (Tip: most trackers leave comments, including their name, in the sample, instrument, or comment area of the info section in ModPlug Player) The music is simple, but it’s suitable. Speaking of suitable, the level is played best in TSF, because the next level is set to “Townhouse CTF”. Just so know, untill the author corrects this mistake.


A nice try overall. This level may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s enjoyable for the ones who like a fast game of CTF without too much thinking. Those who prefer strategy may want to pass. Recommended if the next level setting was set to itself.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by wadledee

20 Sep 2004, 17:32
For: The Mighty Tower (It's really hard! Try it!)
Level rating: 4.4

Cooba, the backgrounds(kinda caves)where the only eyecandy that was in the tileset! If you think its bad, say to Blade. He made the tileset.

Dx: =P


Not recommendedReview by Ðx

20 Sep 2004, 16:58
For: The Mighty Tower (It's really hard! Try it!)
Level rating: 4.4


Back on track with jj2.

Oke my first review :P.

First of all i cant get futher! If you at lvl to your getting into a froggie but then ther is a diamond but the suck is DOWNED so you cant get up >S sorry so i wont review that one( its also bad so dont point it )


Hmz no layer 6-7 background eyecandy so i cant give it a high rating, but ther is a little layer 5-4 eyecandy and thats kinda good not so bad at all.


Its boring all to’s baddies! Sorry but this is kinda bad and its really stupid also when you have 15 monkey’s at the left and 10 bats at the right ( I HATE MONKEY’S ) NEXT TIME MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Anyway its bad sorry


Bad i miss this: Savepoints-better food placed some full energy – More ammo – More diamonds

Baddies placed

Omg?!?!?!? Its bad thats all because its to much and its to hard to have fun with this.

Here is ya rating: 4.0

~ Dx CC

PS: Coob i am making:

The Thunder Mountain 2 ( SP I NEED A BETATESTER ASAP )
< Destruction X > ( CTF I NEED A BETATESTER ASAP )



Not recommendedReview by cooba

20 Sep 2004, 16:12
For: The Mighty Tower (It's really hard! Try it!)
Level rating: 4.4

While those levels claim to be easy, they are not. I can easily beat level 1 and none powerups were taken. Same with level 2.

Eyecandy : Bad

Very very dull. Textured backgrounds doesn’t shade in neither level, nor background layers used in both levels. Some parts have some cave tiles, but that doesn’t help much.

Gameplay : Bad

All I do is running around, killing loads of randomly placed baddies, and occasionally destroying some crates. AND there are PUZZLES YAY. First level has one involving Frog Morph and a frog spring track which is too obvious Snow In Carrottus ripoff, and that is INSANEO EASY. And the puzzle itself is messed up and doesn’t work at all ;(

Second level revolves around jumping with our little freaking Froggy, but this time I have no clue what to do whatsoever. ;o

In addition, both levels are TOO SHORT!?

There were some illogical stuff put in also, like after you defeat Superbot (surrounded with Dim Lights events for no apparent reason), Devan says: “I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!!! Thx for Blade for making set (Beton) and you”. I’m not sure why Devan swears he will be back, yet he thanks you.

Overall, this is REALLY BADDY pack of two levels which don’t provide a challenge at all. Not worth download, nor rating, but I did so before someone overrates it. ASAP Dx ;o

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