I really like this custom boss rush. I also added Ozymandius weapon AngelScript code, ammo set to 9999, so I can easily beat these bosses, changed the tileset of boss 12 into Odyssey 01, also used texture background and changed the boss from Ghost Devan to Ghost Jazz Clone, it was really mortal challenge, I removed Tuf Bosses in the final battle so I can fight only the ghost clone. You could insert this Ghost Jazz Clone in the next update, and change some of the texts.
I really recommend everybody to download this, and of course, I really like these type of boss rushes!
[Review changed to quick review because you had nothing to say about the upload, see the review rules.
I really like these levels Blade! The design and eyecandy are awesome, but I also inserted some AngelScript codes, like original textured background and even weapons from Ozymandius level, and ammo set for 9999. I really recommend everybody to download this!
Woah! Three single-player levels in a row! As one of the last few rabbits who play single player elusively, I am thrilled to see there is somebody who’s still willing to make levels for us. Although Apple Surprise is far of the quality of some of the single-player packs on J20, the sheer fact that it exists means it deserves a review.
Apple Surprise is based on a quite simple but interesting premise—every time you encounter an apple in the level, something dangerous lurks near. Most of the times the ground beneath your feet is about to collapse, although sometimes the apple warns you the next few steps you make might inevitably hurt you. Since this is a single level only, I cannot judge it like an episode; still, the apple-danger theme runs consistent throughout the level, and makes the experience coherent.
It is 2016 and there are plenty of great tilesets and tileset conversions on J2O. Of all the original tilesets, Carrotus is the one I feel most overused to the point where it’s boring to play it. This might be a personal preference of mine, but I still feel it is best to encourage the use of other tilesets. There were also quite a lot tilebugs throughout the level, although nothing experience-breaking. Most of the times, the eyecandy felt dull and repetitive; in my book this is unavoidable due to the use of classic Carrotus tileset.
Using a tileset conversion of Carrotus would raise the score in this category.
The level utilises a lot of warp points, and uses them well, even better than some of the great levels on J2O. However, at times I felt lost and disoriented, and simple instructions might have improved my experience. If the author intended those moments to be like “puzzles” of sort, the implementation wasn’t great—those moments didn’t make me think, but jump around rapidly, trying to find the secret “hidden passage” to the next part of the level.
I also had to replay the level once for what I assume was a triggering mistake; I might’ve missed a required step to which I couldn’t go back, and thus I couldn’t move forward as well. However, this might have been due to a mistake on my end, so I won’t take points for this.
Hanif went for a strictly vanilla gameplay, which still has unexpected twists and turns. The difficulty isn’t too high and the level is suitable for somebody who hasn’t played in years, or with very little experience in the game. Still, the game play is quite enjoyable, even when accounting for all the flaws. Might be the fact that there are not many new single-player levels, yet still I found myself entertained at the end, and even glad I downloaded this level.
There is no AS for this level. It’s not required for every level to implement JJ2+ functionality, but I believe this level can greatly benefit from some scripting, even if it is used only for eyecandy enhancement.
Every new single player level deserves at least +1 point for just existing, and this level is good enough to get a second one! So here it goes, 2 bonus points for still making levels for us, single player rabbits! Thank you!
While Apple Surprise is far from perfect, if you enjoy playing single-player levels, I suggest you download it and try it out. It might disappoint you, but it is far from awful, and it presents some new thematic ideas which I haven’t seen in another single-player level.
6.5/10 (26/40)
I really like this level. I remembrer it in Annvicersary Bash 18 pack and it’s awesome! I recommend everybody to download this!
Edit: It also appeared in Anniversary Bash 17 and Anniversary Bash 20!
Judging this level from a competitive point of view, it is a solid level that offers a fresh new layout.
Update: The latest version fixes the major gameplay flaws so I’m updating my rating appropriately as well. Good job FireSworD!
This level has a very original layout, yet it is still fun to play in competitive games. I like the way the bases were implemented especially. The level should be somewhat balanced as well. It contains 2 full energies, but they have a long spawn time, which ensures that players cannot survive too easily. It works well for games of any size too.
That was fun and challenging. Thank you for bringing back the JJ2 nostalgia feeling.
Late answer again, but’:
1. This test IS properly tested. I passed it myself and I know some people that passed it as well.
2. You probably can’t figure out the end of level 2, entire level 3, or end of 4. All are possible.
But yeah. More levels = better test level. Will add more in next one.
Late answer, but I thought people think that tests are supposed to be challenging/hard.
But the lightning is annoying. I’ll fix that.
EDIT 30th April 2020 Nevermind lmao this level stinks
awesome level, very fun to play, different than other levels because of the eats. gj
after playing this level for a while i realize my rating was a bit harsh. great level, you can get used to the color, and every bit is well made
I normally don’t approve of symmetrical levels, but this is symmetry done well; it works well with this level.
The Rocket pu/bouncer pu are inset(accessible only by electroblaster and maybe bouncer) but those inset pu’s is ok because of easily accessible electroblaster and well balanced by the two well placed full c.
The sweet elevator in the middle also adds to the fighting experience, its a tough level fight or die. a bit too fast paced, you just gotta be good.
The egg cases are real nice too, normal cases would be way too distracting. but the eggs are almost invisible(I don’t wonna see that ** there!)
A big battle level with no odd ammo; consistent with itself in every conceivable way,
with blaster pu, flame pu and fireshield where it is almost meaningless.(in the water)
The movement is smooth, nowhere to trip or fall back down, clear vines, carrots spaced nicely, with springs inset where they should be; this only make you slow a little if ya wonna use em and no tripping if ya don’t.
This level lets ya move without thinking, you just go where ya like; the ammo restrictions make the fighting closer and the level bigger than it already is.
Very cool pack, I liked it. I can use them for my own battles and CTF matches with some of friends, seriously. The music is perfect for me, especially mo3 modules and ogg music files, which I can convert them to MP3 using Total Audio MP3 Converter.
The tilesets are very cool, I can use them to create my own levels.
Architecture of levels seem ok, especially the warps to arena in the start. When I’m playing single player this technique can show me these arenas and test the fire skills.
[Rating (10) removal – PurpleJazz]
I really like these levels, especially the tileset. I can make a single player level and change background from normal to textured. The tileset is the fix of FooMergev2 tileset. I really like it, because there are mixed worlds for my thoughts. Impressive work. The music is so fast-paced, I can make an mp3 format using Total Audio MP3 Converter and use it for my own level in other games, because mp3 formats fit to them very well.
Very good level! The anglescript code is superb! I can also change music in angelscript using Notepad++.
Also, you forgot to insert the rest of music Violet CLM.
I also like custom weapons like shield cubes, ricochet fire, chain launcher and flaming footprint. I also think about the angelscript code of ricochet fire weapon.
By the way, the level is awesome!
10/10 HYPE!
Very good level, I knew that would be inserted to AB18 pack, I like it so much! I really like this mo3 music. I can convert it to tracker using OpenMPT or even mp3 using Total Audio MP3 Converter.
Pretty good tilesets, especially some of them are look like natural forces. I also discovered that file xlmdamn3.j2t is missing, I report that to PurpleJazz and recommend other users to download this.
Really good tileset, especially some blocks came from original Jazz Jackrabbit 2 game. I recommend to download this! I will also use them for my future projects.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.