Review by Gizmaluke

9 Sep 2004, 16:34
For: Forest of Wonders
Level rating: 7.5

This is cool tileset. Maybe I use it in the my next project.
(Unsupported rating removal. What makes this a cool tileset? Can you explain your rating of 8.2? What’s the masking like? Colors, animations, variety, originality? What stands out? What could be improved? Do you have anything to say about the tileset at all? ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

9 Sep 2004, 09:40
For: UR ORBS Level Pack
Level rating: 6.5

Story: A man finds orbs, suddenly turns evil, wants to destroy the world, but then he falls into a volcano together with his brother because URJazzCC (oh yeah) saved the world. Great story!

First level [UR Legend]
Very bad eyecandy, a background that keeps changing colors, lots of texts that are very close to each other so before you read one another already shows up and no clue what you have to do. Almost no enemies at, just hurt events that you fall on without warning. I really hope the rest of the levels are better

_Second level [UR: The legend continues]__
Again really bad eyecandy and again I have no clue what to do. The level’s “gameplay” basically consists of running around (it’s way too big) and hoping you find something that helps you to complete the level. The music doesn’t fit.

Third level [UR Worlds]
Well, it’s basically the same as the second level, but now I finally know what to do: “find one orb”. Sure.
This level has lots of bugs, for example after a sucker tube there’s a float up that doesn’t get you high enough to reach the platform you were meant to reach via the tube. Well, you get it.

Fourth level [Credits]
Useless level, because at the start of each level there’s a “level by URJazz and idea by Craccoboy” text sign, but whatever. Well, the music again doesn’t fit.
After the credits you enter a room with lots of gem rings and a grave. You fall through the grave, see Joe’s brother there saying “IM POWERFUL” or something and then the levelpakc starts again. Yay…

All levels have bad eyecandy, non-fitting music, puzzles that are impossible to do because I have no idea what the goal is, and lots of bugs. I really wonder if the other reviewers are biased in one way or another, because this levelpack is crap. No download recommendation, 2.5

RecommendedReview by PHT

8 Sep 2004, 13:44
For: BRH - Episode 1
Level rating: 7.8

As there are only two reviews yet I will also make one. :D

In all levels the eyecandy was very good, I see the author put a lot of effort into it. I especially liked the background layers, but the sprite eyecandy was also done very well. In the last level there is a wall in a forground layer with speed 0 which I think is because this way you can see a bit less which makes it harder. I saw no tilebugs, and I really have to give a 9.2 for this great eyecandy.
Pros: Very good eyecandy, a lot of effort put into
Cons: in the 3rd level could be a little bit more in the foreground
Final Rating: 9.2

The gameplay was interesting. Even tough it was a bit too easy, I really had fun playing this. Cool enemies, original ideas, good puzzles and else. Nothing amazingly cool tough.
Pros: Original ideas, good puzzles
Cons: Too easy
Final Rating: 8.5

Ammo placement:
The ammo placement was very good, I never ran out of ammo but sometimes there was just too much ammo.
Pros: Solid ammo placement
Cons: sometimes too much ammo
Final Rating: 8.5

Enemy placement:
The enemies were placed very well, they always fit the level (I don’t agree with Superjazz :P) and are sometimes strategically placed.
Pros: good enemy placement, sometimes strategically placed
Cons: In some places are definitely a bit too much
Final Rating: 8.5

I couldn’t find a lot of bugs, the only one I remember is in the first level. You have to answer a question from wise owl, but where is it? She never asked me anything else then “Do you believe you can answer this question?” I answered yes and she said I should go on.
Pros: Not many bugs
Cons: Wise Owl bug thing
Final Rating: 9.0

Overall I really like this pack, it’s done in a way which makes it a lot of fun and I hope to see part 2 soon. Good Work!
Pros: Original Gameplay, solid enemy and weapon placement, great eyecandy
Cons: Bug with Wise Owl in level 1, sometimes too much ammo, too easy
Final Rating: 8.7 + bonus level included: 9.0

Review by cooba

6 Sep 2004, 14:27
For: ElectroChoir
Level rating: 5.1

They all have been done as Xmas remixes, JelZe.

Review by JelZe

6 Sep 2004, 09:46
For: ElectroChoir
Level rating: 5.1

Sighs Another Technoir remix? When will it end? There are 35 JJ1 songs to choose from (18 normal, 10 CD, 4 Xmas, Menu, bonus and ending, I’m not counting the end of level one since it’s so short) and all they choose is Technoir!

First Thoughts

Let me tell you this: this doesn’t sound like Technoir at all. I mean, Technoir (pron. Tek-no-war)is a Techno Wartorn planet, and nothing in this song reflects that. Maybe i’m asking too much, but this song could use some work.

Melody and Tempo

What’s noticable from the start is that the tempo has been quickened. The original melody has some parts missing, like the shooting and the heavy voice, and the finale, (BAD move) It’s also been scrambled, like the Tubelectric remix before this one.


I guess only electric instruments have been used, and even then only 4 or 5 at the most. The tracker put in a sample of the original, but it’s a very minor one. Altogether it sounds like a bad electric dance music.


No parts added, so no comment


This is about the same level as the Tubelectric remix, same problems.
Plus this is a remix of a planet song that’s been done to death! Next time, take a planet that hasn’t been done, like Marbelara, Battleships, Exoticus, etc.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by JelZe

6 Sep 2004, 09:00
For: Tubelectra
Level rating: 5.7

OK, my first review on J2O version 2. :P And probably my last… Maybe I’ll just do music reviews from now on, no more levels or tilesets :P

Ok, what we have here is (yet again) a Tubelectric remix. We have what, 5 of them already?
Sigh, lets get it over with :)

First Thoughts

When I first listened to it, I was expecting another Xmas remix of Tubelectric (the third one .;) Made me wanna scream “Tubelectric is a christmas planet!” It actually isn’t a Xmas remix, just a normal one… not that bad tho, I just wanna hear a remix that doesn’t sound like christmas.

Melody and tempo

The original Tubelectric song (song3 for the ones who are unaware) had a melody which fit together, the “stages” as I call them now create a “story” of the planet (for lack of a better term) when put in order. But in this remix, everything is just thrown together. It looks like the tracker / artist just created each part and randomly placed them into the song. Result: a song that doesn’t make sense.


Another weak part. A good remix has samples that fit in with the theme. In this, I mostly heard… bells! Yes, bells! I don’t recall seeing bells in Tubelectric :p This fact really made me think it’s another Xmas remix. There are some synthesizer samples in the background, but they don’t help much.


No new parts were added, so no comment.


As you can probably tell this remix could a lot of improvement. If the melody was more like the original and not thrown together, and the samples better chosen (electricity in the background for one, hard beats for the melody itself), it would help a lot.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by Blackraptor

5 Sep 2004, 21:41
For: Cracco Assault (Cave Intension)
Level rating: 8.6

Sorry to ruin the rating of this, but I don’t think it should be rated this high.

Concept of this level is a bit strange. Not sure Im fond of the covered up layer 3 passages and stuff. Otherwise it’s alright.

Eyecandy and tile placement could be a lot better. Mostly the fault of the tileset.

Layout of the level is unusual. As I mentioned before I don’t really like the hidden stuff, and the warps in the defender room could’ve been assorted by how far away the target is (i.e first comes the warp thats closest to the attacker base, last comes the warp thats closest to the giant gems).

I haven’t really gotten to play this much, so I can’t really rate it accurately yet. I’ll keep this here for now and edit it when more people join server so I get to play this more thoroughly. Current rating suspected to be around a 7. Maybe higher if I’m nice/have a good experience when I play this again.

Review by Blackraptor

5 Sep 2004, 21:00
For: get of the train station
Level rating: 1.1

Uhh. It took me like a month to make a level worth around 6 ;(.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

4 Sep 2004, 20:51
For: JJ1 Pezrock
Level rating: 8.5

Ok. Lets start.

Conversion Completeness:
Comparing this to the original pezrox through j1cs. yay. Big stone blocks are there, and even with the blue brick BG. Small vertical bricks are there, and positioned nicely. Blue backround bricks are there. Candle animation is there…Spiked pillars, Wall, Ceiling, and floor spikes, trees (Big and small), arrows, sun (except why are there 4 pezrox suns in J1CS? O.o), stone pillars, HUGE amount of the green and yellow brick tiles (with basically every combination, or close to it), the sluggion like brick ground, same as the previous but with blue bg, backround stone pillars, ramps and stuff, backround stuff, grey bars, everything seems to be there. Even the green spike balls are there!
Rating: 9.5

Tiles Included: Lots of variants of other tiles with different backrounds, strangely made sucker tubes, chain hooks, poles, vines, destruct blocks (though not weapon based ones), backroud stuff, arcs(sp?), lots of eyecandy stuff, arrows, signs. I would’ve liked for more destruct blocks though, otherwise this gets pretty good.
Rating: 8.5

Color: I never liked the color of pezrox much. Most things were either greyishblue or orange (Or black, but black is ok ;D). With the colored blocks and other stuff, this gets a more bigger color variety, but the orange backround is EVIL. Makes me think of a really hot place/staring at the sun when in a desert and stuff. Ah well. At least the blue and black offer a bit of shade.
Rating: 8

Animations: Arrows, a small torch, more arrows, some wheel things. And destruct blocks. There are some, but most of them are small. Though that is the fault of pezrox, something new like a belt could’ve been added.
Rating: 8

Masking: A couple of stuff I’m not too fond of (some of the bricks, the small green things confused me at first). Some things could’ve been fully masked but werent (oh well). The masking in general is good, but a lot of it doesn’t go along too well with me.
Rating: 7.8

Userfriendliness: Userfriendly enough. Might take me a while to get to learn how to use those colored tiles, so I’ll just avoid them for now =P.
Rating: 8.2

Overall (Not an average): Another good conversion. Definately not your best, although you did a good job considering it was apparentely rushed and had no betatesting. Definately a download reccomendation.
Rating: 8.4

Technical Rating: Snow works really good. Water works pretty good (looks like lava in 8bit too). Carrot bump works really well. 500 bump works well except the bottom of it looks a bit buggy. Pinball pads work pretty good (nice shade of orange too). Jungle Pole and Small Tree look a bit buggy, otherwise they’d have an interesting shade of blue. Carrotus pole works really good. Psych pole works really good. Diamondus pole works pretty good. Not bad for an untested job =P.
Technical Rating: 9

Overall Rating: 8.425 or something. = 8.5

Good work, and download reccomendation (And h8h8h8h8 my new calculator).

Review by the real one Bjarni

14 Aug 2004, 20:35
For: Escape from Nippius
Level rating: 8.3

:( I want to play but…………I don’t have enough money for JJ1 someone help me!!!!!!!!!

RecommendedReview by FoD

14 Aug 2004, 18:05
For: JJ1 Pezrock
Level rating: 8.5

I keep trying to point out that there’s already been a conversion of this tileset, but what the hey. :D Here is the link to the first one I say, made by Onag and posted by.. well, me. :P

Technically, I only played Jazz1 all the way through once, but it was amazing. Tilesets from it are cool, but as I found in my attempts, not always the easest to use in a Jazz2 level. However, this is a good tileset.
Long live Jazz.

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

14 Aug 2004, 17:56
For: BRH - Episode 1
Level rating: 7.8

Greetings! Yay, J2ov2 has come, and oh, there seems that you have uploaded a single-player episode, perhaps I should download, play and review it. Ok, let’s start reviewing then. And I prefer more to rate the levels one by one, when here’s so many of them, like many other guys do.


Well. I didn’t find out the story from the game, but as I read the readme, I found out the design and story. I think it was greatly planned, but it could have been more exciting still, but as you forced on this, I would like to give it a 9. FUN FACTOR is only when there is no design in the episode / level. But well, I shouldn’t of course rate the whole pack’s design, so let’s see. In the forest I meet the wise owl, Hoot Hoot, not a bad idea, I also wondered about some pits I faced when the owl asked me something. I should have saved before I went on to the pits, as I always answered correctly. I would have liked to test if I went to the wrong one. But it’s 9 for now.

Wow, there is very much of the eyecandy and it looks great, although it might be a bit confusing in some places. But I must agree that you can really make the eyecandy better than me, at least about this tileset, which I used in my UC-episode.
Although it might be a bit irrelevating to talk about the my episodes now, I wonder why did you give it a 7.2 although you gave 7.5 for “Hunting for devan 1/3”, which should have been much worse than the UC-pack. Whatever, back to the
Well, as some things in the foreground layers, looked some weird, I can’t give it a full 10 this time.

You had very nice ideas and you made it very original, but still, the tileset isn’t yours, that doesn’t make it a 10. But I can’t hear the music as you didn’t upload them, or even worse is that you didn’t put one at all.
Well, I must give it an 8 anyways, unfortunately.

Now, the layout was very well done, although some places had kind of small space to move on, but you had done nice secrets, and btw, I chose hard when I started to play this, but I didn’t find this so hard yet, but thoughout it was meant to be a bit easier as it comes more difficult along the episode.

Yes, I must agree that you overused some pickups a bit, but that doesn’t matter much because you overused them only a bit, I just found a few from weird places, but also, there were strange enemies along the level. I know that there was meant to be a village where lived fat-chicks and fencers, but I still think they don’t fit the level enough, so this wasn’t the best of this level.

OVERALL: 43:5=8.6
LEVEL RANK: Good level.
COMMENTS: This was overall Good-Very good level, I don’t have other comments as I already explained most of them.


It could have been better, but not bad at all. I liked the elevator room which I had to go through somewhere in the middle. There wasn’t anything other special design in this level.

It’s about the same as in “WISE OWL FOREST”, or then just a little bit worse, but the leaves in the background just look fine, and this time there isn’t so confusing tiles in the front of the screen. The tileset you used contains good-like 3d-tiles, some of them pwn, but they could be always better.

Now I faced a whole new tileset for me, which isn’t your-made anyways, but the originality is just like same as in the last level. But still I can’t hear the music.

You could have put off the awful trigger-files in to rounded and nice tiles in the elevator. It looks kind of awful when I suddenly break a crate and it looks like, aargghh. Well, the thing you used as a hurt-event didn’t look really like that, so you could have replaced hurt event with something else, but if there wasn’t a suitable one, then you shouldn’t have put them at all. Some of the trigger-crates were also in annoying places, and this wasn’t very hard neither yet, but I expect still that it will become harder to the end.

This is a bit better than in last level as you didn’t overuse the things so much. Now the enemy-choice was more suitable and looks like you did this one well enough.

OVERALL: 42:5=8.4
LEVEL RANK: Good level
COMMENTS: This was just as similar as the last level, just a few negative differences because of that 0.2. Btw, I don’t review the bonus level.


Not bad at all, a warfield, which the player has to go through to get to the castle. The warfield just looked kind of evil.

It didn’t improve as much as in the last levels, but thoughout it was the tileset’s fault, or then yours. The background didn’t look very fine, and there wasn’t much more of it except, layer 7, or so.

Same as in other levels. Now there is a music finally, but it has been used many times before, so I don’t give additional points about it.

Could have been much more better. I must agree that some of the triggers were placed nicely, but the spikes were just a total mess, and oh, an enemy camp? Hmmm, a good place to get stuff, but as it was a dead end, I didn’t like that idea very much. I also had a little problems with navigating, after I broke some triggers, well perhaps it was just good as it was a little challenge, oh yea! I just didn’t like this level so much, it felt like kind of empty and a bit too simple. I anyways liked the warp-place in the end, so that rises it from 7 to 8.

This felt like ok also in this one, some of the enemies didn’t fit the level, like helmuts in the enemy-camp, and the pickups would have been placed so well that, omg. Similar…

OVERALL: 40:5=8
LEVEL RANK: Good level
COMMENTS: Everything 8. Like I said, this was just kind of a medium-good level, which didn’t have anything special like others had a bit.

Drinks some milkshake in this moment


The idea is to get to the king in the castle, to save him somehow as I saw a text in the level about that. Just fine.

It looks good when there is castle-towers in the background, but you could have put something else also. But a bad thing is the annoying wall in layer 1 or is it layer 2. I think it’s not necessary, I can’t understand why is that for. It just distracts me during the level.

Good. Not your tileset, plus I don’t have the music. But everything else seems to be by you.

Could be better! It was a bit hard to navigate and after all I didn’t prefer to use TNT much, but actually I can’t say it was a bad idea. There were a few bugs, like when I fell from one of the houses room’s, I got stuck when I was hurt by the spike-ball, where I was being sucked to. I also couldn’t have read one of the texts properly because another row was too long. The hurt-weighs or what could I ever call them were a good idea. And guess what. I didn’t find the episode that difficult at all, it was around piece a cake, although I anyways saved a few times, as I died a few times, but it wasn’t like a total challenge. Well, I’m gonna look for the next part of this. Hope it’s gonna be a bit more difficult then.

Kind of ok. There were fencers again but this time they fit the level more as it was a city-based level or so. Good that the pickups weren’t so overused this time. I would call this quite good.

OVERALL: 39:5=7.8
LEVEL RANK: Medium level
COMMENTS: This was the worst level of this episode. It looks like you forced on the levels in the beginning more. Just vice versa than I did in my UC-pack, where I forced more on the last levels. Well, this was kind of good also, it wasn’t much worse than other levels, but worse anyways. It’s the only Medium level. Whatever…

LEVEL RANK: Good level(Episode)
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: Yes, like there is a choice now in J2Ov2.

ENDING COMMENTS: Well well well, you did this pack quite well. Just make the next part even better. I’m eagerly waiting for the next part. And I wish you could make the next part a bit longer and more difficult also, and make the design very exciting, and put something and something, to make it more fun to play. I perhaps would like to play this again if I was bored, but not instantly. Fine one blacky, keep going!

-Superjazz was here

Review by DanYjel

14 Aug 2004, 17:04
For: Happy Carrot Mix
Level rating: 6.6

17 channels used, next time, please, read comment. You gave me 5 only because it’s not for game, what I wrote in comment. Please, don’t do it again.

Not recommendedReview by Slaz

14 Aug 2004, 12:40
For: Happy Carrot Mix
Level rating: 6.6

Well, let me review this :-)

This is a not really short
music file, it looks like
a piano version of the menu song.
Sounds cool don’t you think?
Well, it IS cool but not in
JJ2, I don’t want to hear a
piano song if i am playing JJ2.
But here is a short review of it because i don’t know a music review system for now.

1: Channels

There are a few channels in this song i think, not many background and foreground, but the main channel sounds cool!

2: Tones

Not many tones you hear, you know, piano tones.

3: Time

The time is good, the song is very long but sometimes the same tones.

THE RATING: erm,,, 5.0

It’s nice to listen but not recommed for JJ2 :-/

RecommendedReview by snzspeed

14 Aug 2004, 09:09
For: BRH - Episode 1
Level rating: 7.8

hmm. this pack kinda owns. i like every level of this pack, because they all have something special in them, ( like eyecandy, design.. etc. ;p )
and gameplay is also very good. oh well, the eyecandy may look dull in some levels, but the levels are still very good. ( not superior though )
hmm, lets get started the real review.

Eyecandy is very good. there’s lots of eyecandy in every level, and i like it. it may look little bit dull in some levels, but it doesnt matter, because these levels are still 1337.

Good. i like gameplay in this pack alot. it just owns. or something. ;o ;o

Good, i like enemy placement too, but it could be better in some levels. ;-P

I would play this pack again, because it was so 1337, and original, and fun to play. this gets big download recommedation.

Ok. this pack has good eyecandy, nice gameplay, and placement. and its fun, too.. sooo, what you’re waiting for? Download this right away!


RecommendedReview by Lark

13 Aug 2004, 23:40
For: Apocalyptic Afterworld
Level rating: 8.3

I beta tested this, too, face.

Apocalyptic Afterworld, by Magoo, uses Mirrow’s overlooked Wisetyness tileset. The gameplay is nice. Fairly smooth flow for the most part, and the bases seem balanced enough. Some of the springs with keep x set seem to throw the flow off a bit, though. It’s hard to set them up just right, after all. The seeker powerup annoys the hood out of me, though. More specifically the sucker tubes leading to it. They seem to take too long to get there, with the warp and all. Floatups are used to help the flow in some areas as well. There are, however, some assorted areas where jumping is required, which is always good.

As always, Magoo managed to make the level look very attractive, although I don’t like how some of the bricks are translucent. I like the ambient lighting effects a lot, and the lightning in the background is nice (Xargon style). As always, though, if you’re going to have several non-tiling animations right next to eachother, you should make an extra animation with a different sync than the ones next to it. The areas where fire is placed in a horizontal line look kind of unnatural. Layer 6 and 7.. well, confuse me. There’s some ground soil and trees in layer 6, while in layer 7, there are metal platforms which are much bigger than the soil.

The ammo placement is good enough. The thing that caught my eye about it was how Magoo made nice designs with it; for example, a cross made out of toaster ammo.

As for the other stuff in the level… well, I personally think that the music isn’t all that good, nor fitting. It also has an invalid next level setting. It tries to loop to Apocalyptic Afterworld.j2l, but there’s no such thing.

Overall, this level gets an 8.3 and a download reccomendation.

RecommendedReview by Lark

13 Aug 2004, 21:51
For: Escape from Nippius
Level rating: 8.3

I’m just going to take my review from my newspost and put it here.

The first custom JJ1 level ever released is finally here. Violet CLM’s Escape from Nippius starts you out in a room with several other green rabbits with big guns. There are some extremely original things in this level. I’ve never seen anything like some of this. Walls that shoot blaster shots at you, birds that fly freely for eyecandy, teleporters, and more inhabit this level. There’s even a custom end boss, more specifically a snowman with jumping capabilities.

The gameplay plays a lot like the default JJ1 levels, so there aren’t too many problems here. The eyecandy is very nice as well. There are some very clever things done with it. I especially enjoyed the translucency effect with the ice crystals.

My only complaint with this level is that I would’ve liked if it were a little bit longer. I highly recommend this level to anyone with JJ1 whose looking for a new level to play. It’s well worth the download. I want to warn you, though, this level is extremely difficult. It might even be a little bit harder than Orbitus 2, or Raneforus 2. In any case, that’s the way JJ1 levels should be. The harder the better.

RecommendedReview by Sacrush

13 Aug 2004, 19:52
For: Green Hare Down
Level rating: 8.7

This level is made by Labratkid and it`s his best Single player level in my opinion, Why? read on.

Gameplay: rating: 9.0
When you start the game you start in a dark spaceship. It`s not all that special just collect, shoot, jump and destroy some trigger crates. Although it`s not really specail there are some small things that makes the level more fun then the original levels like a suckertube shoots you of and you land in another suckertube. To make it even more fun there are Spikebolls in the spaceship. When you get out of the ship the gameplay changes in a more fun and special gameplay. You will be launched into space and as far as I understand from it Jazz can fly. What you need to do is brake a number of triggercrates inside spaceships that`s spreat out in space. The good thing about this is that is isn`t linear at that moment and that`s a really good thing. All the spaceships have different things like different enemies in each ship (monkeys in space lol). When you destroyed all the crates you will get warped into a big spacship. I really wanted a checkpoint on that moment and yes there it is. Labratkid didn`t want us to get bored and maked a nice spring attraction. Cool!! Then it`s nothing special anymore just shoot a couple of turtles. Then Devan appears and you have to fight him.

Leveldesign: rating: 8.5
The leveldesign is really good and believeble. The spaceships are mostly designed like narrow corridors and thats good. The spaceships also have sideways what makes it more believeble and fun. Also the leveldesign isn`t flat and that`s makes the gameplay better too. The spaceships have shapes that`s believeble and really don`t look like boring square plains but really cool. The leveldesign is logic and understandeble for the players. Secrets are also on logic places. Don`t know much more.

Placement: rating: 8.0
Let`s start with the enemy placement, The enemy placement is quite good. The enemy`s arent just randomly throwen in to the level but on logical places. For example in space it`s full of floating suckers and in and on the ship there are turtles. There are many types of enemies used what keeps the level interesting. Ok now let`s talk about the goodies/food placement. THe goodies/food are nicely placed and spreat out in the level. I didn`t had the felling that there should be more goodies/food and didn`t had the feeling there should less goodies/food. The goodies/food is placed on places where it should be. The goodies/food aren`t only placed on easy place sometimes you have to look or go another sideway in for goodies and that`s good. Hmmmm…. That`s about it right? No! I forget something, The springs. The springs are very well placed they are placed where they really are useful or even for fun!!! That`s it.

Eyecandy: rating: 8.5
I think eyecandy is really importent in levels and I am glad the eyecandy is good in this level. First of all the stars are really nice and ain`t looks like just stars in 1 line but looks 3d in my opinion because there is another layer used for stars with a different speed. The stars are also moving which give the felling the ships are really moving nice. Enough about space let`s talk about the spaceships. The spaceships looks really nice from inside because there are Many windows and shadows are used. There are many beautiful animation and the level looks even more better thanks to the gorgous lights. Also layer 3 is used very well. I haven`t seen 1 tilebug in the level. That`s about it.

Extra stuff:
-Easy, normal, hard mode(+ 0.2).

Final rating: 9.0+8.5+8.0+8.5=34->-> 34:4=8.5+0.2= 8.7


Review by Lark

13 Aug 2004, 19:23
For: Green Hare Down
Level rating: 8.7

Some people got out of memory errors when beta testing, too. I never had a problem myself, though. Just close JJ2 and then open it again, and see if that works. It’s a big level – 425×64.

Quick Review by Wakeman

11 Jan 2000, 20:15
For: Operation: Clone Killer 2
Level rating: one starone star
one starone star

Wakeman rated this upload with two stars on Jazz2City.

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