RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

12 Jan 2016, 12:02 (edited 12 Jan 16, 12:06)
For: Snow Castle 2016
Level rating: 7.5

While not particularly challenging or innovative, I had fun playing this level. The theme of the level is interesting, vaguely reminding me of Tim Burton’s A Nightmare Before Christmas with its mix of HH98 and Haunted House. I liked the non-linear nature of the layout and the subtle focus on finding weapons to unlock new areas. Give it a try!

Not recommendedQuick Review by Seren

12 Jan 2016, 01:11
For: RabbitCity 2
Level rating: 7.7

This is a pack of mediocre, tiring, repetitive levels. No thought went into designing gameplay; there’s nothing to keep a player interested. Half of the time with the pack is staring at nearly static screens of cutscenes without dialogue, and the story hardly makes sense, certainly far from enough sense to justify the lack of good gameplay.

RecommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

12 Jan 2016, 00:19
For: RabbitCity 2
Level rating: 7.7

This is a levelpack that focuses more on story than gameplay. Which is fine, I enjoy a good story. I will talk about the story later, and boy I have a lot to say.

First I’m going to talk about the gameplay. It is simple and straight forward. I love how many tuf turtles are in the levels, they are my favorite enemy. At the top of that there are also fencers and ravens. (I hate these annoying things.) The fencers are very easy to kill, as long as I use the bouncers they cause me no harm. And there are a lot of dead ends, which is good because it adds to the fun of the levels.

For most of the levelpack Spaz is a wanted fugitive which I find interesting since I love good R-rated thrillers, and this feels like it. Of course, more like PG-13 since the F word is censored. But I still like how many times damn and hell are used in the levelpack, I have never played a levelpack before in this game that has swearing especially to the point this one does. But anyway, the main reason I find it interesting is because Spaz is usually the hero. Turning around to make him a criminal is great.

There is more to the story, but I am gonna allow the people reading this review to enjoy it fully.

As for the eye candy, as a huge fan of the drink coca-cola I love how often it’s shown in the levelpack. And I also love how beautiful the city looks.

My only problem with the level is the fact that floppy disks are used. Floppy disks have been obsolete for a very long time. So what’s the point in having them here? Maybe this levelpack takes place in the 1980’s, but if it’s supposed to take place in the present I find it stupid. But I can easily overlook that since the rest of the levelpack is awesome.

So yeah, I’m rating it 9.8, I know it’s a very high rating but this level earned it.

Not recommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

10 Jan 2016, 23:37
For: Devious Diamonds
Level rating: 4.2

This is nowhere near one of the worst levels I have ever played, but sadly it’s still very bad.

First off, the eye candy is terrible. It’s like you weren’t even trying to make the level look good. Far too many tiles don’t fit very much.

The other problem with the level is that it’s far too easy. Now I don’t mind easy levels, in fact I will give you credit for one thing. At least this level that’s far too easy has a reasonable length, and you caught me by surprise when the level wasn’t finished when I thought it was gonna be.

Also, I don’t think you fully understand what the purpose of a secret area is supposed to be. The secret area is supposed to be hard to reach. But the problem is that the coins are all in plain sight, and directly in the path you’re supposed to go to. You never need to go off the path to get the coins, which beats the purpose of getting the coins in the first place.

The main reason it’s too easy is because there is too much food in the level. Which makes rugar rush too easy to get. I agree that a level should have a lot of food, but this is going too far. I also don’t like how easy it is to get the gems.

Overall, I applaud you for putting some effort into this level, but in the long run it’s sadly not good, I’m sorry.

RecommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

10 Jan 2016, 23:17
For: Labrat Chase
Level rating: 4.1

Honestly I don’t hate this level as much as Lark did. It’s not great, but it is tolerable.

Now I’m gonna talk about the eye candy. Yes, it is incredibly lazy, and sadly I have to take away scores for that.

But regarding the challenge. It’s pretty difficult. It’s not too difficult, but it’s still pretty difficult.

I do love how there are tuf bosses to make the easy fight with the robot boss more difficult. I applaud you for that, I find it pretty creative.

Overall I rate this level 5.1, I wish I could rate it higher, but the eye candy needs fixing big time.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

10 Jan 2016, 20:13
For: The Antidote
Level rating: 7.3

Well then, I first like to thank you, IJsKonijn, for deciding to upload this pack even though you won’t finish it. Getting to play the finished levels is better than having nothing at all right? So let’s get into some details.

From the first level on, you imediately notice the “1998 style” all over it. The way secrets are placed in walls, pathways are made, enemies are placed.. It’s all easely comparable to the original SP levels and early custom levels (such as those by Wakeman).

I didn’t ever think parts felt copy-pasted like Stijn did, everything seemed pretty unique to me while in TSF’s easter levels I definitely felt doing every section about 5 times. I do however agree that the crate puzzles get exhausting and that usage of layer4 tiles as back and foreground is very, very confusing sometimes. Those are my biggest downsides for this pack too. Especially in the Jungle level (though Diamondus had it’s share), it’s very hard to navigate and I got confused all the time. Though on the other hand, it indeed looks beautiful!

Ammo is okay for a traditional SP where you don’t need all too much, the RF’s aren’t available too early so you can’t abuse RF jumps too much. Toaster may be too much which I don’t like, as it’s by far the easiest weapon besides Blaster. Food is plenty and good for several sugar rushes, and the traditional coin warps are there but with a nice twist in one level. I loved having 3 different reward choices inside the coin warp with 3 possible accesses if you got all 30 coins.

Best to me personally may’ve been the Beach level, as it didn’t suffer from the 2 main problems (crate puzzles and layer4 usage) that much, and good levels using the Beach tileset aren’t common due to it’s usage being challenging. I also enjoyed the last level a lot, with it’s non-linear layout being a surprising difference from earlier levels in the pack.

I definitely recommend this pack to anyone who digs traditional SP levels. Even though the pack isn’t actually finished and the story ends abruptly, it’s not that important as the levels are enjoyable enough even if they were released as stand-alone. I believe a 7.7 is a fair score, but don’t let that make you think this pack isn’t special at all, as it definitely is!

RecommendedReview by Slaz

10 Jan 2016, 19:43
For: Holiday Hare '15
Level rating: 7.7

This pack came to me as a surprise, new christmas levels are always welcome to get in the feasty mood and it has been a while since last serious attempt at a christmas pack.

There are 3 levels total, typical to the original Holiday Hare. I’d say all 3 are of medium length, so the pack is good for about a quick 30 minute run during christmas. The story is simple yet slightly more detailed than other christmas packs. I also love the fact that different holidays are mentioned (Kwanzaa and Hanukkah) and finally the Krampus as your enemy, it’s great to see some love for the old germanic devilish creature.

The levels themselves are very easy even on Hard, but have that certain flow just like the original SP levels. Worst about this pack is secret placement which is often unclear, crate “puzzles” that just require you to move from crate to crate, and tileset usage that sometimes messes up masking. Eyecandy is mediocre, ammo placement is okay but nothing special, just like the standard share of christmas enemies.

Do I recommend this pack? Yes, but just to have a relaxing time during your well deserved holidays, and/or to have a nostalgic trip while playing something different.

Review by Superjazz

9 Jan 2016, 17:21 (edited 28 Jan 16, 17:41)
For: RabbitCity 2
Level rating: 7.7

It’s been a while since anyone released any single-player with an actual storyline, and especially a long time anyone released any episode as big as this, which inspired me to write a full review for this.

Well, actually the storyline is kind of confusing at times, partly due to the broken English used in cutscenes and dialogues that are a big part of this episode. The cutscenes and dialogues are mainly done with Angelscript here, and although they are mainly just still images and text, there are nevertheless some cool effects. However I think they could have been done better with a bit more effort put into scripting, such as defining which character to display in the cutscenes. Right now it seems a bit goofy that they are all displayed, and our main character is called just ‘Player’. Also some of the text is hard to read in the limited time since there is simply too much stuff in the background.

But basically, the story begins with our player waking up at home just like any normal day (I don’t know if there was a preceding episode to the storyline?), and goes to the nearest police station to look for a ‘Secret Room’, and after that things start to get twisted (not spoiling you more).

The levels do look mostly okay. Sometimes I’d expect there to be more detailing though, and sometimes there is too much since often the tiles that are meant for the fore- and background are used for the sprite-ground, and vice versa. Also sometimes the gameplay gives me the feeling that this could very well be something of various hotel-levels turned into single-player, since the gameplay is often about going up and down building blocks in an urban environment, indoors and outdoors, or just running straight by a linear corridor.

The number of levels is more than a hundred, but a big part of them are cutscenes and savepoints, and then the rest of the levels are cut into parts whenever you reach a certain goal. Not sure if the cutting was really necessary although the idea works nicely as checkpoints.

But the gameplay has also got it’s action-part, and that is definitely the best part about the episode in my opinion. It can be riding various vehicles or running away from evil police soldiers, or crawling in tight air valves. Actually this episode has a very violent theme, and the levels are filled with blood, fire and dead rabbits. At those points I notice potential influence from various FPS-games such as doom, especially at the levels with more creepy atmosphere and creepy music.

Talking about music (which I know isn’t very essential about the levels and was an optional download), I think this episode uses some of the most terrible tunes I’ve heard since a while, since some of them are of type chiptune, and very poorly composed ones. (I can imagine Angry Video Game Nerd raging while playing this :D)

Another annoying thing about the gameplay is the blaster that was made reloadable, because you can hold at most 15 bullets, which is used very fast with maximum fast fire. Then, you will need to press R everytime to get more ammo for it which seemed just kind of pointless to me, and it felt that it was rather done because it’s “just cool” like this. It happened a few times that I’d shoot myself into a death pit by seeker-recoil after my weapon automatically switched when my blaster got empty.

Some of the more passive levels, like elevator rides and the like could have been compressed a bit, since there wasn’t even anything to look at since the visuals were just generic. However, the levels and the storyline got more and more interesting as I progressed, and there was nice unexpected turns in the storyline. At the later levels you could also find yourself dying by rather unexpected events as well, such as sudden police-ambushes. Also at times it really took me some time to find the right way to go in the levels (I think I was just being lucky to find some of them by accident). The biggest pain was one of the last levels where you need to look for a very well hidden switch that I couldn’t simply find without looking at JCS, since there weren’t even any hints.

In the end, I found this to be a fairly entertaining episode. Definitely more entertaining than any usual single-player episode with the idea of ‘just playing’, but the gameplay-flaws and other small details I mentioned prevent me from rating this too high. It still has potential to be the best single-player release of last year.

So, well done and thanks for releasing this!

EDIT: Quite soon after I was finished with my review, I realized that I overrated this episode, so I tried to modify the rating to be more of a match with my criteria. Actually in general I feel that I have been too generous towards the releases I have reviewed recently, so I will pay closer attention to the quality of the uploads I review in the future.

Nevertheless, I still find this single-player release to be one of my favorites from last year, but I should advice other players that it isn’t anything especially original, although a lot of effort and experimenting probably went into the designing of the episode. You may still like it, if you are thirsting for new single-player adventures like me.

Quick Review by Superjazz

9 Jan 2016, 15:43 (edited 28 Jan 16, 17:46)
For: The Antidote
Level rating: 7.3

This is a fairly fun single-player episode, although it’s nothing too special. The levels follow the oldschool formula of level creation and even use mostly just the basic epic-tilesets. The episode was visually good though as well, sometimes maybe a bit overdone since it was hard to see where to go actually. Nevertheless I liked these levels.

Not recommendedQuick Review by Blaze The Movie Fan

7 Jan 2016, 22:09
For: Jazz in Nintendo Land DEMO
Level rating: 3.1

These levels are far too easy to beat, that’s all I can say really.

RecommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

7 Jan 2016, 20:10
For: Holiday Hare '15
Level rating: 7.7

Wow, this levelpack is brilliant.

It is very easy and there isn’t much challenge, which I’m fine with as long as the level looks good that’s all what matters to me. And yeah, it really does. I love how there are gems all around the levels, how there is food everywhere, all sorts of food, and what I love most is how good the enemy placement is. I also love using these crates.

I know I’m late to review this as Christmas is over, but I didn’t wanna wait until next Christmas to review this great levelpack.

Well done, man. I’m sure to replay this level next Christmas.

Not recommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

6 Jan 2016, 20:43
For: Enemy Rush
Level rating: 2.2

This is certianly better than the levels you made in 2013 which I reviewed recently. But not by much.

When I jump to the bottom, there is at least a teleport there, but it still has the same problems Try-To-Survive this and Turtle Bowling.

In my other reviews I didn’t get into much detail as of why blank background is a bad idea, so I’m gonna explain now.

Because everything in the level itself gets to that background and it becomes painful to watch. I suggest having that background in the 7th layer and use the 8th layer to make sure there is something behind that. Yeah that can work.

As for what’s been improved, sadly the improvement is barely noticeable. There are a lot of enemies, but killing them requires no effort.

I’m sorry to say, even though this is an improvement over the other two levels you made it’s not by much. I’m gonna tell you the same thing people told me over 11 years ago. A level is not easy to make, a good level takes at least a day to make. And as much as I hate to say this, all three of your levels I have played so far are worse than any of the levels I made back in 2001-2004. And that’s saying a lot since the levels I made back then weren’t good at all.

Not recommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

5 Jan 2016, 21:29 (edited 5 Jan 16, 22:40)
For: CasinoZone: TurtleBowling
Level rating: 1.2

This level has NOTHING to it other than just a few turtles. And that’s it. It takes very short time to complete this level.

Also, it has the same background as the Try-To-Survive-This level, which is extremely lazy and again you don’t use transparent or empty titles as a background, it never works.

Here is some advice, don’t spend milliseconds making a level. A good level takes more than that to make. Try spending at least a day working on a level.

Not recommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

5 Jan 2016, 21:25
For: Try-To-Survive-This
Level rating: 1

For a level titled “try to survive this” it sure is easy to survive.

There are very few enemies, you can easily kill them all. And after that, nothing. You just go and reach the end of the level in no time at all.

And the background is beyond lazy. Also, regarding that NEVER use transparent titles for the background. It never works.

I wish I could say more, but there is nothing more to say. Please spend more time on the level you’re making.

Quick Review by Superjazz

4 Jan 2016, 22:45 (edited 28 Jan 16, 17:46)
For: Urdung Levels Carrotus Chapter
Level rating: 8

This is a well-crafted and decent-looking old-fashioned short single-player level that is actually fun to play. The levels were hardly any challenge for a veteran player like me even in turbo mode but I still enjoyed it. I had fun exploring the secret areas. The levels used a few slightly original concepts as well, especially in the last level.

Not recommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

4 Jan 2016, 17:16
For: Jaws' Castle
Level rating: 2.3

I’m surprised no one reviewed the first single player levelpack yet, so I might as well.

I’m sorry to say but this is horrible.

The main problem is I can beat all the levels in less than a minute. And that’s no exaggeration. This reminds me of the levels I used to make as a kid, it does indeed have the problems my levels had back then.

Also the enemy placement is horrible. It’s not a good idea to squash as many enemies together as possible in one spot. And oh boy that happens a lot.

Also, you can shoot titles you normally shouldn’t be able to shoot. You can shoot the wanted poster, what sense does that make? It’s clear that no thought went into that at all.

Overall, this is one of the worst levelpacks I have played.

RecommendedQuick Review by NanCy<3

3 Jan 2016, 18:17
For: Duke's Training v1.0
Level rating: 8.2

Like it…

RecommendedQuick Review by Seren

3 Jan 2016, 17:25
For: The Antidote
Level rating: 7.3

I found this quite enjoyable. It may not be overflowing with innovation, but it shows a consistent individual level making style rather than an imitation of Epic’s. Stijn’s review lists most of my issues, I’d also say throw out the secrets one is forced to find to continue. Also there really could’ve been an outro level to finish the storytelling.

Quick Review by Seren

3 Jan 2016, 12:43 (edited 6 Mar 16, 12:37 by Sir Ementaler)
For: Holiday Hare '15
Level rating: 7.7

Quite cool. It doesn’t provide any challenge or innovation though. Also, at some places the levels look empty or flat. Other areas look ideal for pickups but don’t contain any. One thing I would especially suggest to look into improving is the secret placement: avoid placing unmarked secrets in the floor or spikes because nobody will find them.

RecommendedQuick Review by Seren

3 Jan 2016, 12:29 (edited 3 Jan 16, 12:45 by Sir Ementaler)
For: Far Out Finished!
Level rating: 7.7

It’s not particularly interesting but can be fun for a single playthrough. Definitely worth a download for those who enjoy the official JJ2 campaign, but not those who are looking for originality or a challenge.

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