This is certianly better than the levels you made in 2013 which I reviewed recently. But not by much.
When I jump to the bottom, there is at least a teleport there, but it still has the same problems Try-To-Survive this and Turtle Bowling.
In my other reviews I didn’t get into much detail as of why blank background is a bad idea, so I’m gonna explain now.
Because everything in the level itself gets to that background and it becomes painful to watch. I suggest having that background in the 7th layer and use the 8th layer to make sure there is something behind that. Yeah that can work.
As for what’s been improved, sadly the improvement is barely noticeable. There are a lot of enemies, but killing them requires no effort.
I’m sorry to say, even though this is an improvement over the other two levels you made it’s not by much. I’m gonna tell you the same thing people told me over 11 years ago. A level is not easy to make, a good level takes at least a day to make. And as much as I hate to say this, all three of your levels I have played so far are worse than any of the levels I made back in 2001-2004. And that’s saying a lot since the levels I made back then weren’t good at all.
This level has NOTHING to it other than just a few turtles. And that’s it. It takes very short time to complete this level.
Also, it has the same background as the Try-To-Survive-This level, which is extremely lazy and again you don’t use transparent or empty titles as a background, it never works.
Here is some advice, don’t spend milliseconds making a level. A good level takes more than that to make. Try spending at least a day working on a level.
For a level titled “try to survive this” it sure is easy to survive.
There are very few enemies, you can easily kill them all. And after that, nothing. You just go and reach the end of the level in no time at all.
And the background is beyond lazy. Also, regarding that NEVER use transparent titles for the background. It never works.
I wish I could say more, but there is nothing more to say. Please spend more time on the level you’re making.
This is a well-crafted and decent-looking old-fashioned short single-player level that is actually fun to play. The levels were hardly any challenge for a veteran player like me even in turbo mode but I still enjoyed it. I had fun exploring the secret areas. The levels used a few slightly original concepts as well, especially in the last level.
I’m surprised no one reviewed the first single player levelpack yet, so I might as well.
I’m sorry to say but this is horrible.
The main problem is I can beat all the levels in less than a minute. And that’s no exaggeration. This reminds me of the levels I used to make as a kid, it does indeed have the problems my levels had back then.
Also the enemy placement is horrible. It’s not a good idea to squash as many enemies together as possible in one spot. And oh boy that happens a lot.
Also, you can shoot titles you normally shouldn’t be able to shoot. You can shoot the wanted poster, what sense does that make? It’s clear that no thought went into that at all.
Overall, this is one of the worst levelpacks I have played.
I found this quite enjoyable. It may not be overflowing with innovation, but it shows a consistent individual level making style rather than an imitation of Epic’s. Stijn’s review lists most of my issues, I’d also say throw out the secrets one is forced to find to continue. Also there really could’ve been an outro level to finish the storytelling.
Quite cool. It doesn’t provide any challenge or innovation though. Also, at some places the levels look empty or flat. Other areas look ideal for pickups but don’t contain any. One thing I would especially suggest to look into improving is the secret placement: avoid placing unmarked secrets in the floor or spikes because nobody will find them.
It’s not particularly interesting but can be fun for a single playthrough. Definitely worth a download for those who enjoy the official JJ2 campaign, but not those who are looking for originality or a challenge.
Can’t tell if the test was properly tested, since there are some parts I can’t figure out how to complete.
Also, there are only 4 tests in total. The ideal number of tests in a test event is around 20, and they should be not too easy, but there still must be a way to complete them.
And the Top Secret ]|[ tileset is way overused in test mode.
This level is way too small for a CTF level, but it has almost everything a decent CTF level needs, and it shows a different way to use Overlord’s tileset. Even better than most of the levels using that tileset that I’ve seen on J2O.
The players can pick various paths, and various weapons. But it will get messy if 32 players play at once.
In this half futuristic, half natural cityscape, you can even walk on clouds. The sky is cloudy, but you can see the sun in the horizon.
There are 2 parts of the level: The one above the clouds, and the one down in the city. In each you can find a variety of weapons and power-ups.
This non-scripted level is complete of tactics, eyecandy, rain, vines, hooks and even sucker tubes.
Paths are smooth, but not too much. You’ll still have to carefully grab the hooks or jump from palm to palm to make your way back sometimes. And the opponents are always lurking around.
One of the best battle levels I’ve ever seen here on J2O
A rich level made out of a not so rich tileset, without using AngelScript.
Here, we find ourselves in a dark and lifeless cave with a thermal waterfall and a lake. I like levels with water in them. At the center of the cave is some kind of hydroelectric power plant.
The level is very playable, and Battle is one of my favorite multiplayer modes. There are no camping spots. Just a big arena with a lot of paths.
Being this a thermal spring, the only ammunitions that can be found here are flamethrowers and upgrades for your blaster. This makes a good challenge for players who are specialized with any other weapon, like the seeker or the 3 way missile.
Jumping and running isn’t the only way to get around here. Besides having to swim, here you have to bounce on springs, climb on ropes and grab on handles.
Once again, it’s hard to make such a good level with a tileset like this. Download recommended, totally.
This level is rather small, especially for a CTF level, but got everything needed for an enjoyable CTF event.
The weapons are well placed, except the RF PU, which should be placed somewhere hard to reach, perhaps swapped to the bouncer PU.
The eyecandy is lacking, but not missing. Also, it’s hard to create a good looking JJ2 level with a JJ1 tileset, so nice work, I guess.
A bug in the new JJ2+ makes the background transparent, so the level can only be played properly with the regular JJ2. I hope this gets fixed.
Next time try making your level a little bigger, especially if it’s going to be another CTF level.
This is fun. (Although frustrating too but in a way that is entertaining) Probably the best test level ever.
Despite its apparent simplicity, I consider this one of the best CTF layouts to date. It offers enough paths for strategy to matter but doesn’t overcomplicate it. It’s universal and matches games of a variety of sizes. Carrots are where you expect them and power-ups are easy to find, although I’d debate collective spawn times of the latter.
This is something I never expected: a test I actually enjoyed. While the skill level may be a bit high for filthy casuals like me (I only made it to lv8 so far), the balance between fun and frustration is well done. In particular I like how the test requires some thought to play. Also kind of irrelevant but visually this also looks nice.
This level is a brilliant example of how you don’t necessarily require the ability to script in order to be innovative. The ammo/shield concept combined with the theme is honestly pure genius. While the level may have somewhat one-dimensional gameplay as a result of the lack of weapon variety, it more than makes up for that due to fun factor.
One of the few battle levels that’s genuinely suitable for games of 16 players and up. Despite being very large, thanks to a well designed layout with a variety of distinctive areas and paths, navigation is intuitive. This style of level design and approach to placing pickups should act as a template for all event sized battle levels to come.
During my duel in this level I learned that I really enjoy its layout and carrot placement. It’s easy to learn and intuitive. My main issue turned out to be weapon balance: bouncer is extremely powerful and toaster barely useful. The highlight of the level is its heavily scripted atmosphere, something we’ll hopefully see more often thanks to it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.