Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battles in the Desert
Level rating: 8


And another great lvl


Very nice also you future level was
I miss again some mountains! anyway


Its fun, your levels ar 100% fun!
NO bugs and other thinks, i play with my friends it sometimes…

Ammo Placed

Not bad at all, good placed and also
not to HARD to get it. Good

Here a quick fast review by me

Tip: As i said: Make a battle pack :)

Here a 8[This review has been edited by Ðx]

Review by Dax105

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Canyon
Level rating: 8

You made a mistake in the information. This isn’t a 1.23 level, it seems to be a 1.24 as it conflicts with non-TSF JJ2. Please edit your information as it can mislead some people who download this and figure out it can’t be played.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Part 1. Agression
Level rating: 7.4

I really don’t understand why all reviewers are so fond about this pack. Actually, I didn’t like it at all.
The start of the first level looked nice, with a story like Another Story’s.
You know the wise, old saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? My first impression was good, but the overall impression wasn’t. After moving left I saw a slope, so I walked down. Then suddenly I got warped by a warp I couldn’t see because it was hidden by a quite annoying and non-goodlooking layer 2 eyecandy thing (you know, “widescreen”). It appeared I “slipped off a branch”. How about warning the player earlier?
So now I knew I should keep walking on the trees. I advanced, eventually lost 4 hearts, and encountered some enemies. Three of them FELL BLOODILY, but then there were a few I couldn’t directly kill with my blaster, so I tried buttstomping them. I didn’t find any way to do it, which may be my fault, but I however don’t like 4 enemies on 2 tiles at all.
I completed the first level and went on to the second one. Yet again this ugly layer 2 eyecandy. And yet again I fell into a pit I couldn’t see at all. Well, I could see it, but there was no hint that there was another way out of the level, so I walked into it. Again one life less!
After that I saw a solid-looking slope, I jumped onto it and fell in the pit again. I got frustarted and typed jjnxt.
The third level was some cutscene level, with bad eyecandy. Next level!
Yay, more Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar. In this level most of the time 60% of my screen got hogged by either the widescreen thingy or annoying trees on another foreground layer. Usually enemies were behind the trees so I constantly got attacked by ghosts I couldn’t have spotted at all. After that came some credits level which was rather boring.

It was hard indeed, but not because there ware hard puzzles or enemies: just because I constantly died or got hurt by something I couldn’t have destroyed or spotted. If you add the bad eyecandy to this, I think a 4.5 is enough. Maybe even a bit too high. 4.0 8D

EDIT: spelling etc.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka blewmeup]

Review by Past of Leveldesign

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wasted Times
Level rating: 7.6

Hey ÐX, thx for your good review (wooaah, rating 8.0)

So, here is our review for your „wasted times“

This lvl looks very good!
-We really like this waterfall (nice idea to use the textured background)
-In the foreground is this glittering rain, that looks good
-but the water-places don’t look so nice (ok, the tileset has no water)

Ammo and PU’s:
Nice, but you can place the ammo better! There are too many weapons on one place, and on other places there are no weapons. It’s difficult to find the seeker-PU. But this is very good, because I think the seeker is the best weapon!

Yeah, we played this lvl (kalle has won, grrr…) and it was really fun!
Only one mistake: there is only one start-pos, so you’re always starting at the same place.

Altogether is this a nice lvl and it’s worth to download it!

—Kalle and Nick of PoL

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Canyon
Level rating: 8



Nice eyecandy only i miss the mountains
and the forest, anyway the back layer eyecandy is very good.


Very nice its very big also and ther is very
much fun in this battle. I founded some secrets
and some secret ammo that was hidden.

Ammo Placed

Very nice, just i told very nice ammo secrets and secret ways..

This was a quick review

Anyway here is a tip

Make a big battle with some tilesets…

~Ðx CC

Review by Grytolle

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Commander 1.4 / 1.23 + 1.24
Level rating: 9

XP-support woulds be nice!!!!:@

Review by nim

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

this lvl is great ,eyecandy was excellent as usual and the lvl is hard but the puzzles make it challenging good job!

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Bloxonius
Level rating: 8.8

I’m too lazy to write a long review, so I’ll keep it short. I really like this conversion. I started to make a level, and after a minute I knew a story. :)
Well, I decided to make a level pack and the first level will be with this conversion from lil Labratkid. :D
The tiles are converted very well, and Labratkid added some useful things like slopes and a funny guy which head you can shoot. :)
Also, there is a sky texture, which let’s you create outdoor passages.
I WON’T rate the example level (tough I don’t understand why people always come and punish me when I do..), but it doesn’t work as well, because there’s something done wrong with the triggers. Tough, I like the Randomizer idea.

However, good work from LRK and worth downloading. The only thing I dislike is that the shadows are a bit hard to use (until you got out how they work).

I think I’ll give this a 7.7, it would be higher, but I wished there would be more new tiles..

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Bloxonius
Level rating: 8.8

Pretty good conversion, except animation of lamp, which has missing frames. Nothing else missing, and LRK even made slopes.


PHT : No, Lego man with shootable head was actually included in Bloxonius, as he was supposed to be living guy despite being motionless, like those ones in toy planes.
Also, rating example levels is forbidden on J2O, I think. (Triggers work fine for me, though)[This review has been edited by Cooba]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Molecular speed
Level rating: 7.9

I’ve played this millions of times in jDC events and its one of my favorite races. Lets start the review (Which will hopefully be a long one):

Layout: Beginning might be a bit too crowded (with the springs on the walls) and there is a masking error (which isnt your fault), but I never minded it much. Sucker tube things are interesting, except at the end of the 2nd one where it juts you out from above, someeone could camp underneath and keep shooting you and keep you trapped in the sucker tube. This happend before (with some face kept shooting us and not letting us get out of the tube until like 5 people piled up there). And its no fun being trapped D=. The next two parts after that (climbing and falling) are some of my favorite in the level. Narrow passage with a spring (evil spring) after that, with running across belts soon after. Then some nice peaceful running, and then shooting destruct blocks to climb up (annoying getting stuck in those D=). Despite this having several flaws (some of which should’ve been put into consideration and fixed before this was uploaded, like the getting stuck in destruct blocks and sucker tube thing) this level is really fun to play online with lots of people..

Eyecandy: BG is original and cool, foreground/layer 4 is mostly average. I dont really mind eyecandy in race levels as long as its tolerable because I dont get many chances to stroll through and look at it closely, but more eyecandy here could’ve been welcome (although its good the way it is and probably was really good back then). On another note, I like the eyecandy in the parts especially after the vine/belt thing, with those metal tiles bordering the purple ground tiles. That part always looked cool.

Placement of Stuff: Lots of evil sucker tubes and springs, a few very evil belts and vines which I rather dislike. More ammo would’ve been especially welcome. Its rather too empty, though I never minded it much.

Originality: Its an old level, so I cant really say. N/A in this category for now, although the backround is still pretty original.

Overall (not an average): One of my favorite race levels, old, fun, lacks a few stuff, minor flaws, download not working anymore so I cant get the music, etc etc. This level grew on me, and I like it. No matter how much layout bugs it needs fixing/eyecandy needs adding.

Rating time:
Layout/Gameplay: 8
Eyecandy: 7.5
Placement of Stuff: 7
Originality: N/a
Overall (not an average): 8.6
Final Rating: 7.775, which I’ll upgrade to 8 because I like this level 8D. Download reccomendation.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Kind Of CTF
Level rating: 8.4

lalalalala. I betatested this, played it online a dozen times, yet didnt review it! Here goes a small but probably meaningfull review (or probably not):

Firstly, I loved the eyecandy here. Very original, very pleasant, very fun. Looks like some factory place (as the level’s previous name: Machine Conversion Factory). One thing, though, the bg looks absolutely horrid in 8bit ;o (not that I play in 8bit anyways, though). I also love the layout. Simple and fun. RF=ownage. Placement of stuff was alright, maybe a bit more ammo could be placed. I like how both powerups in the wall are toaster to avoid complicating things. Carrot + Powerup placement is good, except I think I prefered it when the +1 carrots where team based (3 carrots might be a bit too much in this). Flow, Gameplay, Tile placement etc, was all good. The coin idea was also original, except most of the time I felt like Im playing a normal level since the coins are almost always there and all I have to do is run and WarP. Still, ++originality ;o. Base placement is rux, and the turrets on the sides prevent camping so yay =D. I also like the one wayed tiles above the turrets, since all you have to do to get away is jump and run. There is only one exit from the bases, which could lead to people camping above it, but who cares. Your fault for camping in there anyways ;o ;o ;o. I’ll just get to the ratings:
Layout/Gameplay: 8.5
Eyecandy: 8.4 (textured BG in 8bit! >O)
Placement of Stuff: 8
Originality: 8.5
Overall (not an average): 8.2
Final Rating: 8.32 = 8.2. Almost made it to an 8.5 there ;o. Anyways, very spiffy level, one of my favorites by you. Definite download reccomendation and rux work.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enjoy Coke
Level rating: 7.5

Whee. Small set. A few ripped coke bottles/glasses, and a lot of different ground tiles. Not much of a variety in tiles, therefore might be hard to make a good level with this. Original theme, but you’d have got higher if you put in more tiles (maybe add in Pepsi and some blue tiles, since most of this tileset is red). You could easily expand this.
Pretty easy to use set, needs more color variety, needs more tiles, original theme. Also, barely any animations (if you count the destruct blocks as animations.).
Tiles Included: 6.4
Animations: 4.5
Color: 6.2
Userfriendliness: 8.2
Originality: 8.7
Overall (not an average): 6.7
Final Rating: 6.7833333 = 6.7. Original theme and the set shows promise, but more tiles should’ve been added to it since its quite restricting right now.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duke Nukem 2 (Jail tileset)
Level rating: 8.3

I need to review more. Whatever. Anyways, I played duke nukem 2 a lot of times when I was a kid (though only shareware) and I am glad you decided to convert it (even though it might’ve been partially because I was bugging you to). Most things from the jail are here, except the pipe tiles (around 4, 43 in JCS) are done poorly. They should either have been redone with a brick backround that actually blends in with the rest, or redone simply without the brick backround (the 2nd is easier). I like how you made the destruct blocks and poles blend in with the tileset, although I think this might’ve needed some hurt events, sucker tubes etc. Sad that you could only do the jail scenario from DN2, although the whole thing definately would’nt have fit (might even not have fit for TSF as well). Invisible tiles are there. yay. So are a bunch of stuff. Final verdict: Good conversions, needs a fex minor fix0ring in some places, and don’t hesitate to add more tiles if you ever decide to work on this more. I’ll try to finish the Duke nukem 2 example level for this someday, but it might only be playable in Coop online (A lot of my SP levels are ruined/hindered by the fact that coins turn to gems after you enter a coinwarp in singleplayer).
Rating time =D:
Conversion Completeness (considering the fact this is only suppose to be a conversion of the tileset for the first level in EP1 in DN2): 9
Tiles Added: 7.3
Animations: (No new ones, and the acid drop thing should’ve been better done. It looks very choppy and doesn’t tile good with the sewage thing. Which makes it look out of place and mostly unusable. Bah): 7 (I was nice ;o)
Color/Palette/Stuff: 8.5
Userfriendliness: 8.7
Overall (not an average): 8.4 (<3 DN2)
Final Rating Comes down to: 8.15 = 8.2. Solid good conversion, but you might’ve slacked off a bit in fix0ring it up/adding more tiles. You have rux conversion skills, but need to stop rushing things so they get released earlier. The half scale version of the set is also nicely done, but it reminds me of sets like Lost Viking by Jaws, and it makes jazz look a bit to big so I doubt most people would use it. Anyways, <3 at DN2 and thanks for succumbing to my endless requests for you converting this. I should’ve rated this sooner ;| and download reccomendation. <DukeNukem23333333333333333

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wisetyness
Level rating: 8.4

I havent reviewed this and made a few levels with it so Im reviewing it now.

At first I didnt really like this set too much, but I have grown attached to it (like LRK), and now I love it. Lots of detail in the tiles, leaves look really awesome and original, many different tiles so you can build different settings with it. Black and white tiles, (yay black), invisible tiles, animations etc. Strange, I remember that same fire being in another tileset, one of the ones made by Hotel Heroes (which also includes you in it, so I can’t say the fire is rippeD). Signs, destruct stuff, poles etc, nicely done sucker tubes. Userfriendliness, not the easiest tileset to use, some times gets pretty difficult, but I find it tolerable. Nice theme. Overall, I’m giving this an 8.2. Keep making more sets, Mirrow dude B)!!!111!!11

Review by Trafton

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss - The First
Level rating: 5

You can either have it one way or the other – no ratings at all or honest ratings. Intentional poorness is not taken into account; if you wanted a high rating, make a quality work out of your concept level. At this point, it’s too late for a full rating wash since a rating has already been provided

Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Harry Potter Music
Level rating: 1

Are you sure it’s 100% legal?

Review by Jarno vos

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battles in the Desert
Level rating: 8

What Will You say with and we know all songs of my CD by heart ;-),

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rainy Rain Forest
Level rating: 8.4

Ugh. One of the levels I played in 2002 and sadly never reviewed until now (2004). Let me just say the eyecandy is brilliant and I’ve always loved it. The layout is alright but has a few annoying dead ends. Placement is alright. Music is pretty good, was one of my favorite tunes in 2002. Originality is there ,especially with eyecandy. A few stuff could’ve been one-wayed..
Layout/Gameplay: 7.5
Eyecandy: 9.2
Placement of stuff: 7.7
Originality: 8.2
Overall (not an average): 8.5
Final Rating: 8.22, +0.3 for teh rux music. 8.5, download reccomendation. It’s 4:10am, so sorry for the review suxness and shortness.


Review by Jarno vos

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Harry Potter Music 2
Level rating: N/A

This File Is Greater Than 1 Mb Re-upload This File And Submit Them !

Review by rÎpTèÁrRåßbÏt

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Harry Potter Tileset
Level rating: 7.4

Hi :)
Time to review :D

First of all, I miss much things from te castle :(
There are much tiles, and it looks nice, but… Yeah… I miss the Harry potter Feelings here, dont know why.
And, the Ex level from the Chamber of Secrets (1 and 2) isnt likes real one.

But okay, it isnt bad at all, a 7

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