i’m from Bulgaria. I download this patch but i cant enter in the servers WHY?
Yet, another race level from Jaws. There’s no review yet (or at least as I began to write there wasn’t any) so let me do the job.
The gameplay is cool, you first get an airboard, then one of those dudes from Harry Potter tells you to catch the snitch. The snitch, fly’s away from you and you have to catch it to win. The level isn’t insane hard, but the sprite layer is confusing because I couldn’t tell what’s solid and what isn’t. At least, the level is original and not too easy.
The background layers were cool, I really like the way they are done. What gets on my nervs is the sprite layer. At the start, I was really confused, because I didn’t knew what’s solid and where you can fly through. That’s probably the tileset’s fault. Well, it’s the fault of the author of the tileset, which, in general means Jaws should’ve putted in some shadows on the sides of unmasked layer 4 tiles, so you could easier see where you can get through. Tough, I like how the snitch was done and the Harry Potter dudes are kewl.
The weapon placement is good, you get what you want, and enough of it. It’s only TNT and Ice, but that are the most useful weapons in race. Also, in the tunnel passage the ice ammo was very useful.
Overall, this is a spiffy race level and it’s worth a play, or two, or three, or what da hell ya want :)
The only thing that really disturbed me was the sprite layer, I suggest Jaws to edit it so that it’s easier to see where you’re going. Download Reccomendation and a 7.7
Oh, and a note to lil Jaws: Sorry for the review of your Space Vikings race lvl being so short. :)
This is not one of my first tilesets. I’ve made loads, maybe i can put a few powerups in it. But if you think it’s very original then why are you giving it such an average rating?? 5.5???
I have split the file in two so i hope it works now. this one now contians only four songs in sted of eight
The download is not working. It may be too large in filesize or you did not upload it as a .zip format. Please try and reupload.
Same as snooz, good level but had 2 get a new comp so i needed it again.
YAY, Blade wrote a review to our lvl, cool… (lol)
the password for hazarddesert: “rating10” (g)
And if you can’t find it on your home cooked list, maybe you’ve got more than 256 .J2L-levels
@Cooba: are you coobnoob??? :P[This review has been edited by Past of Leveldesign]
Blade, both levels are on Home Cooked list and Jazz Valley has no password. (OMG I HAVE SPOKEN TO GREAT BLADE YAY)
I played it once in Past’s server, and I have one comment : Dead Ends.
Isn’t it obvious? ;([This review has been edited by Cooba]
Very interesting… I didn’t find the jazzvalley.j2l and hazarddesert.j2l from my Home cooked list. And since you’ve locked the levels I can’t test them. A shame it is.[This review has been edited by Blade]
THIS FIle Is Greater Than 1 Mb
Re-upload This File And Make Them Not Greater Than 1 Mb !
Edit : why did i say that?
I Will Give This A 10
Good Job
I Give This Level A
(Unsupported rating removal. How is the level good? I know personally it’s not worth an 8, but that’s beside the point. What about the eyecandy? Gameplay? Placement? What could be improved? ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
What good can this do if it can’t be imported into JCS as a tileset?
OK here I go.
First comments:
- Do not put spaces or other weird characters into filenames. It might create trouble while clients connect.
- Level is untitled. Make up a name!
Now, the level itself:
- Textured background is good, but what if I am playing without textured background? In that case it looks AWFUL!
- Too much motion in the background. Eyes start hurting when you look at it.
And, it creates disorientation in space.
- Eyecandy is good, if not count what I said before. However, I’d prefer to play without that background (in no backgroudn mode), because I dont like the motion.
- Flow is good.
- Ammo placement and carrot is good.
- Level is a lil bit smaller than I would wish it to be.
- Nice tube system.
- Again, about the background – I would not make it green. Make it light blue or something. And make it more transparent.
- No bugs! Good.
For now, I’d rate it a 4, but I will rate it later, afer you fix the things above. ;)
If this is only you first level, then I can see that your next levels will be even better. Just dont make it so contrastful and motionful.
Sounds good. Review later, since i’m downloading Rhino3D and it’s 24.2 MB, which’ll take an hour on my n00bshop 56k.
If the auther didn’t make the tilesets, why did you rate them?
Oh, yes, i see…
I fixed it, so you can’t get stuck so often…
hope that helps
This level has the honor of recieving my 500th review! I chose this level to review simply because I was in no mood to write out a long review. (July 4th, 2004).
Anyway, this level shows no effort whatsoever. Anyone who has played it would know. It’s a very classic level, right up there with Voldard’s Cool Treasure Jungle. Download reccomendation just to laugh at how dumb this level is. The level is simply just a bunch of random tiles put down. You get stuck a lot, and it has no signs of gameplay at all.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
(Size reduction due to table break. ~Violet)
Not a bad level at all. I’m going to mash all the reviewing areas together this time. All people usually really care about is gameplay and eyecandy, anyway.
Gameplay – Decent
Not bad at all. The flow is good enough, although there are one or two bugs here and there, and the level seems to work nicely for the most part. One of my biggest complaints is that the sucker tubes are extremely slow. It’d be nice if they were sped up a bit. I usually use a speed of 10 (or -10) minimum. Setting it to 10 makes it transport people exactly as fast as Jazz and Spaz can run at full speed. Another complaint is that the level seems very, very crampt (or is it cramped? Either way). It’s also kind of evil when you put a slope leading to a 90 degree angle (more specifically, a wall), and the wall has a floor right above it. It’d be much more convinient if you just stuck with one slope in those places, or perhaps even experimented with a floatup event. Position 45, 32 is one example of a place like this that bothers me. Another bothersome place is position 31, 28. A jagged edge like that makes you prone to getting stuck, and a one way event on the ledge hanging out there would be nice, anyway. Same with position 15, 23, but a one way event wouldn’t quite work there. Right in that area, first of all, there’s a jagged edge, and second of all, it’s very inconvinient for Jazz, who has to uppercut to get up to the ledge above there. Also, the whole bottom part of the level just annoys me. It’s confusing, evil, and it just annoys me.
Pros: Decent flow, gets the job done.
Cons: Not too much space, some issues, Spaz biased.
Eyecandy – Poor
The level’s appearance is lacking to begin with, but a lot of parts are just downright confusing. Some of the bricks that are meant for layer four are used in layer four, while others are used in layer five, to make up caves of some sort. While this is original and all, it’s confusing when you want to know what’s in layer four and what’s in layer five (in other words, what can be walked through and what can not). Many of the brick tiles are misused, too. Many of the edges of blocks of bricks don’t have the proper edge tiles, i.e. The waterfalls in the foreground are annoying, and get in the way. The background is very, very ugly. The level also suffers from upwards rain syndrome. When you jump, or are moving up for any other reason (sucker tubes, etc.), the rain (if it is rain) moves up as well. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be rain, so I won’t take off anything. Oh, and I almost forgot the text events… they’re EXTREMELY annoying. Almost anywhere you go, there’s another text event that pops up on your screen. I usually limit my levels to a secret text event that says some inside joke or another, a credits text event, and a hidden text event saying who beta tested the level. I put the Vanish setting on all of them, so they can only be viewed once by each person until the level is reset.
Pros: I’ve seen worse.
Cons: Ugly, confusing, and full of irrelevant text events.
Overall – Not bad
This level isn’t bad at all. It’s not the best sized level there is, and it’s very ugly, but the gameplay is pretty decent. I wouldn’t host this or anything, but it’s not bad. No big download reccomendation, but it’s not something I would stay away from.
Pros: Decent.
Cons: Not all that good.
————————————————————[This review has been edited by labratkid]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.