Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Space Race
Level rating: 7.7

Cool level dude :D
This is a spiffy little race level, no super hyper mega level, but worth to play and beat your friend with :P
The level isn’t too hard, but it is long and uses the tileset in a very good way.
Overall a good level, and + 0.2 points because race levels are very rare in these times. Have fun.

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Hey, very cool programm! :D
I like the idea of the programm, and no one of the errors Trafton mentioned happened as I tried it out.
The bad point is that I also think the layout could’ve been more interesting and some more info on the level would be cool. Overall, I give this a 7.5 and a strong download reccomendation for all those with a bunch of files in their JJ2 directory.

Review by Fish99

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DaLevel
Level rating: 6.5

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Nature's Ruins
Level rating: 8.9
Disguise, another great tileset creator and this tileset is an addition to his collection of of great tilesets. Well, i don’t like this as much i like the other tilesets. You have done a great job, its just, i don’t like it too much. Enough sucking-up, here is my review: Eyecandy Possibilities: My Rating: 9.7 Comments: The tileset has many tiles, as with many effects or tile collections or background effects. There is a lot to put on the foreground, which again is good. Animations: My rating: 8.0 =D Comments: There are enough animations and they look quite cool, yet a bit wacky. =P Masking: My Rating: 8.0 ;S Comments: The tileset has good masking such as the platform lets you go on the middle and keeps the 3D effect. A few things have the masks missing. =S Usability: My Rating: 8.0 Comments: The tileset is easy to use and is good to use, apart from that it can get boring if you use ut for too long. Overall: My Average Rating: 8.425 ~ 8.5 Build with: Yes! Download: Yes! Learn from: Yes!

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Castle 2
Level rating: 8.3

Whee. These are the best castle edits I’ve seen. Not only are the palette edits of the sets done well, but BlurredD has also added more tiles to the set (rain, ceiling slopes, A BACKROUND!!! etc) which makes it better to use for levels. Castle 2 and castle 2 Night look a bit similar with each other, and my favorite has to be Castle 2 Eclipse because I just love the colors in it. Hopefully people will use these instead of the overused original castle sets in the future. Rating comes down to an 8.5. Good palette edits, extra added tiles, etc. I still prefer your diamondus edit and your psych edit over this, but this is a must download nonetheless. Keep up the great edits!

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Captain Cook comes from a long line of variously successful programs that attempt to do what is impossible in many cases: Organize the Jazz 2 miscellanea accumulated by a veteran of the game over several years of play. The specific method here is to have an external program used instead of Jazz 2’s built-in home cooked levels program, which is limited to 255 levels and thus useless beyond a few months of play.

TK’s program is probably the best thing that any Jazz 2 hyper-organizer/packrat has in their arsenel at this point, yet I cannot say it lives up to the hype Blackraptor’s review gives it. When I originally loaded it, straight from my Jazz 2 folder (which is located in the default installation directory of C:\Gamse\Jazz2,) it gave me a level not found error and an empty box. After pointing it directly to the location through options, it gave me an error saying a random .j2l file could not be located but loaded the list anyway. The Jazz 2 folder setting program forces you to chose the location of jazz2.exe, and did not work for me. All of these errors were avoidable, and frankly confusing. This has not been mentioned yet, which leads me to suspect that I may be the only one suffering from this. However, with the latest Visual Basic runtime files, a default Jazz2 directory, and Windows XP SP2 RC2, I can’t see what variable would do that.

The program works as it should other than the errors, providing a quick launcher for levels. You can set what character you want to be and what difficulty, but little else than that. Perhaps it would have been nice to see more features, but I cannot expect much more than this and honestly do not know what could be added.

The layout is standard and utilitarian. There are no fancy graphics or even a splash screen (the latter item is not only forgivable, but commendable.) There is not even a Help>About-like window or copyright of any sort. Despite a number of temporary hangs or crashes, Captain Cook is a good program that needs to have a few bumps worked out, but certainly is the most promising new program release of late.

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: XE-Easter-b + Extra Tilesets
Level rating: 1.2

Tilesets you included are NOT yours. Don’t include not your tilesets because it wastes space and bandwith on J2O. Not to mention sux music.

To make matters even worse, level you submitted is poor modification of even more poor level from Christmas Chronicles. This level don’t include ANYTHING despite some pointless crap. Eyecandy is as bad as it was in former ‘Easter pinball eggs’ (read : Voldard quality). At least gameplay is not that bad. You never know what you will find – level bottom or some tiles. So l33t. [/irony].

Really, this level don’t deserve any better rating than this. I give + 0.2 points because you can hack levels with password, at least this.

D/L : No.
Host : It’s singleplayer.

Overall : Not zo good omgomgomog i rux .-)))))))))))

(Personal attack edit. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

No, Strato, I did not rate them. If I would, this would get a 3.5 or something.[This review has been edited by Cooba]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Piramid Puzzle ( race)
Level rating: 7.8

cracks knunckles
A race level by Jaws, review

Layout/Gameplay: A lot of the level basically has you running over collapse scenery, and a bit of climbing/falling and platform hopping as well. The obstacles aren’t really all that original (but I’ll discuss that later), and you appear to have forgot to place one ways under the spikes at the end, so now you can get stuck there under them, same with the masked green snakes popping up from the ground, and any other masked things popping up from the ground. The ‘last obstacle’ doesnt work in MP (evil jj2 programmers) so you have to host is as race, and that sucks.

Eyecandy: Very little of it. Firstly, making a level based on only one setting of the lost viking world (space, dino place, cave place, egypt, weird place, candy place etc whatever I forgot) isnt such a good idea because you will get a limited supply of tiles to use. Limited tiles = limited eyecandy = limited rating ;P. The backround, firstly, is very repetetive,you could’ve put something new in it or at least some backround eyecandy to cover it up. The eyecandy in the walls is a bit boring, the same tiles used over and over again. There is at least a variety of brick tiles you could’ve spread out in the walls, or put something interesting in them like maybe the quicksand, water or lava pools, or some l4 ground with crypts/torches. Be creative ;D.

Placement of stuff: A few packets of random freezer ammo placed in random areas. It could be alright for some people, but I think its too few. Next time, try putting a bit more in areas, and maybe put a larger variety of ammo, like Freezer, TNT, maybe something else if you want like seekers.

Originality: Not really. I’ve seen most of these (including the last obstacle0 done many times before, but that part with the mummy is cool (how it jumps out, walks etc) so that brings the rating of this up a bit.

Overall (not an average): Its an alright level, it just needs some work, and perhaps another last obstacle (I had that same problem with ‘Cat Maze’ where my platforms wouldnt appear in multiplayer so I improvised and replaced them with dissapearing and reappearing blocks). And this certainly does not get a 9.5. This still has its pros, though.

Layout/Gameplay: 6.3
Eyecandy: 6.2
Placement of Stuff: 6.5
Originality: 7
Overall (not an average): 7.5 (I feel nice =P)
Final rating is….takes out calculator: 6.7, rounded to….6.7! The level is alright, but needs some spiffing up. Next time, a better tileset choice could help, as well as more eyecandy and MP functioning objects. Race levels are rare these days though, so you get a +0.3 for making one ;D. Download reccomended to race level fans, and maybe to others who have enough free time. 7.

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

Well this is another good tileset, but i don’t like it as much as i like some other first page tilesets like: Oddesey, Mega metropolis, Heaven, Swamps of the sleeping jaguar, Egypt, Sirius, JJ1 Turtemple, JJ1 Orbitus, JJ1 Langunicus, JJ1 Megairbase and some others like… I think i should get to the review. Here it is:

Eyecandy Possibilities:
My Rating: 8.0
There is not much to put in the tileset as background or foreground, but there are stuff to put. Same with the sprites.

My rating: 7.0
There isn’t much to put as an animation, apart from scenery blocks.

My rating: 10.0
The masking is great, no bugs. Easy to use, hardly any confusing things.

My rating: 9.0
This tileset is not too easy to use, but not too hard either. But in my opinion, it can get BORING to use. I really mean that, sorry, disguise.

My Average Rating: 8.5
Build with: If you must.
Download: Big recomendation.
Learn from: YES

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1 Scraparap
Level rating: 9.2
Oh, another JJ1 conversion, again it is one of my favourite. Thank god it is good conversion. Otherwise, i would have already criticized. Oh well, this tileset seems to have all of the JJ1 tiles. GREAT!!!!!! Has the music. Thank god. Has night version, thank FQuist (i don’t know why! Actually he made the website so thank him and Violet for making the tileset.)! Well back to my introduction, the tileset is better than your first version. Well, here is my review:

Eyecandy Possibilities:
My Rating: 8.0
This tileset seems to have hardly anything for the background but some to put on the sprite and the foreground, but that seems to be what JJ1 has so i’m fine with it.

My Rating: 10.0
There are enough good, accurate animations and extra tiles as animations, like destruct scenery, but why no trigger scenery or buttstomp scenery blocks. Oh well.

My Rating: 9.7
The masking is great, but the windows or the invisible masks are a bit confusing but oh well, i could get used to it. And i can live with it too, i think…

My Rating: 10.0
The tileset is not too hard to use but it can get boring after a long time but that is if you make a level like 400 × 100.

vJJ1 to vJJ2:
My rating: 10.0
There are some extra tiles which look really cool, and the graphics for this conversion seems to be more better. No tiles are missing, apart from that, this rules!

My Average Rating: 9.54~9.5
Build with: Yes
Download: Yes

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sleepius
Level rating: 7.5

Hmm, this is great, once again you make a great music edit. This does sound exactly like it should, and as a sleep version. Nice work!

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zaitox Station 67
Level rating: 8.8

Hahahaha, I am so pathetic. I’ve been playing this level for like 2 years almost and I havent even reviewed it. Anyways, here goes:

Layout/Gameplay: I love the layout here, the base placement and stuff is fairly original and the bottom has great flow and strategy to it. I dont like some passages because they are a bit narrow and I crash into the ceiling slopes, but whatever. Warps are also strategic and a lot of multiple routes. OWNAGE.

Eyecandy: Pretty good, a bit plain in some areas but in places like the bottom its really awesome. Nothing too original about it, but Im satisfied with it either way.

Placement of stuff: Decent, powerups are placed alright except the Toaster is way closer to the red base then the seeker is to the blue base. Also, no idea why you put pepper spray here, since it wasnt needed that much, but you could’ve placed more of it here then 3 +3 ammos on each side. Carrot placement is good except the red side has the +1 carrot while the blue side doesnt >|||. Although, strangely, this never bothered me in duels…

Originality: Yeah. Back when it was released, it was pretty original, and hey, people still play it today!

Overall (Not an average): One of my favorite CTF levels, heck, one of my favorite levels. I’ve played this for years and I still love it. Lots of strategy (and camping ;D) involved, I almost love this as much as SBv2. The music is also a good fit, and is hilarious when it speeds up to like 5x the speed when you die at times because of a jj2 glitch. ;D.

Layout/Gameplay: 8.7
Eyecandy: 8.2
Placement of Stuff: 8.7
Originality: 8.2
Overall (not an average): 9.4
Final Rating: 8.64 rounded up to an 8.7. This is among the top best CTF levels imo (and the top overhosted ones) so if you don’t have it, you should definately get this. I feel so stupid for not reviewing it beforehand.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Space Race
Level rating: 7.7

Ok, Space Race, using the Lost viking set by Jaws, here goes:

This level is pretty nice to play, I like the obstacles in this because its one of those fast paced races. The layout is a bit crowded here, you could’ve tried spreading out the level a bit and widening some of the passages. There is a lot of eyecandy, but the bars do get annoying because they’re basically everywhere =\. Tileset use is pretty good, except around 69,43 where the purple asteroids are gets confusing because they blend in with the ones in the backround. You used the good ol’ Aryx music, and it fits alright. There aren’t a lot of pickups placed, just ice and TNT, and they are placed that you have to go a bit out of the way to get them. This is nice, although more of it could’ve been placed on the track so it will be easier to get. In a couple of places this level has multiple routes, which is good. It’s not too original, although the float up thing in the start is pretty cool, and I honestly havent seen the narrow passage ways dividing into different routes seen in any other level O.o. Overall I like the way this level is made, although a few things in it could’ve been done better (more ammo, less of those ‘bar’ things, maybe a bit wider in some areas) Anyways, rating time:
Layout/Gameplay: 8.1
Eyecandy: 7.4
Placement of Stuff: 7.3
Originality: 7.7
Overall (Not an average): 8.1
Final Rating: 7.72 rounded down to a 7.7. We don’t get a lot of race levels here, and this one is a pretty good one, so definately a download reccomendation, and good job.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Y’know what, I’ve been looking for this program for years. Having over 500 levels in my jazz2 directory, gets really annoying, because a lot of the levels I want to play (the SP ones) with a diff. difficulty setting don’t appear in the lists and other MP levels by people who neglected to check off “Hide in homecooked levels list” do. Well, finally. This program works efficiently, even has extra features such as a filter search. Its accurate, it works, I love it. The only things that prevent me from rating this a 10 is that the layout could’ve been a tad more exciting, and perhaps show a bit more details on the levels (i.e, the tileset it uses?). Anyways, THANK YOU. I seriously needed something like this, and this is exactly what I needed. 9.2 for you, and a definite download reccomendation.

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Space Race
Level rating: 7.7


This was good. It had some easy obstacles, but some were quite confusing. Some of the obstacles were just… Boring. You almost didn’t have to do anything, except press a button to move spaz or jazz.

O.o The bars in the background were just.. Annoying. They were at almost every obstacle. The background with all the stars.. Well… You could have put in alot less stars. Some tiles were repeated. You did use animations! Woo! But, at the part with the airboard, there is this spikey thing. That thing is really strange. It doesn’t do anything, except moving around. It does not move you around. The repeating ground tiles are understandable. If you would change from space to sand it wouldn’t work.

Music and Tileset
The name and the tileset fit. The music too…

Yes, but not alot. Ice and TNT. They sure are fun though! Some nice places. At some palces they are offroad, and at some you can just pick them up as you run _


Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamond Relax
Level rating: 3.8

Heh, this was cool. Better than the Sluggion remix, 8.2 for you! Pretty relaxing just like you said, kinda fun to listen to. Dang no reviews after the previous 35 downloads, Harsh..[This review has been edited by Rapcore]

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sleepy Slugion
Level rating: 3.3

It’s kinda irritating, sorry, because It’s a little high pitched on the ears. Although it really does fit the theme like you said, It’s slow, interesting, and not too bad. Sorry, not relaxing though.[This review has been edited by Rapcore]

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Space Race
Level rating: 7.7

Let’s see here, what we got here is a pretty fun race level, using a perfectly converted cool tileset. Ok, you included all necessary things to play the game, the music was a good choice, graphix are good, tileset usage was good. About the only thing bad, was that it was a little too easy, you should make it more of a challenge.

Overall, I recommend this level, the people should play this.[This review has been edited by Rapcore]

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Well apparently the people say this works, but I hope a 1.23 version comes out.

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 25000 miles above the earth
Level rating: 7.8
No-one reviewing this? Well, I think this is a great level, especially for your 2nd level. I uploaded a megairbase level recently, and it is a bit like this, i’ll say how later. This is a good level. Now you can see my review: LEVEL: 25000 miles above the earth My rating: 8 General Comments: Well, i’ve seen this level before but last time it was buggy. This version is better, and it uses Violet’s JJ1 megairbase really nicely! Eyecandy: My Rating: 9.0 Comments: The eyecandy is great, the background has been used really nicely! Compared to mine it pwns. But i think the rockets go too slow. Also the sprite eyecandy is really good. Nice windows, nice crystals, nice walls, nice caution thingies and so on. Gameplay: My Rating: 7.0 Comments: Well, in general, the gameplay is good, yet the part with the full NRG is annoying. You have to shoot it down, i hate that! Sorry, i’m quite fussy. The suckertubes were placed nicely, but i think they go too slow. The flow is simple and good apart from some parts. Also the part with the 2 powerups at the top, is kind of annoying in my opinion. Placement: My rating: 8.0 Comments: Well, the placement is a bit normal, good springs, good ammo, good suckertubes and so on. Apart from that full NRG… Also the placement, could have a bit of better flow to it meaning, springs should hit you to another or springs hit you into all the ammo that is there and you get it all. Apart from that this level is great. Overall: My average rating: 8.0 Download: Yes Host: Yes Learn from: Yes
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