Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Great Light Forest Battle
Level rating: N/A

K, ill rate this, just not now. :P

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Bah, I was going to do this. Oh well. By the looks of this it doesn’t have all that many features, anyway. I’ll review a bit later when I’m more familiar with the program.

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

I have to say, this is very useful. Especially if level isn’t on Home Cooked list (danged option in JCS), and it’s passworded. Also, if you remember only name of level, you can search it here as well. My only complain is that files are completely messed up in list. Anyway, this is l33t program and I reccommend it to all TSFers (only 1.24? Bad.)

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Two Race Levels
Level rating: 8
I promised i would review, and i think it seserves the rating i am going to give. (For all who don’t know and who care, I am Ragnarok). I may be a stupid overrater, but i love this pack, especially because it can be hosted online. Well enough talking, here is my promised review: LEVEL1 Cat Maze: My rating: 8.7 General comments: Well, this level is fun and also quite tactical. It works with good timing and good skill and also a good memory. My favourite thing about the level is that it is fun yet challenging. Quite a few race levels that are challenging, are not fun. Eyecandy: Well, you chose a great tileset. And a great person made it. But really the eyecandy of this level is kind of good, but not extremely heavy! But it is good. I love the cats and the waterfalls. No tilebugs which is great! Gameplay: Well the level is fun. And the level is big, which makes it a challenge, but what is even better is that it is fun. Good spring placement, good flow, easy going (if you know what to do). This is great again. Placement: Pickups were placed nicely and so were all of the other events. Some animations could be annoying, apart from the cats, they are cool. LEVEL2 Some race level: My rating: 9.0 General comments: I love the beginning of the level, where there are destruct tiles but for different guns. That looks like my favourite part. The eyecandy is kind of RUXOR! Blah Blah, i can go on. Eyecandy: The eyecandy again is heavy. But i kind of prefer the previous level’s eyecandy, but again it is good. Gameplay: The gameplay is heavy especially the spring placement and the part at the beginning. But the levels can be gay if there is lag but there is hardly any for me (at race). Placement: Placement is great but i don’t have much to say. OVERALL: My average rating: 8.7 Host often: Definately! Download: Go on, are you dumb?

Review by dark gamer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Great Light Forest Battle
Level rating: N/A

please rate

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5

I saw this hosted so many times I might as well review it. Firstly, this is a pretty big level with no carrots. I like the fact that it has no carrots because it would be really hard to kill someone if this did have carrots. There are lots of powerups, and the seeker is in a 100 coin coinwarp. There are a lot of coins in this level and they are pretty easy to get, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Layout is alright, I’m not particularly fond of the bottom areas but the top is good. Pickups are placed alright. The eyecandy is about average, more of it would’ve been welcome. Overall, this is a pretty spiffy level that I’d probably play a few times in the future (especially since EvilMonkey keeps hosting it ;D). Apologies for the short review, and RATING TIME >|.

Layout/Gameplay: 8
Placement of Stuff: 7.5
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 7.5
Overall (not an average): 7.7
Final Rating: 7.54, rounded down to a 7.5. Pretty decent level, and I await to see more from you in the future, download reccomendation. ;D.

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Industrius
Level rating: 8
JJ1 Industrius was one of my favourite tilesets and levels. Thank god there is a good conversion of it here. The original one you can get with JJ2 kind of sucks. This one is better. Well here is your review: Eyecandy Possibilities: My Rating: 7/10 Comments: It is good that you can put animating tiles for eyecandy. But it is bad that it is one of the only things you can put in the Background. This kind of isn’t too good. There isn’t much to put as a decoration. =P Animations: My Rating: 8/10 Comments: It has all of the JJ1 animations and some other really cool one which i don’t remember seeing in JJ1. The background animations are nice for the buildings. =D Masking: My rating: 9/10 Comments: All the masks are like the ones in JJ1. Except one i think. You could have also added a tile for an upside-down slope. =P Usability: My rating: 8/10 This tileset can get kind of boring after using it for long. The tileset is easy to use. But there are 2 missing tiles. =P There is not any ceiling corner tile. =P again vJJ1 to vJJ2: My rating: 9/10 Comments: The graphics has improved, but some tiles from JJ1 are missing. The animation of the wall moving can be done but it isn’t as smooth as how the JJ1 version moves. Overall: My average rating: 8.2 EXACTLY Download Recommendation: Yes Build with: Yes

Review by fearofdark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: kakarot's hotel of doom
Level rating: 1.7

I expected a good hotel. Not some rubbish **** that looks like some tornado wrecked it…… there is only one room witch u can’t get into. And it’s VERY small. But the only good thing is a good JJ2 Music file.


@I changed the rating from 2.2 to 1.7[This review has been edited by fearofdark]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5
Okay, to be honest before i downloaded it, i didn’t really think it will be too good, but it was. Maybe a bit overrated (actually a lot) but for your 1st upload this kind of pwns. This level isn’t extremely good, but is above average. Here is my review: Eyecandy: My rating: 8/10 Comments: Okay, the eyecandy here is really original and it kind of rules, But quite a lot of eyecandy things in the tileset are not there. The background ir really original. Good job Gameplay: My rating: 7.5/10 Comments: Well again the gameplay is good, but could be far batter. This is a fairly sized level actually it is quite big. Which is good. I hate coin warps so i won’t raise your rating coz of that. The springs are nicely placed. But the flow here isn’t magnificent. Pickups Placement: My rating: 6.5/10 Comments: The placement isn’t extremely good. Nor is it bad. I dont like the placement but it is quite good. 7.2 is what i am giving.

Review by Messiah

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Odyssey
Level rating: 9.1

Another ruxor tileset by another ruxor person. this tileset absouluty pwns. i cant write a long reveiw beause i have to go in a min . so ill try to make it a good review . this lvl has the ultimate grphics it looks so realistic.
it has a lot things that u can use. im making a battle lvl frm this at the has so much selection of things to use, i could even create a battle pack using this tileset.i think this is one of the best tilesets on J2O plz make another one soon beacause ur tileset rules.i think everyone should be forced to download this lvl. if they dont they should get baned frm J20 . p.s just kiddin.

[This review has been edited by messiah]

Review by Messiah

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Planet Ozone (Code 5PDR3)
Level rating: 7.9
I really like this level, although i am not much of a CTFer. So here is my review: Flow:the flow was pretty haxor u could pick up weapons whilst movining on the spings when moving to the side.the spings lead to the pther spings if u run quickly.the sucker tube is faster than runnning which is a help.the sucker tubes in the platforms r usefull. layout:the lvl was partly was reasonably easy to get frm one base to an other.

eyecandy: the eyecandy was ruxor for using not an extremly good tileset.i love the sucker tube effect.i also love the backround because of the rocks and rockets. the rocks and rockets gave an effect like u were inside a spaceship/spacebase.

weapon placement:the weapon placement was also really good.i like the secret plces u had to find to get the cool powerups.every thing else was ok. is cool.very exreme.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 2 Unoriginal Levels
Level rating: 8

hahahaha..eyecandy > all. These levels are awesome, your my hero dude :D. For a more detailed review:

The first level (the battleships one) had good eyecandy despite it being a sucky tileset, although the eyecandy was really confusing at times. The level was rather clumped in a lot of places, and in some places it was impossible not to get hurt. The level was pretty hard though, and I like how you did the ending boss.

The second level, in the beginning, you can get stuck in the pole if you hit the hurt events (you’ll see what Im talking about if you try it), a simple one way under the pole could’ve solved this. The eyecandy was good, but there wasnt as much of it as in the 1st level. Some enemies were also nearly impossible to avoid and some springs didnt take you up as high as needed. Some parts in this level looked really awesome in eyecandy. The level was challenging, but imo easier than the previous. It was less original, though, imo, and maybe a bit short. Also, you need to place more save points in your levels.

Rating time!
First Level:
Eyecandy: 8.5
Layout: 7.2
Pickups: 7.7
Originality: 8.7
Overall (not an average): 7.7
Rating: 7.96 = 8.

Second level:
Eyecandy: 9
Layout: 7.7
Pickups: 7.7
Originality: 7.5
Overall (not an average): 8.2
Final rating: 8.02 = 8

Final rating for pack: 8
Keep making levels, these show a lot of promise, except next time make your levels a bit longer and consider adding a bit more savepoints, as well as focusing on layout and placement of things a bit more. Still, these are spiffy levels, and they get a download reccomendation. Good Job.

Review by Trafton

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5

The best way to balance out the rating is to review it yourself. Which I recommend you all do. This is actually a good level from what I can see, especially if it is the author’s first. I will try to compile a review later if I get the chance.

- Trafton (J2O admin)
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5

mikeejimbo, it’s not that. We encourage you to post your opinions. But some people rate levels so highly, it borderlines to biasism, which isn’t exactly allowed here. Not to mention that ruins the idea of reviews:

“I make a good (actually crappy) level in only two minutes, and people rate it 9! I’m so good :p”

When rating, don’t start with 10, start with 1 and build it up! The higher you rate it, the more suspicious it gets and the more likely it gets deleted, unless you explain it thoroughly! Ok, I’m done for now. You may delete it :p

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus Drive (with a tiny bit of Pezrock)
Level rating: 8.2

Sorry about not replying, I got logged off from J2O and didn’t realize it.

The remix was pretty good. I like the electric guitar part, and there is enough variety in the song to keep it interesting. However, the song seemed a little heavy on the percussion, and I couldn’t hear anything other than the annoying drums and the melody. I’d say this would be a great song if you toned the drums down a bit.

I’ll not rate this, because I’ll either bias the rating or get my rating removed due to a not extensive enough review.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus Drive (with a tiny bit of Pezrock)
Level rating: 8.2

I will as soon as a “Music” selection will be available in the “Type” position of re-uploading.

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tropicana Bay
Level rating: 7.3

I like Single Player, so here’s my review about this one:

The level design is not like in normal single player levels. The concept is, that you find 5 keys and then go to a cave where maybe a treasure is hidden. This concept is not new, but it’s something other than simply “Find the exit, or I’ll eat you” levels.

SCORE: 7.0

Eyecandy is ok, but nothing really special. The level has no tilebugs, and I don’t understand why Olsen thinks the texture on layer 8 doesn’t work, because for me it worked fine. The level could use more background layers, and I guess you can make much better eyecandy with the tileset Cracco used. I’ve seen worse, tough.

SCORE: 6.5

The gameplay is very well, tough the level has some things I don’t like. First is the water, it’s not really logic that if you jump into the water you can walk in it (because the water is on layer 5 and Cracco didn’t use the water event). The second thing is the big jump, which I didn’t manage to do with Spaz because of a masking error. After several tries I had to switch to Jazz. >:(
I also think, if there is a part which you should do with Spaz, and not with Jazz there simply should be buttstomp blocks, made in a way that only Spaz can kick them, then a sucker tube and right after them and there’s no way to do it with Jazz.

What I like is how Cracco made the Vulcano (is that a word?). It’s made very well, so congrats for that. I wished there would be some food or stuff, but there wasn’t. Also it’s plainly easy.

SCORE: 7.0

There was only one spot with ammo in it, a cave “under” water, but you won’t need more and it’s regenerating for no reason. :P

SCORE: 6.7

There are very few enemies, not many tough. I think there should be more, to make the level harder. Also, Cracco, trust me, fish do not work without the water event. :P

SCORE: 5.0

There aren’t any hurt events, but lotsa other obstacles, mostly some jumping passages. They could be harder, I think. Also, there’s still the mistake with the jump, that you should do with Spaz, if you don’t wanna be a lamer, but that’s impossible with Spaz.

SCORE: 6.2

I like the tileset. Don’t get mad, please, but I will now break up this review and make a level with the set. :P
I’ll finish the other sections later :)

coming soon…

coming soon…

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5

The only thing that really annoys me about this site is that people aren’t allowed to have opinions.

It’s not bias if he reviews them all similarly.

To quote Voltaire, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SuperStencil 2.0 TSF
Level rating: N/A

Can you please explain what it is and what you can do with it, in general? :)
I’m dumb :P[This review has been edited by PHT]

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus Drive (with a tiny bit of Pezrock)
Level rating: 8.2

Rename the file because it may overwrite old Diamondus2.s3m made by Proximus.

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