Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Unreal Battle Game ( Don't Download This !!!!!!!! NO TILESET ) !?
Level rating: N/A

… Include the tileset in your zip and upload it again .

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CaKeY
Level rating: 8.2

I like reviewing, so I’ll review this set now :P

The tileset has some very well made graphics, but sadly it’s rather small. It doesn’t have enough stuff to make an interesting level at all. Like said before, the graphics are nice, but the background is confusing and hard to use. Also I don’t really know what it should be in general. There isn’t any foreground stuff, and only one thing to use at the background. That’s too less to make good eyecandy with this set.
SCORE: 6.0 out of 10

The example level is ok, it shows what you can do with some tiles (hooks, hurts and stuff), but it doesn’t have enemys, food and all that other stuff you need in a level. Also, as I played the level I didn’t realize that weird thing was supposed to be a sucker tube :P All in all, the level could be more detailed, tough I think it uses all the tiles.

3.0 out of 5

The level uses the Hell music, which surprisingly fits very well.

4.0 out of 5

Well, this set has an interesting idea, but it’s too small and there isn’t enough stuff to do with it. Tough, keep in mind that I have seen much worther tilesets than this, and it isn’t very hard to use (except the background, which I couldn’t get like I wanted it to be). Use this? Well, maybe for a battle level once. But for single player it just doesn’t have enough stuff.
SCORE: 6.0

Have fun

Cooba: In my opinion rating example levels is ok, as long as it doesn't affect the final score as much as the tileset itself. ALSO DON'T CALL ME PARP OR A POLAR BEAR WILL COME AND EAT YOU :P ToxicBunny: I’ll vote for the set on the poll now, good luck.

-better example level
-better background
-sucker tube now looks more like a sucker tub
-some new tiles

-background has the same color than the normal walking ground (it should be a bit darker)
-background is the same as the sprite layer ground in smaller

I like this set a lot more now, and I’ve also finished my own level with this set today. Rating raised to 6.7
[This review has been edited by PHT]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1Tubelectric
Level rating: 8.3
OK, to be honest i prefer JJ2 tubelectric. But this is great. I’m rating the conversion not the tileset. Great job NOKA! Here is my review: There are things for each layer, and basically no masking bugs. This tileset has some really cool extra tiles and the tiles of loading, the level. LOADING TUBELECTRIC. This looks ideally like JJ1 Tubelectric, except it has better graphics. Also this tileset has the animations of JJ1 and more. Newspaz already made a conversion of this. But this one is better. Here is my rating, you deserve it! WELL DONE NOKA!

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zaitox Station 67
Level rating: 8.8
GREAT LEVEL! I’m not really a fan of CTF, but i’ve dueled here like a million times. :P HERE IS MY REVIEW: Eyecandy: The eyecandy isn’t magnificent, nor is it bad. The front layers and the sprite got used nicely, no bugs. It isn’t easy to get stuck but you can. The level is half symetrical, in a way, and the middle is really platformy. Gameplay: The gameplay is really good. The bases are next to eachother, but with a wall in between them. There are 3 power-ups, i think. The springs are placed professionally. There are turrets which are pleasing. And there is suckertubes, which i really like. I would rate the gameplay a 9.7 here. Placement: THE PLACEMENT IS EXCELLENT! It is placed very professionally, seeing as when you hit a spring you will get all the pieces of ammo, Which is extremely good. Placement would get a 10 from me

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chocolate Lamp
Level rating: 8.5
Now this is a good level, a battle but it has a few things that bring it down. Here is my review VIOLET CLM! Eyecandy: The eyecandy here is really cool! I love the way there are sludge balls change color and move up and down. This is excellent. There doesn’t seem to be any bugs on the sprite. Gameplay: The gameplay here is great, The suckertubes are really cool. But what brings this down is that there are a few (actually a lot of) dead-ends. That kind of brings it down. Apart from that it rules. Placement: The pickup placement again is great and that is great! Overall: This level is great, it just needs less dead-ends. Download: YES!

Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

Cooba, Spazie: No, the quicksand is not ripped from JJ1. I can easily create hundreds of duplicate tiles in no time at all, if you’d like me to prove that. Few things are more simple than drawing that tile. Your confusion may be due to the fact that I used palette swapping for animation, like in JJ1.
Moonblaze: YES! I forgot a SUN! I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …the textured background colors are the sunset itself, though.
PHT: The example level is a race level. Races have ice ammo and no enemies. Ask anyone except maybe Bjarni.

Review by fearofdark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: mstar2
Level rating: N/A

I won’t rate this but:


Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

I really like this tileset, you did a good job with it. A nice variety of tiles, lots of different colours, the texture is sweet and enough background layer eyecandy to prevent it all from looking boring. Don’t see any problems in the mask either.

Nice drawing style too, I can see some sweet levelmaking potential here. Good luck to you in the contest, personally I think you did a better job than me.

Review by fearofdark

Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 17 Feb 06, 17:28)
For: 2 Pack
Level rating: 6
Did you notice I put something on the foreground layer 2. And you might not of noticed snow (which may count).

No eyecandy??

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battle 1 Psych Conversion
Level rating: 5.8


Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

Note that Quicksand is ripped from JJ1.

PHT : Bjarni, is NOT autistic, after all. Also, this article is JelZe’s, not JSZ Jazz’s.[This review has been edited by Cooba]

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

I agree with Moonblaze, I don’t think this is a 9.7
We’ll see, here’s my review.

When I was looking on the set the first time in the example level I thought ‘Wow! This tileset looks great!’
But when I tried to make a level with it I fastly noticed that there just wheren’t the tiles I needed.

Spazie sais: ‘You included all the needed tiles, hooks blabla…’

All needed tiles?
There’s a txt sign but only for one background, I would’ve needed a text sign for the stones. Also I miss some platforms with thin masking, but not too thin for a puzzle. I tried the cactus tiles, but they don’t work for it.

Also, what Moonblaze said, the background looks weird, the sand is lighter than the sprite layer ground, the clouds don’t look like clouds.

What I like is the foreground. The sandstorm and the rain looks cool. But what is good foreground without good background? Nope!

The houses for layer 4 are ok, though they remind me a bit on one of Blades tilesets. However, the whole tileset reminds me on one of Blades tilesets :P

Well, to say something good (don’t wanna see Violet crying :P) the ground looks good (tough, darker than the bg sand) and I like the quicksand.

SCORE: 6.5 out of 10

The example level isn’t bad, tough I don’t understand why there’s all those regenerating ice ammo. The level doesn’t have enemies, but shows well how to use the tileset. I really like how Violet did the Quicksand, and I didn’t knew that you can use sucker tube speed 0 (I thought 1 is the lowest).

SCORE: 4.0 out of 5

I really like the music Violet found, it fits perfectly.

SCORE: 5.0 out of 5

So, I hope these are enough reasons why this tileset doesn’t deserve 9.7 (Beware!). Don’t get mad please, I know you can do it, Violet. You have the ability to make very good sets (and not many people have that ability). Your next tileset will be better I think :D


See ya, PHT

EDIT: lol, Spazie started with rating it 9.7, now it’s 8.2 lol!

@ Cooba: Even if it’s ripped from JJ1, does it matter? No! (in my opinion)

@ Violet: It is a race level? OH! sorry :D I didn’t knew that :P

Rating raised to 7 because I’m dumb :P

Oh, and another note to Violet, please don’t mind Bjarni, it isn’t his fault (read JSZ Jazz’ article about autism)[This review has been edited by PHT]

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

Holy pancakes. I was expecting more for a 9.7 tileset.

Funny enough, if this is supposed to be a sunset then why is there no sun? The absent of a sunset in the tileset colors is quite sad, in fact the clouds rather look like floating rocks and the cactus rather looks like spiked jelly. Sorry.

Speaking of sand, I think the ground is supposed to be sand? Or is it dirt? I can’t tell, it’s too blurry to see. Being an artist, I find it strange that the background sand is lighter than the walkable sand, which made my level look quite confusion. Peharps it is a reversed world? Who knows.

The tileset is decent. It is not worth to consider over Agama’s Egypt tileset because some of the unique details Violet CLM tried to draw are rather messed, the snake looks more like a rope of rotten bananas than it looks like a snake. If it had border lines and possibly been a bit animated it would’ve been cooler. I only suggest you download this if you feel like create a world of confusion with jelly plants and floating rocks.[This review has been edited by Moonblaze]

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8


Image quality
This is really good, especially the ground tiles and the Quicksand/fountains with sand. Although the clouds look a little strange. They look alittle like stones. But if they are stones then don’t mind me.


Basic Tiles
You included almost all the needed tiles, hooks, vines, poles and blocks, but you do miss some of the weapon blocks.


This tileset has animations. Quicksand and Fountains. They all look great. The dust storm looks a little strange.


You can use the same tiles, yet it doesn’t become boring. They are of high quality. The stones are really good, and you can make any shape with them. You also have poles with stuff on them, likes a snake and stones. You included Exit signs. Furthermore you have some decorations (Snakes and stones..)


Easy to use
This is quite easy to use. The tileset is small, so you can quickly find the tiles you need. I think that newbies can make quite good levels with this cool tileset.


Example Level
You have used all the tiles in your level! Really great! You have shown what we can do with it, and what for effects you can make. The background is used well.

The tileset gets an 8.5!
This is really great. Making levels with it is quite easy.

The level gets an 10, just because it shows everything you can do with the tileset!

[This review has been edited by Spazie]

Review by Black

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

(Unsupported rating removal. You may not know this, but there has to be at least a little review to go along with the rating. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lemon Nightmare
Level rating: 7.9

Originally posted by Rapcore:
Ok let’s see here, graphics are great, gameplay is great, and basically this level is great. Good weapon placement, more food would have been nice. Interesting and somewhat pointless secrets soemtimes, nice medium size well-rounded level. 8.2 for you.

Most importantly add more food, and make it harder to get to the base. It’s too easy a run from left to right and vice versa.

Why add food? Most levels in MP that had food in it got a comment with “No food, people don’t need a sugar rush”.

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lemon Nightmare
Level rating: 7.9

Ok let’s see here, graphics are great, gameplay is great, and basically this level is great. Good weapon placement, more food would have been nice. Interesting and somewhat pointless secrets soemtimes, nice medium size well-rounded level. 8.2 for you.

Most importantly add more food, and make it harder to get to the base. It’s too easy a run from left to right and vice versa.

Review by monster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack
Level rating: 9.5


(Unacceptable rating removal. You receive a warning for this. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battle 1 Psych Conversion
Level rating: 5.8

I don’t know if I should give you rating or not. Since this really isn’t your level I probably won’t.

And anyway you shall get a review later if I bother to fix my JJ2 today.

Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bart's Boring Pack =D (don't mind me :p)
Level rating: N/A


You have proof that It’s not his level?

  1. 1
  2. 532
  3. 533
  4. 534
  5. 535
  6. 536
  7. 537
  8. 538
  9. 539
  10. 540
  11. 1304