Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Atlantis
Level rating: 8.7

Whee. time to view the highest rated treasure level on j2o. Firstly, glad you included the help thing, since people dont have to spend forever looking for secrets/hints (although sometimes that is a good timewaster =P).

Layout/Gameplay: Its pretty good, the level is fairly large, although there are lots of crowded passages and open dead ends. I like the warps at 36,22 (or similar) and 79, 22 (or similar). Im not too fond of the crate breaking thing since it leads to campers and stuff, and I’d usually break the crate at the start or something, but whatever. Layout is alright. Gameplay is pretty good, the level being underwater is a rux idea.

Placement of stuff: Gems are placed nicely, scattered throughout the level. Ammo was a bit sparce and food was even sparcer. I got around 198 gems (wow O.o) in the level, which is a pretty huge amount (i also might’ve missed some, who knows), but this level is meant for many people. Overall, things are a bit sparce(aside from gems),and the gem placement is good.

Eyecandy: Looking at it, some things are a bit confusing and some look out of place, but you did what you could I guess, and having eyecandy is better than no eyecandy. There is a significant amount of it, but it didnt really surprise me in any unique way. All around it was decent.

Overall (not an average): Its a good treasure level, although not much about it is really new. I would definately play this, and you did a good job on it, but the rating Im giving this probably wont be so high because its not too original.

Layout/Gameplay: 8.5
Placement of Stuff: 8.5
Eyecandy: 8
Overall (not an average): 7.9
Final Rating comes down to: 8.225, coming down to an 8.2. Great level, you should make more treasure levels in the future since most levels uploaded are either SP, Battle or CTF. Definite download reccomendation, and good job on winning the Golden Carrot award (although that was a long while ago ;P).

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duke Nukem 2 (Jail tileset)
Level rating: 8.3

R3ptile, you can see the background I used in the example level several times. In the level there are occasional “splits” in the bricks where you can see layer 8 through them. Also, putting the black tiles in layer 8 would make it so they were all unmasked, and would possibly mess up the level. Feel free to look at my level in JCS if you need help; there’s no password.

Review by tazar

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

Yes, I wanna ask the same: What is this stuff makes?

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1Turtemple
Level rating: 8.9
Lovely conversion, for a great tileset! Well done NOKA! Make more conversions please! All of your tilesets rule! There are things to put on each layer which is good and there are basically no masking bugs, unless you flip tiles, then it can backfire a bit! But if you don’t flip, i think all the tiles you need are there! Nice to see that there was an example level and different palettes, and the music. There are a few extra tiles and some animations. Extremely nice! It isn’t hard to use so that is a good thing. Also there are quite a lot of tiles, which is very pleasing. I hope to see more from NOKA!

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Upstairs Springs
Level rating: 5.9

why is the zip file called nickhopper, isn’t that a jazzer?
Well nickhopper, why do u have 2 users[This review has been edited by Sabaspaz]

Review by zabuza2

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: mario tileset
Level rating: 5.7

why the tile-set need masks?

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: mario tileset
Level rating: 5.7

The expample level isnt good at all but o.k.

Not very much tiles, but i think its still enough, i miss the eyecandy tiles and more the mario swing…
no masks!! 6.5![This review has been edited by lutijn]

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Grimling
Level rating: 6.7

Better then before.
Mayb its a bit small but ok.

First of all : 2 carrots is ok, but not on the same 10 tiles =(
But it isnt very bad at all, funny battle game but it isnt not too big.
Gameplay is ok, i rate this an 6.8 = 6.7

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Upstairs Springs
Level rating: 5.9

Hmm doesnt it haves much ammo?

i’m nickhopper[This review has been edited by lutijn]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SandStrand O' Hazes
Level rating: 8.8

Argh. I had this level for two years now and never got to reviewing it. Here goes:

Firstly, I loved the eyecandy in the far right back then and thought it was awesome (even though looking at it now I find it a tad confusing). 121,58, I kept getting stuck there when I swam up for some reason =\. Im not too fond of chat places but this one is alright since you’re underwater and cant stomp/kick. The eyecandy ranges from astounding to just about average through the level, but in most places its pretty good. The layout is alright, but there are a few places you can get stuck/almost stuck, and a few dead ends/pointless circles which Im not too fond of. The top of the level is a tad dull because there is no backround eyecandy. Pickup placement is alright in most areas. Music is awesome. Gameplay is a bit bumpy and in some places there are parts that slow you down (39,41 and 78,43) where one ways where needed. Right now I’d rate this about an 8-8.2, but looking back at what I would’ve rated this when I downloaded I probably would’ve given it 9-9.2. So Im giving it an 8.7. Download reccomended.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir Remix
Level rating: 8.3

Whoa! Another review to ruxxoring song, which has to be renewed…

Technoir in a great style. That’s describe of this tune in five words. How Joeph Collins said, this is how Technoir has to be.

Samples are good, they are very well fitting into the song, sound quality of them is good enough. Rhythm is stable beat – hi-hat – snare – hi-hat, and it perfectly fits into tune.

All details in song like quiet melody playing after orchestra hits or 2:36 make this song just great.

(+) Technoir in great style
(-) Nothing more

Now, forget to original Technoir. This is better than original in all ways. Not much original stuff, it’s just original improved by 200 %. Use it in your levels, in your mp3players. And use loud speakers.

Review by BLACK=-=CR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bart's Boring Pack =D (don't mind me :p)
Level rating: N/A

Youmamas fight room is not your lvl !
Youmamas tree top room is not your
lvl !

Review by BLACK=-=CR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Emulator of Death
Level rating: 5

too Small
Bad Ammo
no team (ctf) start pos !

Review by BLACK=-=CR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Upstairs Springs
Level rating: 5.9


Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Voldard's Cool Treasure Jungle
Level rating: 1

Woah RUXOR, two thongs up!
(Unsupported rating removal. Most people seem to disagree with you – could you expand on your reasons for giving this rating? How can you get such a high rating from this upload? Original rating 9.0 (I need to remember to include that more often). ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Stupid Park
Level rating: 1.6
Wha? If it is stoopid, why upload it? ;P[This review has been edited by Sabaspaz] (Unsupported rating removal. This is not a review, this is a question. Does the level have any features at all? Eyecandy? Gameplay? Design? Anything? What is bad? Is there nothing that is good? I NEED DETAILS TO SURVIVE. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Unreal Battle Game ( Don't Download This !!!!!!!! NO TILESET ) !?
Level rating: N/A

Well include it then. =P

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: HappyCTF
Level rating: 8.9

How happy is it?

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrot Anyone?
Level rating: 7.5

Ok, so I’m beginning to rate and review some levels again, after a long pause, which I kept, because I didn’t have such time for this and I was some bored, but now I’m loaded with some new energy, so here it goes. The review for this level:

I saw instantly that this level was such a for fun-style. Well, then this is going to be fun factor, wasn’t kind of fun to play if wasn’t bored, but it might were a good snack if you wanted to test it. Let’s say that this deserved a six about fun-factor, because there were no design.

It was the same old eyecandy which is enough good to deserve an eight, but there were some awful bugs or tile-placing problems. I mean that you could have fixed them and improved some with layer five. Like the place where you have to shoot the destruct-bricks to get to the upper floor, the problem could have been fixed with an another way, example layer five. So it’s a seven.

It’s a seven for a first guess, and for the last one. Level’s your made, which is the main-thing, tileset and music are basic, but one point goes off also, because of the basic eyecandy, I mean that you could have created layers six and seven with different bricks.

There’s only one level and it isn’t shocking long. The floating landscape in some places could have all been just thick bricks, but it doesn’t matter in this case, you aren’t able to fall without cheats, though. Anyways, the secret warp’s warp target is too near the left wall, the character sticks to the wall if you move any, that you should fix, because you have to use cheats to get out. Again, this section doesn’t give very high point. Only a three.

Enemies, ammo, carrots, savepoints, etc. are all averagely placed.


-1 No readme
-1 No difficulty-settings

OVERALL: 27:5=5.4~5.5
LEVEL RANK: Average level
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: As I said, if you aren’t bored, this might be a quick snack for you(but it’s just my opinion.)

ENDING COMMENTS: Ok, I think that was all, I don’t put any special comments, because I’m feeling some sick already because I haven’t had any fresh air today yet, just practise using JCS, and make something more innovative.

Well, I made edit anyways, because seemed that I rated a bit low, but really, only a bit. This overrating should stop now, indeed. I will give it a half-point more, so it wouldn’t look like unfair. But I just might have a bit different standards and I don’t give “easy-points”, for almost anything. But be nice of the half-point which I gave you anyways, because of these overraters.

-Superjazz was here[This review has been edited by Superjazz]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE
Level rating: 9.2
This pack rules! Has basically all the original ideas of ground force! The best level i think is Tower of Death, it rules. Nearly all the levels have good eyecandy. And especially good gameplay. And good placement. The design is extremely good. And so are the ideas. This pack has a few original ideas mising but it is good enough for me, this is probably the one of the best things from J2O. Ill finish the review later.
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