Good Job Will You Make All Episodes Of
Hocus Pocus
? ? ?[This review has been edited by Jarno vos]
(Unsupported rating removal. No. If you look in the final level, it says I’m not about to make Shattered Worlds, and if you view the JCF thread linked to in the description, you’ll see me explaining why not. ~Violet)
Sorry I Can’t See The Latest Level That Give On An Error
Sorry I Forgot The Tileset !
Jarno vos !
is the the story that coool?
Ok thats its.
This level is with not much ammo and this size not funny too play, i’m srry, only some eyecandy and bad itleset use.
This a pretty good remix of Technoir.
First off, great instrument choice. All of the instruments chosen really go with the Technoir theme. The variation is also good, the song stays iteresting the whole time.
Now, onto the things that could be improved. You could speed up the progression a bit; you didn’t get to the melody until 1:00, and then when you only held it for 2 measures, it sounded way too short compared to the way the drums and bass had been building up for 1 minute. After the orchestra hits, I sort of missed the “Jackrabbit” and guitars, but that’s just me. The slow section came without much transition, it mostly just snapped into the new tempo. You should have either a buildup, or have some of the instruments calm down before the slow section.
Overall, a great song that could use a few improvements. Great job!
Download reccomended.
Hey revieuw time :
Level 1:
Hmm, bad eyecandy bad ammo placement and bad gameplay
Rating : 5
Level 2:
Much better than the first one.
Better ammo placement and better size.
Good gameplay
Rating : 7.2
Level 3:
The biggest one and cool to play with much ppl
good gameplay and nothing rly bad.
Rating : 7.5
Download recommed?
Hmm no, just join hes server.
RATING : 6.7
This is a great program. It works well and I havent noticed any bugs. It even works in xp. Great job man. Jazz needs more programs like this. If jazz had more programs like this it would be perfect. I really love this thing.
I’m very srry, i argee with snooz.
The gameplay?? hm nu eyecandy, not much tiles, completly good revieuw Snooz, i argee i’m srry Spaz
srry plz admin change it : The Emulator Of Death.
Blacky, there is.[This review has been edited by Lutijn]
Heh, this tileset is LOT better than i expected. Let me review it. ;P
This tileset is quite nice. tiles are very cool looking, but they’re way to “cartoony” so they don’t fit in to jj2 in my opinion. ;-p
Tiles are very cool looking though, but i still think there’s too much spaces beetween them.
Palette is kinda bad. :(
Textrued background looks ok.. but its still buggy. ;P
This set looks rather dull, because may colors are different shades of blue. use more colors next time. there’s letters too, but not destruction, or other blocks, or text signs. ( atleast i didnt see one =P) in my opinion this tileset needs sucker tubes too.. and maybe belts. no one puts them in their tileset these days D=
THE END BECAUSE IM TOO LAZY TO WRITE MORE =D =DD =D =D[This review has been edited by Snooz]
EDIT#1:spelling error fixed. ;o
EDIT#2:Wow, im l33t reviewer. ownage >)[This review has been edited by Snooz]
Let me review. ;-)
Eyecandy: very good – eyecandy here is excellent. i like the background layers, and layer 5 here alot. layer 4 looks nice too, and tileset was used in the end, and i like it.
Gameplay: nice.. navigating is fine, and i don’t have any problems with it. ;-p
Placement:good.. ammo is placed nicely. i really like it. i like the creativity in ammo placement in this lvl.
Overall:Very cool battle level, i have no complaints. download recommedation. this level is very good.
This battle level excellent in my opinion. let me review it.
Gameplay is very good here. navigating is hard sometimes, but when youll learn this level properly, its very easy.
Eyecandy: Sewers Area is kinda awesome. no tilebugs, and there’ lots of eyecandy. top area has eyecandy too, but not that much. i like the background layers too.
Layout: layout is ok. i don’t have any problems with it. ;b
Placement: Ok. tehres many weapons in this level, and they’re placed very well imo. i don’t have problems with the placement.
Overall: This is very good battle level. download is recommeded. ;)
a 4.7? perhaps..
after some time i decided to give this one a serious review. lets go.
Tile Quality:
Hmm? i think most of the tiles are drwan with mspaint.. and they look very dull. the best tile in this tileset is probably textured background, which doesnt even work. i think tile quality here is very poor. goodluck to your next tileset.
i don’t like masking. almost every tile has mask messages, which are cool when they’re done right. masking of the tiles is very bad in my opinion.. and i don’t like it at all. ;o
Most of the tiles use different shades of green / grey+black. tilesets should be colorful in my they wouldn’t look so dull.
The palette here is probably best aspect in this upload. jazz looks kinda cool, but i wouldn’t use this tileset, actually, to be honest, i don’t use TSF tilesets at all. ;x
well, palette is still ok, and best aspect in this upload. or something
This set is ok, but there’s no way it can deserve anything above 3.5 ;P
My rating is 2, good luck with your next tileset. ;)
i like this one a bit. song length is good, and sound effects fit. or something like that. i suck at writing big reviews to music files, so this review shall be short. ;o
well, its a very good remix, which deseerves a download recommedation.
i think this level is very crappy. there’s tons of eyecandy and gameplay bugs. i don’t think this level deserves anything above 2.5, because of the dullness and lack of good eyecandy and background layers. ;x
Gameplay is very bad too. there isn’t actually any gameplay. just some random events like loads of purple gems. no download reommedation sorry. i don’t like the tileset either. it just has some screenshots. erminds me of the first tileset of gizmaluke, to be honest. whatever, im going to rate this as 2.2 for the reasons i’ve mentioned. ;P
Please include the tileset to… so i can review it.
I think the pallette is cool, but overall it’s rather dull. Lori looks like a zombie >:)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.