Review by thaking

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2XMC: Wadle Deluxe Hotel:AM VERSION
Level rating: 8.6

It is a really nice hotel, with many games you can play and a nice restaurant. Its one of the best hotels i’ve ever seen. The test is very hard but its a lot nicer than the easy tests from others. Also, you see that, to make this hotel, you will need very much time, so thanx wadledee to make so nicely level

Review by Tik

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duke Nukem 2 (Jail tileset)
Level rating: 8.3

Ah, very interesting.

I never played Duke Nukem 2 so I cannot say whether or not I spot any missing/inaccurate tiles. So, I will just explain what the set looks like.

This is a very dark, almost entirely monochrome, set. There is not a whole lot in the area of eyecandy, but the example level proves you can make a fairly decent level with this set, though it won’t blow you away. The grow is black with some metallic grey siding that fades into blackness. There are various green sewer-like contraptions, including some dripping sewage that can hurt you as demonstrated in the level. There are a number of animations, including a lot of computer-like ones. My only complaint about those is that each set appears many times in its entirety when only half of it involves the animation at all. There are various treasue chests, electric bolts, odd contraptions, blood stains, pipes, jail bars, cameras, etc.

In the example level (which was nothing amazing like he said, but hey, it’s an example level, who cares), Lark shows the tilesets capabilities, which basically summed up are described as “dark and monotonous”.

The 50% version is certainly more ‘crisp’, but the contrast between the white and black on many of the tiles being so close together is rather annoying to look out. The game was designed to be seen 2×2 pixels anyway. I won’t take off points for that.

All in all, this tileset isn’t that pleasing to the eye, but it has enough in it to make a fairly interesting, if not monotonous, level. I give Lark a 7.2 for this work. Good job all around.

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow Master [2.0]
Level rating: 6

Why didnĀ“t fat reuploaded his tileset instead of you uploading a new one??

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow Master
Level rating: N/A

First of all, always always always include an example level. Playing one beats looking at the tileset in JCS any day. But, onto the review.

This tileset is… odd. While what there is of it is a lot better drawn than I expected (except for what I presume is the background, that is horrible), there just isn’t enough of it. It lacks almost every needed tile, except for ground. And the ground that does exist is just made of blocks. I can’t really tell how you can make a level from this, going back to the start of this review. So, I am not going to give this a rating. Maybe you could attach that ‘level you hosted a while ago’ Olsen mentioned as an example level. That would help me lots.

Review by Trafton

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

Please avoid inciting flaming, Cazz. Your post was not edited, but people are open to their opinions. You have not really added much, which is why they said this. And I do not understand the reference to Reagan; it may be wise to avoid saying this sort of thing as it might offend some people of conservative politics.

This is NOT a mod. This just replaces music, and adds fairly useless content to JCS. It’s an interesting effort, but not good. I’m sorry, but that is my opinion as a reviewer.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

Mods can not be created without a source code. This isn’t a mod.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

This reminds me of “Project XS” ( i don’t remember the name correctly, but its something like that) announced in the JCF, which changed version number, and you weren’t cabable of banning people from a server,because author removed banning and kicking strings. i think this will be deleted soon, but im not sure. ;P

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

ok! i was a little rough! ;) Well, i know that a mod for jazz cant be that complex! but its good at is it! keep it up! [This review has been edited by olsen]

Review by Cazz NP

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

You know, I’m really beginning to think I might be somewhat related to Ronald Regan…The people who like me really really really like me, but those who don’t loathe my very being. I feel like there is prejudice here…against ONE of my traits…Maybe it’s the fact I’m making something NEW and it upsets you somehow?? Because every time I upload something everyone goes bananas in a flaming rage. (BTW-There’s only two bugs, Mr. Smarty-Pants) This is without doubt the ONLY JJ2 mod…And for your information, the next one will allow you to create and use BIGGER tilesets…Everyone always takes note of the flaws…Instead of “Hey, a mod for JJ2! Work on the bugs a little but good job none the less!” I get “ha ha what a peice of junk” You people disgust me.

Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

Wow. You included two music files, edited the JCS.ini file a bit, and changed the version number even though nothing in JJ2 itself is changed. YOU’RE WINNER!!!!

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Operation: Kick Shell MOD (use at own risk)
Level rating: N/A

Mods usually include brand new environments, new guns, new enemies (Schwarzenguard in JJ2 style… yum!), and, of course, new levels. None of them are here. And I don’t want to backup tons of files only for bugful mod which includes only new music, new JCS.ini. At least listservers aren’t shown separately.

EDIT : Wait, Violet uses old account?[This review has been edited by Cooba]

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow Master
Level rating: N/A

What R3ptile said. and the download works now. >)

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow Master
Level rating: N/A

i saw this in your level you hosted a while ago!

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: old ruins
Level rating: N/A

too complex!

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Factory (Eyecandy Contest Entry update)
Level rating: N/A

Snooz, i used all the layers for this level! anyway! thx!

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dusty Diamonds
Level rating: N/A

Let me give some advice:

1) add some hills and platfroms and stuff. level is very linear. :S
2)more ammo and powerups
3)more eyecandy, level looks very dull
4)level would be bigger..

i guess im done. ;)
gl with your next level.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Factory (Eyecandy Contest Entry update)
Level rating: N/A

i like the eyecandy here some.. level should use more layers though.. and its not perfect level. ;P
eyecandy is decent though..

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CarCandy ( For Cooba's Eyecandy Contest DONT RATE IT! )
Level rating: N/A

For some odd reason, i didnt like eyecandy here. don’t ask me why. ;P
levels should be longer than that imo.

Review by EvilMonkey

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow Master
Level rating: N/A

The download doesn’t work somehow.

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: PHTs Unfinished Episode (4 LVLS)
Level rating: 6.9

CazzNP: Isn’t it playable with Lori? That’s only level 2, the rest should work fine with her..

Sabaspaz: Than thx to you too :)
Thx for long review ;-D

Fearofdark: Thx for the review :D
Well, I’m sorry for level 1 and happy that you like the other 3 :)[This review has been edited by PHT]

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