Review by Asmodeus

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: LMC Carrots Pack
Level rating: 6.5

I sow all levels. Levels are too small, but good enough to play small death match. No bad levels.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Two Race Levels
Level rating: 8

Heh, time to write a review because i have nothing better to do.


This is very good race level. i think you once hosted this online, i didnt play this much though, maybe, some minutes, and then i left the server. well, its still very good race level. eyecandy / tileset use is the best part of this level IMO. tileset was used rightly, and i can’t find any eyecandy bugs. gameplay and race obstacles are kind of good too, and i like it. one of the best race levels ever IMO. ( really. ;p )

Very nice. i like it. BlurredD’s Psych edition is cool tileset, and you can create very nice levels with it. ( this level, waterfall caves.. etc )
I like the eyecandy alot. there’s lots of it, mushrooms, flowers, and even cats. background layers are nice too, and i kinda love them. i like the way you used the tileset too. there’s no tilebugs, and everything looks nice. tileset choice was good too,since i never saw much levels with this tileset.

Very nice. there’s lots of standard race obstacles, which are very cool. myself i like the X – block and 4x block combinations. i hope you understand what i mean by the way. my english is lame, but now back to the subject. yeah, all these race obstacles are kind of nice, and i have no major complaiments.

These levels are quite fun, and i would host these online, if i could host. too bad i can’t D=
Well, i like this level alot because its fun.

Very nice race level which has standard tileset use / good eyecandy, onee of my favorite race levels ever. you did good job. congrats. this level is fun to play too, and i really can’t find complaiments. level could be bigger.. well, then again, im not experienced when it comes to race levels.


I like it. it looks awesome. i like flying leaves in the layer 1-2. ( i dunno which layer. i didnt check )
they look nice. well, trees, and the background looks cool too, and i can’t find complaiments about it. there’s some waterfalls too, which fit on the level. heh, almost perfect score from the eyecandy. i like the color where background fades into, because it fits in the level, gives this level a good atmosphere.

This level has a very good gameplay. level is not too big or too small IMO. i like race obstacles here too. the “wind tunnel” part is probably my favorite. i don’t know why. its just is. don’t ask why. other obstacles are nice too, and i can’t find serious problems or cons from the gameplay. good job, this level has a very nice smooth gameplay. this level has original race obstacles too, by the way, which affects in my rating. the part where i fall to the water is nice touch, because i think its very original. or something.

This level is very fun to play. i guess its the right size,( not too big or not small )and original eyecandy / gameplay ideas. if i could host, i would host this level too, because its nothing but rux.

This race pack is very good, and i like it alot. Good job, you made a good race pack. i like these levels alot, and like i mentioned above i would host these if i only could host. i like this pack alot, and it gets a high download recommedation.

by the way, cret, long time since i saw a blank review. those aren’t allowed though. D=


Review by Cret

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: A haxor 1337 level that ruxors
Level rating: 1

(Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Cret

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Darkrustic Jungle
Level rating: 7

(Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Cret

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Two Race Levels
Level rating: 8

(Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 21 Aug 11, 15:36 by cooba)
For: Two Race Levels
Level rating: 8

Cat Maze
Despite the claim in the level that the gameplay concept was by Pyromanus (editor’s note: this is the trigger concept), I had difficulties figuring out what was novel with this level. It seems to be a fairly standard, although high-quality race work. The various mazes in this level have all been seen before. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but there just ain’t much creativity in this level I’m sad to say. The level starts in a cave-like structure, as many levels with this tileset do (Blacky has previously used this tileset in a battle level.) It goes on through a somewhat predictable repertoire of Psych level clichés. In-between, there are many different sorts of obstacles, but none of them unique. Gameplay is good, although there are a few bugs (such as at the end of the spike area) in the masks that make movement more difficult than it should be. Still, it’s just more of the same race stuff.
PROS: Gameplay is solid.
CONS: A few bugs make movement difficult, and there isn’t any innovation.

As usual with a Blackraptor level, eyecandy is excellent. In this case, I was somewhat disappointed though that there is also not much in the way of innovation here. The tileset used is not exactly the most flexible in the world, but there are a number of ways in which tiles could have been used that they simply weren’t. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the eyecandy here, but I just don’t find it interesting enough to warrant a higher rating than this.
PROS: No tile bugs or anything of the sort.
CONS: At least tile bugs would have been more exciting.

Race levels have traditionally been one of the more enjoyable gametypes. They allow for silly puzzles and don’t conform to the strict standards of gameplay that constrict other gametypes. In this case, however, I feel as if this potential wasn’t used to its fullest. Although the level is fun enough, the puzzles are occasionally more like obstacles than games. They are also not new, and not even done in an interesting way. The entire thing is about as different asDiet Pepsi – it isn’t even Diet Pepsi with Lemon.
PROS: As with all race levels, it is fun to play.
CONS: Not as fun as I expected.

To summarize this level in one word, it is solid. Unfortunately, that’s not saying much: It is little more than solid. There is nothing new about the concept or the execution. However, as negative as this may sound, the level in question is still quite good. Not a breakthrough, but certainly a welcome addition to a gametype that could use a boost these days.
PROS: Fun, well done, and solid.
CONS: Nothing new.
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: Not different enough to highly recommend to those who don’t like race.

Flow: B+
Layout: A -
Creativity: C+
Bugs: A -

Tileset use: A -
Eyecandy Look: A -
Creativity: B
Bugs: A

~ Traft

some race level
This level has a bell curve of quality, so to speak. At the beginning, there is an annoying wind/block maze. Hitting the edges of the blocks is a jarring experience that, despite all of my playing, I have never gained an immunity against. The middle section is the best by far. The entire thing feels smooth and works well. At the end, things begin to deteriorate slightly again – not as bad as in the beginning, but still it’s a falling down in quality. Gameplay in this level is interesting and definitely more creative than the last. However, it is still nothing all that new.
PROS: Solid and interesting gameplay, especially toward the middle of the level.
CONS: The beginning and the end aren’t so hot, and there’s still nothing that new here.

The Diamondus modification used here is fine enough, but it’s still Diamondus. The backgrounds, such as in the annoying block part of the level, are interesting, but still this does not make up for the fact that we’re talking Diamondus here. The tileset is used well here, and this is probably the best one can expect from Diamondus. Because of this, I am upping the rating to a 7.2, which is very nice of me considering…well…if I say Diamondus again, someone will kill me.
PROS: Outstanding eyecandy considering the tileset that has been used.
CONS: It’s still that tileset.

This is definitely improved over the last level. The more I play it, in fact, the more the first part does not bother me as much. It still could use some editing, but it is a decent puzzle. I feel that those who play this level probably will like it, and it does grow on you. As replay is important in a race level, especially a circuiting one where nothing changes from circuit to circuit, this is a plus.
PROS: Enjoyable, and it grows on you.
CONS: Nothing dramatically creative.

Although the start (and to a lesser extent, the end) of this level could take some improvement, it is overall well done. This is more what I expect from a talented level maker like Blackraptor, although I paradoxically consider this level more flawed than the previous one. It takes some chances, and fails in a few of those. However, the chances make it more worth it, and despite the fallout from the bad ones, this level’s rating is higher than the last. Imagine that!
PROS: An enjoyable play and more creative than the last.
CONS: I would prefer different play each circuit like in some of the greatest race levels, and perhaps some more creativity would be nice, but I suppose I’m being a tad picky.
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: At first it may seem vexing, but the level becomes better as you keep playing it. Overall a good level, although those new to race might want to concentrate on a better-flowing level.

Flow: B
Layout: A -
Creativity: B+
Bugs: B+

Tileset use: A+
Eyecandy Look: B
Creativity: B+
Bugs: A -


~ Traft

[Annoying/broken HTML removed. ~cooba]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crysilis (Sapphire Remix)
Level rating: 8.3

Wow. Nice.
I like what you did with the music, the chimes sound cool at the beginning and the guitar is awesome. The song sounds good throughout, and it still resembles crysilis. After listening to it for a while, the chimes do get a tad annoying. Still, the song sounds awesome and still resembles Crysilis. Its in Mp3 format, which prevents it from being used in jj2, but that doesnt prevent it from being on my songlist. Although I still like NWCryst by Haze a tad better. Sorry for the short review, and awesome job, a definite download reccomendation. 8.5.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Un-named Battle pack
Level rating: 8.4

Here goes:

The Space Fortress:
Bleh, another level using Cyberspaz. First thing I noticed where the pipes in the foreground. I dont like them =\. When I look closely it looks like they end abruptly in places and they’re mostly clustered up in places. Plus there is so much of them they distract me from the playing screen. Ugh.. Also, Imo, there are too many spaceships, longer intervals beetween the spaceships would’ve been better because I see them flying all over the place. Otherwise, the eyecandy is alright. Layout is alright, except I found myself bounced into diagonal ceiling tiles and the like by springs. Ramps are better than springs as well, so in your future levels try having more ramps and less springs everywhere. Weapon placement is alright except its placed in the same squarish patterns. Though this doesnt affect the rating at all, Im sorta sick of hearing the same musics in these levels over and over. An original music would’ve gotten you a higher rating.
Rating for level: 7.2

CrYsTaL MaNiA:
Same comment as above. CHOOSE ORIGINAL MUSIC PLZ THX. Im not too fond of this level for a few reasons. Its too crowded in several places, its hard to see in the top of the level, and some springs just annoy me. Also, why is the crystal at 24,39 in layer4? Im not too fond of a Full Energy being in the level either. Ammo is alright. On a positive scale, I like the ambient lighting effects, the layer 5 eyecandy, and maybe the bottom of the level. Also, the music is No Regrets – By Necros.
Rating: 7.5

To The Darkness:
TNT and Freezer ammo. Nice. I remember this level well from the Anniversary Bash, mostly because of pos 71,16 where everyone got stuck in. Eyecandy is decent but not really original, I dislike the ammo choice, but the placement is alright. Again the Full Energy. People in Battle games have 5h. Weapons do 1 damage (except for the powered ones which do 2). The point in battle is roasting the other person. How can someone roast another if they keep getting all their health back with the Full Energy,especially when the only powerups in this level are PEpper and EB?Another note: Pepper + Horizontal Springs = Flipped springs = People getting stuck and complaining. Keep that in mind. One final thing, dont have too many fastfires in one place.
Rating: 7. I had half a mind to give this 6.7 but that would’ve been too cruel.

The Food Factory:
Note 1: Same thing with the pepper spray and the springs. Note 2: More freezer ammo? =\. The first really good thing I noticed here was the BG eyecandy, I love it. It really does make the level look like some sort of factory. Im not too fond of the layout, but I can live with it. Music is good and fits. I think I liked this level the most in the pack.
Rating: 8

Final rating: 7.2 + 7.5 + 7 + 8 /4 = 7.425, rounded up to a 7.5. The levels aren’t bad, but there are several bugs you neglected to fix, which appear throughout most the levels. This still gets a download reccomendation. Apologies if I bring down the average rating of this, but I feel as if its a tad overrated…

Review by Executor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Battle
Level rating: 3.2

sigh Another 30-minute job. I’ve learned that no decent level can be made in a day or even a couple of days after the release of my critically un-acclaimed level Chilled. Plus, as Trafton said, the level doesn’t fit the criteria for assault and survivor levels.

Blah appearance, fatally flawed design, no use of layers 6 and 7 (it’s really not that hard to rip off the background from the Epic originals—I made my own for the disco and city levels for Hare Scare). A 3.5 it is.

Try harder next time. And don’t call a level finished after 30 minutes.

makes plans to clean up and alter the HS disco level into something much better

Review by NeoBlaze24

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzTool 1.4
Level rating: 8.8

Nice job!
Essp that you can now edit the server lists :)
But you don’t have the two cool features: joining to private servers and making colored names, so I’ll rate this a 9.

Review by Delvour

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crysilis (Sapphire Remix)
Level rating: 8.3

good, very good… That was my first impression! And it all just sounds nice, well, almost everything ;)…

From the start I thought “couldn’t he’ve done something better”, but when the melody started, I did realy changed my mind… With other words: The start isn’t so good, but the melody are super.

At the middle it was a bit… empty… You should have used an other instrument, even the “strings” that starts about 5 – 7(original sound: Star Theme)sonds a bit wrong, it wouldn’t hurt if you had somthing that sounded more!

Instrument choise: 8/10
Drums: 9.2/10
Melody: 8.5/10
Other: Sorry, it’s and MP3… (that of course means that you can’t use it in the game). You should have created a MOD, S3M or something that is suported by JJ2… =/

total: 8,5

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Revange Mini Episode ( One Tileset Of Kejero And One Of Et )
Level rating: N/A

Time to review and see if the author listened what I told him.
THIS IS 1.24! Why do you write 1.23??

[x] Single player mode available
[x] Multiplayer mode available
[x] Playable with Jazz
[x] Playable with Spaz
[x] Playable with Lori (TSF)
[?] Easy/medium/hard setting*
Difficulty: Easy
*don’t know because the levels are passcoded and I don’t have a hackerprogramm for 1.24

Again no story. BAAAD
SCORE: 1.0

LEVEL 1: Puzzle level (or something, I forgot the name)

The author tried to make a puzzle level this time, but the puzzles are very easy and uncreative. I know it’s hard to make puzzles, but a bit more creativity could be improved. After you made three easy puzzles you fight a few baddys (pacman ghosts and stuff), hop over some spikes which are AGAIN mostly hard to avoid, and finally choose an endboss 1 or 2. If you are lucky you will choose a Tufman, if you don’t have luck you will get to fight Bilsy.
Eyecandy is bad AGAIN. I told you to put in back- and foreground layers. Nothing again. Only a blue sky. Bad!
SCORE: 4.0 (again)

Like said before, a try of a puzzle level, but way too easy puzzles. Finding a way through layer 3 hidden blocks isn’t a real puzzle, tough.
SCORE: 4.0

It takes 5 minutes to play through, but the author said it’s an episode so the size is ok.
SCORE: 5.0

This time there is ammo in the level, a bit of TNT (very useless, but you need it for a puzzle) and some toaster ammo. I think it could have been more, because after some shots you only have your blaster (or the very useless TNT ammo) left to kill Bilsy/Tufman.
SCORE: 4.5

Baddy placement is better than in *censored*+, there are some pacman ghosts, which wants to eat you or something. They are ok placed, tough they could be more strategically. The idea of choosing an endboss (you don’t know before) is good. Tough, enemy placement is nothing spectacular.
SCORE: 5.0

There are the very easy puzzles, and some annoying (AGAIN) spikes. This is ok, but the puzzles are just..too easy.
SCORE: 4.0

The author used the Egypt Light set from Kejero. This is a cool set, well chosen :)
SCORE: 7.0

Bad. There is again no eyecandy and the most tiles aren’t used. The moving knifes animation was good, but I can’t give points for that, because you also could simply have stolen it.
SCORE: 2.0

Again, Try17, but it fits.
SCORE: 7.0

This is better than censored + and the author tried to do something other than normal gaming. But the puzzles are way too easy, the eyecandy just sux and there is too less ammo.
SCORE: 4.5

Let’s take a look on level 2.

LEVEL 2: The final puzzle bosses

I don’t really know what to do here. I’m in a room with 4 orange things which sometimes hurt me and sometimes not. No point what to do.

Because I did not finish the second level I won’t give a rating.
LEVEL RANK: Below average

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Jungrock
Level rating: 8.5

ill give this a review too. not a long one because im not on the mood.

Conversion Completeness:

there’s some tiles missing like Violet said, ofterwise everything is there. waterfalls, splashing rock tiles, spring flowers, vines, & other stuff. overall its very good conversion, and most stuff are there.

Extra stuff:

Some sings, like the one saying “LRK”, and destructive blocks are there. there’s some sucker tubes too, which would look nicer. ;p
there’s signs too.


Very nice masking. no complaiments.

Palette / Colors:

Very nice. there’s lots of colors, and required poles will work fine. textured background is ok too.


Its a very good jj1 conversion. BG or FG eyecandy would have been nice though. im going to rate this 8.2 for the reasons i’ve mentioned.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Jungrock
Level rating: 8.5

Whee. A jungrock conversion by lrk. And also, what Violet said, after the betatesters test the set, resend it to them with the updates so they can verify it again. And I wanted to do the example level ;-;.

Tileset Completeness: At first it looked like everything and more was there, but Violet’s review made me suspicious so I did a thorough check, and found a few small tiles missing. They didn’t bother me too much, but they were still simply not there =P.

Extra Added Stuff: Some {ripped D=) poles, some small destructable ground block with the destruct animation, that square that implies trigger scenery, lots of destruct blocks (although why did you add in the start, exclamation, and blank blocks twice?), a tree stump, the stup mentioned above in front of the rock backround, signs, 8-bit unfriendly infinity loop bg, rain, some strange looking sucker tubes, and lots of invisible tiles. The Vine/Hook where already there, and I convinced you to include the sucker tubes, but some BG and maybe FG eyecandy would’ve been nice. And nobody puts belts into their tilesets these days =(((.

Animations: Waterfalls, lamps, plants and the stuff that already came with the tileset. More waterfalls, arrows, more arrows, more waterfalls, more plants, and destruct blocks. Other than the destruct blocks, there werent really any animations added, but whatever. Also, Im not sure if its your fault or JJ1’s, but the waterfalls dont really look too realistic when falling. Other than that, Good Job.

Technicalities: Jungle Pole looks a bit wierd, Diamondus pole is a bit too yellowish looking but its alright, Psych Pole works normally, Pin 500 and Carrot bump work normally, left and right pad are also strangely yellow..Snow is green =\. Water looks alright in 16bit but horrid in 8bit. Small Tree works pretty well.

Other versions: None D=

Userfriendliness: Yeah, the tiles are mostly placed out nicely, and it seems easy enough to use with no hassle. Good Job.

Color: Like in the original Jungrock, good job. The textured BG is a bit buggy though, and the sucker tubes look strangely similar, if not exactly the same, to those purple shade tiles to the right of the textured BG..

Masking: Masking is good. Some of the ground masking is a bit higher than others, which might lead to a problem or so, but otherwise its good.

Overall (not an average): Its a pretty good conversion, some things bring it down a bit, but it is more complete than CelL’s.

Rating time =D:
Tileset Completeness: 8.5
Extra Added Stuff: 7.5
Animations: 8.2
Technicalities: 8.2
Other Versions: N/A
Userfriendliness: 8.7
Color: 8.7
Masking: 8.2
Overall (not an average): 8.2
Final Rating Comes Down To: 8.275 rounded down to 8.2. This is a well done conversion, but several things could’ve been improved a bit. Definite download reccomendation and good job LRK. Btw, sorry for any mistakes in the review, I did it early in the morning =\.

Edit: Ugh, left out masking. That’s what happens when you review in the morning.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Review by Odin314

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Battle
Level rating: 3.2

If I remember correctly, Assault and Survivor are the same gametype. Is this a shot at irony?

No review ‘cause it’s TSF. Bah.


(Note from admin: Assault involves finding a number of boxes, activating the team core, and then killing your opponents. After the core is activated, you will not come back to life; before it is, you have infinite lives. Survivor/Ground Force involves not falling off of a level with destructible blocks. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by PHT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: RAWK! (JJ2 edition!)
Level rating: N/A

lol I agree with Bjarni, Snooz always writes “review is maybe coming later” and thinks “bahahahahahaha it’s so much fun to spam the download section muahuahahaha” (or maybe he thinks something other than that) :)

I’ll review when it’s downloadable[This review has been edited by PHT]

Review by sp1der

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Battle
Level rating: 3.2


next time make a level with more coins and guns.
this lvl is’nt so nice to play because there are monsters in it.
so watch out for that next time.

P.S. Don’t look to my English it is’nt very well. Sorry. It’s all because I’m a dutchmen

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Jungrock
Level rating: 8.5

Ok, look. We’ve been through this before, Lab. You send a file to the beta testers. They report bugs. Then you send it to them AGAIN. You do NOT upload it RIGHT AFTER the FIRST REPORT. This. is. just. not. finished.

CONVERSION ACCURACY: At first glance, this looks like a complete Jungrock. It’s not. There are several rock combinations missing, for example non-45 degree slopes not on a rock background. Other than that, it seems all right, though when the rocks are pretty much the entire tileset, you should try to get them right. Other stuff is all there – the bounce plants, the green vine stuff, the waterfalls, signs, etc.
Pros: Mostly there.
Cons: Only mostly. I miss the 22(?) degree slopes.
Rating: 8.5

COLORS: This is where the tileset really shines. Everything looks perfect, I can’t spot any color flaws but one. And that one is that the textured background doesn’t work in 8-bit. I wish you’d stop breaking the textured background, Lab. It’s got these little light purple things in weird places, and it’s not even a properly fading background. See what I mean about testing before uploading? Anyway, pretty much everything else works – besides Carrotus Pole, but there are enough poles anyway, and Snow, because Jungrock isn’t a very snowy place. Still, the TEXTURED BACKGROUND.
Pros: Most things look great. Whoever did the color was a genius.
Rating: 8.2

MASKING: Masking is pretty good – mostly straight lines and such. The only questionable bit is that the floor for grass and pure!rock have different heights. Why? Does this serve any purpose other than possibly messing up levels using this tileset? There are also some handy invisible tiles, including support masking for the sucker tube – good job.
Pros: Mostly logical, sucker tube stuff.
Cons: Different heights? Just… weird.
Rating: 8.7

ADDED TILES: This is what can make or break a tileset. Let’s run through the list:
Sucker Tubes: Yes, but ugly.
Blocks: Yes, but ripped.
Poles: Yes, but ripped.
Spikes: Already there.
Hooks: Already there.
Vines: Yes.
Water Blocks: No.
Background Eyecandy: No.
Foreground Eyecandy: No.
It’s not bad, but… Jungrock is a really pretty tileset in 320×200. I’m sure it would look better in levels other than just the example level, but the screen of 640×480 is so big that this tileset really needed some sort of background eyecandy. The sucker tubes are still ugly and until I looked in JCS, I had no idea they had special tiles for the ends. They also only support corners, no T’s or crossroads. The blocks and poles are still ripped, and some of the blocks get repeated. There is little or no support for things like poles, vines or already existing tiles going back and forth between cave and notcave. In fact, there is almost no support for cave edges whatsoever. There are some single tile trigger scenery walls, but they look shrunken and bad. The rain is, for all intents and purposes, invisible against the already purple background. And there are a few other things I’m missing, like connections between leafy brown sticks, support so that signs can go ino the ground, and some added functionality for the red flower vine stuff.
Pros: Most of the absolute requirements are there.
Cons: Not all, lots of missing tiles, way too much stuff (read: more than 0 tiles) ripped from JJ2 tilesets.
Rating: 7.2

TILE PLACEMENT: It’s… not bad. Most stuff is placed logically, though I’m at a loss why the splashing waterfall tiles are so far below the rest of the waterfall. There are also a very large number of duplicate tiles, which could possibly have been avoided, as the tile placement doesn’t look incredibly strategic. Event tiles are scattered all over the tileset, from top to bottom, instead of being all in one place as they belong. This tileset also suffers from “Beta Tester’s Syndrome”, where there are large amounts of tiles to be found underneath the textured background, where nothing should be at all. Especially since some of the tiles down there are quite useful, like sucker tubes, or stuff inside the caves.
Pros: Mostly good.
Cons: Kind of illogical.
Rating: 7.5

OVERALL (not an average): It’s not a bad conversion, but it suffers too much from not quite being ready yet. There are a few too many bugs and missing tiles, even ignoring the fact there should be none period. Still, it’s Jungrock, and it’s far better than CelL’s, so with a little luck, you might be able to make something nice looking. Just don’t have the walls be too large, as there’s only so much to decorate them with. The original Jungrock thrived more on open air than anything else, something the example level does not show very well.
Pros: A good looking conversion, quite usable.
Cons: Somewhat lacking when it comes to things beyond copying tiles and putting them into an image.
Rating: 8.2

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Jungrock
Level rating: 8.5

Hmm… all these Crysilis requests. Spaztic wanted me to do Crisilis as well. I just might try it some time in the near future.

I’ll edit this review for commenting on future reviews on this.

Comments on Violet’s and Blacky’s reviews:
I was originally going to do the sucker tubes similar to the way CelL did them in his conversion, but I felt that if I did, it’d be way too unoriginal, so I experimenting by using simple gradients for tubes.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Odin314

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Jungrock
Level rating: 8.5

Nice. Very nice.


Violet made it, so you know it’s good. ;) The Textured BG is screwed up in 8-Bit, but that’s fine. You can even use poles! YaY. 9 of 10.


Contains everything in Jungrock. Suck-Up tubes, Devan/CheckPoint/Jazz signs, a text sign, and a LRK sign are only some of the added things you’ll find. I thought the rain was kinda shaped weird, but that’s fine. 9.5 of 10.


I didn’t get stuck. YaY. Oh, and you’ll find some secret messages that wouldn’t be out of place in a Wisey tileset. So, 10 of 10.


Hype is what the rating for this download was prior to me reviewing it. No rating, no hype setting. So, N/A of 10.


I like it. I just like it. But you only drew about 10% of the entire tileset. So, 7 of 10.


9 + 9.5 + 10 + 7 = 35.5 / 4 = 8.875 = 9.

Download: Yes.

Use: It’s a tileset. Use it.

Oh, and LRK, if Jarno Vos comes and rates this a 1, don’t get mad. He’s just a n00b. Just pet him and give him his dog biscuit. :P


Edit: Do Crysilis. Please. The Crysilis we have now is sux. If you do it, i’ll worship you forever.[This review has been edited by RoW_Odin314]

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