This may look cool but is completely unplayable. The layout consists of seemingly randomly placed platforms and the gameplay is based on maintaining control over a single area that contains both the level’s only powerup and its only carrot. Needless to say, your start position might settle the match. Also, the masking is extremely inconsistent.
This is a cool remake and an improvement in every way, but it fails to address some of the main issues with battle1, such as its one-directional layout and low number of carrots. It also overdoses on powerups placed in walls. And I mean all of the powerups are in walls. Still, the level is fairly playable.
This level has amazing visuals, but its gameplay tends to be overcentralized. All carrots and both bases are placed in the top 30% of the level, and in a map of this size, that simply doesn’t work out. Sometimes I also wish for a wider choice of available paths.
This is a nice replica of the original tileset, but a history lesson is the only reason you may want to download it. As opposed to Diamondus Beta, this conversion is only a palette swap of Castle1N.j2t and actually removes some bottom rows of that tileset instead of adding any new tiles.
7th Lava Fall, the level, is the quintessence of awful. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a worse CTF level whose layers tile correctly. The Jehlevator is slightly better but not much, plus it’s tiny. You never want to play either of these. So why the download recommendation? The zip contains 7th Lava Fall.j2t.
Probably the best CTF level of its size so far.
This tileset offers a lot of eyecandy tiles and some original concepts but it has one fatal flaw that’s impossible to ignore: it’s as ugly as sin. It has an inconsistent art style, perspective issues, and an abundance of solid colors and simple gradients. The tile placement is also not the most logical thing in the world, making it harder to use.
What Sir Ementaler said. Uploading palette edits for official sets doesn’t really serve much purpose now, given how easily custom palettes can be made using AS. Just take any one of these palettes and import it into your level using the IC-IF Medivo tileset.
Nice levels!
These levels are big used new versions of classic tilesets!
Donut Casemate
Eyecandy: Very nice, there’s also a slide (not useful tile), there’s the boss, instead of Queen boss, is Shwarzenguard boss.
And has added new tiles in ImprCast tilesets.
Gameplay: Ok!, The start area is similiar from Dungeon Dilemma (Castle level 1)
Weapon placement: Ok!
Enemy placement: Good
Bugs: There’s a bug in mask’s vertical pole in all versions of ImprCast.
Rating: 98%
Thunder Wander
Eyecandy: Good!
Gameplay: okay, is very long. There’s the boss also in this level, instead of Bolly boss, is Bubba boss.
Weapon placement: Very good!!!!!
Enemy placement: Very Good!
Bugs: He used tileset ImprMedEvilly instead of ImprMedEvil.
Rating: 90%
Satans Horns
Eyecandy: Okay!!!
Gameplay: Very huge this level but is good the gameplay, There’s the boss also in this level, instead of Devan boss, is Bilsy boss.
And finally for fixing the mask of the vines in the ImprDamn conversions, also has added new tiles in these conversions.
Weapon placement: Good!
Enemy placement: GooD!
Bugs: No bugs!
Rating: 86%
Overall: 10
This episode is very GreaT!!!!!
Download Reccomandation? Yes! Try NoW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This medivo conversion its wonderful.
There are new Blocks, poles, And more.
No example levels.
Overall: I appreciate these versions of Medivo.
Download reccomandation!!!!!!
Wonderful Jazz2 level editor, the text comes out Jazz2 font, the parallax, you can review the events drawn, activate Textured Background and we can create some level on the internet, but the app webjcs was deleted in Chrome Web Store.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Beautiful! This program is also used to repair damanged levels.
I liked the example levels!
DR? Yes
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
This tileset is very bad, also jazz2pal.
there are brick rethere are bricks red and blue and a tree.
and it remained an amount of empty space.
download Not raccomended!
In this new JCS, there are too many bugs!
Recommended download? NO, I do not like indeed no.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Good program!
This program is to remove password in the levels!
DR? Yes!
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Beautiful level editor! I will use this to make a level, you see the layout of the level, events covered and not covered by foregruond BG.
BUGS: In text Srings, if I put the “§”, the level crashes.
Final score: almost 8! Download reccomended !!!!!!!
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
This is JCS improved?
For me, No, but there is no need to use this, use this simple program to remove password.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Beautiful! This mutator seems useful for multiplayer!
DR? Yes.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
This is not bad, it can be useful, but in the latest versions of JJ2 + does not work!
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Wonderful !!!!!
One of the best program of lvlpacker, I like that.
Rating: 8.7, download recommended!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.