Review by Pyromanus

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sonic 2 - Wing Fortress
Level rating: 6.5

First I was thinking how typical the sonic sets look like, then I decided that I liked this one,
but it’s so scarry that it has SO MANY duplicated tiles in it, this set could be much much smaller if you removed the tiles that already are in it ones.
I remember these levels used to have allot of animations, however you only included one. I think you should definitely update this with a version, that has less tiles few more animations from the original, working textured background and organise the tiles a bit so you know what it’s used for (you could put all of the animations together)

I wish i could rate this good but this tileset is way too big for the amount it contains

Oh! I just noticed it’s a tileset for 1.24 only, another reason to make an update so that it’s good for 1.23 [This review has been edited by Pyromanus]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sonic 2 - Wing Fortress
Level rating: 6.5

well, upload that tileset! ITS VERY BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

review laterz

Review by Tik

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Exoticus
Level rating: 8.6

To sum it up, this is a very solid conversion by Violet.

Everything I can remember from playing jj1 exoticus is here. There are the main land tiles placed very understandably and compacted three times, each time with a different background. My only suggestion would be for a way to switch directly between the two dark backdrops, but I’m not going to take off for that. Also included are the solid pink and yellow beveled blocks and a way to transition between those and the ground.

All of the extra components I can think of are there – spikes (floor and ceiling, both animating, and can be made into a custom length), vines, poles (two different kinds, including with backgrounds), arrows (animated), destructable scenery (self made), lights (animated torch), hook (only works with the background tiles, though*), etc.

He included some beach-ripped tiles* (for background, I presume) as well as many other background-purposed tiles. Some water/sewer tiles including any animations that went with those are also all there. The textured background fits in well, though it’s your average jj2-copy background.

The winter version is just a simple palette change into a harker purple/pale yellow/red hue. It doesn’t look particularly ‘winter’ to me but it still looks alright. I don’t think I’d ever use that version, though.

My only major complaint is that there is not a variety of specific eye candy (little things that make a tileset look less monotonous). Nevertheless there’s enough here to make an interesting level.

This is a solid conversion. It has many tiles and includes everything you’d need to make a quality level in any gamemode. I didn’t give it a 9+ simply because it’s not amazing or groundbreaking and the eyecandy complaint, but it’s definetly worth your time if you’re a fan of conversions (as I am).

*Violet corrected me that there is, in fact, a hook for the outside parts, and that the background sand stuff is not from Beach, but from another jj1 set.

Definetly download recommended.[This review has been edited by Spaztic]

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 6.8

MEZTAR (or, CTF of Life? I dunno)
Well, it’s been a while since my last level review here on J2O, and my comrade R3ptile forced me to write a review for this level, because he tought that it was overrated. I felt like writing, but I didn’t have much time (got to go soon) and so here’s my “quite short” review.

EYECANDY: 1.75 out of 2.5
Again a level with the Mez tileset. Hurray. If you read my previous reviews then you would know that I’m not a great fan of these Mez tilesets (I think they are overused and not so good) but the eyecandy used here is not so bad. There are a few nice backgrounds and there aren’t much tile errors. It could have been a little bit more diverse, though, and I’m definitely not really impressed. But that’s just my personal opinion, and I won’t count in the score that I don’t like the set. Overall: Nothing special, but not bad.

AMMO: 1.5 out of 2.5
Same thing goes for the ammo placement in this level. Not really impressive, but also not really bad. The creator has chosen for a not so standard 4 Powerup strategy. In my opinion this is a little bit too much, because the size of the level is not really big and I think it would be best for duels. The ammo could have been spread among the whole level more: most of the carrots and some powerups and other things are placed next to the base, not really a good idea and it looks untidily. About the carrots: too many of them are placed in this level. There is a Full NRG carrot in the middle and two smaller ones at the both bases. Only the Full NRG would have been enough in such a small level like this. Overall: average, but not so good ammo placement.

LEVEL STRUCTURE: 1.25 out of 2.0
I can say both good and bad things about the structure of this level: a good point is that the level is quite open and you can move around freely in the most places. There are also a few bad points about the level, like the annoying spring placement above both bases. This is taking away the flow and I don’t see the need of it. Another point of complains is that the level is way too empty: you can walk around for ages without seeing a thing. Overall: not so good structure.

GAMEPLAY: 1.75 out of 3.0
In the previous three points you could see that I was not really impressed by the three main points in the level, and a lot can be improved in later levels, I’m sure about that. The gameplay has good and bad sides: the level is kinda funny for a small duel or a skirmish but the level is way too empty and boring. So you don’t get the maximum score. The music is fine in my opinion.

As you could see in the four points above I’m really not as much impressed by this level as Acid, and I doubt that I will be impressed later by this level. The author really didn’t make a bad job with this level, especially not for his first CTF level, but he still has a lot to learn. Good luck with your next levels, I look forward to see them. 6.2.

Score: 1.75+1.5+1.25+1.75 = 6.25 = 6.2
Download: Perhaps.
Host: Only once. For testing.

- ChippieBW of XSÐ, CC and XLM

Review by Olsen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Exoticus
Level rating: 8.6

well, i found a conversion of exoticu made by cell, but that conversion was very tiny!

Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Exoticus
Level rating: 8.6

NO. Jazz1 Nippius wasn’t the best conversion. It looks very good, it is easy to use, I think this tileset has FUTURE. Has nice colors, all needed tiles – (good work Black’n‘Lab)
I think this is really better because in JJ1Nippius it was fror nothing to do levels. This is original, easy to use and nice tileset like all conversions but has much much bigger modernity and potentional and I like it much!

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 6.8

Well.. to be honest, this level is overrated, but it still recieves a rating around 6.7-6.5.

btw, i think that greenplant is going to be censored.. and review is coming later. well, i think its quite good for first ctf level ,because its symmetrical, and flow is good.. etc.

Gonna continue this review later, im too busy now.

Review by tazar

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus (Techno Mix)
Level rating: 7.4

Ok, interesting track, but it’s not a techno track, it’s like Euro-trance or Euro-dance.
Not bad, but not becouse you work, but because the original artist. Let’s see what you have made:
- Faster tempo
- Kick drum & claps & others for the 4/4 beat
- A bouncing bass line
Sorry, but this is not too much for a remix. Now this 5.5 is the rate of your work, not the original melodies and things. Yes, I think you need much work on a remix, if you would make another ones…

Review by tazar

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Winter Thunderland
Level rating: 7.6

Another one of the best remixes in j2o! I love this one! =)
The selecting of the samples is very good, just like the effect in the begining of the track. You’ve missed the main error of jj remixers, this track is not repetative and it nice. The thing I don’t like it’s the ending part. Ok, it’s beautiful how the melody changes, but I feel it too empty. I think it’s need a string instrument or something to the ending part…
Ok, it’s a good track, and I love it & hope you will realese another ones!

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 6.8

Very Nice Job SabaSpaz

Music : gos nicely with the TlieSet
Ammo : petty nice there isnt Seekers all over the place ! YAY !
Powerups: petty nice job ! with the ups and the one in the mid
eye candy: nice job with the Back round, but you need to use 3, 2, and 1, more !

Over all: SWEET but not sweet to tha Bone so here is a 8.2 !

Keep going Saba Spaz if you keep it up you well rock !

and Saba Spaz PLZ NO PASSWORDS it well make it hard for poeple with full Home made things if you want more people to review you levels no Passwords ok

Review by ice skull

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

this is an huge tileset and much details and the mask is so good.
this is the best tileset i ever seen.
i give it a 10
(Unsupported rating removal. Why is being a huge tileset a good thing? Are there no flaws whatsoever? Describe these “details”. What makes the mask good? Are there other factors, such as graphic quality? Just some suggestions. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

Lemme review this:
Only some lvls are good actually the only one i think is good is ‘black metal’.

Gameplay: all the lvls but some have many little passageways that are the only ways to things, and some of the lvls have shields, ppl get censored off when they c someone with shieldsand they ban. also what is the point in dead-ends, if u have no weapons, u can just get buggered. The secret ways to get powerups are quite annoying, coz someone may not kno how to get it like i had the seeker Powerup once and the other ppl couldnt find it so they banned me, it needs to be simple like battle 1,2,3.

Eyecandy: Could be a lot better, i dont remember but in a load of the lvls only layers 3,4,5 and 8 have been used. U made great tilesets and u used them greatly but u could have used them better, at least i never spotted many bugs.

Pickups: Everything is greatly placed but i hate the way u need to find a secret to get weapon or power-up, and also nothing is impossible to get to or is there?

this battle pack is not as good as the rating is.

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Demonic home
Level rating: 7.6

Good Job Satan

Ammo : nice Job Placeing them good and even
Flag : i like what you did for the Flags !
Power ups : yay no Seeker Up (unless i missed it
Eye candy: Sweet must I say more ?
Flow: nice the flow is nice i like it becuz Poeple cant fly tho it !

Down load YES
Host Yes

(=*( i cant host)

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Letni Remix
Level rating: 6.6

Very nice. i think i once used letni remix in my level. not sure though. ;p

this remix is wroth of downloading.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Demonic home
Level rating: 7.6

im bored today, so i decided to write a review, which will be probably full of typos. but lets start anyway. ;p

Demonic home is a standard CTF level by Satan. it uses inferno tileset, which isn’t too overused, and its one of my favorite tilesets, so im happy that someone used it. level has nice flwoing, and quite good gameplay, but it would be better, if you would add some sucker tubes, and springs. ;p
ehm.. what to say about eyecandy? its very good. i see that you can use this tileset pretty well. you also used some original eyecandy, like those waterfall-like things. placement is fine too, and i really can’t find much complaiments. placement looks very nice. ;p
after all, i like this level alot. itsv above average for sure. now lets write more.


eyecandy here is very nice. its really original. ground tiles were used nicely, and there’s no tilebugs.. or atleast i didnt see any. this tileset has some bugs though, so its not your fault, if there’s tilebugs. there’s some original things too, such as snow—looking waterfall like thingy, which looks nice, and i like it. all background alyers are used, they have trees in it. those look reallly creative and nice too, and they give this level haunted atmosphere in my opinion. there’s also something on foreground layers, such as trees. well. after all, i like eyecandy here alot. ;)

okay, im too lazy to write more, lets say that gameplay needs some work, and placement is good. the end, BECAUSE IM TOO LAZY TO WRITE MORE. ;P

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hottis Horticus
Level rating: 7.1

I think i like it more then snooz but let me review.

Good!!! The background looks good there are stars, ground and tiles what looks nice and whit a nice speed. All over the level i see nice tiles of eyecandy what looks like walls. Then there are some nice animations like some sort of lightning and lava. The ground you are walking on are blocks but looks quite good because they all have different sizes and there are animations and other nice thing between them so it doesn`t look dull. I did`nt get confused by the eyecandy like Snooz had and i didn`t found any tilebugs. I see that also the foreground layers make some eyecandy things.

Pros: This level isn`t dull and looks quite good

Cons: The level is quite black could be more colors.

Oke!!! There is a lot of ammo and nicely spread out there aren`t places where there is no ammo and places where it is full of ammo. The ammo is easy to get. There could be more electro blasters. If i am correct there are 2 powerups. 1 powerup in the map and 1 in a coins shop. That can be good but the Toaster powerup what in the map is is way closer to the bleu base. That powerup would be good in the middle. No bad comment on the seeker powerup that is in the coin warp. Almost forgot the ammo respawns a little bit too fast could be 20.
The coin placement is good placed also the coinwarp. The springs are also well placed. O almost forgot the full energy is well placed.

Pros: Ammo is nice spread out and the coins are well placed like the springs.

Cons: It respawn too fast and 1 powerup unfair placed.

Fine!!! I think the flow is quite good here because the springs get me where i want to go and if there isn`t a spring there is a suckertube that takes you up. I can quite easily run thought the level without much problems. There are no dead ends what also is good. It seems that the level isn`t symmitrical but still quite fair except that powerup. The bases are fair placed there are some suckertubes to get the flag fast or escape from it at both bases so that good. Its too easy to go to each other base you only need to walk 1 direction and you get there. This level isn`t really for 1vs1 because it`s quite big. There weren`t places where i needed any one ways. Uhm! although gameplay is the most importent i still don`t know more to tell.

Pros: Fair base placment and good flow.

cons: Too easy to go to the base.

good!!! First of all i didn`t seen this tileset much in levels and the size is also good. I love the song.

-§AtaN of XLM
[This review has been edited by Satan]

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hottis Horticus
Level rating: 7.1

Quite nice level, it needs better gameplay and flow though IMO. its still nice though. i dislike the eyecandy though becayuse it confuses me sometimes. verall its pretty nice level. abovce average. that’s all i can say. ;P
Eyecandy would be better too, because it looks linear. placement is fine, i don’t have much complaimetns. wow, i made lots of typos. >D


Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubelectric MIDI
Level rating: 7.6

i like it good job

i may put in a Game that uses MIDI files !

(how did you make it and how do you make Jazz2 music?)

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: RollerCoaster Race
Level rating: 7.7


Eyecandy: GREAT nice mecha-sonics flying everywhere. :) And no bugs or wrong tiles slabbed together, nice animations too though there werent too many, nice suckatube animation. This tileset is actually quite hard to use but u used it greatly.

Gameplay: Everything is good but the fact that it is only possible with Jazz disgusts me. The destrust scenery blocks are quite annoying. i was ahead of my friend and the blocks spawned as soon as i got in front of one. Nice pickups and stuff but these are the only bad things, everything else is good, especially the fun-factor! Download recomended!

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Heating Up
Level rating: 7

NNNIIICCCEEE. This is a great first lvl, unlike many others.

Eyecandy: Nothing bad here… bit usual, not really any bugs which is really rare with this tileset. it seems copyed the background does, but it is quite hard to get ideas for backgrounds sometimes. This tileset was used really well.

Gameplay: Well i have to say that this lvl is really fun but really short, i have to give an 8 for the fun-factor seeing as there isnt too much to do, but i have to say that there is nothing annoying. nice effects for the lvl. i remember that it wasnt too easy but not to hard. i nearly died but i still had 2 hearts. there isnt too much of a good arena, actually that is what seems to be one of the hardest things in the lvl i have to say that is good.

Pickups: Well this isnt bad, but it is good, not too good but good. i have to admit that the pickups could be better but still the lvl is great and they are greatly placed how they are :)


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