I think this is good – it is not just resmpled like other ones, but as said danyjel that annoying “Relax” is bad.It is longer and it isnt so “weary” after on min like other remixes, because it is changing and it is not other bad try.
If you will continue this way, you can be better.
Ok, just let me clear this up: Robert Allen wrote the music for JJ1, Alexander Brandon wrote it for JJ2. First came Robert, then Alex. :p
Whoever thinks this is the very first midi of Jazz Jackrabbit to be released, guess again. www.vgmusic.com has a couple of Jazz midis in the DOS and Windows section (of HH94 bonus, Tubelectric, Medivo and Pezrox). See for yourself :p
Now, a general note about midis: how it sounds like depends on the midi driver you’re using. Each midi driver has its own set of instruments. Change driver = change instruments played in the midi (I’m using Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth).
The midi itself doesn’t sound to bad, tho I’ve heard better. The main problem with this song is that the instrument just… stop in an instant, as in beep. Having them fade out at some places would have been a better choice. Also, the instuments chosen don’t exactly fit the choatic nature of Tubelectric. The melody is intact however, as well as the tempo.
A faithfull adaption of Tubelectric, it’s just a shame it didn’t have better sounding instruments. However it’s a nice try and deserves recognition, considering you don’t see Jazz midi’s all around the web.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
P.S. If there’s anything I can’t stand it’s “I’ll review it later”. What’s the point in saying that? If you’re gonna review it later, then don’t post a review at all!
P.P.S. To all the newbies out there, JJ2 can not play midi’s in-game. You need something like MediaPlayer if you want to hear it.[This review has been edited by JelZe]
i can`t play it because of the password. Don`t use passwords please.
A home cooked have`s a limit. And mine has reached it so the new levels won`t be shown in my home cooked[This review has been edited by Satan]
Edit: you also spam all the time about that it have`s to be .j2b[This review has been edited by Satan]
Why didn’t I listen to Violet? Violet was right! =( I should listen to him, he was saying I need to fix things! Oh well, I hope I can get better next time!
P.s. This Matthew is Labratkid not MattW or iCeD
Satan: You can play it! I’m not goona tell the password, the level is in Home Cooked level, you don’t need the password, it’s there for security resson, you can pllay anyway! I won’t delete the password! Never do this again, ok? It’s your problem, delete some levels, and you can play mine!
Eter: Your review is too short! Why do you want to give it 10, what about eye candy, layout and enemies? Please have more details in your reviews!
Someone please delete Satan’s review about me to delete the password, I’ll always use passwords, and Satan’s review should be deleted because it’s spam! Passwords is to keep my level security, I won’t give anyone the passwords expect the beta-testers![This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
Well, sadly I don’t like this so much than BloodRabbit.
The level design was very confusing, you don’t really know where to go. Also there are some parts where you die or get hurt without having any point of knowing that if you jump down here there is a spike pit which doesn’t let you out. Also, in the second level (Helmer’s cave) I killed a cat, walked to the right and jumped of the level (172,12). As this was my last live I typed jjq and quitted JJ2 because I didn’t want to do all the stuff again.
BloodRabbit, eyecandy was excellent????
No way. There are some carrots in the foreground at the start, and a castle which cuts of at the bottom in the background. This is excellent eyecandy? No way! Look at LWE or Tomb Rabbit. These have excellent eyecandy (in my opinion).
The gameplay was okay, tough I don’t like some surprise deaths. The dragon flies are strategically annoying placed. In level 2 there was a path, where I wanted to go in and suddenly I got warped back. Does this have a reason??? I don’t really know the sense of this.
The ammo was also okay, alltough on some parts in level 1 I missed some seekers or toasters(&%$#! dragonflies). Before the frozen spring could be some fire because the spring doesn’t make a sense without.
Like I said before, also the enemy placement was really annoying. Mostly, because of those dragonflies. Tough, baddy placement isn’t the worst part of the pack.
This pack has a lot of obstacles. And they are sometimes, just, bad placed. For example it isn’t a good idea to place a text sign and if you wanna read it a rock falls on your head and kills you. Or placing a H-Pole before spikes also isn’t a good idea.
The author used the easter tileset. It is maybe a bit late for using this set, but it doesn’t really matter.
The tileset use was ok, but the background is too empty (doesn’t mean level 2).
I hope I made clear why this pack may never deserves 8.0.
I would give about a 7 but because I didn’t finished it I don’t rate.
Download? You’re decision
Level Rank: Above average
Host? No, it wasn’t made for Co-Op I think
I have no idea how to finish that. After you passed the second door you get to Eva who is prisoned in some trigger blocks. She tells you to help her (you have to find a trigger crate for that). So I gone to the door on the right and had absolutely no point what to do. There’s no way to get out.
Also, Bjarni, I see you didn’t even listen to that what I told you in my review for party in castle (ok, you did a new level), but like Green Plant said before, this is very familiar to Party In Castle. I don’t rate (because I don’t rate things I didn’t finish anymore), but I agree with Green Plant.
Bjarni, I didn’t say you didn’t listen to Violet. I said you didn’t listen to me (or not enough). But I’m sure you will get better =)
@ GreenPlant: I know, but I can’t find the trigger crate.
Bjarni, are you R3ptile?[This review has been edited by PHT]
This level pack has an interesting storyline. I liked it! Also the usage of the tilesets was good! But some levels were the same with other ones. This makes the pack long by an easy way. You can use the same levels but don’t use them to find the way back! So, this pack deserves a 7.5!
I’m not as good in rating music then tileset/levels so I’ll give it N/A
Beautiful job.
You kept the original Jazz Jackrabbit Menu beat, while creating a new experience. 10 of 10.
This is the average review rating before I reviewed. In this case, 8.1 of 10.
A very good conversion. Extremely good. I finished it. It was delicious.
10 of 10.
10 + 8.1 + 10 = 28.1 / 3 = 9.36666666666666666666666666666667 = 9.5
Download: Yes
Use: Battle levels, menu song
Slime Time…
Hmm… Most of samples are original, tempo is very slow, it’s whole too repetitive, unproffessional, offtuned, random. Only thing what I liked from part, was “c’mon” voice and one short new melody
(+) New melody
(-) Slow
(-) Original samples
(-) Offtuned
Err… Don’t download it. There’s no reason why to do it.
WooHoo! Techno Mix of Tubelectric! I must enjoy this piece…
So not. We have faster original piece with some new nice techno beats. Nothing more.
Faster tempo here just sucks, beats are fairly good, but something is missing… Arrrgghh… No hi-hats… Just beat – snare – beat – snare. That “fairly” is not enough. Firstly I thought this could be good for technophiles, but no. I like techno too, very much, but this is bad.
(+) Fairly good new beats
(-) without hi-hats
(-) Faster tempo does not sound well
(-) Nothing else changed.
Maybe there will be found somebody who will like this mix… But I can’t recommend it to download, that was reckless…
Nice remix. too bad beatboxing is kind of annyoing. rest is very good. or something. ;P
Yay, another music upload. let me comment:
Quite nice, but like LRK said, this can’t be used in jj2. ;p
well.. its quite nice.. but could use another sounds. it hurts my ears. no more comments/complaiments.
hmm.. needs work. wrong instruments, and it hurts my ears alot. ;P
I would give something like 5, but i don’t rate music, i just comment it. ;P
One of my favorite remixes ever. it sounds really cool. very nice instruments/tempo, etc.. well, a download recommedation.
Hmm.. im not gonna review this, because i would give something like 1.2-1.5, which would pull down average rating, and i don’t want that.
Time to review:
Hmm.. really cool level here. eyecandy is very good too.. this is one of my favorite levels using this tileset. it has some very original ideas in it, like that dog contest thingy. ;P
Tileset was used correctly too. i like it. background layers were nice too, my only complaint is that you should make that background to fade to some colors. it would look nicer. ;-)
Gameplay is good too, springs are nicely placed, and so are pickups and enemies. really nice level here – a DOWNLOAD RECOMMEDATION.
Very cool indeed. one of my favorite progs available.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews – what makes this program useful? Why do you use it? Does it have any flaws? What’s the layout like? The documentation? Etc. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
We know Bjarni… could you please stop telling this over and over again? its really getting to my nerves. ;P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.