m00i made more
- 2nd edit. Quit this please
- ShadowGPW[This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]
In the level is standing: MADE IN 2003 some guy sayd: Its 2004 fool, i said: Yes but it has been made in 2003. so dont say it in yor review.
Nice piece of work Danny!
If i compare this song with others “remixes” like Letni or tubelectric i should give you 10, but because this is your first remix, and because it is realy good, you surely can be better and I think you make next time something realy fantastic. Maybe you should give there longer tones, but as i said before this is real remix and good.
If anyone read this i recomend him to not read Rewiews and download this at his own, because this is one of the “better” remixes.[This review has been edited by sasa][This review has been edited by sasa][This review has been edited by sasa]
I don’t know what to think about the theme. It seems a bit odd.
Neglecting the placement of the coin warp and the carrot barrel, which isn’t too useful anyway (read below), the balance isn’t that bad. Although this isn’t that big of a level, it could use more coins since it’s hard enough to get 20 coins without interference from other players. This level is playable, but more springs should’ve been added so that I don’t have to jump in so many places. I don’t see myself using the poles at the bottom of the level too often just to get one coin. Furthermore, I wouldn’t recommend using bridges too often if they don’t help gameplay all that much.
While I disliked the way some parts of this level looked, the eye candy is overall good. The waterfalls were used well and everything, but I don’t really like all of the ground and tube tiles in the background. Everything else I can live with.
The barrel carrots are useless to everyone but the server since they give clients fake health. Carrots in barrels are always a bad idea. So pretty much the only useful carrot is in the coin warp. In addition, the only powerup is in the coin warp, so either gameplay will be slow and boring at the beginning or extremely biased towards those who get the seeker powerup first. Ammo placement is okay, but it could’ve been distributed more evenly, and I can’t find the purpose of the TNT ammo.
I can’t say yes. It’s a TSF level (which doesn’t look like it has to be one), and it has rather ordinary gameplay. It’s nothing special and has several bugs, so 6.7 is my rating.
I like it, the ammo p;aced is really good. the size is also good.
the eyecandy was LUVLY!
i saw some translicent tiles, also good.
the carrot placed also good and its very fun. springs ar good placed to.
the tileste use is VERY good.
Download reccommed
Host this? YUP!
here a 8.7
Time to review this new Ðx level.
Introduction to Meganis Meryasta: this is another CTF level by Ðx, and it’s better than his last one. I didn’t review that, but I will review this now. This tileset is one I knew, but never saw a level with it. At that point, the tileset chosen is pretty original.
Gameplay: this level’s gameplay is pretty good, you don’t have to jump alot in this level. This level doesn’t have too many springs, but it has tubes to prevent alot of jumping. That low edges left from the red base should have float up, to prevent jumping, or a green spring at pos 77,50. The level has some poles, and it slows down the gameplay. The poles in this level aren’t all unnecessary, but the ones under that bridge are. The other poles in this level are at the top, where you get to when you start this level. I think this isn’t too bad, but more MP starts should be good too.
Conclusion of gameplay: the gameplay is pretty good, but that poles aren’t really needed and there is only 1 mp start. There should be float up in that low edges.
Eye candy/tileset use/layer use: the eye candy is fairly good, Ðx mostly over-uses the eye candy, but this time, it’s not really over-used. The level has many waterfalls and cave tiles in the layers 5 and 6. There is a background in layer 7 this time, and I am glad it is there finally. The tileset is quite limiting, but the tileset is used good in that case. The layer use, like I said, is good too. The level has every layer used, which is a good thing.
Conclusion of eye candy/tileset use/layer use: the eye candy is pretty good, no complaints. Same with the tileset and layer use, so good job this time Ðx. You didn’t over-use the eye candy this time.
Pickup placement: well, here is something Ðx did in his last level too. He put a full energy in the bonus again. There is a carrot barrel at the right side, but it’s not a good idea for multiplayer levels. The barrel regenerates to fast too, which is another bad point. The ammo is placed well, but that long rows looked like the ones in my Bricky Town level, especially the RF row near the red base. There is too many ammo on the ground or placed somewhere that you can get it without jumping. Of course, jumping alot ruins the gameplay, but it’s not fun when you don’t need to jump for all ammo in a level. This is too easy. There is alot of fast fire in the level, and 1 power-up. The level isn’t big, so 1 power-up is something I can live with, although 2 power-ups is better for a level of this size. The other ammo placement is pretty good, and also some original and creative looking groups of ammo are placed here. This level has a bonus with a seek power-up and a full energy, but I think that the bonus is too expensive.
Conclusion of pickup placement: the pickup placement is pretty good, with original groups of ammo, but no full energy carrot in the middle of the level or somewhere that you can get it without paying the bonus. The bonus is too expensive, too.
Originality: like I said, this level is pretty original because it has some ideas. The level’s tileset used isn’t used that many times, and the way the tileset is used is also pretty good, because waterfalls are always original. I know the music of the level, which is decent.
Conclusion of originality: the level has some original ideas, decent music and an original tileset use.
Conclusion level: well Ðx, this level is the best CTF level you ever made, so good job, and continue with decent levels like this. Next time, be sure you add a full energy carrot in the level that’s possible to reach without bonus or something else. More power-ups would’ve been nice too.
Others: host this: not really, but it’s a good TSF level.
Download recommendation: for people who only have TSF and like CTF. No download recommendation: for people who hang around on 1.23 mostly, and know much better levels than this one.
Final rating: 7.1, rounded up to 7.2.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM
Edit: accidentily pressed 9 as rating. [This review has been edited by Da man]
I’m extremely bored, so I guess I’ll review this. I’ll go with a relatively short review compared to my others since Violet has toned down the rating removal policy a bit, after many people, including Trafton, asked him to.
Gameplay – Okay
The gameplay is decent enough, I guess. It’s not platformy or linear, which is a good thing. There’s also no flag bug to my knowledge. The flow isn’t bad, but it could be better. In some places, it would be nice to see a floatup or two. For example, you could put one at 18, 45 to help the flow out a bit. But never overdo floatups. It’s good to have to jump, but it’s better to have to not jump sometimes. It’s bad if you have to never jump. The level is on the small side, so I wouldn’t try to cram more than six players in here. It’s probably better to be used as a dueling level, or MAYBE a 2v2 level. There are some balancing issues, though. For example, the blue base is bigger than the red base, height wise, or so it seems. See the ammo placement section for more details and complaints. There are some places here and there with tile bugs, too, mainly in layer 5.
Eyecandy – Decent
For a limiting set like this, the eyecandy isn’t too bad. It mainly consists of some blue cave walls and translucent slim tiles. The background is some mountains and some purple tiles above them, with blue tiles above THEM. One of my suggestions for the eyecandy area is to experiment with making the sucker tubes translucent. Oh, and the tile above 39, 46 looks kind of bad.
Ammo placement – Not so good
The ammo placement isn’t all that good… although there were some good ideas, such as putting a TNT down and then surrounding it on all four sides with bouncy ammo. It looked kind of like an atom, or a molecule, or something. Very original and sxy looking. The main reason I dislike the ammo placement is because it’s not exactly easy to get. I can’t really explain what I mean. If you understand what I’m talking about, that’s good, I guess. The blue base also has the coin warp on their side, which means the blue base gets a place to hide, a seeker powerup, AND a supercarrot on their side. The red base gets a carrot barrel on their side. Never put carrot barrels in your multiplayer levels. The barrel will regenerate after you smash it, even if you don’t get the carrot, so it’s possible to have ten carrots lying under the barrel at the same time. If you have enough free time, you can put thousands of carrots down. It’d be nice if there were more more powerups, too. A bouncy or a toaster powerup might be nice here.
Overall, this level isn’t bad at all, but there are some severe balance issues. No real download reccomendation, but since this is a 7.2, it’s really your choice if you download or not.
Oh, and as always, I did not proofread this. ;D
Well, I din’t play those two CTF levels you mentioned (because I have no one who plays JJ2 multiplayer with me and my internet connection mostly breaks in 30 seconds )= ) but it doesn’t matter. It’s nice to see you on Jazz2online :-)
Also thx to you Janus Jackrabbit :D
I always like to read reviews about my levels
And thx to Chandie
Is the story good? Thanks :D[This review has been edited by PHT]
Really r0x
its just one map and a shop, but the storyline r0x. the OverlorD da frog is funny very origineel anyway. I liked that you must play with jazz. and that chuck finding and the others was very cool. This will be fun for cOOp. ammo placemand and the carrots placed… ar good also. i like all to’s secrets. you get 0.5 points + because Beach not is over-used and its a hard-use tileset ( acceotr for Candy Wars from firesword and BlackRaptor they ar extreemly good in ctf building. ) anyway
here is yor rating:
Download reccomed? Ye
Host this in coop? Yupy Dupy
Sorry, but i have to admit, this was quite poorly done compared to some other conversions, but it isnt terrible:
1) Layer usage: the layers cant be used too well, nothing for layers 7,6,5,2,1. And there isnt really a background that you can use! 1/2
2) No example lvl: Well, i really would have liked an example lvl, but there isnt one. that is especially bad because the tileset is quite hard to use, nobody has used it before in a lvl that i have seen! 0/2
3) tiles: well there are very little bugs, and the tiles must be flipped to use the tileset, like for walls. also there arent very many tiles but there are nice animations. and a few added tiles which is good. 1/2
4) Conversion itself: well, it has all the tiles JJ1 uses in the JJ1 lvls, and it has the animations.the added tiles are quite useful (destruct scenery, trigger scenery .ect) but the conversion is how it should be. 2/2
5) Others: i dont really like the way the tileset is made but it is good, and i dont kno how to make tilesets but this isnt much of a great tileset, becoz it is a conversion that is from JJ1 (i luv JJ1) i have to give this rating. 2/2
1+0+1+2+2= 6/10
0.5 for generosity!
OMG, don’t suck up to him, what would u guys rate the original JJ2 diamondus then if this was over 8? oh well, heres the review:
Ok, i agree with Blurred, they are quite pointless, but the upsidedown diamondus is funny (you should make more tilesets upsidedown)! Well, there were a few palette edits which doesnt particularly look too much better, it is a bit better though. New tiles i think (=P)! the upsidedown diamondus battlezone is really cool, but it is quite hard to get up to top (or bottom in orginal version) without using the warps at the side, but if u use them, the lvl is great! i dont think there are any masking bugs (or maybe i never saw them =P)! i love the way that the pinball bump 500 doesnt look bugged up or anything ! But still these are pointless edits, though they are good, i would rate the original JJ2 diamondus at a 6.5, but i really prefer JJ1 diamondus which i would give a 7. these edits make the actual original tileset better and these are some of the best edits ive ever seen, all these versions get 7.2 from me![This review has been edited by sabaspaz]
I’m rating a pack here, so i’m just going to talk about each and every level/battle in this pack, lets see the scorez.
Well, your eyecandy has the level getting off to a good start :) you placed a few tubes that that take you places. It’s suitable for 2 to 3 player battles (if you play split screen, if not, it’s going to be easyer to find and harder to kill. Ammo: there is ammo, pretty much in places. So according to this I think the whole pack is good……………….so far.
Oh no!!!! Not much eyecandy ;( Eyecandy is what kicks off the level, and in this level: NONE!!!!!…….oh well, no eyecandy. Far too much ammo and power ups. And this is basicly it on this level.
I can’t remember what it looks like. So i’ll just say it’s good.
Space tilset this time, and much BETTER use of ammo and eyecandy !) but then you find your self teleporting, and the brightness really hurts your eyes. Then you collect some gun 5 then get teleported back to the beggining of the level within 7 seconds with more annoying light that hurts your eyes. Good level, only 1 letdown.
Once again………..Oops, I went much long back to the past, sorry!
OK, so what we have here can be called a remix. Yes, not just stupid sample changing, or adding two patterns, this is an actual remix. Although I don’t know what kind of a remix this is… We have more channels, more samples, old ones are replaced (all of them). It’s really a piece of hard work. The problem is… it sounds “empty”. Maybe the percussion samples are too short, or the new trumpet has a too drastic ending, but it sounds like a channel or two are missing. Besides that, everything else is very good… Maybe all that goodness isn’t combined well? Anyway, as for your first work, I will rate this 7.5. Just keep on practicing, and I hope your next work will be astonishing!
Danyjel and RoW_Odin314, these are really short reviews! Let me show you how real reviewers rates:
Cookie War:
Eye candy: Great looks like a chocolate rock
Layout: The layout also looks like chocolate nice work!
The backround: Wow, it’s really nice, I like these stars
Food: Yeah, there are many food at the buttom, nice work with that
Food machine: That’s really interesting, yeah it is!
Springs: Many springs, yeah, the most of them are blue one
Vines: Many vines but not too many
Weapon placement: That’s great many weapons
The Art: I don’t know if you made the art or not! But it reminds me of chocolate, that’s good!
The type of level: Battle
Download Recommand: Yes
Saturday Night Disco:
Eye Candy: It looks like city, nice work
Layout: It reminds me of city
The backround: It’s textured, and cool, I love textured backrounds
Springs: Fewer this time
Pizza: Yeah, there are some
Disco: A lot of disco, yahoo!
Weapon Placement: Really well!
Coins: They’re hiding somewhere! I can’t find them!
Level type: Battle
Download recommand: Yes!
Rusty Terrain:
Eye Candy: Cool, I like it!
Layout: Just like computers? That’s great!
The backround: Not different from oringal Labrat in the oringal
Sucker tube: They’re many, but not too many!
Weapon placement: Many of them, that’s great!
Belt: Many belts, many belts but not too many! That’s good!
Springs: Few, really
Level type: Battle
Download recommand: Yes!
The Dark Abyss:
Eye Candy: The eye candy is great, I love this dark eye candy
Layout: Looks like rocks, and it’s good!
Backround: Textured and I love that!
Sucker tube: Only two, one long one short, they’re both hidden somewhere in this level!
Weapon placement: Few, really few!
Springs: They’re also few!
Buttstomp: Yeah, there are some in this level!
Level type: Battle
Download recommand: Yes!
The StarBreaker:
Eye candy: Great copy of JJ2
Layout: See above
The backround: Really nice, it’s blue, I love blue!
Shields and powerups: Many of them hidden somewhere in this level! ;D
Fake Spaz: He is pretty funny!
Frog: He is just here all the day!
Weapon placement: Many, but not too many!
Springs: Fewer then last time!
Teleporters: Yeah, there are some in this level!
Level type: Battle
Download recommand: Yes!
Cargo Section 5:
Eye candy: just like you’re in gameship
Layout: well, it’s also just like I said about the eye candy
Backround: Space backround of course!
Weapon placement: None!
Sucker tube: One and long!
Food: Much food to eat here!
Morph placement: Only one!
Belt: Defently with the sucker tube
Level type: Unknown
Download recommand: Yes!
The Leprechaun forest:
Eye candy: I love it it reminds me of the autum
Layout: Well, reminds me of buituiful garden!
Backround: Textured!
Warp: There are many warps in the buttom of this level
The food waterfall: It’s so great, I love it!
The coins bar: No point of getting the coins, there’s nothing interesting!
Going up to the top: No, we can’t!
Weapon placement: None!
Level type: Unknown
Download recommand: Yes!
Inside the Pit:
Eye candy: The other one was better!
Layout: So normal
Backround: Textured
Weapon placement: None
Foods: Many foods, nothing much more
Level type: Unknown
Download recommand: No!
Stereo Motion:
Eye candy: Not good, not bad either!
Layout: Not good or bad!
Backround: Textured!
Foods: Many foods
Sucker tube: Many, really many!
Morph: Hidden somewhere in this level!
Warp: Really few
Level type: Unknown
Download recommand: Yes!
The Gumball Machine:
Eye Candy: So gold
Layout: Green waterfall, junk!
Backround: So many diamondus
candy bar: Good! I love candy!
Weapon placement: None!
Sucker tube: It looks like but isn’t!
Level type: Unknown
Download recommand: Yes!
Warps: All of them does let the candy bar make candy, mmmmmmm!!!!
Comments: This is really nice work, of all these levels, some levels are battle, and some type that I don’t know what I can say! Really nice work, good luck with your next protject! ;-)
~Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
RoW_Odin314: Bjarney is English name, and I’m Icelandic, please call me just Bjarni![This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
My longer review:
StreetFight ®*
All of the StreetFight levels are good, with the expection of the one made with the Wisteyness tileset. Now THAT one was suck.
InstaGib ®*
All of the instagib levels were good, expect the one with the wisey tileset. That one was suck.
9 + 8 = 17 / 2 = 8.5
There. Happy Barney- err… Bjarni?
[This review has been edited by RoW_Odin314]
(Personal attack removal edit. Be nice! ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Yeah, I totally agree! Please help us!
I promised a review so here I am.
Now for the review itself i find myself in a difficult position.
I like the tune, melody is catchy and I liked it the moment I heard it the first time. But nothing has been altered here.
I have no clue if the speed has changed but it sounds a little bit too slow to have ingame, if it was ever meant for a level.
The instruments are chosen nicely, although I would have chosen the trumpets differently. And in the beginning an instrument is being stretched too long.
In remixes I really like when cords (don’t know if the word is correct) are changed and the whole song sounds a little bit different. sadly this was not attempted.
Afterall this is his first mix and it’s a great start. Thumbs up from me
And a rating of 7.5
[This review has been edited by Pyromanus]
jes indeed its not much bud how kan i revieuw a level that dosnt have all levels i coldent find the level that_after_jou_die whi that 4 wel that because of the other 2 levels the first two
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews – assuming I understand you, all you’ve really said is that the next level setting is messed up. Why is is not so much bud? What’s the eyecandy, design, gameplay, or anything at all like? What could be improved? Etc. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well, I din’t play the old version but it seems that I have to review this, so let’s go on.
At first, like the author mentioned above, this is the fixed version of his old level “Party in Castle”. Well, What this has to do with a party isn’t clear for me (ok, except the bridge thingy), the level has, sadly, no story. You come in a castle, and fight multiple enemies. Well, in the readme (Yes, I read it!!) you can read what Bjarni changed, but there are still very much things which aren’t right.
I think the level design should probably be remade fully, alltough nothing does have a totally understandable reason (I don’t mean spelling errors in text signs). For example the area with that bridge which will break if you walk over it. A text sign tells you that over you Lizards are dancing and the bridge could break. Well, you see Lizards dancing on a bridge above you, and not on that one you are standing so there’s no reason why this thing breaks. Also, the water part. There’s no reason why suddenly water comes up and after a short swimming it doesn’t exist anymore. Sorry Bjarni, but I’m such a perfectionist :-)
Well, there aren’t tile bugs (maybe some minor), but even with the fact there aren’t any, you should know that you have to change it. Why? Because it is all out of time. Some years ago this might have been reasonable eyecandy, but not today. Not after “Demon Invasation” from Moonblaze, “Tomb Rabbit” from Kejero and so on. There are some background layers, but they are stolen from “Formerly A Prince” from Cliff Bleszinski. Also you could have used some different tiles for the wall.
Well, Bjarni, I see your “fixing” of levels is, just done wrong. Listen to ALL what a reviewer says is wrong and if it needs to, rebuild your level. There are several more downfalls (like ammo and food placement, enemy placement and more) but I’m too lazy to mention them all. Sorry, if you want to fix a level, then put effort in it.
DOWNLOAD RECCOMENDATION: No, maybe if you want to see how to NOT fix a level.
HOST: nope
LEVEL RANK: Above average
….Leole, could you work on your english some? I don’t understand a word, sorry =P[This review has been edited by PHT]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.