please admins delete ratings…[This review has been edited by Danyjel]
What the heck..?
I will not write a lot, there’s nothing much to tell about.
Just random resample pack, no song from pack is better than original. Firstly it’s because of poor sample quality, secondly about that it’s detuned, next reason is in that it’s totally randomly sampled. Just take samples and put it there.
(+) Lot of sounds which will make your neighbour angry
(-) Everything else
Download recommendation? Yes, if you have something to block your ears, you have loud reproductors and you want make your neighbour angry. Else not.
I like it. Awesome eyecandy, good gameplay. Only little bad ammo placement… Fun in it is good, but not for long time. But if you are glad with 45 minutes of hosting with good fun…
Alright, here goes:
I was actually pretty surprised with the quality of the music, it reminded me of the original menu remix and had a rux beat, and I liked it, a lot of cool notes and beats. I like how it sounded a lot different and yet still reminded me of the original menu song. Pretty good for a first try. And yeah, next time make the music title a bit shorter. Overall, I’d say this would get about an 8 from me. Good Job, and download reccomended. (I can’t ever seem to do long enough reviews on music =\)
Edit: After a while I’ve grown to like this tune more. Rating upgraded to an 8.2.
Yay, another tileset realase by BlurredD. lets review.
Well.. this pack comes with four cool diamondus edits, proably the best edits
ive ever seen. there’s upside down versions too, which are evil to build with. ;p
i really love palettes too, color combinations are really cool looking. and tiles you added. waterfalls for example, are very nice. i think ill make a level with this set, but now let me continue, if you thought this was my whole review, you’re wrong. this was the intro. oh well..
Diamond dust 01/upside down edit:
COLORS: Pretty nice.. i love them. colors aren’t boring. in other words, there’s many colors. blue, white.. light blue, orange, green.. and other neat colors. my favorite palette edit. gives noon atmosphere, and its probably very nice to build with.
CONCLUSION:Really nice.
Diamond dust02/F version:
COLORS:Well.. i dissapointed. colors are usually blue… and dark. mostly beetween black and blue. grass looks neat though, and levels using this set will probably have a nice night atmosphere. well.. colors could be better. but they’re still nice. or something.
DD 02/F – DD 01/F
TILES ADDED:You added some more tiles, like waterfalls, some caves [ which can be used for a background ]
water.. for trees.. and some other tiles. 1337.
OVERALL:Really neat edits. im thinking to make a level with these tilesets.. my rating is 8.5
Well.. Danyjel asked me to review this but i dunno how to rate music, so ill comment this instead.
Well.. i like this remix alot. its probably one of my favorites. samples and sounds are very nice.. il hope we see more remixes from ya. the end, because im too lazy to write more.
So we have Jazz Jackrabbit Advance Title Mix. Do we have to be happy?
For firstly, I don’t like JJA title. It’s unproffessional, with really bad rhythm, bad melody, if there is any. So my review can be quite biased.
We have some kind of rock remix here. Guitar lead is okay like almost all samples. Rhythm is 100 times better than in original, we have nice loop here.
Whole song is very different from original, I see there was some work on it.
But I don’t think it’s so much better than original. There are too much loud, it sounds whole more than music like some sound effects from sci-fi movie…
(+) Samples
(+) Rhythm
(-) Hurts ears
(-) Random music
Now, I have to say if it’s enough to download recommendation. If you liked original, you will be surprised, you will apparentely like this piece very much. But if you don’t like JJA title, this is not much better. As a man who really doesn’t like original, I say don’t download. You will not miss anything.
Lemme Review this,
Eyecandy: Hmm, i’ll review it, even if you said not to, then there is hardly to review on if i dont. You used wall blocks for the sprite layer on the background layer. The animating tiles are terrible too, there is an animation of a buttstomp block, which changes to a sign and then to a blank. Also, none of the layers were edited, and you wasted a lot of space; you could have made the sprite layer smaller. -1/2
Enemies: No bad guys, well how fun… NOT! All i can say is, never forget enemies!!!!!!! -1/2
Pickups: None, again, levels are a lot better with pickups, and, there were none included! -1/2
Fun Factor: Well, if you enjoy dropping from the top of a level to the bottom, and moving about 80 tiles, i’d say this is fun, otherwise i hate falling for no reason, so it isn’t fun. Like the Labratkid said, it is only fun timing yourself. -1/2
Others: Well there is horrible gameplay even for a tutorial, you are meant to learn something from tutorials! The sign is written in a really stupid way, and if you jump over the exit, you fall off the level, which then you are stuck unless you cheat or quit. The only good thing is that there is a boll platform, but that isn’t really good, it is the only thing that caught my eye, please try harder like this, overall the events were placed terribly, and i only learnt one thing from the level, that there is no point to this. You are not terrible, you just need to try harder. -1/2
Overall: -1/2 × 5 = -5/10
=P I wanna see part two now!
[This review has been edited by sabaspaz]
Bjarni, when an author makes the music format in a module file, rather than a .j2b, you can use it for multiple things. If it’s a .j2b, it will only work with JJ2. At its current state, you can use this file in Winamp, and other things. If you want to listen to this in JJ2, Bjarni, include the file extension when you type in the music name.
In this case, you’d have to type…
Jazz Jackrabbit 1 menusong music remix.s3m
…to use this in JJ2, rather than typing…
Jazz Jackrabbit 1 menusong music remix
…without the .s3m at the end.
Okay, Danyjel wanted me to rate this, but I’m not sure what to give it, so I’ll just comment on it. Anyway, this is a pretty good remix. I don’t like the first 20 seconds all that much, but after that, I like it a lot! =) Good job, keep up the good work. I hope to see more remixes from you in the future. =D[This review has been edited by labratkid]
What are you talking about Bajarni S3M is one of the most common and workable formats for JJ2. Your crazy.
Now onto the review:
It has a nice base to it. It really brings out how catchy the theme song is. I’m listening to it right now and bobbing my head. I don’t know much about music but I know whats catchy and what I like and I like this.
Overall I say this is a wonderful remix of the Jazz theme because it portrays how catchy it is and is arranged nicely with good instrument choice. Good job Danyjel you get my thumbs up and an 8 outa ten!
Another Leole level. Is this one better than GET OFF THE TRAIN STATION.
EYECANDY: Sorry, but it is my duty to review the eyecandy, speaking of that review you said not to. You learned something, puting things on forground layers (HORRAH!!!) There are somewhat 3 bridges if I can count. They all blink, and that is annoying because you bounce with them. I’ve had enough talking about eyecandy (Witch is good news).
ENIMIES: No enimies means no review.
ITEMS: No items also means no review.
SIZE: Every level has a size. It’s tiny, just like Get off the train station. It takes at least 2 seconds to do. So it’s more like tinyer than Get off the train station.
FINAL COMMENT: ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGG!!!! Why are your levels so bad??. I hope you have learned something from me, DON’T PUT PRACTICE OR TRUTORIAL LEVELES ONT THE WEBSITE!!!.
I’m not the ASSULT type, so correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, how did you get on.
EYECANDY: Top secret tileset used here. You worked on the eyecandy witch is good, but even better because you worked on it so hard. The eyecandy is exquisite here, and someone actually found a way to use Layar 1.
SIZE: I don’t know if you have the right size, but this is becouse I don’t know a thing about assalts. Anyway there are 6 sectors if you count the DEFENCE SECTOR and the other one. I find Sector 1 harder and bigger than Sector 2, 3 and 4.I’m just going to say that the size for 6 sectors and a ‘Shoot the core area’ is good.
FINAL COMMENT: I’m just going to give you 6.5, because I don’t really know assalts.
I like the idea, but I think, the track is not really good. The melody is ok, with the orbitus sounds, but the drums are terrible. The main problem is, there are just snare like drums, and they’re very similars, so the grooves are not good. The bass is the weakest part of this and the original track too, I think, but with the Airbase’s bass it’s really bad, I think, ‘cuz it’s not fits for the melody.
Summary: The idea is good, there are goodies, but some part of this stuff is need to fix…
I’m getting tired of this! Please make your musics in “.j2b” this doesn’t work for any JJ2 versions, for example mine!
Once again, some musics doesn’t work for any JJ2, I’m not the only one! And oncea again, only .j2b works for all JJ2 versions!
Whee. BlurredD has done it once again.
1 sudnomaiD
An upside down version of Diamondus. With added waterfalls and some backround eyecandy. 2 sudnomaiD is basically the same, except the night version of Diamondus. Nothing really spectacular here or anything, and I doubt people would use these too often.
Diamond Dust 01
I really like this, the copperish ground looks so good in this tileset and has a nice, warm look, and the colors are nice and bright. The waterfalls are fairly easy to use (just animate them in the clockwise order that you see them in the tileset) and there is some backround eyecandy as well. More tiles could’ve been added, but its alright right now.
Diamond Dust 01 F
Basically an upside down version of Diamond Dust 01.
Diamond Dust 02
I really like this one, it gives Diamondus a nice darkish feel, and the waterfalls are there too so you can make nice, beautiful(sp?) landscapes with this set, as demostrated in Starlight falls II.
Diamond Dust 02 F
Upside down version of Diamond Dust 02. Whee.
Technical Requirements: Water looks pretty good in them (even in 8bit), Psych Pole works, Jungle Pole looks a bit weird but works, Carrotus Pole works, pinball 500 bumps work really nicely, Carrot bumps look O.k. in the diamond dust 01, but not so good in diamond dust 02, and the pinball pads work good. Snow looks strangely green in diamondus dust 01, but look pretty good in the 02 version.
Final rating:
Diamond Dust 01: 8.5
Diamond Dust 02: 9.2
Technical Requirements: 8
+0.5 for the upside down versions
=9.066666666666666666667 (or similar)
Rounded down to 9.
eyecandie:100 procent
orginal:95 procent
item placement: because there are no save points i wnted to make that a 95 procent bud it is 100 procent cause the levels are short
enemy placement:perfect
music:9.9 case of the movies bud 100 procent whitout the movies
cause al things above | a one hunderd procent congrats!!!!
download recomdation:if jou dont download it jou are a fool! so in one word j-e-s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ehm, guys? Quit sucking up to him already! Don’t mind me, but I just think you’re overrating them just a little bit :D. Time for me to do something about it.
BlurrED has becoming famous his palette edits of offical JJ2 sets. First Castle (with added sky and rain) to Psych. This time he’s taken on Diamondus, everybody’s favourite tileset, because it is just so easy to use (and therefor overused to a golden crisp)! For this review, I’ll point out the differences and things added in each set. Ready? Here we go :P
1 sudnomaiD
Nothing more than Diamondus 1 spelled backwards. This is probably the weirdest thing ever done to a tileset: turning it upsidedown. As mentioned before, this has been done before (EvilMike if I’M not mistaking). Overall it just looks weird. There’s a downside to this however: the Diamondus Pole event virtually becomes useless here. Masking is ok.
2 sudnomaiD
Night version, enough said.
Diamond Dust 01
The main attraction of the pack. BlurrED wasn’t kidding when he said the palette edit was pretty lazy: the most significant change is the blue ground turning to a copper color! The rest just changed shades or not at all (unlikely :P). Of course he put in some extra tiles (which you can find in the flipped sets as well): a waterfall, JJ1 style and sized down background walls. While that may look nice, there’s hardly any interaction possible with the rest of the tiles. At best you can use the downsized wall tiles in layer 4, but that’s it. You’d have to use layer 5 to 8 for the waterfalls and walls, which is a shame. The order of the water tiles is hard to figure out. Masking is fine tho, no problems.
Diamondus Dust 01F
Upsidedown version, similar to 1 sudnomaiD. Same palette, same extras, same story.
Diamondus Dust 02
I consider this the night version of Diamond Dust, here’s where more changes come looking. Everything’s pretty dark (with the exception of the gems in the ground, which makes a nice contrast). The ground is a very dark blue-grey, while the grass and leaves are a dirty greenish-brown. The rest turned to a darker shade of their original colors.
Diamondus Dust 02F
Just for the heck of it: upsidedown version of Diamond Dust 02.
Example levels
In a shamefull move, BlurrED modified Offical CTF levels (Diamondus Warzone flag bug fix, obvious choice). Thing is, the level is flipped for the flipped sets. Pretty weird experience.
BlurrED did make 2 example levels, but only the battle level, StarLight Falls, show what you really can do with the modifications. But why only Diamond Dust 02?
Pretty good conversions, but I doubt anyone would wanna use them, since Diamondus is so overused. Recommended for the conversion collector :P
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
Here I am again, with the review of the second part. This time, rather than reviewing the pack as a whole, I will check the individual for problems and other things, since they may have .psm related problems.
- Song0.s3m (Diamondus): Nothing wrong with this song, sound just like the original.
- Song1.s3m (Sluggion): Same here, although one sample is still missing (0:53 – 1:01). One would expect it to be inplemented by now, but I guess only the JJ1 music engine can find and play it.
- Song2.s3m (Technoir): No problems. ‘nuff said :p
- Song3.s3m (Tubelectric): ditto
- Song4.s3m (Turtemple): ditto
- Song5.s3m (Nippius): ditto
They all sound just like the old .s3m files, and that’s where the problems lay. The only thing that makes them different is the built-in name instead of the auto-name. If you already have all JJ1 music files, this may not be worth your time unless the auto-name thing bothers you. If you don’t have them, they make good substitutes.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
sigh Do I have to do everything myself? :p Or I just have way too much free time on my hands…
To be honest, I have no words for this remix. For a first track it’s pretty impressive. It sounds pretty decent, it shows the tracker has potential. He didn’t go overboard trying to make it the best, instead he stayed level. The track has a steady tempo, like 1, 2, 1, 2. I’m not an expert on instruments, but they seem too … mellow for a tough bunny like Jazz. That’s forgivable for a first try, as long as he’s prepared to improve on it. The nicest thing is the added tune in the “silent” area (0:57 to 1:06), which is actually a part of the menu song, not made up. The melody is completely preservedOne thing bothered me tho: the very long file name. I had to shorten it because it screwed up the file selection window in my player. Names like “JJ-menurm” would have worked better.
A good remix, but it could use some minor improvements on the instruments and the steady tempo. But since it’s the tracker’s first try, it’s understandable he wanted to stay level, so I won’t hold points back for that. Recommended download, with the reservation of the long file name.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3[This review has been edited by JelZe]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.