A good battle-pack, but it’s really time for improvement.
LVL 1: Grazzbattle01
This is a small battle lvl, just like all the other lvl’s. The small lvl makes it boring. You make it to simple to get the Powerups and ammo. You dont have to do something to get a powerup. And the ammo is to much. There is a big place with 7×7 tiles Seekers or something. And there are standing 4 crates with Bouncers by the Powerup.
The Eyecandy doesn’t make it better. Bad layer 3 use. You can see ev’rywhere where layer 3 is used can see your feet. But the rest is a bit better.
Gameplay is okay… If your floating to upstairs, you can get stuck… But there are sucker tubes and things and vines and that makes it better.
But that carrot at the begin is bad to. If you shoot against it to the left you wont be able to get it.
Overall: A bit buggy lvl that needs better gameplay and better placement.
LVL 2: Grazzbattle02
It’s beginning to be better, but not really good…
You need to improve yourself Grazzkid.
Placement is better, altough it must be good. To much ammo on one spot. Also, I’ve seen that in EVERY lvl THE AMMO IS COMING BACK TO QUICK! It’s coming back in 1 second or something. That secret is to simple to find, and it will lead you to 5 Powerups! Thats to much.
Eyecandy is improved, if you look to Lvl 1. It’s a nice lvl.
Gameplay is also better, and the lvl is a bit bigger then first. But that suckertube that will suck you trough FastFires, but it’s waiting to long ev’ry time. If your enemy sees you, he will run to the end and shoot you down in one time. =(
Overall: A better lvl then LvL1. It’s still to much ammo in it…
LVL 3: Spazzgrazzbatle03
This is getting better, but I don’t like it when you almost put ALL Upgrades in it… There are some UFO’s in the lvl, and IN the UFO’s are Upgrades. You have to walk first to the right to get Electro Guns(upgrade =P) Then you can shoot them all.
At the begin are 2 secrets to! You have to jump high to get Seekers(Powerup…) And if you go in the sucker tube, press left to get 3-way(Powerup…=) )
The gameplay is bit bad. You just have to walk to the right and left or jump over the UFO’s =P. So not realy good.
Eyecandy is just nice! The UFO’s, background and the lightsettings are good. If you walk under an UFO, it will become a white Screen(much light) If you go, it will turn out dark again. Not more to say about this.
Overall: To much Upgrades but haves nice Eyecandy. Make more platforms to walk on so it will not become BOOOORING…
LVL 4: Space
Well, this time I’m impressed! This gots realy nice Eyecandy! HAHA! Those aliens give you ammo and carrots =P.
There are nice platforms and a better gameplay. Dont walk only left and right, but squeeze yourself in holes, jump out the Spaceship, and more like that.
Still, there is TO MUCH TNT!! 15×5 TILES WITH TNT!!! WHAT TO DO WITH IT!? And again, to much Upgrades… 3-way, freezer, Seekers and other kinds of upgrades.
Overall: I think this is the best lvl of all. Great eyecandy, good gameplay, nice joke, but still I’m missing the nice AMMO placement.
Fhew… I’m ready with the review… Ono, i forgot the rating! =P =P
RATING : a 6.5 for you Grazzkiddos.
DOWNLOAD : Your decision. I think yes…
HOST THIS: Nah… I think not, but you can do it allways! ;)
At first glance of this level: looks like this is going to look like EvilMike’s Cavern CTF level, won’t it?
I wasn’t too wrong about my assumption. It has the same feel of Cavern CTF, except this level is in more of a square shape. I can’t say I hate the flow, but it feels a little off in places like at the bottom left and right, and some places might be hard for Jazz players to reach without running. And in the way the passageways are designed at the bottom and middle, it’s easier to kill and get killed when trying to navigate the level. Aside from that, the level doesn’t leave much room to move in a lot of places, so gameplay is often limited.
The eye candy is somewhere between decent and semi-original. It’s not exactly easy to come up with innovative eye candy in this set nowadays, and this level proves just that. I liked the lighting the least, though. Lighting normally doesn’t look too good with this tileset. Moreover, the top edge of the level seems too flat.
There’s the one full energy carrot at the top middle, which I have nothing against. Powerup placement is fine, although typical. At least the seeker powerup is only accessible with EB’s. However, the ammo seems excessive and too close together especially at the bottom middle.
Not often, no. I can learn to like it, but I can’t see myself playing in this level on occasion. 7.2 will be my rating, so happy birthday.
You can’t listen to it with Winamp
why do you make an beginners lvl if we already have one on 1.23?
I agree with Dx.
Delete this.
Oh,and Leole.
We are raters,we give ratings so why you upload this if we may not rate from you?
And what Beginners tutorial withouth text and enemies?![This review has been edited by Lulu]
for the pack i give an 8.
Lvl1: Gameplay: very bad.
eyecandy: better then your gamplay
Weapons:too much of the same weapons,try to mix it with other weapons
Lvl2: Gameplay: not good.
Eyecandy: same as 1
Weapons: same as 1.
Lvl3: Gameplay: better then LVL1
but still kind of boring.
Eyecandy: better,nice with the UFO’s.
Weapons: the same as lvl1.
Lvl4: GamePlay: much better.
Eyecandy: Very Good,Nice Meteors.
but take away the light in the ship.
Weapons: better but i want it very good.[This review has been edited by Lulu]
This is poor,
This is cheap,
My stuff is even better…
and my stuff sux
(Unsupported rating removal edit. What, specifically, is wrong with this level? What could be done to improve it? There are lots of ways to make a review of a bad level longer – especially because with bad levels, you can often mention every single aspect of the upload. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
A small pack of remixes (Or rather, combinations: he mostly took instruments from one song and used them in another.) by Tazar. I actually think they’re pretty good.
Diamondus with Fanolint’s instruments. An interesting mix, but a bit could be done to improve it. The melody could stand to be a little louder, and maybe the pitch lowered. The snare drum is supposed to be used in a higher pitch than it is. Sometimes a low snare can be used very well, but it doesn’t seem like that here. The saw also sounds a little off-key. If you fix these things, and maybe throw a little variation in, this could be a good remix, though!
Megairbase with Turtemple’s instruments. I think this is the best out of the 4. The instruments are used very well, and I can hear a bit of variation from the original tune. Very good job!
Medivo with Scraparap’s instruments. Another good remix, I like the way the drums are handled in this one. However, the saw’s pitch needs to be lowered a little near the end, where it gets really high. Otherwise, great remix!
Tubelectric with Sluggion’s instruments. This one falls a bit short. The way you can only barely hear the main melody really bugs me in this one. Also, where the “explosion” is in the original Tubelectric, the flutes sound sort off key. Sometimes, it’s better to stick with the original instrument.
Altogether, a very good music pack, with a few shortcomings. I don’t really know what to rate this, though.
Bjarni, when setting a music file for a level, you need to include the file extension if it’s not a .j2b. Thus…
Peaceful.j2b = Peaceful
Hopefully, that should let you listen to some other music files with JJ2.
J2b must be work, I think Blackraptor is right. I will not stop to upload in module format (now S3M), beacouse it’s good for JJ2, and you can listen it with winamp too.
uhh..non j2b stuff work for me..its probably a bug with your jj2 bjarni, fix0r it.
Would you please have it on .j2b? Jazzers how many times should I tell ya, that other then “j2b” doesn’t works for all jazzers, please stop uploading these stuff, they’re hard and annoying!
Peaceful.j2b = Peaceful
Hopefully, that should let you listen to some other music files with JJ2.
No, .mod won’t work either for my JJ2!
P.s. I forgot only admins can add more then 1 review!
(Rating removal. ~Violet)
censored I didn’t even rate!
[This review has been edited by Violet CLM][This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
(Fake edit notation. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well… I don’t understand how to play
this game :o Could someone explain…
wel somethies some of jou are almost screeming it out [weah like jou green plant ok an circus may not be fun afther all bud atleast i am trying and err sabspazz cauze i seen this revieuws there wont be coming any tutrials for atleast a while i am momentalie working on the level packet project lori soon i am gonna set this first part of it on j20 now so cao[This review has been edited by leole]
Okay, I decided to review this level too. So hold on.
Introduction to Eternal Gardens: this is the fourth level ChippieBW made by himself, and the level uses the great JJ1: Diamondus Night conversion by NOKA. The level is created for the XLM contest that I set up, and I think it has a good chance for winning that contest.
Gameplay: this is another symmetrical level, and the layout looks quite good. The level isn’t squared-off, and I am glad with that. The level has an okay flow, but the spring placement could be better, like BlurredD also said. The spring placement is okay, though. This level has the bases placed left and right-top, and it has some tubes in it. There is a tube next to each base, and there is another tube more left or right and you can get in that without jumping. The level has float up on that small edges, and that’s a good idea. There is a copter above the seek power-up. This is a good idea, and that’s why I recommend to play and host this level in 1.23. The level isn’t too closed or open, but also, it doesn’t have perfect space. Some places are more open than others, though. There is a warp at each side, and it leads you to a carrot.
Conclusion gameplay: this level has an okay spring placement and flow, but all other things are good.
Eye candy/tileset use/layer use: the level’s eye candy is very nice. The level has alot of cave tiles placed in layer 6. The level has waterfalls placed in layer 3 and 5. The level has alot of trees in layer 5. There is also something in layer 4, but not really many there. The tileset use is nice too, the level uses alot of tiles from the tileset. The layer use is also nice, every layer is used except layer 1. Layer 2 has one thing, but I don’t know why that’s placed.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use/layer use: the level has nice eye candy. The tileset use is also nice, same with layer use. No complaints.
Pickup placement: this level has some creative ammo placement. Like NiQ said, that groups of 7 × 3 ammo were placed alot in this level and they look creative. The other ammo placement is good too. The thing I like the most is that there is no ammo on the ground in this level. Some ammo on the ground is no big problem, but nothing on the ground is really good. The level has some fast fires too, and also 3 power-ups. Seeker, toaster and bouncy. The toaster pu is placed at the left side, and you can get it with gun 9 or bouncies. The bouncy pu is placed at the right side and uses the same method. The seek pu is placed in the middle of the level, with a copter above it. This is a good idea. There are 2 carrots in this level. the full energy was placed well. It was a good idea to make it visible, because it was evil the first time. The other carrot is a +1, and you can get it when you enter a warp. There is 1 warp at each side, and they lead you to the same place.
Conclusion placement: there is some creative ammo placement here. The level has good power-up placement and carrot placement, and also some fast fires.
Originality: the level is quite original. The seek pu idea was original. This tileset isn’t used alot for CTF levels, I think only 1 time. The full energy placement was a good idea too. The way the tileset is used was quite original too. The music in the level is nice. I like it alot.
Conclusion originality: this level has some original ideas, original tileset use, the tileset isn’t used alot, and has an original music that I like.
Conclusion level: this level is better than Chip’s other levels. The level has nice eye candy and placement, and a decent gameplay. All in all, I give the level a 7.7. Download this level if you are a CTF freak or if you collect good levels.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM
I’m bored, so i decided to review this tileset.
Bad Boys II, By The Real One Bjarni:
Yay, another tileset realase. actually, i must admit this set is much better than i thought, Graphics look really nice on some tiles,( bad boys posters for example )
and i really can’t find flaws from them.. or atleast major ones. Masking is fine too.. and there’s some mask messages. Slopes and other things are masked rightly. tile quality would be better thought, slope tiles look really dull. so does that brown man with guns. there’s also a white/blue hill-like thing.. which is supposed to be a police car.. i was surprised when i saw that textured background. it looks nice, too bad its ripped.. and then edited. Well, i think this is average tileset. with some bad and good tiles.. download or not? my review should tell everything.
Tile quality is better what i thought it would be. some tiles like those posters and texturebackgroud look really nice, and i can’t find complaiments from them. nice work, keep it up. too bad that some tiles look dull like i mentioned above. this set has different colored slopes, which look really dull. there’s also a tile which looks like road.. which look dull too. there’s poorly drawn gun / police car tile too, and i really dislike those. well, no more complaiments.
PROS:Some nice looking tiles.
CONS:Some tiles are really dull..
Ick. colors are really boring.. usually they are brown or yellow.. which looks really dull, and makes levels look boring. multicolored tileset would be nice. hmm.. police car and texture background use other colors though, which saves this section from getting low rating. anyway, use more colors next time..
PROS:´Some other colors than brown.
CONS:Colors are mostly brown, or yellow.. or somewhere beetween those two.
Heh. This tileset is extremely easy to use. whcih is really good thing. too bad that in my opnion this is too easy to use.. or something like that. ;P
but anyway, i won’t remove points from that.well, my conclusion is that this is really easy to use, which can be really good/bad thing. no more comments.
PROS:Really easy use
CONS:nothing really.. ;P
Masking is quite good in my opnion. slopes have good masking. police cars and other things could be better though. overall this tileset has quite nice masking, or atleast better than i expected. no more comments. =OO
PROS:Quite nice masking
CONS:could be better.
HJmm.. lots of tiles. There’s no background tiles.. or atleast there’s no good background tileset you coukld use.. not really a good thing. there’s some useful tiles though, like slopes.. yay.
well, this tileset has some eyecandy too.. like posters and poorly drwan blocks and some man with guns. ´police car could be better too..
PROS:Some nice tiles
CONS:Some bad tiles
Well.. average tiles. nothing more to say.. whee. im tired because of this review.. well, im finished. 6.5 for reasons i mentioned.
Other rankings:
Download recommedation:your decision.
Build with this:your decision.
Rank:average tileset
~NiQ a.k.a SnooZ[This review has been edited by NiQ]
Well Ðx and Superjazz this works.
and you told me to stop making levels?
I saw this level only 1 time , but it rox!
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please explain why it is that this level rox – is the eyecandy good? The design? What strikes you as particularly new and original about the work? etc. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Chippie wanted me to review his upload, and he reviewed mine, so i will review this.. let me start.
Tileset you used was jj1: Diamondus night,(by NOKA) and i really like it. Eyecandy was really good too, and i really can’t find tile errors. btw, i saw this hosted couple of times, and this was really fun to play online. im just wondering why the sucker tube ( upper middle ) is bit longer in other side. ;P
(Sorry for my bad english)
But i don’t remove points from that since it dind’t disturb me much. This level was fun to play. i also like layout alot. its not linear. and eyecandy rocks… trees, waterfalls.. caves, suckertubes.. animations.. etc.
really good level.. download recommedation…unfortunately my review isn’t finished.. its time to continue.
Like i mentioned above.. its great. really good. multiple ground tiles were used, and the result is awesome. i like the way you used suckers too, and waterfalls.. and other eyecandy.. by the way, i really can’t find tile errors in this level.. well.. my conclusion is that this level’s eyecandy is l333t.
This level has really good gameplay. i like this level’s gameplay a lot. carrots are nicely placed. one is on own, and one is on upper suckertube, which makes that suckertube useful. spring are nicely placed too.. and youll can navigate around easily. i really have no complaiments. i was just wondering why that sucker is longer onother side.. but whatever. good gameplay. Layout is nice too.. In other words, level is nicely layed out [ i hope i spelled that right ] and i like it. there is some oneway events on bottom section, which lead youto upper section.. or something like that. i hope that the j2o users who will read this understand what i mean.. whatever. really nice layout.
Placement is nice. its something really original. there is lot of weapon packs, which are shaped like,
* * *
* * *
which can be really good thing. Powerup placement is fine too. i can’t remember powerups.. i think this level had 3 Powerups.. bouncy, seeks.. and something else. whatever. bouncers and seeks are good choice since most people use them… myself i couldn’t live without powered seeks.. ;P
well. in my opinion placement is great. no more comments / complaiments
This level is very original… or atleast eyecandy and atmosphere are.. i liked this level alot. Is this level fun? i would say it is. i saw this hosted two times, and this really was fun to play. or atleast it was in my opinion. yay, long review. ;D
Yay, I finally finished my long review.. well. in my opinion this deserves a 7.5, which is good rating. i hope i gave enough reasons.
RANK:Good level.
~NiQ a.k.a SnooZ [This review has been edited by NiQ]
What… the… heck?
Eyecandy – Very bad
Well, let’s see… there’s really no eyecandy whatsoever. All the ground isn’t even put together right, and the background is a bunch of random blocks. Yes, that’s it.
Gameplay – Very bad
Okay, let’s see. You start off at the very top of the level, and you fall through some floating blocks in layer 3. Then you land on some platforms that aren’t put together correctly. After that, you run across a blinking bridge (or fall through it). Soon after, you’ll find the exit! Yay! I timed myself, and I beat the level in six seconds. Oh, and you can jump over the exit and fall off the level. Turns out that the author did not resize the level either. In fact, none of the layers are changed. The author attempted to use layer 3, but did not change the properties, or so it seems. I don’t think people will learn from this… nothing is done right. I’ve learned more from Voldard’s Cool Treasure Jungle (a classic, indeed).
Enemy placement – Very bad
There are no enemies! Yay!
Ammo placement – Very bad
There is no ammo! Yay again!
Fun factor – Very bad
Unless you feel enjoy falling down a hole, then running across a blinking bridge, and then ending a level, this won’t be too fun. But it’s fun timing yourself to see how fast you can do it.
Anyway, I think I’ve said enough. I don’t know what you mean by not rating the level by tile placement, since this isn’t a tileset.
Download reccomendation: Yes, actually. This is one of those ones that you have to download, like Voldard’s Cool Treasure Jungle, and Zappo’s Egypt.
I think I’ve said enough. My rating is 1.0.
Leole: What should I review the level on, then?[This review has been edited by labratkid]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.