One thing I hate about music from DreaMSectioN is that it never repeats. But anyway, my review:
Here’s another symmetrical level, so The flow isn’t atrocious, but needs improvement. Several of the springs weren’t needed, though, and spring placement could be more sufficient. And the some of float ups need better placing. The thing that I dislike the most is the tubes at the top middle since they aren’t particularly useful. They aren’t much of a shortcut, and they could possible help players get killed faster since they won’t be able to fight back while in the tube. I kind of liked the copter above the seeker powerup, although I think it could regenerate a little faster. The level in general isn’t very original, but it’s decent.
The atmosphere and everything is good and I haven’t noticed any major tiling errors. The 16-bit textured background could look better, though.
Apparently a +1 carrot is suppose to be enough. Maybe if there weren’t three powerups it could be. I still wouldn’t really like it, though. A full energy carrot would’ve been a lot better. Powerup placement is alright, and ammo placement is good enough. I don’t feel the need to go into detail with anything else.
Perhaps once or twice. I liked this level more than everyone else in the server I was hosting. 7.2 is what I’m giving this.
The Edit: Adding the full energy carrot helped in two ways in that it allows players to actually get full health, and it gives the tubes at the very top middle a purpose. The horizontal tubes near the seekers there still aren’t too useful but don’t necessarily have to be taken out. This is only a 7.5, though, since much of the spring placement still needs work.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
As for the peasants’ fortress being smaller, it could be made taller without loosing the theme by being put on a small hill with caves in it.
I was actually expecting good music to go with a title like that.
The level looks typical at first glance. There are two forts that face each other, each containing a base—a cliche but a classic. The layout isn’t too unbalanced, although the peasant fort on the right is a lot smaller than the knight fort on the left. Yes, I realized it’s for the theme, but balance would be more important. The level is a little wide, but has little playing space; it’s mostly just huge open areas at the top with a few misshaped platforms here and there. As for flow, it’s not too easy to get around the level, especially since there are no slopes. I know I would never make a CTF level with a tileset that has no slopes, but that’s just my (along with many others) preference. The shark pit obstacle is pretty pointless since it’s not that easy to fall into the water. Five coins can save me the trouble of waiting in case I actually do fall in the pit, but those coins are better spent on getting one of the carrots in the coin warps. A lot of the events should generate slower, and the top of the level could use a border.
The eye candy is decent, although with some extra effort, it could be a little better. But I can’t say for sure, because this tileset has almost nothing to offer. At least tilesets like Medivo and Castle have slopes.
There is the +1 carrot at the top, which is a bit closer to blue base and can be shot down into the shark pit. It is only a +1 carrot so it wouldn’t be worth getting if it fell into the pit. The full energy carrots, on the other hand, are worth getting assuming you can find the warps. Powerup placement is alright, but there isn’t enough ammo in places, and its placement seems sporadic. Also, the ice and the tnt don’t seem too useful.
Nope, especially if you don’t want people trying to speak in Old English in your server. I decided 6.5 will be my rating.
The Edit: I’m not going to bother changing the rating since every edit wasn’t a major change in gameplay.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
Yonder EYECANDY: The level doesn’t look bad. It’s not terribly detailed, but it generally looks good. Both castles, the ground and the shark pit all look good, the knight castle especially. The animations look all smooth and good. The layer 5 in the caves looks very MS Paint-ish, though.
Yonder EYECANDY score: 7.0
Ye Olde WEAPONS PLACEMENT: Weapons are rather scarce. There are only a few weapons in the caves, one powerup per side (Toaster for the peasants and Bouncy for the knights) and a Pepper Spray PU in the middle. The weapons placement isn’t BAD, but there could have been more. Also, there are too many carrots for a level this size.
Ye olde WEAPONS PLACEMENT score: 6.5
Thou GAMEPLAY: Small and frantic. The level isn’t large, but there’s plenty of vertical space. The powerups have uses here, (except Pepper) and you probably won’t be wishing for a seeker powerup. I’ve played this level extensively online, and it’s quite fun.
The shark pit is kind of useless, but an interesting addition. Maybe too many carrots, but pretty good.
Thou GAMEPLAY score: 7.5
Now, thy OVERALL score: 7.0[This review has been edited by Iam Canadian]
Does anybody have a version of Halloween Harry or Alien Carnage that actually works? I’ve tried every method I can think of to get it working, but all efforts end up with the same result, runtime error. If someone has a working version, I’d really appreciate it, thx.
(This is not the game. Don’t rate files if you don’t understand what they are. For your runtime problems, try using a program called TPPatch. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Good idea, but i dont like the way that there are no big platforms or a big area to shoot, spaz kick, and run. good weapons but the lvls are all basically the same, apart from there being different pickups each time! it is very good idea you have, which i dont think ive seen before, but you could have used different ideas for each lvl, that will probably, give this pack a higher rating. you have used JJ2 orginal tilesets so no new tilesets! =P
Very wierd tileset, indeed! it isnt too hard to use, and the lvl is wierd. i got stuck if u wanted to know. i dont really know how to make tilesets, but ive seen better, not much for all the layers. lets see whats good:
Eyecandy: 5/10
General tiles: 6/10
Level: 6/10
Masking: 6/10
Music: 7/10
Interesting tileset: 7/10
Animations: 4/10
Good tileset, quite good to use, but it isnt my type. i give it 6/10 overall! Well done and keep it up, this is better than the previous one!
(Somewhat borderline unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLm]
Great remix, it is much better than the actual letni music! there are no stupid screeches, unless i didnt hear any!, i hate them! This makes the actual letni music seem better, but if i were to rate the letni music, i would give it a 4.5 but this is soo much better! well done. like labratkid said, it is a bit long but if u keep hearing the same thing again i will get boring, so the way it is long is good. this would be great, if ppl used it in their lvls. Keep it up!
Here is my [evil] review ;-)
[-] Single player mode available
[x] Multiplayer mode available (Battle)
[x] Splitscreen mode available
[x] Internet mode available
[x] Network mode available
[x] Playable with Jazz
[x] Playable with Spaz
[x] Playable with Lori
Lvl Design here is nothing really special, but it plays really well. It also has a few original ideas, but only a few not too big ones.
The eyecandy rocks, there are no tilebugs and it looks really cool.
Only thing I don’t really like is the music (3Ddemo). The start of the track is good, but then it gets very weird..
The gameplay is good, the size is middle (125×64). Sadly for Lori it’s very hard to navigate. You can reach most places, but sometimes you must jump really precisly (did I spell this word right?) to reach something. For example she isn’t able to reach the warp on 76,40. The rest of the gameplay is well done, there are some secrets, and really enough ammo.
The ammo placement is well done, but those freezers and TNTs aren’t very useful. There is enough ammo, so you can battle very nice in this level.
Overused Diamondus used. Due! But I won’t take points for that because I’m also already making a level with Diamondus :-)
The tileset use is very good, there is much sprite eyecandy and all the bg layers are used. There is nothing in the foreground layers 1 and 2 but that would only disturb the eyes of the player. I only use this layers in addition to layer 3 and 4 or something.
This is a good battle level, but nothing really spectacular (again, I’m not sure if I spelled this right =) )
Alltough, it’s better than every level I already made so I will give this a good rating.
DOWNLOAD: I think yes
HOST: Once or twice
LEVEL RANK: Above average
Have fun, PHT
Link is broken =(
[EDIT]: Could be that this error exists because your username has things like ‘ and something like that in it. But I’m not sure[This review has been edited by PHT]
I would find this level pack a LOT more fun if whenever I pushed the wrong button jj2 didn’t crash.
Why Got This an 8?
The First Level is much to hard and the using of Platforms and spike bolls is really too often. Here is why because you cant have more enemies in your level: You have too much 3d-spike bolls! They are filling your RAM (Random Access Memory) completely up!
This isn`t soo good than you think.
(o no this is to hard i cant beat it i giv it a 4!!!!!!!!!!! Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
SuperJazz: There actually aren’t that many enemies. The errors are due to the huge amount of animations and triggers in the level. As for the boss being really hard, well that’s kind of the point. And yes, both the level and boss are possible, as I’ve completed both many times. And to my knowledge, Devan never actually stays out of the arena. He goes back in, don’t worry.
This ain’t again a level which would be some possible to rate for me as I didn’t play it through properly. But let me review this some without rating as I wouldn’t be sure how to rate this. So I say some things straightly now…
It seemed that devan has some kind of secret weapon? How’s this all begun? There aren’t any readme or story about the idea.
It’s always easier to make a level from a JJ1-tileset. So it’s simple anyways. There is some flying objects at the main background and it looks quite good. But millions of bolls and some other weird stuff make the eyecandy confusing. At least you linked tiles well.
What’s done with the originality, it’s like a jj1-level in jj2. So it’s your made level in jj1. You know.. I don’t mean you steal anything..Just ok.
Gameplay is rather average as the difficulty of this is quite big. There seemed to be no save-points or a few but it’s so darn hard because the flocks of spike-bolls. There’s no difficulty settings. One thing which sucks even more is that there is no hope to save in the first level because the amount of enemies. Did you put an enemy block into somewhere where is 100 lizards or something? There didn’t seem to be quite much of them into the point till I played. I got too bored into the level as I didn’t any time complete the level. I didn’t get further than the trap-doors and then I skipped.
There’s quite less of ammo, no food and no gems. and they’re placed averagely. Music doesn’t fit the level very much but I think it wouldn’t also be a horrible idea.
At the 2nd level where you meet Devan..The boss action doesn’t work very well..There’s tree tufmans behind the wall and the arena is so small that Devan runs out from the arena itself. Now I really wonder did you even tested and completed these levels before you uploaded them..I wonder…
This wouldn’t probably get very high rating from me but it’s a riddle by this stage..
-Superjazz was here
Wow, cool level pack! It really overdoes my expections. Here is my review (Lam Canadian, you reviewed my stuff, so I will do the same with your stuff now :-) )
[x] Single player mode available
[-] Multiplayer mode available
[x] playable with Jazz
[x] playable with Spaz
[x] playable with Lori
[-] easy/medium/hard setting
The lvl design was very original, the concept is to find crates or computers which open doors. This is well done, but alltough very hard. It took me very long after I finished the level and there are no savepoints so I had to save frequently. But don’t get mad, savepoints would be impossible because of all the trigger stuff.
Eyecandy is not my cup of tea. I don’t really care for the rackets in the background (hehe :-p) and the open places looked a bit empty. In the closed areas could have been some more layer 3 stuff.
Sadly I stuck on level 2, the boss is too hard to beat.
The gameplay is really hard, and I bet most of the level with only one heart (and saving all 5 seconds). It all seems to work, but sometimes you don’t know where the door is which you just opened. Also in level 2, the boss is just….I can’t beat it, it’s too hard. You are in a small room, a door closes behind you and Devan appears. Fighting him is hard enough because he can jump through walls and you can’t. Also from the right side Tuf’s are attacking you and you probably will die so many times that you get frustrated and quit (like me).
Ammo placement was very good. There is not too much and not too less. There could be some secrets, tough.
The baddies fit well into the place and are strategically good placed. Sadly the boss placement in level 2 is bad (because it’s so hard).
This pack has got a lot of obstacles, there are very much doors which you have to open, spikes, moving platforms, spike balls, etc. Sadly the swinging vines don’t fit into the place.
The tileset which was used is the megairbase conversion from JJ1. I like this tileset. :-)
Tileset use was ok, no tilebugs but could have more in the background (I played the example level of the tileset and saw much bigger spaceships in the background).
Overall this is a very cool level pack, but only reccomended for good jazzers, others may get frustrated fast.
DOWNLOAD: Yes, if you are experienced Jazzer
LEVEL RANK: Above average
HOST: It isn’t reccomended to host this, because of all the trigger stuff it may not work correctly.
[This review has been edited by PHT]
Alright, let’s see… I don’t review music often, so this will be a short review, obviously. I’ll try to come up with a rating system as I go.
Faithfulness to the original song – Very good
There is a good balance of unfaithfulness and faithfulness here. While it’s not one of those ones where someone speeds up or slows down the tempo and than changes some of the instruments and calls it a remix, it’s not one of those ones where people make a whole new song using the same instruments as the song they’re attempted to make a remix of. This makes it perfect in this area.
Other stuff that I can’t think of – Very good
Okay, so, anyway, this is an overall great remix. My only complaint is that it’s a bit long. I’ve never been a fan of really long songs. However, it’s not one of those songs that are like one minute long and then they repeat the exact same thing maybe only with a tiny change three more times, and then the author says they made a three minute song. At one point, the song changes, so it never gets really boring. It’s already going through my head. I plan to use this in one of my levels if the theme of it matches the theme of this song.
Download reccomendation : Definetely. Keep up el work de godo.
The first 5 tests are easy, but test 6 is well hard, i can’t even get in the test. Anyway, test 1 is still hard.
(Make up your mind. Anyway, unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Hmm…well, let’s review this systematically, shall we?
Eyecandy: Kind of dull. Not much in the background except the usual skeletons and the falling stalacites. I didn’t much care for the falling stalacites and the small areas with the blocks looked kind of tacky. You should have used different tiles for those areas. Bilsy’s arena didn’t look great either and the entire level was kind of drab. At least there were no major tilebugs.
Eyecandy score: 6.0
Enemy Placement: Only two kinds of baddies, minus the boss. Demons were everywhere. The Demons aren’t really powerful enemies, and they were about the only obstacles in the level, minus a few Bats and spikes. The Demons were everywhere, and not particularly strategically placed. A few more types of enemies to support the Demons would have been better.
Enemy placement score: 5.5
Gameplay: The level was a bit too short and linear. It was too easy and the use of the trigger crates wasn’t really apparent enough. Plus, you should have made Bilsy’s arena smaller. Not necessarily a BAD level, but could have used a bit more work.
Gameplay score: 6.5
Final Thoughts: If it’s your first level, it’s a very good level. A bit more length, some different enemy types (and for heaven’s sake, fewer Demons!) and fixing some eyecandy issues would improve this level dramatically.
Final Score (Not an average): 6.0
I dont have the tileset… Can you send it to me Grazzkid? I will review it and give a rating if you can send it.
This review has been edited by Wadledee from J2XMCGood
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.