Here is an interesting batch of levels from AE. All using the same concept, but are very different at the same time. Basically, the concept is like this. A few platforms are suspended over a pit of warps. Said warps will teleport you back to the top. Each level has at least one powerup, several types of weapons found in batches over the pit and platforms, and at least one carrot. These levels are small, and I imagine would make for a fun, frantic free for all with lots of people, especially in instagib. In fact, I think these would be very fun in instagib. Eyecandy is about what one would expect from the official Epic tilesets. Weapons placement is pretty good. All the ammo is found in large fields, and each level has about three weapon types, give or take one or two. They’re good, but they don’t have the innovations one usually expects from a tip level. A solid rating for a solid pack. Rating: 7.5
Great tilesets, though they are really hard to use. The eyecandy is really cool and well i think the night version would have been better if the lights were on. The pink one is hilarious!! There is a lot of tiles. There are no masking bugs. Download this!!!!!
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide a few more details in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Ooh.. I like this version =) I always thought the night version was a bit too dark, but this one is just right. Everything has a sort of orange tint to it, like in the evening version of Swamps. Despite all this, the textured background doesn’t look all that great. It’s decent, though. I like the mask messages, as always.
Download reccomendation.
PHT, check all these things.
1.) Flipped animating tiles.
2.) A textured background with no tiles.
3.) Tile width and/or tile height set on layer 4.
4.) One of the ambient sounds that crashes the game placed (see Stronghold: Jazz for a list; look on the links section. Or you can look for my upload with a list of these).
5.) A song that is either too big in filesize or too long.
6.) An insanely large layer size (like around 1000×1000 or something… really big).
7.) If you freezed a gem ring while testing (probably not it).
8.) If someone hax0red your computer and joined your single player game and lasered your server.
That’s really all I can think of now… check all those and tell me if that helps you out.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Your Tilesets are full of high detail graphics. But this isn`t really Jazz2 thats better for any newer game, i think. IT`s better you make some more comic nearer and easier to use tilesets.
Won`t you?
Nice, but the boss at the end is imposible, on my computer, I had to defeat a diferant tuff boss. There is only 1 ammo. It’s not really much use in it. So i give you 1/2 of 10. 50/50. Couse you have a wide range of scenary.
(Rating removal. Please make longer reviews to support such abnormal ratings. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
All I wan’t to say is this is the best level…………….. …………………………SO FAR…
(Haha no. Unsupported rating removal edit, please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
The eyecandy isn’t bad. But you definatly need to work on the lighting because it’s too light, you can hardly see anything!! You should of left it like it was at the start, but I surpose thats why you called it SHINY DAY IN CARROTUS, but i like the waterfall idea.
Well, there is a good source of ammo, but the lighting effects this so you can’t really see anything. There isn’t many carrots.
Overall I give you 4.7 becouse the only good thing about it is tonnes of scenary.
(Borderline rating removal. Please provide more information about why you gave it this rating. Although this review is good, the difference from the ratings of the other reviews requires more explanation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Good level. A bit confusing (especially trying to get to the fast-fire and power up :!, I can get to the other 3 though), very good backround I must say. A wide amount of 9’s (The gun’s that go through walls) but very little of everything else. So I give you 6.7, cause you created this backround well, and chose a good music file.
First review I guess. Btw, no first impressions, but something else, since Snooz found it too unoriginal. I’ll try something new now.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay in this level isn’t too good. The level is very small, has only two springs, and way too many warps. The level has three tubes. The layout of this level is bad, I don’t like it. It’s too open and too squared off in some places. I don’t understand the way the pipes are placed. I don’t like it, sorry. The flow in the level is very bad, since there are only two springs. The level is Spaz biased, and that’s again, bad. Some places with warps are not too good, cause they don’t show where the warps are. I don’t see a reason to put a vine somewhere in the level, the only reason possible is probably to help the flow a bit, but I still don’t like it. This is easier for Spaz, because Jazz can’t get on it with his special move. You can get up there with every character but you need to run to the right first. Then left, and then jump. This is a sort of biasing, and also bad. There are some evil dead ends, too.
EYE CANDY/TILESET USE: The eye candy is bad. Why? The tileset may be limiting, but there is almost nothing. There is a background in layer 5, which doesn’t look too good, cause it’s only at the bottom of the level. It’s also too small. The eye candy in layer 4 are only a few stones. Layer 3 has some tubes, and that’s probably all. The tileset isn’t too good used, sorry. There are some pipes in layer 4 too, and I don’t understand why they’re placed there.
PICKUP PLACEMENT: The ammo placement in this level is ok. There is enough, and it’s okay placed. The carrot placement is good, there is one carrot. The bad thing is: why is there an invincibility here? This isn’t used alot, that’s probably the reason, but I don’t like it. It’s too powerful. There could be more ammo in some places, though, but it doesn’t matter. There are some crates too, but I am glad there is no ice. A real complaint is the power-up placement. Sorry, way too many. Don’t do this in a level with a size like this. I found 6 power-ups. Argh. The only power-ups that where not there were gun8 and ice. I don’t see a reason to put a gun9 power-up here, it’s not useful imo. There are 3 fast fires in a warp, and it’s fine.
ORIGINALITY: The tileset used is underused I think. The music in the level was never used, and that’s a good point. The use of the tileset wasn’t too original, but there were some things I never saw with this tileset… but that was bad. So, I don’t think the level is so original.
PLAYABILITY: I don’t think this level is too fun to play. Since the level is too open, you can’t fight too good in it. It’s easier to dodge the seekers here. The dead ends in the level make the level not too good to play in too, and I don’t like it. That there are only 2 springs, make it worse. Sorry, this level is not fun to play.
Tips: Make your level bigger next time. Make more springs and use a tileset with more and better eye candy. Make a better layout and flow. Make no dead ends. Make it more closed.
Others: Host this: No.
Download recommendation: Probably for no-one, only for people who like small level and only like battle levels. No download recommendation: For people who are normal players and reviewers, and know much better battle levels.
My final rating is a 5. Try harder next time.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.
LOOOOL ;D It’s the funniest movie I saw this month :)
UR Kewl –
D0wnl0ad reccomendation
can’t stop laughing :-D
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Level 1: Natural RaceTrack
Tileset: The tileset was quite cool, a bit wacky though…..4/5
Gameplay: You cant really run at full speed here but the warps are really annoying…..3/5
Pickups: Not really any…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 2: Temple of the Dragons
Tileset: Really cool tileset, good background…..5/5
Gameplay: This is more like it! I can run at full speed but you do need to be careful…..4/5
Pickups: Nothing…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 3: Cloudy Lab
Tileset: This is sooo good, not much eyecandy…..5/5
Gameplay: Can really annoying at times, the jumping is sooo annoying…..3/5
Pickups: Nothing…..0/5
Total: 3/5
Level 4: Raincloud Raceway
Tileset: Good again but again cartoony…..5/5
Gameplay: Extremly good, good traps, good gamplay, fun, GREAT…..5/5
Pickups: Nothing, you could have put freezers….0/5
Total: 3/5
Overall: 3/5 = 6/10
Generosity points +1 because the gameplay is soooo good in some!
Candy Christmas Challenge
Well, a singleplayer series! I would be a fool if I didn’t review all three of them, so I do it. Oh yeah, remember the comment of PHT. NEXT TIME UPLOAD YOUR LEVELS IN A PACK! This sucks, because you have to download all the levels if you don’t want a bug at the end of the level. Well, let’s see:
EYECANDY: 1.5 out of 2.5
I wonder why the candy tileset is becoming so popular last week, I know Dx put a nice level with it online, but the tileset alone is not really good. Anyways, I wonder why this level is called “Blockopia” as filename, because the title is Candy Christmas Chronicles. Back to the eyecandy. As you can see in the score above, I didn’t really liked the eyecandy used in this level, but there mere a mistake of the tileset then of the creator. The maker tried to make this level a little bit fun for the eye, but because of the tileset limitations (it’s a JJ1 Tileset, d00d) the eyecandy here is often boring. The snow used looks fine, but the background used here is boring. It could be a lot better with a better tileset. Perhaps use a better one next time?
ENEMIES: 0.25 out of 1.0
Well, I can’t say there is a good enemy placement around here. The only enemies shown here are a few bees, and they are the most annoying enemies in the whole game (in my opinion, of course) they have stung you a few times before you have collected all 170 coins, and because there are no carrots around, you have to battle Devan with about 2 or 3 hearts! No funny, because you can never beat him that way.
AMMO: 0.25 out of 1.5
Also not a really fine placement here. I guess the author of the level thought that a extra life is the same as a carrot, because there are no carrots around and about ten extra lives! Pff… Maybe it would be good if it was vice versa, now it sucks. There are 170 you need to “find” before you can go on to the boss, but there isn’t really a search. Just jump around and you will have them in no time. Easy enough, but when you have reached Devan, you have to fight him without any good weapon, so you never can qualify. The ammo is dramatic, there is no ammo in this level except a Pepper PU, a rather useless weapon, especially versus Devan.
LEVEL STRUCTURE: 1.25 out of 2.0
I don’t really like the structure of the level, although it is kind of diverse. There are a few chocolate bars on which you can stand, but they break if you walk over them. You also have to make some big jumps, else you fall into oblivion. The structure is perhaps the best thing of this level, because it is quite right and diverse, although there isn’t really a path you need to follow, and the level can be a maze sometimes.
GAMEPLAY: 1.5 out of 3.0
As I have described in the points above here, I didn’t really enjoyed the gameplay in this level. The music used here was average, perhaps fitting to a level like this. When I walked through the level I got the horrible feeling that I was walking on a died out planet, because the level is so darn empty. A huge contrast compared to filled levels like the recently uploaded Evil Clones pack, which really r0cked (too bad they removed it) There is quite a good flow, which I have to say, and you can walk around not too hard.
Well, as you can see I was not really satisfied about this level, but I guess this is your first one, so don’t worry. If you read the critism carefully of the reviewers, I’m sure you can make better levels in the future. For now, this level is not really worth playing, but it’s not that bad either. It ends up somewhere in the down-middle class.
Score: 1.5+0.25+0.25+1.25+1.5 = 4.75 == 4.7
Download: If you are absolutely bored and you are a huge fan of fearofdark, maybe, otherwise don’t.
Host: No. Not in Co-op, there are much better levels for such an occasion.
link is broken :-( can’t download it…
…but hey! Another german guy :-)
(I’m also German)
GeRmAnY rUlEz
The idea was interesting! In each level, you have to find five items to pass the level. The level called “Save the Sheep” was interesting and not like other jj2 levels. The third level “The Head Hunter” was very very interesting! Bravo! But the other ones were a little boring. And in each level you have to collect items and after a while it becomes routine and the player doesn’t want to play no more! Also the tilesets would be better. (I don’t mean they are bad only not enough) Thanx a lot for this interesting idea.
Okay, I will review this with help from my own reviews on single levels, and I will write a few sentences about the levels I didn’t review so prepare for a long review.
Level 1: Zaitox Station 67 by CelL.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It’s not perfect. The spring placement was very good. But when you fall down at a base, you need to go back up. You can get stuck somewhere. There are many sucker tubes, and that makes the gameplay even better. Also, the balance is as good as it must be.
Eye candy: Very Good. I loved it. There were lots of stuff in layer 4 and 3. It was really one of the best eye candy I ever saw. There were also lots of brown and mud tiles. I liked that.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. There was not really many ammo, and the place of the bouncers was questionable(the bouncers near the bases). It’s better for Jazz, I think. There are 3 PU’s. Seeker, Bouncer and Toaster. The most ammo in one group was 9 gun9. There was also a Full Energy(of course). It’s good placed, but I think that it’s closer to the blue base. There is also a +1 carrot at the centre of the level. The Toaster Power-Up was closer to the red base, I guess.
Level 2: Angelic Warfare by CelL and RagE.
This is a nice level, the level has good trigger use, and a nice ammo placement. Great eye candy and gameplay. One of the best levels in the pack.
Level 3: BloodBunny’s Lair by BloodBunny.
Gameplay: the gameplay in this level is awesome. It’s the best gameplay ever. The layout in this level is kinda good, although the level is open. The flow in the level is very good. The spring placement is very good and there are warps which prevent you from jumping. There is some Spaz biasing here. You can get the left carrot with Spaz, and if you fall off, you acn get up again. Jazz has to copter and that’s a biasing. There are many platforms and you can get on them without jumping.
Conclusion gameplay: the best gameplay ever. Very nice flow, level is quite open. Some Spaz biasing, but a very good spring placement.
Eye candy: the eye candy in this level is nothing really special. There is not too many, but there are some secrets here and there. The tileset is used good enough. The tileset is under-used too, and it’s also hard to use it good. The lava in this level is made translucent, but sometimes, you don’t see the translucency. This is a bug, but that’s the game’s fault.. Layer 3 has alot of stuff, and that’s the reason why the eye candy is not bad or very good.
Pickup placement: the pickup placement in this level really rox. The ammo placement is very good, it’s good spread throughout the level. There are 3 power-ups, bouncy, seeker and gun9. The seeker power-up is placed at the left side, and you can get it with TNT, bouncies or gun9. This really rux. The bouncy PU is placed probably closer to the left base, and the gun9 pu is placed at the right side(and base). There are 2 full energy, you can shoot one down and it’s more close to the left base. The other carrot is at the right side, and cannot be shot down. There are coins in this level and tehre is a coin warp that leads you to the base. Left is left base, right is right base.
Originality: This level is very original. That coin idea was very good. The tileset was used original too. The tileset is under-used. The music is just standard, but it fits this level. The level’s name is original too. I will just say that this level is the most original possible. That means 8.5 points.
Level 4: Martian Megatropolis by URJazz[si]
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It was very good. There was good spring placement but that horizontal springs were annoying. You don’t have to jump alot that’s very good. There are dead ends, that’s the only bad.
Eye candy: Very good. The eye candy was also very good. There were lots of things in layer 3 and 5, and the other layers were used good too.
Pickup placement: Good/Very good. It was almost very good, but I liked to use one type of ammo less, that would be good. The other ammo was good, because it was on the platform and not above. The full NRG was in the middle, thats good.
Gameplay: This r0x. That idea of the level was so original, and the layout was very original too. The level has not too many camp places. The size of the level may be quite strange, but I like it. This level doesn’t even need alot of springs. The gameplay is already very good(even without springs). The level seems quite big, and I like that too.
Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Everything.
Cons: Nothing.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. Nothing really special here, but it’s quite good imo. I think the tileset is used well, and I kinda like it. There isn’t too many, but some places had nice eye candy. Others didn’t have, and that’s probably why the eye candy isn’t perfect or very good.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Pros: The tileset is used well, and there are some places with nice eye candy. Cons: There could be more eye candy in some places.
Pickup placement: Very Good. I love the placement here. There is alot of ammo and there is enough in every place. There is a full energy placed in the middle of the level. There are fly carrots, which prevent you from falling I think. They’re also used for the fun I guess. And the originality. There are 3 Power-Ups, A Seeker, Toaster and Bouncy PU. The Bouncy PU is placed at the left-top of the level. There is less bouncy ammo there then Toaster ammo at the right side(with the PU too). The groups of ammo are mostly placed 5 × 2 or 6 × 2 or 7 × 2 × 3 ammo. There is also ammo on that small platforms, which you can get without jumping. The Seeker PU is placed in the centre of that two PU, where are 5 platforms. And the Seeker PU is placed on the 3rd platform of them.
Conclusion Pickup placement: Pros: Everything what needs to be good.
Cons: Nothing.
Originality: Good/Very Good. Yes, this level is very original. I give the complete 8.5 points for it. First: The excellent layout. Second: That interesting use of islands. Third: The placement of that fly carrots. Fourth: The tileset that’s used. And fifth: The music in the level.
Fun Factor: This level is very fun to play. The bases are easy to defend, but not too easy to kill the opponent after one hit. The RF PU would be nice here, but it doesn’t matter. You can kill he opponent with a RF or Bouncer than too. The full energy is placed on the ground, which prevent it from falling.
Conclusion fun factor: A very fun level.
Level 6: Celestial Wargrounds by Enigma.
This level is nice, there could be more ammo, but the eye candy is nice. The other placement rocked, and the gameplay was nice too.
Level 7: This level is Untitled by EvilMike.
This is a nice level, the ammo placement is intelligent. The eye candy is good, because the tileset is rather limiting. The gameplay here is good too.
Level 8: One Silver Penny by CelL.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. Well, I can say this is a nice gameplay, but could be better, though. I will explain. First, there is a nice spring placement. Second, there are one ways in some places. Third, there is a copter in the level which makes the level Lori-unfriendly. But who cares, it’s mostly a 1.23 level and not hosted alot too. Fourth, there are some warps in some places. Fifth, the layout and flow are nice. Sixth, there are some tubes in some places. Seventh, there are some float ups too. And eighth, the level is not too big, but that doesnt matter much.
Conclusion: Nice gameplay, but not perfect.
Eye Candy/Tileset use: Very Good. Yes, this is again a very nice eye candy in a level by CelL. There is very nice eye candy in layer 4(sprite layer). There is a nice background. The tileset use is very good, too. There is a foreground, and that are trees. There is also something in layer 3, and it looks nice too. Even layer 5 had something, I saw too.
Conclusion eye candy: Very nice.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good And here it is, the evil part of the level. I will explain why. First off, there is a very good ammo placement. Second is, there is one silver coin(penny) that’s why the name is One Silver Penny. There are 2 Power-Ups. One Seeker PU in the middle, with a Toaster PU at the right side. The Toaster PU is probably closer to the Red Base, but I dunno if it’s really true. Why is there a Silver Coin here? Well, there is a bonus of one coin and when you inserted the coin, you will be at the Full Energy. That’s quite evil, but it’s original. The other evil is, there is not another carrot in the level.
Conclusion: Nice placement.
Originality: Good/Very Good. Like I said, the idea to put a full energy in a warp where you need a coin for is very original. The music used is bonus2.j2b, and that music isn’t used alot for diamondus. Most times people that use a diamondus tileset always put Diamond.j2b as music. But I am glad to see that this time it isn’t the default music.
Conclusion: An original level.
Level 9: High Volume CTF by FireSworD.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. I like it, spring placement is very good, only the level is quite small, if it was that big with this gameplay, it was very good.
Eye candy: Very Good. I loved it. This is how you need to use this tileset. I don’t care about that it’s overused.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. The ammo placement is really good, but you must get up again to get the ammo at some places. There are more levels which have that. The amount of ammo was very good. The carrot placement was also good.
Level 10: Arabian Highlands by Super Saiyan.
A level I don’t know too good, but I saw the interesting eye candy and good placement. Gameplay is good enough.
Level 11: Knightmare Castle by Unhit.
Gameplay: This level has good gameplay. The CTF bases were good placed in a small level. The springs were good, enz. Nothing bad about this.
Eye candy: Eye candy is very good. There are lots of dark places and all layers were used. That’s very good.
Pickup placement: Ammo placement was very nice. Not many ammo for a small level, great. The full energy was good placed on a small platform in the middle of the level. At each side of the level was a power-up, and the selection of RF and bouncies were good chosen.
Level 12: Swingin’Jazz by BloodBunny.
Another BloodBunny level. This level is worse than the other 2 by him in this pack, but it’s still good. The eye candy is nice, with a good placement and gameplay.
Level 13: Happy Castle CTF by stripe, FQuist and DizZy.
This level has alot of triggers, and I like that. Everything is good enough.
Level 14: Happy semiconductor CTF by stripe.
One of my favourites. This level has a very nice and strange layout, great eye candy and a nice placement.
Level 15: Darker Science by Shadow[GpW]
This level has again everything needed, no complaints.
Level 16: SmogCTF by EvilMike.
Another EvilMike level, this level uses the Wasteland tileset very nice. There is alot of good eye candy, nice placement and the gameplay is nice too. The rf powerup placement may be evil.
Level 17: Security Breach v2 by BlurredD.
This is one of my top 10, and I like it. I don’t know why this level isn’t on j2o, but it should be. Everything is nice.
Level 18: Diamondus Warzone by Epic and jeh(fixed it).
Argh. I don’t like this level. It’s too platformy and has a bad base and ammo placement. More than 1 seeker pu would be nice. The eye candy is good enough, but that’s all.
Level 19: Dirty Laundry by BloodBunny.
This is a nice level, with a great eye candy and placement. Gameplay is also nice.
Level 20: Claustro Mania by Shadow[GpW].
This is a level that uses Mez01, and I think that the way it’s used is very good. The gameplay is nice, but not perfect. The eye candy is very nice, like all levels in the pack. The placement is alright.
Level 21: ShockWave by Shadow[GpW].
This is another Tube electric level, and it’s very big. Again, everything that needs to be nice in a CTF level.
Level 22: Fiersome Flaggin’ by Disguise.
This is another level I don’t know too good, but it looks kinda nice, and has a good eye candy, placement and gameplay.
Well, it’s not too hard to give a long review for a pack like this, especially when you reviewed all levels somewhere. Some levels are not single on j2o, but anyway, bad that this pack may not be rated. I would say: awesome pack.
DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and -XLM was here.
[This review has been edited by Da man]
Let’s see, a new battle level of Dx, who is my comrade in XLM. Maybe it is time to introduce a new type of review, so let’s see:
EYECANDY: 1.5 out of 2.5
The eye candy in this level has two sides. One side is that it is decent, good and original. The tiles are most of the time used properly and the backgrounds and foregrounds can be called original here. But the eyecandy has also a negative side: It is very confusing if you play the level for the first time (and also later, by the way) the “waterfalls” in layer 1 are kind of confusing, and they annoyed me a little bit while I was playing this game. Other bad sides of the eyecandy are the backgrounds, which are the same as in the front layer so you constantly think that you are landing on a platform while you fall through. This can be done a lot better in the next level. Overall, I can say that the eyecandy here is average, it has good and original points, but also bad and annoying points.
AMMO: 2.0 out of 2.5
The ammo in this level is most of the time placed average, there is a good spread among all the surfaces of the level and the PU’s are placed out of the way, so they can not be grabbed that easily. About the smaller ammo I’m not so happy, sometimes all ammo is cropped in large groups (see the fast fire guns, there are about twenty of them on one spot) they better could have been spread in small groups among the level. About the carrots placement I cant say so much. Ðx proclaims that there are two carrots in this level, but I only found one, which is even pushed into a green barrel and you can’t hardly see it while playing (I found it in JCS) Only people who know about it can find this carrot now.
LEVEL STRUCTURE: 1.5 out of 2.0
The level is a square of 90×90, which is a good size for a battle level like this. The structure is quite fine, but thanks to the sometimes annoying eye candy I can’t move around really good. It’s hard to find your way sometimes, but there are a few nice sucker tubes which help you along the way. There’s some diversity among the structure (springs, vines, platforms, sucker tubes, warps, etcetera) so it keeps the level enough diverse. Overall, the structure is average, I guess. Maybe it could have been a little bit better next time.
GAMEPLAY: 2.0 out of 3.0
Always the most interesting part of a level. The gameplay in this level would be fine, if the eyecandy didn’t annoy me that much. Now, it’s a little bit annoying and not really funny to play. The flow is decent, could be a little bit better in some places, like the part where you have to jump from pumpkin to pumpkin. I liked the music, which was stolen from I believe High Volume CTF.
This level can be fun to play in after you know it, but I won’t play it that much for sure. Next time make little bit better eyecandy and fix the annoying structure. If I count al the cores up, I will get this final rating:
Score: 1.5 + 2.0 + 1.5 + 2.0 = 7.0
Download: If you like battle levels and you want to try something new.
Host: Nah, the standard battle levels are better, but do it if you wish something new.
[This review has been edited by Niels aka ChippieBW]
Ok, here goes my own review (i am lucky this site doesn’t have a text limit……)
Level 1: Save the Sheep:
Let’s start with the whole storyline itself, the story was good, you start in the old farmer’s house and he asks you to get his 5 red sheep back, pretty basic levels, the music gives it a nice touch though. 7.6
Level 2: Santa’s Stolen Hats!:
This level was also good, but at the peak of the music somewhere, you can hear a bit of a Mario game song used in it, the music was ok, though, getting the hats ain’t a easy thing. Hard to find at times. 8.3
Level 3: Hank wants the 5 heads:
Good level, Jazz/Spaz came and nearly were good enough to become vampires, but to actually become ones, Hank requested them to bring back the 5 heads of the people he murdered, so Jazz/Spaz set off to get the 5 dead people’s heads. 8.5
Level 4: The Snowdust Reloaded:
I say this is nearly the best level i played in the pack, the music is real good, but rescueing the prisoners and finding the keys is hard, one thing though, rescueing the final one made me already forgot where to go. _
;,….. The level is REAL nice, finding the keys is nearly as hard or harder than picking up the 5 dead heads in Level 3. 8.9
Level 5: The Casino:
Despite me being tooo lazy to finish this level, i can’t say much, this song is from FF6: The Collesium, kinda funny if you trust me. I’ll probably give this a higher score if i get around to actually finishing the level. 5.0
Rating: let’s see…… Level 1 + Level 2 = 7.0 + Level 3 = 8.4 + Level 4 + Level 5 = 9.5
This game really deserved a high rating.
Edit: Forgot to rate the Level 3… This made the rating go a bit higher though. The pack is still no prob though.[This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
Could you make some tilesets of Sonic cd/pc, please :)
(Unsupported rating removal edit. On a side note, – though I don’t know if you’re able to read those files. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.