The Level is bigger than the Original one, there are More Secret Ways, Walls, Warps and so, but there are almost Seeker Rockets and their Updates and tile bugs. I Think More Other Weapons (not Fire) couldn`t hurt.
Download IS Absolutely Recommendet.
(Rating IS unsupported and removed. Edit! Please much more provided DETAILS. ~Violet and so)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
First I must say that I don`t like Commander Keen Games because the Graphics are ugly and bad and so..
But this Conversion is really Good.
There are much tilesets and they are even like labratkid`s jetpack conversion good for newcomers on level Editing. Even they are Large and has got paralaxin Background Sky they got an adittional plus.
But I think it would be better if some Fixes of the Tiles were made because some of them looks really bad (In graphically I Mean) But, yes, the bad looking tiles aren`t your work so the conversion is just nice.
Another Nice thing it would be,
If Making conversions of tilesets of other Games, It`s not wrong if ya add a Download link for that Game/Demo/shareware or so…
Overall The Conversions are Good, 1.23, Nice Example Levels, but Boring and not matching Music! I Give that a 6.7. Add Better music…
You can find better[This review has been edited by sonictth]
Nice. some background and the mountain hills.
and that plants cars stone’s..
its not bad at all. the trains at layer 3 ( i guess )
anyway the eyecandy is good.
Size=150-90 Good for a Ctf
Its not very originally only the trains at layer 3 but
the gameplay is good. this can be used
for duels or something =)
well…. gameplay nice. originally hmm i dont know not really. size
is good :D
Bugs . * I hate that word *
Ther ar MANY bugs….
look at that wooden BLOCK ground
in the tileset ther ar 3.
1- ( Left ) end walk.
2- ( Middel ) Just for the block.
3 ( Right ) End walk
They used ALL you will see it.
its a bug i guess and
at that block eyecandy you see it to.
so… i wont take very much points.
Hmm i dont know really what i must give.
Rating.:. 7.5 .:.
Ðx CC of XLM
Okay, I am bored, so I decided to review this.
First impressions: A level by the WINNER,which is again way too big, but let’s continue the review. The name sounds scary, too.
Gameplay: This level is too big, and the layout isn’t too good. The flow in this level is quite bad, and the level is very hard to learn because of it’s size. Anyway, there is a nice trigger use, I like that. The spring placement isn’t too good and there are annoying tubes, which are way too long. The layout may be confusing, and it’s hard to remember the level(learning), because it’s so big. And, there is that tube that is 86 tiles long! This is way too many for a tube, you should never make them so long or make such a big level like this.
Conclusion gameplay: This level is way too big, some annoying tubes, nice trigger use, bad flow and layout, hard to learn.
Eye candy/Tileset use: This level has average eye candy, like BlurredD said, and I never saw a level with the tileset used, and the tileset is used well. I can’t say it’s a perfect use, but I kinda like it. If the level was not as big as it is, the eye candy could be better. There isn’t enough eye candy at the top of the level, in other places it’s average. There is enough eye candy in layer3, although it are mostly tubes.
Conclusion eye candy/Tileset use: Quite good, but could be better if the level wasn’t as big as it is. Fine tileset use.
Placement: This level has not too many ammo for it’s size, and 4 Power-Ups, which is good for this size. The PU that are there are: Bouncy, Toaster, Blaster and Rf. The placement of them isn’t too good, the Toaster and bouncy PU are team-based, that’s nice, but the RF and Blaster PU’s are closer to the left base. This level could have 5 PU because of it’s size, there should be 2 PU more close to each base, and 1 PU at the complete centre of the level. If would be nice if it was, but anyway. The ammo placement is nothing really special, I don’t like it too much. It looks like the last level. There are a few crates too, I don’t like crates that much, but it’s okay. This level has a full energy too, I think it’s more close to the left base.
Conclusion placement: The ammo placement isn’t too good. I don’t like the PU placement too many. Carrot placement is biased for left team.
Originality: This level uses a tileset I didn’t even know, that’s good for originality. The placement of the team-based PU’s was like in Happy Castle CTF, only a bit else. The music fits the level, it’s a scary tileset with a scary music.
Conclusion originality: I didn’t know this tileset before, team-based PU placement was quite original, music fits the level nice.
Fun Factor: This level is quite fun to play, too bad it’s so big. The way to the base is not a straight way, that’s good. The level is quite open in some places, but ít’s so big. So, I cannot say it’s too open.
Conclusion fun factor: A quite fun level, too bad it’s so big. The way to the base is not boring.
Others: Host this: No.
Download: No.
Final Rating: 5.5.
Treasure hunt?
Its just in THE hotel. the wall… =p
anyway i cant say whats bad or good.
its just tha wall =p
well N/A
2 games stolen from me but its oke.
Some games AR originally. the rest is’t really tuf or like
that. the food making is originally.
its fun to play online.
anyway, its oke
Oke its Treasure hunt NO GEMS??? whers the exit? >.< Forgot? NOPE!
No exit? wher is it?
i found some bugs at the beginning look good at the first tiles
also and some rooms MANY if you will
host you wont see the doggy catty
turtle etc…
Anyway bad.
Other to say:
Its not forbidden wadledee ( hotel uploading )
but…. everybody can upload his hotel!
whats the fun?!?
here’s ya rating.
A very large level if you don’t know where to go. And a very easy level if you notice it’s got no password. But, anyway. The level uses one of the creator’s own tilesets, and so of course the tileset use is good. I don’t understand why you get all that ammo in the start. U don’t need it really. Maybe that’s why…
The level is hard mostlu because of the d*mn warps which lead you back to the place near the beginning where certain death waits. And, of course, because of the trigger zones you don’t know where they are, and because of those animated blocks behind layer three. They REALLY made me angry, because you got no hint where they were and they turned unmasked about once a hour (I know, I am a liar). This level is not really that hard if you save often, but it will anyway take a couple of months to finish. And it can’t be completed by Jazz in SP. Anyway, a good level that follows QoB’s design (triggers+warps=death)
Hello! I decided to start reviewing!
This battle pack is really good. There were some things I didn’t like, but they weren’t too important.
A good level using Agama’s Sirius tileset. The level uses the tileset really well, and the level has a tunnel-like appearance which makes it hard to use RF-missiles too well. Some people would consider that a bad point, but I don’t. Rating: 9
A level using the official labrat tileset. Is it just me, or is this tileset boring? Well, anyway, this was a quite good level but not as good as the others. It had a bit confusing eye-candy. Rating: 8.5
This level wasn’t my favourite, I thought it was cind of weird, but gameplay was good and that’s the thing that matters. Rating: 8.7
The level was good and the idea with the waterfalls was good too. The mountains in the foreground made a good add-on to the eyecandy. I didn’t understand the triggers, though. Rating:9
I didn’t play this level really, I just stood there and stared on the eyecandy. Must be the best tubelectric level I’ve seen. Rating: 9.2
Somehow, this level felt very dark and weird. I don’t know what gave me that feeling. But there was enough space to move around and no disturbing places, so the level is still very good.
This is not an average rating.
One of the best battle packs ever if not the best. Even those who never battle shoud download this, even if only to stare on the eyecandy. RATING:9
All hail the Tea of Wisdom! He is the king of tilesets even when bored! Yaaaay!!!!
But anyway, Boredset is another good tileset by Disguise. It features multiple ground types (natural ground, stone blocks, colorful tiled walls, and mezish red and blue blocks), with transitions between them. It has the normal amount of background eyecandy for a Disguise tileset (layer 8, hills, and some moving clouds, which sadly seem to be edged with blue) the stone and natural ground types are the best- my only complaint is that the stones look strange if their edges are exposed to the sky. The tubes are nice and wooden, more interesting than many tubes. The signs are pretty generic, but still are good (an exit sign, a ‘SSF’ sign, and an ‘iCeD Rules’ sign). The trees are somewhat… small, but still are good eyecandy. Sadly the non-natural grounds lack any good eyecandy. But still, this is a good and versitile set.
A 8.5.
Okay, First review.
First impressions: Another battle1 update! Bah. Made by OzzY, and when I looked at it, I thought it was very evil. And it is.
What was changed: This level makes misusage of Battle1, which is never good. I don’t like what was changed. There were too many seekers and another Seek PU, and there were also alot of springs in some places. Some ways were closed, and I didn’t like it. There were warps added. I didn’t like them too. There were very many tile bugs, and there were also new ways created to make it easier to camp or something. The level was completely changed for the most part, and the eye candy was misused too. I made a battle1 update a few times, but I learned that making a battle1 update is never good. So, I say for everyone who wants to make a battle1 update: Don’t make them!!!. It will give you a bad rating if rated, and it’s also stupid to do that. A good point is that the water shield isn’t there anymore, it’s changed into 4 fast fire at each side(there were first one fast fire at each side and the shield in the middle). There was another Seek PU with 2 crates with 5 × 3 seekers, and I can say: never make more than 1 PU in the same level! Never. I did it too, but it didn’t work. The warp that leads you to the seekers place, where you can get up with Spaz or with Jazz if you RF climb, was changed into a way with a empty tile in the middle. That tile was the warp. A hint that there is a warp there would be nice, and you should never make ways there. The bouncy area was messed up. There were no 5 rows with weapons anymore. I didn’t like it, and this was probably my last comment on this update for battle 1.
Conclusion: This level was a misusage of the original battle1, and never make a update agoun. This isn’t even updated, and I don’t like it.
Host this: No.
Download it: No.
I won’t give this a rating, because I don’t like to rate a level like this.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -
I nice conversion from labratkid!
Eyecandy tiles
nice tiles, the food and the water that is hanging and some others, the ground is masked to. 3D tiles anyway.
the eyecandy is good not bad at all.
i think its hard to make eyecandy for keen4. i saw that ther ar in the pyramide version
eyecandy, the whole tileset is eyecandy this time. i played the
level and its really the same
labratkid! :D
Its very good this has’t made before.
so its originally. i hope labratkid or violet clm
or others make a keen 4 episode :P
anyway its good!
Animating tiles
Not bad some fire’s and the food(s) and
that hanging water thingy U.U
the sharp thing that go’s out of the
wall is good for hurting!
anyway its good.
Overall: Good, its originally and its fun to make.
Rating: 8.2 =p
Nice work labratkid!
Ðx[This review has been edited by Ðx]
I just went through and deleted several reviews. Please, this is not a discussion board, this is where you review the quality of the upload. Go argue the merits of hotels in general somewhere else. LIKE THE JCF.
Niek: There are poles in this tileset (V-Poles, H-Poles, Diamondus Poles, Carrotus Poles… basically all the poles). The backgrounds were taken from Commander Keen 4, not JJ2. The textured background is heavilly edited and was orginally from my Earthworm World tileset.
Sonictth: The music used in the example levels is the exact same music used in Keen 4. You’re not allowed to take off or give points for anything example level rated, anyway.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Well, I’ll give you a rating anyway… And it’s a 9.2! Not bad! Good job. I like hotels, and I don’t get why everybody thinks it’s boring… But it doesn’t matter, anyway…
Gameplay: cool! Alot alot alot alot alotof FUN and SPORTS. Original ideas, like the food factory. FOUR amazing rollercoasters. your ice skating is cool too, except the spring doesn’t always work… It was also a good idea to destroy the blocks in the bank only with TNT. Many many many things in this lvl.
Bugs: just like in every lvl, I saw some, but it’s not much. Good job.
Eyecandy: Good. You used the tileset well, good use of the layers (like in the public room)
But whatever, I love this level.
Nice hotel, wadledee. a 9.2 from me. [This review has been edited by Mercury]
I agree with FQuist,
i go make a short review becouse i have
to work:
Long short+
Tubes+ (becouse i see some wooden tiles that can be used for it)
DOWNLOAD IT becouse eveything is good,
only e few things in the look can be
better, my rating is a: 8,5:-}
Good work Disguise:-}
And J2lc rules![This review has been edited by niek]
(Guess what? I don’t care about your work. Unsupported rating removal edit, please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Cool, i begin reviewing:
Background- ( the most are taken from orriginal JJ2)
This is a conversion of an old game, so the graphics are not realy nice
I played Keen4 so much before and
i don’t know where to see the standard gallactic alphabet, so thanks for making it in one of the tilesets,
In that story, i forgot to say the rating: a 7,5:-}
Good work for a conversion:-}[This review has been edited by niek]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
A download recommendation.
BoredSet is quite a small tileset compared to Disguise’s other tilesets, especially compared to his huge Metropolis set.
Still, it is in my opinion one of the best tilesets Disguise has created. The style is different from his other tilesets, which is a breath of fresh air. Not that his other tilesets are not very good, mind you, but it’s still very nice. The big improvement the tileset looks much more organic than some of Disguise’s other sets. This makes levels look much more detailed
There are enough tile types and eyecandy tiles to make a nicely detailed level with, and as is most of the time the case with tilesets by Disguise is that there’s enough things to work with in the background. There’s also all the special tiles you’ll need. Destruction blocks (as always with this author not copied from the official tilesets but home-made), vines, poles, signs and hooks – it’s all there. And the layer 8 background is quite pretty.
The example levels, the BoredSetCTFs and Grass Hill Citadel, made by BlurredD, show well how the tileset can be used and also how much you can do with it, since the biggest part of the tileset (the earth tiles) was not used in the BoredSetCTFs, and yet they’re still good, and very different from the battle level Grass Hill Citadel.
A few of the things up for improvement:
– The trees don’t look right. The leaves could have been much more convincing, now they look too much like spikes.
– If there had been more normal grass tiles (two for example), instead of just one, levels using this set would have looked much better. Still, it’s not that bad, since the grass tiles are very good and using just one grass tile doesn’t make the level look dull, because the tile tiles very well. But some variation would have been great. Even a few tiles that had the same shape but had small vegetation on them would have improved a lot.
– Some tile connections lack from the tileset, like a brick-grass connection, and connections between normal grass tiles (without dark background), and dark backgrounds (meaning: only part or half of the grass tile having a dark background, unlike the other part/half.). This means you’ll have to use layer 5 if you want to use connections like the ones mentioned, which very often you will want with the second.
– A tile to make rain with could have been usable. I don’t know why it was left out, since it’s in most of Disguise’s other tilesets.
But the tileset is good enough to overcome these flaws. To conclude: This is one of the Wisey’s best tilesets, even if it has a few flaws.
And now we will hope Disguise will make another one. ;-)
(*FQuist runs away, chased by a shouting Disguise*)
[Edited to make a correction to the part about the example levels.][This review has been edited by FQuist]
The name alone seems to denote the quality of the level.
I took a look at the layout, and I’m thinking to myself how crazy it looks. It consists mostly of very long and open areas with a few narrow passages in several places. When I said bigger is better, I didn’t mean extremely big with huge open spaces; I meant something around 130×70. A level sized 200×130 would be pretty frustrating to play with, even with a lot of players. I especially dislike the bottom right of the level with the large, open passageway down and the long tube ride back up. Try to avoid using long tubes and the squared off platforms as much as possible. Furthermore, too many areas were devoid of any events, which can take a lot out of the gameplay. I don’t even want to get into the balance. At a glance, it doesn’t look like it is, and there’s a good chance that it isn’t. With the bases placed at opposite corners, how balanced could this level be? Base placement like this usually makes the level harder to balance. The flow isn’t the worst part of this level, but it could be better. It would be easier to get around if there were more springs in several places. The only thing half-decent in this level are the triggers, but I can’t say they’ll always work.
I suppose it could be considered as average. I might have to blame everything I dislike about the eye candy on the tileset. I’ve only seen this tileset one time before, and the eye candy looked somewhat like it does in this level—maybe a little better. Still, the lighting effect gets in the way, and most of the level looks bland.
The carrots used aren’t particularly useful for a level of this size, but it’s better than nothing. The full energy carrot should have been at least placed a little further up and not so much closer to the red base than the blue base. I can’t say the RF and blaster powerups were placed well, but I have no problem with the team-based bouncer and toaster powerups. The RF powerup should have probably been placed somewhere around top. Moving on, the ammo certainly could’ve been distributed more evenly. I didn’t like how the ammo was concentrated in random spots throughout the level. Of course, the huge size of the level didn’t help.
Not a chance. This level doesn’t even loop to anything. I might have overloked something when I was looking at this monstrously huge level, but I’m not going to bother. 5.5, and use BETA TESTERS. Consider that rating me being nice.
Another level of The WINNER. Yay.
Hmm…. well, I can’t say that the eyecnady in this level is beautiful. I guess more the opposite, however the tileset has enough eyecandy but the most parts of the level are boring… Maybe that is because the level is too big. There are also a few errors in the eyecandy, for example the tiles in the upper right corner near the blue base in layer 3… where is that good for?
There is a little bit too less ammo in this level, especially when you look how big it is. There are four PU’s in this level (of course no Seek PU) which is the least I expected for a level this size. Unfortunately, the bouncer and toaster are nearly impossible to get, in the first place because the EB is thousand miles away and in the second place because the walls around the PU’s don’t let the EB’s through. This is really a big fault! The carrot placemnet is so-so, there are too much of them.
Well, as I said few times earlier, this level is too big and empty. You have to walk around for ages to find something in this boring mess and the sucker tubes last ages. I recommend a much smaller size next time (more like 125×75 instead of 200×130) Now, this level is only meant for big games such as mass events and 4vs4s, but actually the level is too bad to qualify for such a thing.
Because the level is too big and empty, I never reall yenjoined the gameplay. If I didn’t have the red arrow, I would have searched for ages to find the red base. The music file is fine, but it doesn’t improve my bad view on this level.
Well, I have said it a few times now. This level is not good, but not really bad if you see what crap gets uploaded to J2O last weeks… I hold this level somewhere in the middel, and because a few good points in it, it gets a “sufficient” rating from me. 5.5 is what I’m giving this.; Perhaps use a smaller size next time, use a betatester or fix this level so it becomes good.
Score: a 5.5
Download: No.
Host: No.[This review has been edited by Niels aka ChippieBW]
I Just say that:
Most Times I hate Hotels because they are boring and so… At the Beginning it was the same with this, but then I saw the Rollercoasters, the Football and the Battle area.
This is an good example for How To Make Hotel Levels: AMAZING!
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Its a very nice lvl you had good idea’s i even couldn’t take a look at the wole lvl.
Maybe you could make the leaves dont move
Here u are a 9.2
Too short, try harder to write a good review.This review has been edited by Newspaz]
And now the real review Newspaz :P
Eyecandy; (9.5)
Very good i saw not [{ONE}] bug.
You could make it a kittle bit (overzichtelijker)better that you can see where you are better.
Gameplay; (9)
Good only a little small to walk in some tunnels or roads.
Ammo; (8)
I THOUGHT (but there is i say in a update of this review) i din’t saw ammo but this lvl doesn’t need that.
[This review has been edited by masterrokusho]
(Wait, huh? Unsupported rating removal edit. Also an HTML fix. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.