Let’s chech this new SkulL level out (I’m still in shock therapy about your sucking last level, so let’s see this one)
Not good. Actually, it is bad. However not as bad as in your previous level, that was created with some green tileset without a background, this still suxes. It has many tile errors, like R3ptile said, in the mountains, and on some other places. In the sprite layer not so many bugs.
Three kinds of average ammo are spread among dull places at the level, I guess it could have been a lot better. There are two worthless PU’s, a bouncy and a RF. Next time give more inspiration to this weapon placement.
Bad, really bad. The level is really small, like your previous one, and is doesn’t have any speical things. The level would have been better if you could walk around in it, because there owuld have been two different paths by then, but now you only have one route from one base to another and this route is suxing (the blokcs you have to jump on are idiotic, blablabla) The strcuture is boring, and the sad eyecandy doesn’t make it any better.
What gameplay, was the first question I asked myself here. Not a bad question I guess, because the good gameplay is far to seek here. There isn’t hardly any flow, and the missing to pborder makes the level vulnerable for flag bugs. Maybe use a btter tileset next time.
I’m NOT impressed, and this is the softest thing I can say about this level. Although, this level is better than your last one (which isn’t really hard, you couldn’t make it any worse) but really NOTHING more than that. If you go on like this, you levels will make a great deal on a World Champsionship of Worst CTF Levels Created in 2004.
Score: I can;t really give this more then a lousy 3.2
Download this: Yes, as an example of how you DON’T have to make your levels.
Host this: Not before judgment day.
Ok, here I go again.
First impressions: A level by ChippieBW, that seems to be good for a 3rd level. Let’s review it, shall we?
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. This is quite nice, but not too special. There is a good spring placement, but some one way above it would be better. For example, at the bases, you should put one way under the platforms. That would be nice, though. This level is big, and it has a nice layout in my opinion. The flow is quite nice too, good job to that. It’s easy to get around in this level, I like that too. There are tubes at the bases or under it that lead you to the top area, and when you go down you will be at the base(right and left of course). There is a warp that leads you to the full energy, I saw that many times, but this time you will mostly fall down. There is also good balance and the level is symmetrical. There is wind near the bases, too.
Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Good layout and flow. Cons: some one way would be nice at some places. The wind may be annoying sometimes too.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good. Nothing really special here, it’s probably good enough. The tileset use isn’t as good as in better levels with this tileset, like Galactic Warfare, but that level didn’t have the best eye candy too. There is something at the left side in layer 5, and that’s also at the right side. There are also that moving things in layer 5, they look nice, but it’s not too good for eye candy here. There could be more in layer 5 and there is a thing in layer 3 that seems to be quite big. But at least, I liked the background
Conclusion eye candy: Pros: Nice background. Cons: Not too original eye candy and nothing special.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This is much better, there is a nice ammo placement. There are 3 Power-Ups, and you get two of them with the Electro Blaster(gun9). The third PU is a RF PU, and it’s placed in the centre of the bottom area. There is also some fast fire in this level, and it’s probably enough. There is also a full energy, like I said, you get it with a warp. You need to know that warp, but it’s not too hard, that’s why there is good flow here. About placement again, the groups of ammo are mostly placed 6 × 3 ammo. There is more at some places, but there is also less at some places.
Conclusion pickup placement: Pros: Nice ammo placed. Cons: Power-Up placement could be more original.
Originality: Good. This is not too original, like R3ptile said, but I like the music here. And it’s also never used. This tileset isn’t overused, but after Galactic Warfare, it’s used alot more. That PU placement is also not too original, but what new can you make up? I don’t know, but I will probably have some idea.
Conclusion originality: Pros: Nice music. Cons: The others is not too original, but it’s decent.
Fun factor: This level is quite fun, but the way to the base is quite easy. It’s a big level, so that makes it harder to score faster. There may be too many space at some places, but I think it makes this level quite funny if there’s enough space.
Conclusion Fun factor: Pros: There is enough space. It’s a big level so you can’t score too fast. Cons: the way to the base is boring.
Host this: Sometimes.
Download: Sure.
Final Rating: 7.4-7.5.
Conclusion level: A nice level by ChippieBW, with nice gameplay and placement, but could be more original and could have more eye candy too.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC(or just da man) – [This review has been edited by da man]
Not bad some backwalls and the
on the blocks ar little bit originally!
I Liked it really i mean it
host it!
Ammo/goodies placed
Not bad good ammo placed.
I found some powerups but its
Here a 7.7
Host it: Yes
DOwnload reccommed: Yes
Okay I will review it only because it is made for me :) and I like it.
First of all I have to say that Wasted time was better than this one but I still like it.
The idea is original – I see that now you also Have used textured Background as waterfall (Ithink that Eviil Mike has used it in one of his level).
Gameploay is really good here – there are many “rooms” and ammo placement is rather good. Sorry but I will end my review now so I am giving you an 8.
First of all.
When i fall ( on the right at the end ) you cnanot come back. so…[This review has been edited by Ðx]
Dont STart a Clan with this level
Its just a boss level again you cant reach
devan or bubba because that ugly
queen boss is in the way. anyway
Is very bad, ther is’t
Badly :S
Goodies PLaced
Baddies Placed
Hmmm, bad/normal
Here a 1.2
let me betatest next time lulu
so i cant fix bugs and i will
say if if you can upload ( i hade a level
and it was very bad ONE OF MY FIRST and trafton deleted it :) )
great lvl pack! i found it at an average difficulty. this has a storyline ( and a load of lvls )!
Good lvl pack +2
Fun gameplay +2
Didnt get stuck +1
Good placement +1
Has a storyline +0.5
No bugs +1
Long and difficult +1
Lots of ideas and lvls +1
Hard to know where to go -1
No music on some lvls -0.3
This is an 8.2 from me
the tileset is really cool. quite a few of animations and the. there were good background effects and same with the sprite layer, actually the sprite layer was excellent!
Download This NOW
it looks good But lessen up on the Bad Guys !!
the bugs are a very huge problem but i dont understand why tiger lily had to rate it an 8. the basic lvl was ok but weni tried it at ur house there seemed to be too many sparks. really cool pinball machines though. the traps were annoyin.the placement for pickups wasnt too good. this tiger lily, she dont even know what she is sayin. there is like 99999999999999999999999999999 tilebugs. i got stuck so many times.
(Rating removal due to tangential IP match. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I think it’s really great its good you fixed those tile bugs but you could also make it longer and with more secrets.
(Rating removal due to tangential IP match. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I would probably complain if it was something other than two bases since anything else pretty much can’t work.
The layout isn’t too original, but it’s a little different from the oridinary. The level is big, but it’s easy to get from corner to corner with the warps and everything. The balance is alright since the layout is symmetrical. The flow is good enough, though it could be much better in places, especially with spring placement. Several of the springs ran me straight into the ceiling when I used them. The wind events near the bases tended to get in the way. There are some other small flaws, but I don’t feel the need to point them out all out.
At first, the eye candy seemed alright aside from the tiles that were used incorrectly. The part I disliked the most was the gray tiles in the wall. I failed to mention before (like in my review for Snooz’s Galactic Warfare level) that those gray tiles are actually destruct scenary tiles, but I do think it is a little obvious. I especially disliked the area around the carrot since it uses destruct scenary tiles as normal ones and background tiles as if they were masked, which leaves part of the top with no border. In addition, I think the eye candy gets a bit dull in several places, but I’m not one to talk until I start hosting some of the newer levels I made with this set. Anyway, the more I played this level, the more I realized I didn’t like the eye candy.
The full energy carrot placed in the warp is so-so; it’s not too hard to access, but it can make camping too easy on occasion. Powerup placement is alright with the toaster and bouncer powerups accessible with EB’s and the RF powerup out in the open. I can’t say the ammo placement needs any work; it’s good as it is.
I know I wouldn’t go out of my way to host this on TSF, but it’s not bad at all. If the eye candy was better, this could easily get a higher rating. 7.5 is what I’m giving this.
Very, VERY cool tilesets, but the levels are too small!
Please make bigger levels!
(I’d like to see you try. Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This is my favourite Battlepack!!!
VERY COOL Tilesets and
VERY COOL music!
told it me, if you make new levels!
The Bignick!
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
good work…
3 lil problems.
Make it a little more intresting.
Flags to close together.
and a lil more ammo.
Thats all.
I rate 8.5
Ok, here I go again by just picking a CTF level to review.
First impressions: A level by EvilMike of OLC and DM, that uses a tileset that isn’t used alot which is good, yes.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. The gameplay seems nice, but there are some things I dislike here. The layout is interesting, it’s very nice imo. Why? There are a sort of two sides in this level. You need to go in a tube to enter the other side I think. I like that, and it looks very nice. There are some dead ends here and there, but it are small ones. There is a nice spring placement(like there always is in good CTF levels). And again, there is also good use of one way. Like I said, the use of tubes is very nice too. The only bad thing here is the flow. This level seems hard to learn.
Conclusion gameplay: Very nice, but hard to learn.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Very Good. No real complaints about the eye candy here, but it’s confusing in some places imo. The tileset use is excellent, I love it. There is good use of bricks and that glowing things look very nice too. There are alot of animations too, and I love them too.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Just very nice.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. Yes, this is very nice again. I will explain. There is a nice ammo placement. There is good carrot placement(and original). There is 1 full energy at each side, but it’s very original, because it looks that easy to get to them, but you need to take a long way to get one. There are MP starts that take you close to it, and I like it. Power-Up placement is as good as it needs to be. There are 4 Power-Ups. One Seeker PU at the left side, that’s close to the base, one RF PU farther away from the base at the left side, one Bouncy PU close to the right base, and one Toaster PU farther away from the right base. There is also a gun barrel in the level, and there is six fast fire in the centre of the level.
Conclusion Pickup placement: Very nice, but not as good as in Distopia or other nice levels.
Originality: Good/Very Good. This level is very original, and I give the complete points for it that I can give(8.5). Why? First off, the layout of the level. Second, the eye candy in the level. Third, The full energy placement. And fourth, the tileset use.
Conclusion originality: Very original.
Fun Factor: This level seems very fun to play. Why? because it’s not a level with a straight way to the base. There are two ways to the bases at the two sides. The way to the base is not too fast, and that makes it even more fun.
Conclusion Fun Factor: A very fun level.
Others: Host this: Yes, I haven’t seen this level hosted alot.
Download: Definetely.
Conclusion level: A very nice level by EvilMike that is very original and fun to play, the bad thing is that it’s not too easy to learn.
Rating: 8.4- 8.5.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -[This review has been edited by da man]
this is a great tileset with different colours, it’s own music and an example lvl. the tileset has everything a tileset needs and i dont know y but i found the example lvl fun?!
Download this : YES, NOW
i have to agree with acid psy. the basic lvl had quite a lot of bugs and it was a bit short. also at least it was better than my first lvl. i see you used the normal music and the hocus pocus tileset. nex time make the lvl longer.
Yay, an upload by Wisey =))))).
Layout/Gameplay: Not particularly fond of it. One of the major cons is the right side of the level, where a lot of the walls are jagged, and you can get stuck pretty easily, which isn’t a good thing. This coulda been avoided with one ways, warps, or by just avoiding making the walls like that. 146,55, I always bump into the wall there, and have to jump to enter the sucker. Not really major or anything, but floatup would of been nice. Some parts feel a bit bumpy, but other than that its alright.
Layout/Gameplay: 6.8
Eyecandy: Definately a pro, the eyecandy pretty much rocks here. It just gives me a good feeling towards the level (music helps do that too) and makes me enjoy playing it. Nuff said
Eyecandy: 9
Placement of stuff: Seems a bit sparce, and the pattern is too repetitive (placed in rectangular boxes nearly everywhere). Took me longer to find the bouncer powerup than finding the seeker powerup (and I got stuck right after finding the bouncer =( ). Other than that, I question the placement of the powerups, since the seeker is more out in the open then the bouncer, and the seeker is relatively better. The carrot placement is alright. Could’ve been better, though.
Placement of stuff: 6.5
Music definately fits, it adds a nice warm feeling to the level and I just feel like I have to add bonus points for it (+0.1) because it makes the level feel good to play.
Originality: Can’t really judge on that since this is really the first CTF level I’ve seen with this set.
Overall (not an average): A fairly decent level. Has some flaws which bring it down a bit (mostly the layout and the repetitive ammo placement), and some pros which bring it up (eyecandy, rux music choice). I’d probably play this once in a while, but not as often since the layout is not so decent. Still worth a download, though, since I havent seen levels like it.
Overall (not an average): 7.5
Final rating: 7.45 (+0.1) = 7.55, still rounded to a 7.5 though. The level has potential, but suffers from a few flaws which severe the rating. Nonetheless, its still decent and worth a download. GJ Wisey =))).
I almost didn’t notice these levels. The gametype should be changed from Assault to CTF for the sake of being less confusing.
The sea Base
GAMEPLAY: Unbalanced. Passageways are too long and narrow. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug. Destruct/Buttstomp scenary placed poorly.
EYE CANDY: Rather dull. Only light gray and dark gray blocks. Pretty bad, despite the fact no standard was set.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Not too good. Too close to blue base.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Not good at all. Only ammo in crates and a barrel. Needs better distribution.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Not even once.
Warter CTF
GAMEPLAY: No balance and too narrow passageways. Freeze Enemies events which only get in the way. Unnecessary shield and 1up crate. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug.
EYE CANDY: Misused. Doesn’t look good at all.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Apparently no carrot. Not a good idea.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Could use fewer crates and more loose ammo. Distribution needs work. Powerup placement is horrendous.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Once again, no. It’s slightly better than the other level, but that’s not saying much.
Overall review: The layouts in both of these levels need major improvement. Something a lot more open and easy to get around would be a start. Avoid hidden and ambiguous routes as much as possible. A border around the level of at least 2 or 3 tiles should be used to prevent the flag bug (”
By the way, Warter CTF doesn’t loop to anything; fix it. And find a beta tester next time to save me the trouble of writing a long review again.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.