Review by n0

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chez
Level rating: 8.4

Ok, Real quick I would like to say that the “Polka dot” tiles are connector tiles. They allow you to connect the white to the black to the checkered main blocks.


Review by tin

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: time castle
Level rating: 5.6

This lvl is short but good,it has loads of tile bugs and the save point is in an akward place. i would say that you need to test it a lot more.
at the begining there is a good use of traps.

(Rating removal. Your IP matches that of SabaSpaz. Please only review something once per computer. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chez
Level rating: 8.4

I love it alot Hey NOBODY want me to Try to make a Example Level? well im going to Try and ill post it if you say if it is ok.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: time castle
Level rating: 5.6

ok Nim i think you have a lot of mess ups have you played this level for Bugs ? the check point is at a Bad Spot when you die you end up in the wall over it.. and Change the Boss or make more Room in there! other Wise i think this is a good level
better then my 1st one _ lol well i think the music is good i may use that some time _ over all i give you a 6

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wasted Times
Level rating: 7.6

Ok, here comes a review.
First impressions: A level by Ðx.

Gameplay: Good. The gameplay is nothing special, there is a huge dead end at the bottom-right. There are more dead ends in this level, too. The spring placement seems good, but nothing really special. I dont like the gameplay that much, like I said. There are some hidden things that are made hidden by the waterfalls that are annoying imo. But, that seems original with this tileset. The tileset is overused, too.
Conclusion gameplay: Good, but nothing special.

Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. The eye candy here is very nice, but I think it’s overused a lot. Like I said, that waterfalls are very annoying but also very original. Dx used this in another level of him, a SP. The tileset use is very good imo. There is a nice use of plants, pumpkins, carrots, trees and all other things that are in the carrotus tileset.
Conclusion eye candy: Very nice, but overused and annoying with the waterfalls.

Pickup placement: Good. Again, not the best, but it’s decent. I will explain. There isn’t too many ammo in some places of this level. There was alot of ammo in some places, but alot less in others. The groups of ammo were not too original, because there was mostly 3×3 or 3×2 ammo. One group of gun9 looked interesting, though. There are way too many Power-Ups here, there is Bouncer, Ice, Toaster, Seeker, RF and Gun8 I think. That means only no Gun9 and Blaster PU. You already knew proably, but this level is too small for that many PU. Like 3 or 4 would be better. There is also alot of Fast Fire, probably too many. There are also extra lives at the start, and Dx told me that he used them for the fun.
Conclusion pickup placement: Not too good this time.

Originality: Good/Very Good. This is quite original. the tileset is used too many, but the music is only used one time I think. And that was for Dx’s SP level Wasted Time(not Times) That waterfalls looked original, like I said, but it was also very annoying. Also, the background looked interesting. It was looking light in the night.
Conclusion originality: An original level.

Host this: well, not too often, maybe if you are bored.
Download this: Sure, but not a real recommendation.
Final Rating: 7.2.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -
P.S. Ðx: I said that this is Battle and Wasted Time is Single Player, you understand?[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wasted Times
Level rating: 7.6

I hope The Size is Good 90-90

Da Man

Wasted Time was SP

Wasted Times is battle

[This review has been edited by Ðx]
[This review has been edited by Ðx]
[This review has been edited by Ðx]
[This review has been edited by Ðx]
[This review has been edited by Ðx]
[This review has been edited by Ðx]?[This review has been edited by Ðx]

Review by Trafton

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neon 2 (PLZ REVIEW)
Level rating: N/A

Whatever was broken with this previously was fixed by Bob. The rating should work fine now. Be sure to thank him every moment for the rest of your lives.

Really. I’ll be watching.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chez
Level rating: 8.4

Alrighty, I’ll just do a medium size basic review.

At first glance the tileset seemed a bit monotonous, not having a large color variety. As I scrolled down the beautiful texturedness and the nicely drawn mountains and bg made me think better of this set. There are a bunch of strange black and white polkadotted tiles, some more black and white tiles, a ladder thing, some vines and poles, more vines, some weird purple and blue animating things, whole bunch of arrows, a bunch of what looks like destruct blocks, more black and white polkadotted blocks, letters and numbers, belts (=DDDDD), chess peices, some large metal pipe thing, backround stuff, and the two rux looking backrounds. The tileset seems fairy easy to use, I question the importance or placement of some tiles in the set, but the set shouldn’t take that long to learn. It would help if there was an example level, though. One of the main dissapointments of the tileset is the lack for a large color variety. The only colors in the set are black, white, grey, and a bit of blue and purple. The color might not seem that repetetive when you look at the set, but if you compare it with sets like Spacey Universe, then the lack of color is noticable. The masking for the tileset is alright for the most part, except the masking of some tiles just confuse me (the black and white polkadotted tiles right above the alphabet).

Overall: It’s generally an alright set. I’d probably use it a few times sooner or later, but it’s not as outstanding as some other sets. Still, it’s definately above average, and definately worth a download.

Tiles included: ground, wall, backround stuff, spikes, vines, poles, belts, animations (but not that much), arrows, alphabet + numbers, signs, large variety of destruct blocks, some sucker tubes (hard to spot them until you check the masking of the tileset), tunnel things, invisible tiles, chess peices, etc etc. Basically n0b0dy put the main tiles in the set, and even went a bit further by making a staircase thing and adding belts. Putting the effort into doing more than you have to = better rating.
Tiles Included: 9.3

Masking: Though at first the masking of some tiles confused me, most of it made sense afterward. Generally good masking, and has mask messages. Whee argh.
Masking: 8.2

Color: This is what brings down the mark a bit. Color variety is very limited, there only being b&w shades, and purple and blue. At least there is purple and blue, and the color could of been worse. Plus the texturedness of the mountains and stuff brings the mark up a bit.
Color: 7.1

User friendliness: Most of it is easy to use, and the rest won’t take too long to understand.
Userfriendliness: 8.4

Animations: There are belts, glowing light things, and thats mostly all. You could be creative and make your own, since if you look at the tileset, many things in it could be animated that probably arent meant to. I’ll leave this section blank though, since the rating for it varies.

Overall (not an average): It’s a spiffy tileset. Lacks some things but exceeds in others. I’d use it once in a while, and its worth a download.
Overall (not an average): 8.2

Final rating: 8.24 = 8.2.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: One Silver Penny
Level rating: 8.2

Ok, here comes another fun review.
First impressions: One Silver Penny, one of CelL’s many great levels.

Gameplay: Good/Very Good. Well, I can say this is a nice gameplay, but could be better, though. I will explain. First, there is a nice spring placement. Second, there are one ways in some places. Third, there is a copter in the level which makes the level Lori-unfriendly. But who cares, it’s mostly a 1.23 level and not hosted alot too. Fourth, there are some warps in some places. Fifth, the layout and flow are nice. Sixth, there are some tubes in some places. Seventh, there are some float ups too. And eighth, the level is not too big, but that doesnt matter much.
Conclusion: Nice gameplay, but not perfect.

Eye Candy/Tileset use: Very Good. Yes, this is again a very nice eye candy in a level by CelL. There is very nice eye candy in layer 4(sprite layer). There is a nice background. The tileset use is very good, too. There is a foreground, and that are trees. There is also something in layer 3, and it looks nice too. Even layer 5 had something, I saw too.
Conclusion eye candy: Very nice.

Pickup placement: Good/Very Good And here it is, the evil part of the level. I will explain why. First off, there is a very good ammo placement. Second is, there is one silver coin(penny) that’s why the name is One Silver Penny. There are 2 Power-Ups. One Seeker PU in the middle, with a Toaster PU at the right side. The Toaster PU is probably closer to the Red Base, but I dunno if it’s really true. Why is there a Silver Coin here? Well, there is a bonus of one coin and when you inserted the coin, you will be at the Full Energy. That’s quite evil, but it’s original. The other evil is, there is not another carrot in the level.
Conclusion: Nice placement.

Originality: Good/Very Good. Like I said, the idea to put a full energy in a warp where you need a coin for is very original. The music used is bonus2.j2b, and that music isn’t used alot for diamondus. Most times people that use a diamondus tileset always put Diamond.j2b as music. But I am glad to see that this time it isn’t the default music.
Conclusion: An original level.
Host this: Occasionally.
Download: Sure.
My final rating is an 8.2.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Muddy Apocalypse
Level rating: 8.6

Thanks to everyone who gave us such great ratings!!! :-D

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ground Force Pack
Level rating: 8

Dx goes on with prudcing Ground Force levels! Another review, this time for a pack:

The first level of the pack. The eyecandy is good, as known in Dx’levels it’s well belanced and used well. The ammo placemnet is sufficeint, and the level strcuture is really funny, because you get pumped through a sucker tube when the game starts. There are points in the level who aren’t that good actually, I mean the shootable bloks. Some blocks can’t be shot and explode when you run over it. Besides this, this is a good survivor level, although not the best in the pack.

Again, the eyecandy is reasonable, not as good as in the other levels in the pack, I guess. The ammo placement is good, and the level is simpelr then the others. I guess this is the owrst level in the pack, becuase it is a little bit boring, but it’s still definately not bad. It’s smaller than the other Ground Force levels that Dx created, the same thing for the other levels in the pack, they are also smaller then usual.

The third level in the pack is made with the Carrotus Lava tileset, and the eyecandy surely looks good. The gameplay is decent, probalby a little bit better than the previous two levels in the pack. For now the best level in the pack, because the gamplay and ammo placement are quite good. Now let’s finish this review with the last level in the pack:

How surprising! A jungle Ground Force level in a Dx level pack! =) We all know that Dx prefers the Agma jungle tileset, and he usually makes good levles with it. The same thing goes for this level. The eyecandy is really good, I guess the best eyecandy of all levels in the pack. The ammo placemtn and gameplay are also the best, so I can say that the best level of this pack is this one, the last level.

OMG LOL SUX! I forgot to review this level in my first review! Well, here it comes: The yecandy is not as good as in the other levels in the pack, it is a little bit bored (maybe because of the tileset use, which is MEX0*, and it foffers not so good eyecandy) so it looks more like Blur’s levels, wherein the eyecandy also isn’t so good. The gameplay is quite good, except in singleplayer, because the destruct sux there. Nevermind this, the gameplay is good, so is the level itself. Not as good as the other levels though. This last level doens;t change the rating anyway.

Dx did it again, he made another good Ground Force pack, and I think he is in the top 3 of best Ground Force level creators. Maybe use some of his levels in the next JDC, during a Ground Force event.

Score: A nice 8.0
Download this: Yes!
Host this: Yes, if you like Ground Force than this is a must have and must host.

[This review has been edited by Niels aka ChippieBW]

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz in Sonic-land - Demo Version
Level rating: 8.5

cool lvl pack but is quite confusing: wer to go. the tilesets were cool and so were the lvls. the music was good and wen willthe actual lvl pack be ready? i wanna see it! this was so cool

Review by grazzkid

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ground Force Pack
Level rating: 8

good eyecandy and lots of FUN

(lots of RATING REMOVAL. Please post a longer review. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chez
Level rating: 8.4


Great eyecandy tiles and ani tiles also the mountains ar
great, 2 texture backgrounds it rocks!

Thers only ONE bad thing

No example level included :(

Download reccomed: YES!
Build with it: Yes please



Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Galaxia
Level rating: 7.9

My God…It’s not even on the radar screen anymore…

Graphics: Nice tileset, friend. Effects, yes…SUCKERTUBES!!! :)!!!
Creative stuff here.

Sound/FX: No new FX. The music is new, not bad though. ‘Nuff said.

Placement: Ingenious. A concept of both machines with a direct route with all the weapons at the top? !!!!!

Conclusion: 9.7 You made the level of the year, um…Dog…?

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Multi
Level rating: 1.5

Can you say “error”?!

Graphics: Bad use of the already laughable lost world tileset. So, the worst of the worst, I can say that. It’s sometimes hard to see things. No lighting effects or anything like that.

Music/FX: No new FX. The music was the default .j2m file from the title screen.

Placement: Errors. Hardness errors, one-way errors, sprite-foreground layer errors, the works. Let’s just say that it’s seriously below average stuff we’re talking about here.

Conclusion: Doesn’t even deserve to be played. I am baffled that someone has the gull to use that horrible tileset for yet another level.

“Sucks” -suckatube

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enemy Arena
Level rating: 1.5

No, no and NO once more!

Graphics: MY TILESET!!! NO….My tileset, the most beautiful tileset ever made was deliberately rewined to make this level! There are no hints, suckertubes :(! or any backrounds used besides one of them. No effects whatsoever.

Music/FX: No new FX. The music used was “order.j2m”. This person obviously doesn’t know how to use actual music files.

Placement: Whge…ghag…What the… I can’t really tell what to do. There are a couple of enemies at the beginning, but an infinite amount on the top of the level. There is no way to win, at all. FUNNY!!! There was an extremely rediculous effort to make sucker tubes, and didn’t even try using the sprite layer, even though that’s not what you’re supposed to do. At least it makes it LOOK real…

Conclusion: Download just for laughs. You will laugh, I guaruntee. Kid, don’t mess with the TubElectric tileset. Look at the default TubElectric levels for reference next time, please. Or, if you want to see a pro’s level, you can always look at mine!!! (hihi).

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Galaxia
Level rating: 7.9

Time for a review!
First impressions: One of Snooz’s many levels, but the first time using Niq account.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. The gameplay here is nothing special, it’s just like the other Snooz levels. This is again a symmetrical level with a nice layout and good flow, but, as R3ptile said, there is only one boring way to right or left. The spring placement is good enough, and there are some tubes that help you go up without jumping. So I can say the gameplay here is quite good.

Eye candy: Good/Very Good. This is nice, but not really Snooz quality imo. I can’t say this is perfect. But, I think no level has perfect eye candy worth a 10. There is lots of stuff in layer 3 and 5, and I can say I like that. But, the tileset doesn’t look that good. Although there are quite many tiles of the tileset used.

Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This is better then the others. I can say I like this, but not good enough for a very good. There is enough ammo and there are good groups of ammo too, but still, there are 2 places where I would like ammo too. And that’s near the bases or something around that. There is 1 full energy, and it’s, of course, good placed (in the centre/middle). There are 3 PU, 1 Bouncer at the right side, one Toaster at the left side, and a RF near the top of the level. That’s, of course, good enough.

Originality: Good. Nothing special about originality this time, the music is used more times, but the tileset isn’t overused for CTF levels. I only know Space Cataclysm or something and Galaxius(not Galaxia). The name looks like FS’s level with this tileset then. But, it doesn’t matter.

Host this: Sometimes.
Download: Sure.
Final Rating: 7.6-7.7
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ground Force Pack
Level rating: 8

Sorry Ðx but i will do a fast review because i am busy.

Good!!! The first level uses the Diam1 tileset and Ðx uses it well. I start with the background well clouds. But there is more in all the layers there are eyecandy stuff like trees, caves, ground , flowers and many more. I think that there could be more eyecandy stuff in layer 4 like trees or flowers. I see that layer 1, 2 and 3 are also used that`s also good. The second level uses the 7th lava fall tileset and this tileset is also rightfully used. The background is cool here if you look good in the first part you see something really cool but it`s only a small detail because it`s hard to see if you aren`t focussing at the background. I also see again that the layer 5, 6 and 7 are used again. In those layers there are a lot of things to make the level look better like metal, some sort of vences and many more. layer 2 and tree are also used. Layer 4 is empty with eyecandy but still it looks good. Since i am in a hurry i will not discrive all levels but in all levels the eyecandy is good.

Okay!!! There isn`t much to say about it i will tell it about all the levels sorry about that. Well the ammo placement is good in all the levels there are enough ammo to blow all the destruct scenerey`s. Ehm is there more to tell?

Good!!! I always liked Ground force (gf) or Survivor or whatever and this is a good pack with a lot of funn. in gf you all know what that is or don`t you well if ya don`t you need to ask somebody. Well I think it`s a little bit too easy to stay on those blocks because or there will only fall 1 time TNT`s down or nothing. But there are also in the levels TNT and turtles censored to do a some braking. It`s fun enough to host and play.

Good!!! I think that the tilesets are well chosen like the music as well. there could be more levels though. I don`t know if it is your fault but in level 5 i get a acces violatin But i looked in JCS to see how the level was like.

Fun a $8.0$ still sorry for the sort review.


[This review has been edited by Satan]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ground Force Pack
Level rating: 8

Please review…

  1. 1
  2. 577
  3. 578
  4. 579
  5. 580
  6. 581
  7. 582
  8. 583
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  11. 1302