Not so bad… but it is borning!
EYECANDY:very good
AMMO: Culd be better
(Unsupported rating removal edit. It is borning! ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
First thing I noticed…
that darn cool ground that I can’t quite
fall under ;P.
Anywho, the level is very nice and visually appealing.
The background is very good, with an original use of .. .“spaceships” and “spacejunk”. There is a good amount of eyecandy.
The level is a little hard to navigate.
At some points I see where I want to go but have no idea
how to get there.
There are excessive amounts of text strings..
one of these text strings are to long
so you can’t view all of it.
There is ammo yay..
Overall this is a good level , but a little hard to get around in.
A very good effort, and I would recommend a download ;).
it has very good tile use and no bugs.and has some wicked gameplay. But there could be some modifications that could make it better.the weapon placement could be better and the eye candy was reasonable. the baddies were a bit tough but well placed. i liked the blue things hit u higher and the level used the normal music. the music was good and the level was fun and long ( not too long ).
there are no annoying parts that frustrate players but all in all it is an excellent level. I give this a 9.2![This review has been edited by nim]
good lvl,very good eyecandy, you are GOOD!!!!!
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Ah, well, I had the tileset already, so I can review this…
Really good! This level contains good layers, good backgrounds and good sprite layers. You really don’t have to improve you eyecandy anymore in your later levels. Maybe some other points, though. The moving background can sometimes be annoying when you run around.
No powerups! I don’t want to say anything, but in my opinion you can’t make a decent battle level without placing any powerups. The ammo is hard to find; it’s located at not so many places in the level. And there is just 1 carrot which gives you +1, something that fits with this level. If you want to kill someone here you have to play long games.
The structure of the level is a little weird, and thanks to the good eyecandy you can’t move around that good. Soem corridors are too narrow to move through, and the blue floors which close when you run at them are strange…
Could have been a lot smoother. You can’t reall ymove around that good, because of the narrow corridors and weird floors and jumps, and there is actually no flow. Improve that in your next levels, please.
When I first opened the level I thougth: Wow! What a great eyecandy, this must be a fantastic level! But when I played the level, I saw that there are many things missing in the gameplay… I can say this is a level with really good eyecandy, but with a mediocre gameplay. And after all, the gameplay is more important than the eyecandy.
Score: a 6.7 from me.
Download this: Maybe, as an example of eyecandy.
Host: No.
oh yea forgot If you see any Bugs Plz Tell me !!
Simple enough… a small part of the level is just a normal single player level, and a smaller part of the level is a place where you just endlessly shoot at generator enemies with toasters and electroblasters (there are also 1-up and gem crates). If there’s anything else, I missed it.
Eyecandy – Very bad
Most of the tiles are used incorrectly. The background is also rather ugly… there’s not much to say about the eyecandy here since it’s such a small level.
Pros: There have been uglier levels.
Cons: Hideous.
Gameplay – Very bad
Like I already mentioned, the gameplay of this level consists of a small part and a smaller part. At the end, you just fight a bunch of enemies until you die. You could just stand at the left side of them and hit the fire key for hours on end and not die. If you tried to play until you got a gameover (and you were actually trying), it could take weeks. It’s also rather Spaz biased, because Spaz can take out the whole line of enemies in one kick (including kicking the gem crates, getting gems, kicking the 1-up crates, getting 1-ups, and kicking the powerups).
Pros: None.
Cons: Too small… and the level never ends.
Ammo placement – Very bad
This level contains a box of toaster ammo, a gun crate that generates every five seconds, a toaster powerup that generates every five seconds, an electroblaster powerup that generates every five seconds, a gem crate that generates every five seconds, and two 1-up crates that generate every 5 seconds.
Pros: Yay for remembering to put SOME ammo in the level.
Cons: Boooo.
Enemy placement – Very bad
The small part of the level has two sparks and one normal turtle in it (the normal turtle is placed right up against a wall, thus making it so it can’t even move). The smaller part of the level has two tough turtles, two fat chicks, two skeletons, two doggy doggs, two demons, and two stand monkeys (all generating). The demons will not move unless you get near them, which involves you jumping with Spaz, so they are not going to give you trouble. The monkeys don’t seem to like to move, period, so they won’t give you trouble, either. If you jump up and shoot the monkeys and demons, though, they will begin to generate on the ground, making the level a bit more challenging, but still overall easy.
Pros: None
Cons: ;(
Overall – Very bad
I’m giving this a 1.5… I’m not sure if it even deserves that.
Download reccomendation – No[This review has been edited by labratkid]
I cant actually review this level, because it’s in fact no level, just a trainer…
Ill keep it short for now. The eyecandy is not so good, only layer 8 and 4 are used, and the sprites in layer 4 are not well placed. The enemy trainer is quite funny, but you could have given it something extra, I mean something by making a complete level with an end to it. Now it’s a little bit boring, watching those enemy’s fall and roast them again… The level strcuture is a little wierd, it took me a while to find out how to get to the airboard.
If you like to preactice offline aganist enemies, this can be a good level, otherwise, never play it. There are better trainings available.
Time for a review!
First impressions: One of Disguise’s many uploads. It’s been a long time he uploaded some stuff. The last time was when he uploaded MegaM 1.23.
Gameplay: Good. The gameplay seems good. There is a nice spring placement and a very good layout imo. The flow is good, but nothing special. There is placed one way in some places, that’s also nice.
Eye candy: Good/Very Good. This seems to be very nice, but there is some confusing eye candy in some places. The tileset use was excellent I think, and I can say I liked the eye candy a lot.
Placement: Good/Very Good. There isn’t many ammo, but what is there, is well placed. I saw that there are a lot of groups placed that are 3×2 from up to down or 2×3 from left to right or right to left. That looks nice, and is easy to get. There are 2 Power-ups, a seeker and a bouncer PU. That are almost my favourite ones, but that’s just me, so I wont take points of the rating of course. There is a full energy too of course. I dont know if it is exactly in the middle but I think so.
Originality: Good/Very Good. I have to agree, this is a very original level. I almost can’t give a very good for originality, but I can say that this comes close. I never saw this tileset and I like the music too.
Others: Host this: Sure.
Download: Yes.
I think of a 7.5 here.
A very good lvl
(Unsupported apple removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
One of the rare levels Disguise releases.
Probably the best bit of the level. Having an ocean and an island at layer 7 isn’t a commonly used idea and it actually works. The stuff at the cavernside (right) is somewhat confusing. You can get easily confused of what’s the BG and what’s the wall. You still can get used to it tho.
This is the level’s FAILURE. You really can’t determine if the building is solid or not. You need to learn and/or remember what are solid. And the getting confused thing pointed out in the eyecandy section. Yeah. It really makes the gameplay worse and almost unplayable. The balance is not even good. The blue base has the confusing building things and red has just a simple way to the base. Not really good.
Seeker powerups are not placed by “accident”. So you TRIED to lower the rating by 1. Also, this powerup placement sux as heck. With addition to the seek powerup itself, the PU is even placed unfairly. Blue has a seek powerup (-1.0) and red has a bouncer powerup. And the seek powerup, the most overpowered one, is better than the bouncie powerup. The balance again. Just say no to balance. There is none at all. I don’t see a point to the barrel at the blue base. I really don’t. It may add to the level’s random luck stuff. “What comes out from there now…”.
Haven’t seen this tileset for a while. And never heard the music. And the island at the bg. Just marvelous.
HOST?: No.
OVERALL: 7.2 (-1.0)
i know what you are saying i will translade this (EK PRAAT AFRIKAANS EN BAIE VAN JULLE KAN MY NIE VERSTAAN NIE! HAHA!) I talk African and you can`t understand me.
Or am i wrong.
This is TSF, by the way
So I’m guessing Mirrow doesn’t mind this tileset being used?
There isn’t much to the layout: a few rigid pathways from base to base. A lot of the walls on the right side of the level are easy to get stuck in, which could be a big problem. The right portion of this level hurts the flow the most. The left side is alright, in comparison. Both sides could use a few springs, though. On second observation, I found out that I don’t like the layout much at all. The balance seems iffy, so I wouldn’t trust this level for a duel or a 2 on 2 or anything. But at least it’s cool to look at.
The atmosphere is really nice (the music helps), but I guess that’s just part of my first impression of seeing this tileset in an actual level. There’s pretty much no standard set (from what I’ve seen), but the tileset was used well.
The placement of the full energy carrot is so-so, but I don’t know about that tube to the right of it. In regards to powerup placement, a seeker powerup on the left and a bouncer powerup on the right? Rather questionable. Ammo placement could be a lot better, but I can almost live with it.
Probably once just to marvel at the tileset. Otherwise, nah. This is about a 7. On a side note, make sure to get mirrow to make MORE TILESETS.
Officially going with your other name now? That just makes everything more confusing. Everyone has so many aliases these days…
The level is symmetrical, so that takes care of balance. The layout isn’t too new or innovative, but it’s decent. The general layout seems too narrow, though it doesn’t make it too hard to move through. Also, not all of the sucker tube routes are useful, and I find the tubes on the side to be extremely risky and not worth using half of the time. This level has okay gameplay from what I can tell, but I don’t see myself playing here often.
The eye candy in this level has a little original here and there. However it’s a little confusing in places like with some of the 3rd layer tiles, and the background is distracting with it’s unrealistic relative movements. I didn’t really like the BG much at all, but the eye candy is alright overall.
The full energy carrot and powerups are placed well enough for my liking. Ammo placement is decent, but it felt like it was in the most inconvenient of places and at times I found it hard to get. I can’t say anything bad about anything else.
Maybe a few times. Nothing bad about this level aside from the lack of ingenuity in places and the limiting layout. 7.5’s my rating.
The wall next to the seeker PU is a walkthrough.
Now I want a 9! ;D
okay, time to do a fast review here..
Heh. “Deathwish” is a medium sized battlevel using Aztec tileset by Blade. in my opinion set was used fine but some j2o users may not think so. eyecandy is nice.. and i really enjoy when playing this level. weapon placement is fine too.. ( there is a one place in the level where you put two powerups in one small room.. whihch was only bad thing ) my only complaiment here is the dead ends.. there is one, the wall next to seek pu..
after all, i think this lvel is worth of Download recommedation. im thinking 8, whihc is good rating. HF.
~n1q TF
How can they review the level if they do not have the tileset? Please reupload this will the tileset or I will have to delete it.
Another level.
IT ROX. The bg looks like 3d, although it isn’t, but it still looks like. The level has a goood lighting. Just like DARK.
Some places have spaz biased stuff and some places just lack springs. Place near bouncer powerup is a good example of lack of springs. He used RED SPRINGS that can’t reach the powerup, but Spaz can easily run from the right and reach the powerup. The secret isn’t obvious at first. Anyway, there aren’t dead ends, at least many.
Seek powerup killed one point =(. Evil seekers. The level isn’t balanced and is blue biased. Red has bouncies and blue has RFs. What is this? Anyway, the ammo is otherwise placed fine and I see no point for the electro blasters.
This tileset has been used many times and the music is default. You can still access the red base from the down, but you can only go up from there. One of these original ideas.
OVERALL: 7.5 (-1.0)
HOST?: If you hate stup annoying games, no. But yes, if you don’t think so.
Another level with NO SEEK POWERUP. YAY.
Isn’t as good as in your other levels. The stuff is still good. I like the layer7 (Or 6?) windowthing. Yay.
OMG THIS LVL BORING THIS NO FUN =(. A straight way from blue to red base. You do not need to go UP or DOWN any time except to get ammo. Also the sucker tubes near bases are getting annoying that I accidentally keep getting on these. Awwwwwww.
This is where the level ROX on. I like the balance. You need electro blasters to get the powerups (They are in an easy place either.). Oh joy.
The level is so simply stupid in any duel, 2vs2 or 3vs3. The level works like this: AMMO, GO-TO-BASE, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT……. No joy. The text is right on the “another boring level” There’s nothing else really to do.
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDED? If very bored that boring levels are considered entertaining, yes.
HOST? Read above.[This review has been edited by the WINNER]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.