Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Green Jungles
Level rating: 7.8

Another good survivor of Dx! Let’s see:

Truly great! Good tileset use, beautiful graphics. Go on like this in your next levels, Dx! NOTE: A few tiles are misplaced again, but thanks to the speed you won’t notice this.

Only bombs this time? Good. I like the bomb triggers which make you think the whole world is exploding.

Very similiar to the last one, but it’s just that little bit better which makes it more funny to play. It’s again big, maybe a little less bigger then the previous (or does that come because i was expecting it to be big this time?)

It;s lotsa fun to play. It’s really a Ground Force level that can match with blurred’s.

Score: A 7.7 from me.
Download: Yeah, it’s a good Ground Force.
Host: Yes, please.

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1: Megairbase
Level rating: 8.1

the levels are good and not too hard (unlike my previous ones). the first level is like the normal way it should be set out but the second is really cool because of the sucker tubes and the flying ships in the background and devan’s tank made me laugh! the levels must have taken quite a while and they have been made really well. i wonder what he will make next

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Laser
Level rating: N/A

It is related to Jazz, since it uses the instruments from original JJ1 music. Unfortunately, it hurts to listen to it; laser, up, down boom boom….Just…don’t download…
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Orbitus Remix!
Level rating: 8.4

Well, it’s not exactly good at all…Maybe it’s my soundcard or something, but I just can’t seem to like it at all…maybe you should listen to it again?
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz airboard fly episode1
Level rating: 2

Right…so, here’s the gist of it:

It’s not an actual Jazz2 Level, it’s an odd…thingamajig…that uses a different engine to run. You see blue circles (mines) that if you touch, you die and are sent back to the first level once again. You don’t have limited lives, here.

The graphics? What graphics? They look like they were drawn with Windows’ Paint in a few seconds. 2/10 for effort.

The music and FX? Two sound effects, “OW” and “WHISTLE”, you will hear for most of the time, but there isn’t any music. 1/10 for self-esteim.

Fun? It gets addictive, but then you will wish that you never had seen it before. 3/10

So, let us just say that this level is…cute? But, not a level though… On average, 5/10/3 issssss….1.7/10.

Sorry, bud. I just couldn’t find the heart to give it the bad rating I was thinking of. DONOTDOWNLOAD

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Hates(updated)
Level rating: 7.1

This was the level I was suppose to beta test. That’s a shame.


The first thing I would have pointed out while beta testing this was the hidden bases. I would have suggested at least making it so that players can see the flags to be able to tell whether it’s there or not. As “innovative” as it may be, I don’t like the base placement as it is at all. Next, I would have mentioned the sucker tubes. It would be better if the gameplay didn’t have to depend on them so much. Also, I found the tubes that stuck a tile out of the walls to be quite annoying, especially the ones near the powerups. Then, I would have complained about the way the layout looked. It still seems a little too cleancut with the mud and everything. I especially dislike the area all around 74,6. There are some other things I don’t like about the layout, but I can’t put my finger on it; it’s related to the platform placement, though. The flow could be better in several places, but it’s nothing that will kill the gameplay. Everything else I can live with.


Once again, the tileset wasn’t used well enough. Various tiling errors can been seen here and there. And the groups of four tiles placed in a square on layer 3, like the one right under the carrot, don’t add much of anything to the eye candy.


The full energy carrot placed at the top. Despite the tubes near the two powerups in the side, the powerup placement is good enough. I can play with the way the ammo is placed, but it seems so commanplace and all. That’s all I can say.


I wouldn’t say so. 6.7 is my rating.

PS: It’s interesting how the “space choon 57” mod is included but isn’t used. I can’t say I like it a lot more than “Jupiter Trails”, but at least it wouldn’t be the same old song once again. A different music choice other than TRAILS.S3M would’ve been my other beta test suggestion. I also don’t understand the name of this level. “Haties” doesn’t seem to be a real word, and I’m not sure as to what it refers to.

The Edit: I just remembered that the tubes on the sides of this level, especially the left side, are prone to cause the flag bug. 6.5 is my new rating. Fix it.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Life of the Foundry
Level rating: 5

Will someone review this? Maybe, eventually. On a side note, I used cos.xm (aka cosmic compressor remix) before CelL did (at least I think I did). I used it in my Lost Gemz treasure pack some while ago. But you probably should be crediting the author Plasma instead. BTW, if you want a review from me, try this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Skulls planet
Level rating: 2.7

Satan with sctf1 and SkulL with sctf01… Argh.


The layout is close to as simple as it gets. Aside from the warps, the gameplay’s basically run back and forth from base to base. Linear multiplayer levels are usually not good idea. This level is, however, balanced, but that almost means nothing. The area around each base could’ve been made better. A border around the level should have been added to prevent the flag bug. I can’t point out much of anything else simply because there isn’t much of a level.


Well… at least it’s admitted that the eye candy isn’t so good. I personally wouldn’t have ever released a level with eye candy like this. The animations should have been used instead of just placing animation tiles around the level. The tileset was misused thoroughly throughout the entire level. I have seen worse, but it’s still pretty bad. Maybe spend time on eye candy next time? “This is my first CTF level” isn’t an excuse for laziness.


There’s the full energy carrot in the warp. Aside from the carrot room being excessively small, it’s not too bad. Considering everything, the RF powerup is placed well enough. Ammo could have been placed less randomly, though. But anyway, all of this doesn’t matter since the layout isn’t any good.


Not in this lifetime. 2.7 and read this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Stinky flag
Level rating: 7.3

Well, the name is… something else…


The balance is mostly good from what I can tell. The flow isn’t bad, but it’s not too Jazz-friendly. I can’t say I like the overall layout, though. The gameplay seems too basic, and I wouldn’t use the top half of this level too often because of where the start positions are located. The borders around the level could be a little thicker as well.


It’s pretty much typical Colonius eye candy. Nothing new, although nothing horrible either. The masking should have been checked, but otherwise the eye candy is average.


The full energy carrot and the RF powerup are placed near the bottom where the bases are. Not placing both of those so close to the fastest base route would be better in that it would reduce some of the chaos of this level. The other powerups placed on opposing sides are fine. Ammo placement is decent, despite the cluster of ammo above the carrot. It seems to be too much variety in one spot.


Maybe once if bored. I don’t like this level enough to give it anything higher, so 6.7 it is.

Review by The son of jazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enter orbitus
Level rating: 8.4

Very good level, better then my “Cola Wars” 10 too you.

P.S. Send a e-mail too me when episode 2 is redy (

(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: mi first GOOD level please try
Level rating: 2.1

TSF (1.24) levels NEVER work with 1.23.
Just don’t make levels with the 1.24 JCS. 1.24 is not a new version. It is an expansion. They who don’t have the expansion, can’t review this! And I happen to have TSF to review this. Use 1.23 JCS next time, if you have it.

Hide from Home Cooked Levels is on, oh no…

There is no eyecandy at all. No animated tiles, no layer 1,2,3,5,6,7 stuff, only 4 and 8 used…. WAAAAAAAHHHHH. The first thing I did is to say 1.7 to eyecandy part. Really, this is worse than The Astronauts. You misused the tileset awfully. This is the worst level with 7th Lava Fall I ever saw. This tileset has plenty of eyecandy tiles and you didn’t even use the layers they were meant for! No PLEASE. I wonder why the extra 0.7.. Oh yes, you used Layer 8. Yay.

There is really no indication that where are the warps. This level is filled with warps. No indication that there actually are warps. Then there is that stupid square part. This is the place where the JAZZ-BIASED part comes. I like that this is Jazz biased. At least some change for the durn Spaz users. You could easily uppercut the witch.

Enemies worstly ever placed on top of the one tile squares, which use a wrong tile from the tileset anyway. The witch is jazz biased, and almost all enemies are badly placed. I like the placement of the witch. It makes the darn Spaz users switch to Jazz either JJMORPH or restart the level with Jazz.

Three shields, four ammo crates, one powerup (seeker powerup, but doesn’t matter in single player), and other little stuff. That’s really all. I hate the three shields. They made the boss easy. YaY.

The level is short, the level is short, the level is short and the level is short. This is annoying with the swarmbees that you have a blaster to kill them. No. No. I got killed twice there. This level is annoying with bad placement of things. Don’t download this.

Download this: No
Play this: No


Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enter orbitus
Level rating: 8.4

i will give it a 7.3 or something.
but review come later

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Hates(updated)
Level rating: 7.1

J2vf Is death

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

I really like this, but I am too lazy to write a review, sorry :/

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: the Lost World episode
Level rating: 9.1

Bad, really bad. I mean…DISPLEASUREABLE for the J2O Admin whom I love soooo much…

The tileset was crummy, not really worth looking at! The levels were repedetive and dull. Cinematics? Who cares?! It’s the GAME!

Well, it was cute that he used the Easy Installation Maker from Clickteam that I once tried to use to make a patch for JJ2…anyway, no points there. There isn’t any music, just some loud, yelping noises that were the end result of sacrificing the music of this hapless game he so deliberately brought onto all of our souls.

I don’t make tilesets myself, but I see a LOT better in almost all of them. I am outra- erm…a little UPSET over this level, and what REAllly, reallly, steams m- makes me UNCOMFORTABLE is that it is rated so freak’n high!

I won’t put one myself, since it will be removed from (yours truely) the J2O Admin. So, unless they tell me otherwise, this game is N/A.

And a short note to the ASSOCIATES AND/OR EMPLOYEES OF J2O: Keep it up!
(Threat removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Survivor pack
Level rating: N/A

(Incredibly unsupported rating removal edit. Would you believe this was a 10? ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enter orbitus
Level rating: 8.4

Good work! There were a load (a LOAAAAAD) of errors and bugs, so I had to cheat to get past some walls. There’s a problem with the buttons if you lose one life, the wall just don’t open, ya’.

Graphics? The Orbitus JJ1 tileset was used and I applaud him for using it so well. A tip, though- that part of the tileset that looked like an eye? You could have made it DESTRUCTIVE SCENERY so that there’s more of a Jazz1 feel to it. There were, however, a lot of repeated platforms in which I do not blame him for, as the Orbitus tileset only has those. 9.3

Music and FX? The original Orbitus music from JJ1 was used. No different FX. n/a

The enemies, fun, difficulty? Well-placed enemies, and the blue walls to bound off of do permit even more of the JJ1 Orbitus feel. Difficult, but could be a lot worse. 9.2

I give this peice of art 9.2. Have a good day, and I hope to see your level pack.[This review has been edited by suckatube]

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Hates(updated)
Level rating: 7.1

Time to review this…

Good/okay. You used good background layers, and the foreground is interesting. Although, some tiles in the sprtie layer are wrong placed, and the mud is sometimes a little bit boring.

Good ammo placement: three PUs: Toast, Seek and Bounce. The seeker PU is not to be found, but not’s not so bad. The ammo is placed well, not team-biased, and the full NRG carrot is good to reach.

The level is symmetrically, good structure, and nicely divided. Not much wrong, except the sucky base entrances. You have to concentrate on one spot to enter them, so you can not really run through them.

Actually I like this level. It’s fun to play when you got too now it, good combination of graphics, ammo and structure. Probably one of Sonic’s better levels, I guess.

Score: I give this a 7.7
Download this: Yes.
Host this: Yeah, a few times, it’s something new and refreshing comparing to the old and overhosted CTF levels which really begin to annoy me.

Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Hates(updated)
Level rating: 7.1

A cute Capture The Flag level, but the sucker tubes really made it lose the entire concept of capture the flag because they went really far, and we all know that you cannot stop someone while they’re in a tube! The tileset used was basic custom stuff, cute though it may be. There’s really nothing to it.
(Unsupported rating removal cute edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Cola Wars (Episode I)
Level rating: 3.2

A single player level!

Not good. This is quite a small tileset you used for this, it has just a few sprites. It has only one background layer and now foreground. Maybe use anotehr tileset next time.

Reasonable. The ammo is most in boxes, sometimes in normal form. There are a few easy enemies in the level, and two lives, next to each other! Bad.

Why has none of your levels a decent ending? The previous ended in a loop, and this one too. It’s quite frustrating and sucky. Besides, the level isn’t closed at some places, so you fall down into nothing. This is really not good.

The level is too short, and some places are hard to reach. The only reason I give this not too low is that it’s quite fun for a few seconds.

I can conclude that this is a bad level. I liked your previous level more, because it had better eyecandy, it was longer and funnier to play. Oh, and please next time make it ending.

Score: 3.0
Download: No.
Host: No.

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