I dont feel like writing this again, I wrote the whole dang review, then pressed submit. Dang! wrong password.. review gone.. Lets see if I can remember it
Firstly, I would like to notice that it is not necessary to include an original JJ2 tileset.
Secondly, I don’t like the idea of a combination of CTF and Battle. It’s original but won’t work out.
Further, the background doesn’t tile, no fire animation, most of the tiles aren’t connected or finished off, the weapon placement is odd: a lot of powerups on one place, this should be avoided. 4 full energy carrots on one place?? Not much eyecandy except the skulls on the foreground and some snowmen, which is a shame.
Overall it’s not bad for a first try, but it could use a lot of improvement. I wouldn’t play it myself.
sorry for the summing up, I couldn’t be bothered to write it all again.
[This review has been edited by Nightmare]
Another Shade level that doesn’t loop to itself. Joy.
I pretty much don’t like the layout in general. The flow and the balance aren’t as bad as they gets, but they could be improved by a lot. The start positions should have been made team-based with “Multiplayer Level Start” events (0 for blue, 1 for red). Fewer floating platforms would be better. There’s nothing interesting about this level, and the coin warp isn’t very useful.
Well… It’s a little, ummm, tacky? And it’s a little distracting and it doesn’t look all too good. Try not to make the background layers move unrealistically.
There are too many +1 carrots placed around the carrot. Using just a full energy carrot or two would have been fine. Powerup placement would be decent if the EB and pepper spray powerups in the coin warp were ignored and if the bouncer powerup was better placed. Ammo needs to be distributed better as well and with fewer crates. And does the TNT have any real purpose?
Nah. Shade001 was a little better, even though I don’t think that was a great level either. This is a 6.2 in my opinion.
The Edit: Well, the coin warp target area was fixed a little, although it still isn’t worth the 20 coins and the invincibility carrot isn’t too useful (last time I checked it doesn’t work). A few other things could have been improved, such as the start positions and some of the top edges (flag bug related—LRK mentioned it). This level is otherwise decent for a platform level. I’m still not too fond of platform levels, though. Anyway, 6.5 should have been my rating from before.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
This will be good.
Non-Typical Battle
GAMEPLAY: So-so. Has some nice ideas. Focuses on camping a bit (could be good or bad). Jail thing seems more fit for a larger level.
EYE CANDY: Good and a little original, although 8-bit BG looks glitchy.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Every now and then.
The Melting Point
GAMEPLAY: Decent, although a little limiting. Flow needs a bit work in a few places, but otherwise alright.
EYE CANDY: A little different. Slightly above average.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Okay with the two +1 carrots, considering the size.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Maybe for duels ever so often.
One Spot
GAMEPLAY: Perhaps the most innovative level I’ve seen in a while. Balance is negligible because of the layout. Might be better if it was bigger, though.
EYE CANDY: Pretty nice and original. I like the BG the most.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Probably the most insane full energy carrot placement ever. I recommend using two players. Good thing there’s a +1 carrot.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Alright, although there might be too much TNT.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Sure, if you can get used to the level. It borders “way too evil” on the evil scale.
Medieval Skyscrapers
GAMEPLAY: Not the most original level in the pack, but it has solid gameplay.
EYE CANDY: Original with a nice atmosphere.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Good enough.
Overall review: Four good levels. Can’t say much of anything else. Host them a bunch of times. 8.5 is my rating.
Congratulations Voldard, you have won a big Prize! – yes a prize for the worst level on J2o.
I give you one for good sense of humor :)
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Ok, I will make this brief dudeman :P
-This Eyecandy is very good, even though it has a few flaws at top of level if you look very closely.
-The Gameplay was very smooth, but sometimes it took me 2 tries to keep on moving again like when your jumping and then you hit a pumpkin :(
-Weapon placement was fairly done, especially the bouncies because they were all at a nice location where you can grab them right away. only 2/3 of the carrots are at a good location because when your playing you are 90% sure to catch them. There is only 3 PU, and two PU when you go through the coin warp! Fire, RF and Bouncie PU’s were nicely placed I must say, Especially bouncies because that is the format used for alot of the original levels for bouncie pu’s.
-Tiles are all good, accept one tile that is on top right… Btw nice job on covering up the mysterious vanishing grass with a tile I never seen before o.o
-Something was unfair about the bases: Blue bas ws easier to attack because the aea around it is much easier to go through while red, it is like a wall with hills around the base.
Extra points: Good work on eye candy, and the coin system at each base is good at the start of a duel for both players to get started.
This is a good level though is abit rusty like desc. said.
download? sure
host? maybe
I give this level a good 7.2 at the moment.[This review has been edited by J4E]
Edit::: Ok It was just reuploaded. I must say the eyecandy does not hurt my eyes anymore, and the issue on top right is gone now! Though the coin warp could be better, and springs changed so I can move better.
GJ shade, though some of the ways the level play is are odd.. Like the topright thing, it has no tunnel and that can frusterate someone on duels! :(
(Rating removal due to matching IP address. Please do not rate levels of those who you are related to. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I’m just going to go with a quick review, since I’m not in the mood to do a long one.
One Spot
Eyecandy – Very good
Nice original background, great sprite layer eyecandy… what more do you want?
Gameplay – Good
I don’t really like the gameplay here that much. The flow isn’t very good at all. The layout is nice, and the overall gameplay is pretty fun. The gameplay includes trying to get to a certain spot in a level, then capturing the enemy’s flag when you’re there, then going back to that spot to score. Pretty simple, really.
Ammo placement – Very good
For lack of anything to say about the ammo placement besides that it’s very good, I’ll just leave it at that.
Medieval Skyscrapers
Eyecandy – Very good
Great looking level here. I’ve never seen a level with this tileset look as good as this one does.
Gameplay – Very good
Magnificent, original gameplay. There are cannons that let you shoot further like the ones in many Bank Robbery levels. The flow is nice, the layout is easy to learn… perfection.
Ammo placement – Very good
There is nothing to say about the ammo if I say that it’s very good. If I say it’s not good, then I have something to complain about. But, there’s nothing wrong here.
Non-Typical Battle
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
As good as it gets with a Mez tileset.
Gameplay – Good / Very good
Great flow and gameplay, but a confusing layout. Well, atleast it was confusing for me when I first starting beta testing this, which was a month or two ago. Anyway, the warps can get a bit annoying, as can the jail room, which is why I’m not giving this a, “Very good.”
Ammo placement – Good / Very good
As one of the beta testers, FS told me how to get the shield. Bwahaha. Die, peasants. ;( The ammo placement is good here, like in the others. I don’t like it quite as much, though. And, no, I’m not taking off points for the shield, since it’s strategically placed.
The Melting Point
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
Only BlurredD has made eyecandy with this tileset worthy of Very Good, although the eyecandy here is still very sexy. My only real complaint is that the background is unoriginal.
Gameplay – Good / Very good
Your typical good gameplay… the level is quite small, though. The wind can also get a bit frusturating.
Ammo placement – Good / Very good
See the above ammo placement explanations… or something.
I’m ending the review here because I’m too lazy to write more. I suppose it’s a decent sized review. It might appear small, given the fact that some people cough put like six line breaks between each thing that they say, making it look like they made big reviews.
Download reccomendation – Yes
Edit: I forgot to add a rating. =P
Winner, how come you said that the overall score was 7.7 but gave it a 7.2? It doesn’t make any sense.
Winner, taking off 0.5 points because the levels don’t loop to the others in the pack is not fair. It’s impossible for FS to do that without causing problems since not all of them are CTF. There’s a battle one, if you hadn’t noticed. You shouldn’t take off any points whatsoever for that. You seem to be very biased.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
thers something in the zip :P
And from the looks of it, it’s a pretty solid, yet Spaz biased and buggy CTF level.
Eyecandy – Good
Like many of DX’s levels, this level has nice sprite layer eyecandy, but the backgrounds look very ugly. This level is filled with eyecandy to the extent that it’s almost overdone. The reason I’m not giving this category a higher rating is because 1.) Layer eight is ugly; the textured background should fade to a lighter color. 2.) Level seven doesn’t look the greatest. 3.) There are a few tile bugs here and there. 4.) I don’t know what on earth that huge carrot near 37, 32 is doing there, but it looks very ugly.
Gameplay – Okay / Good
A platformy, Spaz biased level… just what lots of people do not want to see (especially BlurredD =P). Although the gameplay is good, and rather fun to play, the layout and flow could use some work. The top of the level is also open and, therefore, you can get a flagbug, which is one of the reasons why I’ll probably never host this. I hate flagbugs. =P You get a flagbug when somebody touches the edge of a level. To avoid this, put a solid wall (or ceiling, floor, etc.) that is atleast 64 pixels thick (that’s the equivalent of two fully masked tiles, side-by-side). The gameplay and layout seem like a cross between one of CelL’s newer levels (with all the vines) and Diamondus Warzone. I’m also rather against having one tile high, “tunnels,” in your levels. Oh, and BTW, the spring near 32, 36 sould have KEEP-Y (I forgot which KEEP setting you have to set to 1, so just set them both to 1 to be safe =P) on so it doesn’t make you crash into the wall nearby.
Ammo placement – Good
Pretty decent, but it appears that you forgot to put ammo in several places. The carrots are also rather, “scattered,” and hard to find. I found three… are there any more? (I’m guessing I probably saw the ones I missed (if I missed any) and thought I had already saw them. That’s what happens when a level has confusing layout).
Anyway, I’m too lazy to write more… umm… the end.
Download reccomendation – Sure.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Ok, I will give this a review.
Gameplay: Good. It’s quite good. There are some vines and the layout isn’t that bad. The spring placement could be better, though.
Eye candy: Okay. It’s good, but it’s over-used I think. Too many things in layer 4, 6 and 7. Also, there are many tilebugs. That makes it Bad/Okay.
Pickup placement: Good. This is also quite good, but I think there are too many Power-Ups. I found 5 of them. Toaster, Blaster, Bouncer, Seeker and RF. The Seeker Power-up ruins the gameplay as some users say, but this one is in a bonus and that’s much better. Also, no Full Energy. I also think there is too many Fast Fire.
Others: Host this: No.
Download this: I don’t think so.
7.5 is overrating, I give 6.5.
This is a good level but it has a few “ issues”
1. It is only for spaz, and even when you are spaz, most players at first should feel smooth gameplay, and this level has some of that but it is a bit to cramped.
2. Eyecandy is not bad, though it mixes well when going around but more detail can be added. (-.5 points)
3. Weapon placement is good, but not enough ammo if you asked me.
4. Gameplay is a good for spaz, bad for jazz ( -2.5 points )
The good side of this is that it is reasonably fun, suggested to use for 1 vs 1 duels, and is just the right size for 6 people MAX.
Fun? Yes, to some people it might look cramped at places.
Download? Yes!@
This level has removed triangles that cramped up most of the level +.2 pints[This review has been edited by ?Shade?]
Owh nice,
-Good eyecandy
-Good size
-Good tileset use
-Good gameplay
-Anything is nice!
(Borderline unsupported rating removal. Please edit this review and include more information before reposting. The original rating was 7.5. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I fixed it.
thers nothing in the zip :P
you fixed? NOTHING ION THA ZIP![This review has been edited by Ðx]
Well, this wasn’t reviewed, so i decided to review.
EYECANDY:yay. better than in last version. actually, i think you should add a new background mountain isntead of those blocks, since they are very confusing. good that there is different kind of blocks now. that made me rate higher.
GAMEPLAY:Well, its better. but it could be still better. i think its quite hard to move in this level. and someparts are confusing.still, the gameplay is ok, and i don’t have much compaliments.
WEAPON PLACEMENT:Heh, good enough. there is many kinds of ammo, and theyre quite easy to get. there is one powerup, and i think its too easy to get. ;p
Well, no other comments., i guess that this review is finished.
~SnooZ aka NiQ
No, plz review here
Dont reupload. reupload them on yor old lvl.
This is one of the greatest CTF packs ( + battle :P )
PERFECT! originally eyecandy also
nice tiles used. i liked the 7th lava fall
i hope this will be hosted many times. you
will have fun with it in duel
Not bad placed. only he jail in the battle BAH! you must some secs.
but not bad :P
Ammo placed good!
final rating from me
- 8.7 -
O i forgot
Download reccomed: Yes
Host this: Yes
[This review has been edited by Ðx]
Before you was uploading i had see the level, it was avarage.
But you asked me for saying the bugs.
I said : ‘‘To much ammo and the eyecandy’‘
The ammo you have good replaced but the eyecandy is very… ehh. boring.
Srry but i have to tell you to make your next level better with eyecandy, and the size.
And dont make levels in 1 hour, no get time for it, i dont have to be fast.
6.8 = 7
You will later a good levelmaker, but you have to learn much.
Srry[This review has been edited by DranzerJ4E]
I have to say that I fully Agree with R3ptile – really , when I read that I seemed to see my mind.
A 2.7 here (I don’t like this lvl at all)
(Unsupported rating removal. Please provide more information. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ok, I want to review this.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. I like it, spring placement is very good, only the level is quite small, if it was that big with this gameplay, it was very good.
Eye candy: Very Good. I loved it. This is how you need to use this tileset. I don’t care about that it’s overused.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. The ammo placement is really good, but you must get up again to get the ammo at some places. There are more levels which have that. The amount of ammo was very good. The carrot placement was also good.
Others: Well, this wasn’t a long review, but this level does rock, and FS also does. I give this level a 8.5.
Lets do a quick review..
EYECANDY:Well, someparts are good, someparts look really dull. like those blocks. you used 32 × 32 block only. in my opinion, you should use other blocks too, like 64 × 64. results would look much nicer. but, its your choice.
GAMEPLAY:Quite good, but there are some weapons i don’t like such as TNT and freezer. i won’t take points away though. you can get around fine. average gameplay.
AMMO PLACEMENT:Its good but could be better. no more comments.
CONCLUSION:An Average level.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.