Review by TnT aKa h00li0

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack
Level rating: 9.5


(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more details in your reviews. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Galactic Warfare
Level rating: 8.3

Ok, I gotta review this level.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It’s excellent, there are a few springs but you can’t put many here. The balance and flow are nice, if you learn the left side you learn the right too. And others is also good.
Eye candy: Good/Very Good. It’s well-done. There could be some more in some places, it would be a higher rating and maybe it will be very good then.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. There is not that many but there is space between the ammo and the power-ups are good placed. One power-up at each side and the third in the middle-center of the level. Nice. The Full Energy is also good placed, of course. In a symmetrical level it’s always easy to put a Full Energy at the right place.
Others: Host this: Yes, I will host it sometimes.
Download this: Yes.
Good job Snooz, your best level. I give a 8.2.

Review by Tik

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

First and foremost, everyone asking for ‘colours’ knows nothing about fonts. Fonts don’t have colours, and the colours you see in Jazz2 are made in Jazz2. So if you lowered your rating for not having colours, then raise it up a bit.

Alright, frankly I wasn’t impressed for a number of reasons:

1.) These are not filled characters, just outlines of the characters. I can see why it would be tricky to do that any other way, but still.

2.) Characters are missing. That’s an obvious one.

3.) At smaller sizes, its not readable. Lots of special fonts are like that, though. However, at large sizes the characters are very…blocky.

4.) The font is just outlines, which still isn’t so bad. However there are holes in the outlines. This may not seem like a totally bad thing, but when it comes to someone who photoshops or messed with fonts, using whatever, having holes in outlines can be very inconvenient. Especially for things like filling or with gradients.

Despite these, all in all, it’s really not that bad for a first time. You could improve upon it in the future, if you wish. Though I may begin making a sort of Jazz2-font thing myself…

Review by NOKA

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Galactic Warfare
Level rating: 8.3

Fantastic , I agree with the ratings from R3plite and BluredD.

Thanx to this level I started to like this tileset much.

I didn’t think that you can do such a great stuff with this tileset as Snooz showed to us in this level.

Tilesetuse , gameplay , eyecandy and placement – all this stuff are good.

8.0 from me.

NOKA of J2VF[This review has been edited by NOKA]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Galactic Warfare
Level rating: 8.3

Aka NiQ? I’m not even going to bother asking. Let me just review this…


This is another symmetrical level with good flow, and it’s a little bigger than the last few levels (could have a larger playing area). There aren’t any major flaws in the layout, and Spaz doesn’t have much of an advantage. The design of the level isn’t too innovative, but it is slightly different from the ordinary.


I liked a lot of the eye candy, but I think some of it could be much better. There are a few flaws, and some parts look dull, although I’m not one to talk with the example levels I made (I probably should start hosting some of the newer levels I made with this set—much better eye candy). But there was the standard that stripe set, and this ranks up there with it. The eye candy is pretty good and a little innovative, and the effort can be seen here.


At the top middle of this level, there’s a full energy carrot which can be shot down to the bottom—something I see myself doing on occasion. In general, the powerup placement is good enough. It’s questionable with the carrot and the toaster and bouncer powererups placed on the fastest route between the two bases, but it’s not that big of a problem for me. Still, maybe all of the powerups shouldn’t be so easily reached. Anyway, I can’t complain about how ammo is distributed. That’s all I have to say.


Sometimes or maybe more often than that. There aren’t enough reasons why I can’t give this an 8.

The Edit: So maybe I don’t like the eye candy as much as I first thought. Those gray tiles aren’t exactly just random eye candy tiles; they’re really suppose to be destruct scenary tiles. I didn’t like the way they were used in this level—probably the thing about this level I dislike the most. There’s also that eye candy problem at 45,52 with the red blinking tiles, which annoyed me a bit. Everything else I can live with. My rating is now a 7.7, but it’s still a decent level.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by the real one Bjarni

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sumo Spaz
Level rating: N/A

I can’t play it! I’m so sorry, it’s TSF level! You need to change that!

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mini Battle pack
Level rating: 8.1

Idea is stolen but man it’s a good battle build. Heck it’s even fun to play it all that small. I just don’t know it just feels good. Eyecandy has been good adjusted to the smaller things and couldn’t really find some errors in it. WD WM

[EDIT]Compelete review later..[This review has been edited by ShadowGpW]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rather Useless CTF
Level rating: 7.9

About time I review this, here goes:

Rather Useless CTF, by Flash and Unhit:

Gameplay: Its alright, floatups decently placed in some placed, but not needed in others (like at the edges of platforms which are accesible by springs) but I guess they’re better for the flow. One ways placed good, the warps are a bit strange, but they prevent dead ends so they’re good. Several passages seem to narrow, though.

Layout: Im not particulary fond of it, passages don’t lead where you think they would, warps are placed in strange places (the ones to the powerups) One tile mask surrounding level which may cause a flag bug. Some places like 13,68 and 102,29 and 116,64,I didn’t like too much. The seeker place is too close to the full energy carrot. Once you get to learn the layout, its pretty good.

Eyecandy: Original. Could of been better though. The BG is good, fits the theme, although the rain might be falling too slow. The knights in the window things in the walls look cool, but the walls themselves could of been spiffed up more. The lighting is cool. Bugs in the walls are there (23,65 or around there, and around 37,66) and some stuff look weird and don’t fit too much (to the left of 103,59, dunno if that floating sword case was intentional or not). Overall, it looks ok, but could be greately improved.

Placement of stuff: Alright I guess, though the powerups (bouncer and seeker) might be a bit too close to the full energy, and I find that the red base is easier (or at least for me) to reach than the blue base (since you have to climb to reach blue base and that takes time). And the bouncer might let out a bit too close to the red base. (I should’ve put that in layout, but whatever). Ammo is good.

Music is great, couldn’t have chosen better. Fun Factor IS there, so is originality.

OVERALL (not average): A promising level, more work on it could’ve made it better. Some parts in the level look great (like how the bases are done) while others (15,65 and 116, 64) aren’t as well done. Also, on a side note, Gun crates/barrels cause a lot of lag in the level when abused, so dont overuse them. I havent gotten a flag bug yet (but my server isnt usually laggy and few people were on) but Im suspecting one. For some reason, my rabbit keeps burping in the level while Im writing this review (the burping sound when you die) and nobody is in the server right now, scary O.o.

Gameplay: 8.2
Layout: 7.9
Eyecandy: 8.2
Placement of stuff: 8.2
Overall: 7.9
Rabbit Burp-o-meter: 534.5
Final rating: 8.08 rounded down to an 8. Good Job and download reccomendation.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

Ok, first time reviewing a font, here goes:

LAbrat Kid made a jj2 font, yay! As I installed it and tested it in microsoft word, I wasnt as pleased as I thought I would be. The font lacks color, but I dont mind that. Though most of the time it looks smudged and erased a bit, and its hard to read it. When this is used in 8 or 9 font, its practically impossible to read this. The chars are so small and look screwed up. 10 font is a bit better, but still looks too smudged/erased. Same with 11 font. 12 font looks a bit better. 14 font looks a lot better, I might actually use it sometime, same with 16 and 18 font. 20-28 looks a bit messy, but alright. 36 and over is just no. Plus, there are some other cons. The 0 looks a bit too similar to the O at times, so its hard to tell the difference frequently. Not all characters work, only the letters and numbers and some other things like colons and slashes. It would be nice if some things like quotations and parentheses (not the ones on the numpad, the ones to the right of the P on the qwerty keyboard) would be included, but I dont think jj2 had them in the first place (you could of tried to make your own and make them look similar, but oh well). Overall, a bit too many cons for a higher rating, but this font can look pretty good at times, and it’s nice to have a jj2 font in word. Original rating 6.5 but upgraded to a 7.2 for effort and for the fact that the author tried to do something new to help the community (and so not too ruin the rating of this). Despite that the rating may not be that high, you should still download this to at least check it out. Good Job and download reccomendation.

~Blackraptor. [This review has been edited by Blackraptor][This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Btw, the numerous edits are because I kept messing up when trying to explain what I meant in one of the sentences, and because I suck at spelling Qwerty.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: AGP 4&5
Level rating: 3.2

Hmmm… Where to start…

A Great Place 4

GAMEPLAY: None. Just two CTF bases at the top.
EYE CANDY: Barely any with tileset misusage.

A Great Place 5

GAMEPLAY: I’m not even sure how this is suppose to work as a treasure level.
EYE CANDY: Nothing much with tiling errors.
GEM PLACEMENT: Just one respawning red gem only reachable with Spaz. Argh.

Overall review: This is like Captain Spam’s Stupid CTF—only a whole lot worse. The first thing that should be changed with both of these levels is the size. The second would be adding an actual layout. A layout where players can move around easily without everything so close together. The third step involves adding additional events, such as ammo, springs, and maybe a powerup or two.

Aside from those basic mistakes, there are more flaws. AGP4 loops to AGP5, and they don’t even have the same gametype—generally a very very bad idea. I should also mention that AGP5 loops to AGP1, but I don’t want to get into that.

So… How is this “A Great Place” anyway? To be honest, I’m not sure if this is a real attempt at making a CTF and a treasure level. Read my review here for additional help in making the basic CTF level. Or PM me, and I might be willing to help in another way. Otherwise abandon making CTF/treasure levels altogether and start with making good battle levels first (I highly recommend this). After mastering that, then work up to treasure and CTF levels. My rating is 2.7, but use my advice.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2VF : Dreem Dream
Level rating: 7.8

im afraid this upload is horribly overrated, and i fell bad about my rating number, which is gonna be quite low…

Well, this level is not too big. not too small either. its a good thing. by the way, when i played this, i falled to a pit or soemthing, and i was warped to a tube. then i found out i was stuck. ;p
Eyecandy is good, and i have no complaiments. good job with it.
difficulty level is fine too, maybe bit too easy, for me. ;p
myself i think that is level is good, but it is just horribly overrated. 7.2 from me.
yeah, this was a quick reveiw. :p
DOWNLOAD REC:I don’t know what to say
RATING:7.5 ( edited )

~Snooz XSD aka NiQ CC of j2vf[This review has been edited by Snooz]

NOKA, this is my personal thoguht of the level. its overrated. this has nothing to with the discussion.[This review has been edited by Snooz]

yeah, j2vf needs the rules. btw, i probably underrated this, so i will give +0.3 more. :)[This review has been edited by Snooz]

Coooba, i once saw a nickanme which was 17 words long. :p[This review has been edited by Snooz]

Review by Mercury

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2VF : Dreem Dream
Level rating: 7.8

I agree with NOKA. This is a cool, original and fun level. Good eyecandy, good placement and fantastic gameplay, although I got stuck in a wall once.
It’s an 8 from me.[This review has been edited by mercury]

Review by Darkshadow

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

Originally posted by MoonBlazE:
Just because something is new, such as the first Jazz Jackrabbit 2 font uploaded to Jazz2online, it doesn’t deserve a rating equal to something given to like, Agama or Disguise’s work.

Thats like saying, “I only use Google and MS Notepad. Please tell me my sneakers aren’t purple. ;(((”

Well anyway, about the font, I think it is a pretty good font, but if it didn’t say ‘Jazz Jackrabbit 2’ at the top of the Font prevewer I would have never guessed that it had anything to do with JJ2. =P

Well anyway, the wavy effects are pretty cool, and the font is nice anywy.

~DS[This review has been edited by DarkShadow]

Review by NOKA

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2VF : Dreem Dream
Level rating: 7.8

I think that this lvl is good and deserves at least 7.2 – I gave 7.7 cose I really like it – this level is originall and I think that it uses nice this conversion made by Violet CLM which is really nice. I especially like the place where waterfalls are falling down and other waterfalls are going up in the same place – it looks fantstic!
I am worry only about the pipes of death (they don’t fit really perfectly) – but who cares.
In this level you canb find many chalenging stuff like this one where you have to push a trigger crate to the activated TNTs, and you have to be really careful to not touch the spikesbolls (wow)

If you like sp levels you really have to have it!!! In my opinion this level is interesting, original and you have a lot of FUN playing it, I don’t say that this is really great- cose it isn’t – I don’t really like the eyecandy and some placement of some stuff but the gameplay here is good and the tileset use as well.

Download recomendation : YES (no if you don’t like sp levels with lot of fun inside)

NOKA[This review has been edited by NOKA]

Why am I feel that Snooz’s low rating has something to do with this discutin on new post from trafton on j2o home page?[This review has been edited by NOKA][This review has been edited by NOKA]

Review by Mercury

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wadledee\'s Carrotusland (REUPLOAD!!!)
Level rating: 7.2

Ah, good level. Hum hum, let’s start.

Good. So, use of almost all layers, uh? TThat’s good. Just as Satan said, there are some tilebugs. Many of them cannot be fixed, many can be fixed, but I don’t really care. And the thing about the uverused Carrottus tileset, I agree with Wadledee. Overall it was just fine. —- 7 —-

Good. It’s a long level, and although 95 % of the bugs are fixed, there were still some in your rollercoaster (liked it, by the way). You also had to wait for a long long long time before you were down, all the way to the left. Good secrets. You also fixed the ‘dragon side kick’, uh? Overall: good. —- 7.7 —-

Enemies were placed well, just fine. Well, what do I have to say about it?
I remembered that there were coins, but no coin warp!? Well, this is fixed, and the ammo and the gems, food etc. are also placed fine. Overall: fine. —- 7.5 —-

Well, other……. Oh, the music was chosen fine. Not overused. It fits. Its good.

Good level. A 7.5 from me.

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: AGP 4&5
Level rating: 3.2

okey lets start i will review both in one review.



very bad some background stuff but not
originally eyecandy or any background eyecandy. in the CTF level jim is hanging up right down of you. not bad
at all! but the levels ar bad ( eyecandy then :P )


I hade NO fun not originally and bad gameplay
i found no fun at all. the ctf level sucks anyway because: The bases ar close and i saw the start posts LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!11111111111111111111111 open the level
and you will see ( ctf level )
also its VERY small




okey also very bad a ctf and Th level without ammo thats sucks. And also in the TH level… i was wondering: how do i get the gem :P:P:P its spazzzzzz based anyway!

Quick fast whatever review.

overall: Bad
Download reccomed: NO
Host this:NO



Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Waterhole of Deth
Level rating: N/A

be ether. what to do. if you got the flag you can score 2362362378 times so…
explain more thank you


Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Art Rabbit\'s Hotel (Reloaded)
Level rating: N/A

Dont reupload things. just do it in the older level and say it in the Author’s description got it? oke!

but i did’t played to lazy now review
will come later bye

Review by The Programmer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Waterhole of Deth
Level rating: N/A

What the? This is one weird and buggy CTF level. The 2 CTF Bases are just located around the top, and you can’t actually fall down the water hole, as a block just immediately appears and stops you from falling down in it. I will rate this later, once I understand this more clearly.

Could the author explain how this is meant to be played? I really don’t understand this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2vf: Mez-Tastic
Level rating: 6.2

For a second there, I thought I might have actually almost sort of liked this level.


This level looks more suited for a melee than an actual CTF game. I came to this conclusion based off of the small layout and the limited routes base to base. There simply isn’t much to this level. I can’t say the layout is too original. I dislike the warp target over the red spring (players could get stuck on that spring when hit while warping). The only decent part about this is that it’s balanced, but that’s only because it’s symmetrical.


The eye candy is probably the best feature of this level, although it isn’t perfect and looks odd in various places. The lighting could also be better.


Here lies a few more things I rather dislike. I don’t like how the full energy carrot is so close to the RF and toaster powerups. I know it’s a small level, but that’s not an excuse. My other complaint has to go with the ammo placement. While there is enough ammo throughout the level, it seems a bit too easy too access. This isn’t a big problem, but it does help make the gameplay a little more chaotic.


I can’t say yes. Bigger is still better. And add more routes next time. I’m making 6.2 my rating, but this level is better than the last one.

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