Review by NOKA

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Art Rabbit's Hotel
Level rating: N/A

Why you peple don’t like Hotels????
This level isn’t SO bad.

I can’t say more but I wonder why some of you saying “Don’t upload stupid hotels in J2o”? This is battle level and it’s a same as other battle lvls – maybe not good but it is still a battle lvl.

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wadledee\'s Carrotusland (REUPLOAD!!!)
Level rating: 7.2

Well here is my review.

Eyecandy :
Fine!!! The eyecandy looks on the most parts the same as the origanal level and that`s good. The background is good like A river and a castle. There are also some small Tilebugs in the level. Let`s start with the start of the tilebugs. First of all when you shoot the carrot you see that on the ground still something of the carrot you could fix that with a collapse scenery. Also with the bridge that collapse There is still a part of the bridge you can see you could also fix that with a collapsing scenery. There are also some small eyecandy bugs but that`s not really bad. There are also some good things like there are many things on layer 3 too make the level look way better like Plants and stuff. Also there are many things on layer 4 like trees and animated flowers that`s good too. The caves are looking good too.

Enemy placement:
Good!!! The enemies are really good placed not too much and not too less. Also the enemy choice is good there are float lizard and lizards and tuf turtle and blablablabla. There is also a boss that`s good. The enemies are always placed where you can hit them well and not on strange places. Don`t really know what too say more about the enemy placement sorry.

Item placement:
Good!!! I have nothing to complain about the item placement. The ammo is good placed There is toaster and bouncers and seekers and more. The ammo is on the right place placed. The powerups are good placed too. The food and gems are also on the right places placed and there is not too much and not too less. The savepoints are also on the right place placed just like the carrots and the coins good job Wadledee.

okay!!! The level is fun to play. You did a lot too let people have fun with this level like collapsing bridges and good trigger placement. There are also a lot of spikes on the right places.
Also you need too choose some pathes if you choose one you will be swinged and smashed too a course thats okay but the course takes too many time and that`s unfun. Also sometimes i have too sfeer a little that`s not good. Also the level is fun too play because the placement of springs and enemies and stuff. It`s not Spazz of Jazz based. Also too make the level more fun you will be changed into a frog although that is a little bit easy.

Fine!!! The level is quite long and the music fits(really it does). The layout is also good and it doesn`t feel really linear. There is no Easy Normal and hard mode that would make the level better.

This is a fine level i give this a €‘7.0’€.


Review by wadledee

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Art Rabbit's Hotel
Level rating: N/A

This is ehh, well, DIFFERENT!
I wont rate this, also, IT’S KINDA BAD!
Just like Ðx has sayed. The rollercoaster(s) are little bit bad. They are slow, the names are not right(Big must be small:P) and the eyecandy of it is bad.
The eyecandy by itself, is also bad.
The music is also bad chosen.
Okey, hotels are allowed on the site, but this hotel is bad:’( but it’s a bit good for your first, come on that’s true!
The things you can buy in the shops, are slowly coming back! And some warps, not only in the shops, you cant find those warps.
Not more too say, but because it’s your first, I give you a DOWNLOAD RECOMMEDATION! Good job, Art Rabbit!


By the way, sorry I havent rate it!

This review has been edited by Wadledee

Edit1: hee Snooz, you have sayed that fivegoldenstarhotel not boring is. Im now happy, because my hotel is almost better then fivegoldenstar!!Its almost finished, and rate it if its not boring:P:P:P
[This review has been edited by wadledee]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Art Rabbit's Hotel
Level rating: N/A

sorry i wont rate


its kinda bad. to’s platforms ar going up you get stuck in them and you can make them vines :D.
rollercoaster BAH!

and other things.
its not bad for yor first one.
ther allowed i think on j2O


LOL Wadledee. snooz gives my hotel a 9. L:D:D:D:D:D: i mean it. ask him :P[This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bjossi´s levelpack v2.2
Level rating: 8.7

Oke lets start!!!!!!!!!!


Not bad at all the same as before but some eyecandy bugs fixed. beach level rocks also medivo eyecandy! used good eyecandy and you have fun with this pack with BUNCH of eyecandy. i was thinking: GREAT MAN! GOOD EYECANDY BUGS FIXED! i found yep NONE! for yor next pack make just the same eyecandy use like this. eyecandy in beach: Looks good nice wotor and others. Medivo: Good background and fire’s used nice going. medivo is hard to use with eyecandy, but you did it very good! The inferno level with eyecandy is cery good indeed!!!! but also this is great! bugs fixed GOOD!

Gameplay/originally/level size’s/based on

Its good not originally. but the gameplay is nice. good its jazz based! ( spaz to but if jazz can do anything everybody can also lori ;P ) i played it 4 times its really good and you have GREAT fun with it. the levels Size’s ar big with BUNCH of fun. 9 levels…. 9 good funny levels. i dont see why this is great!!!!!!!!


GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good placed nice food also ammo. no bad points at all. good food! its not VERY hard to get carrots and others but its oke!


Great baddies placed. beach:CRABS and others ghost in medivo :D the hardness is verygood choosen and i mean GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DOwnload reccomed:YEP!
Host this in coop:YES

8.6 >>>> 8.7

Good bugs fixed and more! a



Is this a short review now???!

Review by wadledee

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wadledee\'s Carrotusland (REUPLOAD!!!)
Level rating: 7.2


Who is the lvl maker? I am! I chose the tileset, I put a good music in the lvl thats music is from Carrottus(Okey now I whrote Carrottus with 2’T’:P )
It’s forbidden too count points from it becouse it’s the 9 or 10 Carrottus lvl! And the music is also OKEY, right!? It’s music from Carrottus!

This review has been edited by Wadledee

Cooba, I haven’t see much Carrottus lvl’s in the list, so why it’s overused?:P
[This review has been edited by wadledee]

Review by SkulL

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Polyglotics
Level rating: 7.8

(Extremely unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Tiberious

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dust Hill Zone
Level rating: 8.2

Very interesting idea. As a fellow Sonic-level tileset maker (I’m working on a Hidden Palace one, which I hope will be the best out there), I know my stages quite well.

One major gripe I have is it screams ‘JPG’. Now, there IS a way to fix that, and that’s by downloading one of the recent versions of Sonic 2 Delta. The patches can be found with a search for “Sonic 2 Delta”, but be warned, the proper site will be in Portuguese. Yep, this guy actually put Dust Hill into the game, and it looks REALLY nice. And if you really feel you need those wooden ledges, rip ‘em from Mystic Cave.

Tiles look pretty well planned, though I can’t see an entire level being planned with just what’s there.

The music’s nice, but if you like, I can send an Oil Ocean Zone XM (this is the same music Esrael uses in his hack).

It appears that in order to make certain parts like you did, you have to reverse the tiles. Ease of use takes a hit there.

But like the score says, the idea makes up for it. I can’t wait to see a V2 of this.

(Warez removal edit, sense drain edit. ~Violet)
(Piggyback: Do NOT link to ROM sites on Jazz2Online. You receive a subwarning for this. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

(Reviewer Edit: fine, I removed the actual link, and put the actual names back in. I fail to see how IPS files can be considered ROMs, but feel free to contact me elsewhere if there’s anything you feel the need to discuss.)[This review has been edited by Tiberious]

Review by Gamaster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ2 - Dedicated Server
Level rating: 7.6

dont know how use this ^^

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wadledee\'s Carrotusland (REUPLOAD!!!)
Level rating: 7.2

Okay, without boring speaking, I’ll go onto review.

***Default points : 6***

This yux0riffic layer 6 bug is now changed. How nice. Although, tilebugs in layer 4 exist. How boo. Many cavern tiles used. But you should use Environment/Lighting/Set Light event to make it the real dark cavern. The bustable carrot at beginning should be hanging from ground above rabbit, not growing from ground below rabbit. After shooting this Yummy Vitamin C resource obstacle some orange thingies stays in ground. You know tile under last bustable tile…

PROS : Major layer 6th bug removed, caves
CONS : Layer 4 tilebugs
If tilebugs from fourth layer will removed, I’ll raise rating.
—0.5 point—

Beep. Level is a sort of short. While it’s long to finish it at all, level is small. And it’s Spaz bIased as Dx writed. But not so bIased as in previous version of level.
Level includes a funny stuff, like the rollercoaster maze (enter cavern) and annoying Froggymnastik. However, I quickly passed over the springs there ‘coz I train in my old lev Toad Trouble. Yeah, it was challenge (did you know that frogs can slowly fly?). But back into topic, it’s a bit too less of ‘em.

PROS : Underused thingies, Spaz bIasing reduced
CONS : Small
++0.5 points++

Nice. At beginning where rabbit must get hurt to go, there’s a carrot nearby. Also good food and gems placed. However, there’s not too much of them. But ammo is a other thing. Yay, nearby beginning, there’s a Bouncer Powerup and Bouncer Crate (with 15 bullets more, but they’re not bullets as Jazz may trag). AARG. And boss is too easy with all this munitions. Nearby arena there’s a 20$ coin warp with many food and… you guessed it, bullets >p
Baddies – many. Mainly Tuffs and Lizards, but also Dragons and Bats. They doesn’t fits together too much, unfortunately.

PROS : Plenty of ammo and carrots, good enemy placed
CONS : Too less of food and gems, easy boss (Schwarzenguard)
++1 point (wee, a full point added)++

Carrottus. Day. It’s, as far as I know probably ninth or eighth level using Carrotus Day from December to today. Music – carrotus.j2b. Don’t you think that time for some differents is comed? Replace music with some funky stuff, type for funck-2.mod. Yayayayay. And use Carrottus 1 Night. Yea, I know that their animations doesn’t fit as well, but it shouldn’t be a problem.

PROS : Ow.
CONS : Ow ow ow.

Overall for Wadledee’s Carrotusland -> 6 – 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 – 1 = 6
Six points to be exact.
Rank for level : AVERAGE
Download : Yes.

Misc stuff that doesn’t effect on rating

DX, Overlord made that Schwarzenguard is a helper for main boss. Violet just upgraded it. And BTW, she never wouldn’t upgraded it if she’ll not played Hocus Pocus. So thanks should be for Apogee.

Tuff doesn’t sux. Tweedle sux.

Carrottus has two “t” instead of one. Bwhahaha.

Edit LOLOL : It’s because that these things are overused. Lev’s are better when they’re different that other. And if you don’t want my rating for it, there’s no rating :P

[This review has been edited by Cooba]

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mushroom Kingdom (SSB N64)
Level rating: 6.3

Well, its an a small battle level.
i don’t think this can receive so high
than a 6.6, because of the size. whatever, lets get started with the real reveiw.


Okay, this level is very small and boring. luckily it has many eyecandy´, which saves it from getting low rating, like 4-3. i don’t think this is too good for deserve a download recommedation, but lets continue.


Hmm, quite good. tileset was rightly used, and level has much eyecandy. and weird looking texture background. there is no tilebugs, or atleast i didnt see any.animations are good too. standard eyecandy/set use


i don’t like it too much. level is small, and it ruins the gameplay. levels should be much bigger than this.


Hmm.. standard. some ammo, but there should be more, there are few packs of ammo, but enough.


Not fun.. its too samll an boring. make your levels bigger.


Average level.. looks like being worth of 5.7
RANK: average level
RATING:5.7 ( i may change the rating number too )

~NiQ of j2vf[This review has been edited by NiQ][This review has been edited by NiQ]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wadledee\'s Carrotusland (REUPLOAD!!!)
Level rating: 7.2

lets start!


Not bad at all just like the old one but… many bugs with eyecandy look at the beginning you see the first walk tile. look good you see a bug, its the dark eyecandy tileset with normal walk tile. kinda bad so. also with the vines you flow over it.. thats kinda bad you see the burger :S. but oke. eyecandy is oke. but buggy. many eyecandy cave’s and more.

Gameplay/Size/Originally/based on

Its just the same. small? not at all not big or small. just middel. i got bored after many trying getting the maze with the poles. and its very spazzzzzzzzz based, bad. jazz must reach everything. :S. next time make more originallt things but i wont take points of the rating.


MANY! many bugs. look at the end before you jump in the cage ( or like that ) for the boss. you see the ground its not finished use layer 5 to fix it. and many ground bugs. the carrot at the begin its buggy look at the begin of it. it dont has a spike begin under it :P. so. and otherwise. carrot is a buggy tileset sometimes ;)


Not bad! its nice placed gems and nice ammo also carrots. not bad. nice savepoints also. but the tuf boss is mayby to easy. use a tuf boss with protectors ( other tufs ) ( look at my levels some look at Jungle swamp you can take it ) ( originallt made by Violet :D) but oke. its oke. tuf suxs :P. ammo is very easy to get because its hanging everywhere so..

Baddies placed

not bad. but easy to beat them. choose well yor baddies! look at carrottus levels or like that. but its good placed.

Download reccomed:i dont know i think yes.
play again:mayby once
Host this in coop: no to short for it sorry.

Final Rating: 6.8 >> 7.0



Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2VF: Universal Spacebase
Level rating: 6.1

It’s a CTF level.

EYECANDY – - 7.6
The eyecandy is OK except the little brown walls. They have an eyecandy bug. Other stuff is fine and some places have a good eyecandy but the brown wall stuff. =(

GAMEPLAY – - 7.2
Easy, excellent but boring. There’s a boring way between the bases. Just run left and right. Jazz biased. Spaz users could accidentally fall, but Jazz users can copter. Also, you don’t need to go down anytime. There are a few narrow passages which don’t really add anything to gameplay.

Two other levels what use the same tileset&music combination. What’s the fun in that?

FUN FACTOR – - 4.4
One boring straight way between the bases and everything else down. No fun. Unlaugh. Too easy and other stuff.

It’s good enough to get over 6. The way between the toaster and RF powerup is a boring straight way which is too easy. The bouncer powerup and the full health carrot are in the middle. The platforms around the carrot isn’t fun, but fine.

OVERALL – - 5.5
This level cannot be called FUN. The boring ways between the bases and the two powerups are… boring. No fun in them. Tileset was misused in many places and stuff. 5.5 and no more.

Review by Sk8terboy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Polyglotics
Level rating: 7.8


Yet another level from Labratkid.
So let’s get rating…(by the way weird name :D)

Eyecandy: Original, Pretty main eyecandy, barely any foreground usage. The eyecandy is good enough, but a few tiles used more then once in the same area annoyed me a bit.

Gameplay: Good, if you are playing with spaz. It is a bit of a pain to be jazz in this level. The CTF bases are balanced but takes a short time ot get from one ot another using the top path. Thank goodness for sucker tubes to make a quick escape from an enemy, but they are everywhere and you might run into one you didn’t want to. But hey, that’s life.

Pickup placement: Good, I just thought you overused Seekers a bit. Is it me, or is there only one carrot in the whole level?

Bugs: None that I could find

Overall: Good level

Download Recommendation: Yes, good enough for any CTF fan.

Rating: 8.6

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mushroom Kingdom (SSB N64)
Level rating: 6.3



Not bad but the background sucks. i hate that. next time just choose the wotor block or the blue one. but the eyecandy is oke. not bad at all. next time more extra baddies as eyecandy, the turtle thats walking is little buggy :P his going ahead but you did PINGING its bad because the beast walks with his head left to the right very buggy but oke its bad for that one. so its oke not good.


its originally nice token from mario 64 or like that. i dont like the gameplay its bored but i wont take manypoints of it.


MANY! the beast with the black shield is jumping. that jump thing is’t good. look good. as many times its jumps and 2 sec later it will go down thats buggy ;). some bugs under with the coinbunny ( left ) but the rest ok the background is buggy to but ok. You fall in wotor and YOU MUST DIE. thats very bad dont do that ever again in a battle!


Good placed not bat at all. but its to small yo use seekers . it will be fun with instgib in this level! :D:D but the ammo is kinda bad/good.


Host this: No
Download recommed: No


_ _ /_\ 6.7 /_\

Review by wadledee

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mushroom Kingdom (SSB N64)
Level rating: 6.3

ERRM… Satan, those tiles on the end of the screen I putted extra too make the level a little bit bigger.
Also you say:
It’s not a bad level but also not that good a ‘6.7’ of me.
But on the rating-screen is standing a 6.5!
this review has been edited by Wadledee

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mushroom Kingdom (SSB N64)
Level rating: 6.3

Wadledee was really mad because i didn`t want to review right now so i dicided to give this a review.

Medium!!! The tileset is a ugly tileset it`s a 8bit tileset so the level looks a little bit ugly but Wadledee did it okay. The background is fine There are multiple layers used.
In layer 7 there are clouds floating by and that`s good but the clouds don`t come again you need to do in JCS tile width. There are also some things on layer 6 to let things end rightfully. And on layer 5 are a lot of eyecandy things like a big castle and mushroom moantains and more. There is 1 problem with 4 and 5 because sometimes i think i can stand somewhere but that`s eyecandy in layer 5 so it`s a little bit confusing but after playing a while you know what`s in layer 4 and 5. There are also some good animations on layer 5 like a jumping enemy of mario and there is a koopa walking but he doesn`t turn when he walks back. There are also some other things in layer 4 like bushes and vences. The eyecandy would be good if this tileset wouldn`t be that ugly but still okay.

Medium!!! The ammo is okay placed not to much not too less. There could be more of a kind. There is no powerups in the level only in the shop of 20 coins but there are not much powerups needed because the level is small. The coins are good placed and there are also 3 carrots. 1 carrot is in the level and each shop has a carrot that`s good. Everything is on the right place placed. What you get of the cion shops are also good. With the coin shop 10 are some fast fire`s and some ammo and a carrot. If you go in the shop with 20 coins you get a RF powerup and ammo for that and also a carrot. The coin shops are good placed.

Medium!!! The level is fun too battle agains somebody but not more. The lvel is small so i think this level is only fun for a duel. There are a lot of platform but i don`t like the 1 block at the end of the screens. Those 1block platform was also not in the original level. The gameplay is good but because of the confusing eyecandy(read above) it`s a little less fun to play. There are some warps and if you warp you go randomly to a other warp target that`s good. What i don`t like is the hurt events although you can get out of it it`s not fun. Also it`s a little bit hard too get out of that pit in the center with Jazz. That`s all i can tell about the gameplay.

Medium!!! The level is short but the original too. The tilest is not looking good but it was the only one there was for this level. The music is perfect choosen. Also i`m gonna look if the conversion of the level is well done. It`s almost the same except somethings But that`s not a really big mistake because it makes the gameplay better.

It`s not a bad level but also not that good a ‘6.5’ of me.


[This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]t>[This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]

Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J2VF: Megatropolis Warzone
Level rating: 6.9

I’ll hop straight into the things.

I saw the lighting first, and it isn’t bad. It adds to the “night” feeling. Also it isn’t really bad to see the buildings. The eyecandy is almost awesome.

Actually, gameplay is good. Too good. You did not put ANYTHING between the both bases. Just run left, run right, run left, run right, and roast the opponent flagcarrier sometimes.. Toooo EASYYY!! No one needs to go UP because you can just run left and right without jumping. FUNWEE.

The FUN FACTOR is which causes stuff. What’s fun at running left and right all time? You don’t even need to jump anywhere. This isn’t fun even with many ppl. Good fun. Or how about not.

Oh, the stuff is almost good. But bad. Near the blue base are two powerups. In the middle is an RF powerup. Near red is a full health carrot. What kind of world is this? These days God has given red team the carrot and blue gets the pwnage weapons? It’s like that blue are hunters and red are targets with pwnage health amount. Anyways, biased stuff. Yay.

It’s somewhere about average. Little below anyway.

NO DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: For all others, especially them, what can’t stand unfairness.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 6.4

I am not biased or anything. I wasn’t going to review this at first because I felt bad giving it the low rating I thought it deserved, but Winner pushed me to the level of not feeling bad reviewing it. So, due to popular belief, I am not rating this any lower because someone who I am not particularly friendly with made it.

Eyecandy – Okay
Not much… what is there is not good at all. There’s a background, which is good, but the blocks for the ground are laid out very poorly. They are done in a simple way.. you should add more randomness to the block layouts of tilesets like this. When you’re behind layer 3 and you jump, you can sometimes see your head poke out, too. I also think that the cannons in layer 3 toward the bottom of the level (that you can’t get to; they’re in a wall) look very ugly.

Gameplay – Okay
No matter how I look at this, the gameplay does nothing for me. The flow is decent, but the layout and gameplay are rather dull. I also don’t like the fact that you can get stuck easilly in a place that you knew you could get stuck in beforehand. The sucker tubes actually move a bit too fast. They make it too easy to get from base to base; you can get to the other base in 3 seconds less time than you could by running. The red base has a block in their base that could be useful for taking cover behind. The blue base doesn’t have one. The powerup that is closer to the blue base is closer to the blue base than the powerup that is closer to the red base is close to the red base. (that makes sense; you’ll just have to read it a couple times). So, in other words, the teams are rather biased. You should also put one ways on the tops of the cannons so you can get out of them more easilly. (you forgot to do that with the cannon near the red base… more biasing? Oh, dear.)

Ammo placement – Okay
Omg! There are 3 seekers near the red base and 4 near the blue base! I’m taking off 2123321 points for that! =O! No big deal, actually. I do think the ammo placement just seems rather… strange. I can’t explain why I think so, I just do. =P I am also rather against putting several ammo crates near eachother. As Strato would say, they are lag crates. If you’ve noticed that in Battle1, there is a lot of lag, it’s because people enjoy camping by the seeker powerup, shooting endlessly (and probably reading books at the same time.. I don’t know how people could take just standing there pressing the fire key) and getting lots of seekers and taking the seeker powerup endlessly so they get cheap wins. This creates lag, because they make more seeker ammo come out of the crates than they use, and there are only two crates in Battle! Just think of how much lag there would be if there were four. The toaster powerup is a little too close to the blue base, too. You can get there in three seconds, and the powerup which is closer to the red base (the bouncers) takes 7 seconds for you to get to from the red base. In other words, the ammo placement isn’t very balanced.

Overall – Okay
Download reccomendation – No

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 6.4

Yay, my first reviw using “NiQ” account. lets get started. This will be a quick reveiw, since im busy.
Well, a CTF level by: the WINNER.
i don’t think eyecandy is to good, and i wouldn’t give a download recommedation, but lets continue,
Pretty standard,and i don’t like it too much. standrad, linear eyecandy, but at least this is better than your other levels.
Pretty linear… level has nice size though… but still bit too dull gameplay.. no more comments.
Hmm. average. things are nicely placed. but i think there should be more ammo.
Well, an average level by the WINNER.
RANK: average level
HOST THIS:your decision..

~NiQ of j2vf[This review has been edited by NiQ]

  1. 1
  2. 592
  3. 593
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