Scizor, the word ‘polyglot’ means the speaking or writing in many languages, and I turned it into Polyglotics for an ownage name. Why did I name it this? Who knows? It just sounds cool. =P Thx for reviewing.
Warning? Oops.
***Default points : 6***
Eyecandy is a sort of good. Mega Megatropolis is a VERY limiting tileset in case of eyecandy. LOL Disguise. Some things would have been nice (yay, first time I agree with LaB). The color of BG doesn’t match with the lighting in level.
++1 point added here++
Gameplay isn’t so nice. The flow makes it. Yes, that is a sux0r part of level. And not too much fun factor in it. Yep, I just didn’t like this level. But the layout is ok, though.
—Half of point explodes here—
Placement is rather bad. Blue Team is a sort of biased ‘coz the Super Carrot and RF Powerups. Blur has right. However, ammo placement is very good. Generally it’s a sort of average. You know : This bad and this good. Effect : 0 points.
Overall -> -> > 6 + 1 – 0.5 = 6.5
Six and half of point to be exact.
Rank for level : ABOVE AVERAGE
And Labratkid, delete this warning about spamming. It’s inactual now.
(Note from administrator: Users have no ability to give out warnings. It was non-existant from the start; you would have received no warning, anyway. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
First off: Weirdest. Name. EVER. And that’s beating out “The Zerox Factory” and “This level is untitled.” Even a Google search only came up with two irrelevant hit to some guy’s email address, and it wasn’t even the same anyway. Moving on…
Unfortunately, this is a level where, had it been playtested and polished a bit more, could have been more than it is. Many aspects of it just don’t quite make sense, and others are just unbalanced.
The level is more or less your typical CTF, although with quite a few more sucker tubes than anything else. I can’t say that there’s anything overly special or bad about the gameplay, although I wouldn’t recommend this to groups bigger than 3vs3. The water is a nice addition, but it also discourages use of the bottom path due to the slowness of swimming. Speaking of paths between the bases, there’re only two. Maybe only 1 and a half, because the bottom path ceases to exist in the middle. This ends up being very linear overall, because there just aren’t really choices as far as getting around goes. The sucker tubes, although not a bad idea, per se, are a bit too ubiquitous, and in some cases are completely redundant (55,67; 83,67; 25, 76). Flow, on the other hand, is very, very good as a result, barring the hanging piece of ground that BR mentioned. There’re a couple spots that Jazz has a little trouble getting to, but the vast amounts of tubes pretty much makes up for that. The only other thing, layout-wise, that this really, really needs is a path under/through the middle. Camping is far, far too easy because you have to go through one specific and easily defensible point to get between the bases.
Also not an overly strong point, regrettably. From what I saw, there is absolutely no foreground eyecandy outside of a little grass, which hurts, considering that it could have really helped out the looks of the level. Otherwise, there’s nothing particularly bad about the eyecandy. It just happens to be the same stuff that we saw back in 1994. The music choice works, as it sounds somewhat like what you might have heard back in the day of JJ1. Maybe not entirely appropriate, but it’s catchy nonetheless.
Item placement:
Oog. This is a doozy. For starters, LR has placed four powerups in the level, two of which are within 10 tiles of each other and placed right next to the Blue base. The RF powerup is encased in a wall underwater, and must be obtained with the EBs that aren’t too far away. The Blaster powerup is right next to it, also underwater, and would be very useful, given the amount of Fastfire in the level. I say would be, because of the Seeker powerup located in the middle of the level, right underneath the level’s Full NRG carrot. The location of the Seekers and the Full NRG is a bit closer to the Blue base also, and it doesn’t help that while Blue has an open path to them, Red has a nice big cliff. Incidentally, whoever can camp in the center can control the level, thanks to the fact that both of those are right on the level’s only path between bases. Finally, Red gets a Bouncy powerup, also underwater, although not as close to their base as the RF and Blaster are to Blue. In contrast, much of the basic ammo is situated on the Red half of the level. However, I must question the logic in placing two RF crates (which create a massive pile of ammo over time, ala B1) right next to each other, while 12 more +3 RF ammo wait right below them. The only EB and Toaster ammo in the level is placed closer to Blue, and Bouncy ammo is just plain scarce in comparison with RF or Seeker ammo. Both sides also have a few Fastfires placed right next to their base.
Despite what you may think from the review, I’ve still had quite a bit of fun playing this. However, it needed more work and polish before being released, and that hurt the rating significantly. I can only hope that LR will fix and rerelease this, as it could be much better than it is.
Hmmm… this level is a little overrated in my opinion. Why you may ask? Well, my review will explain it all:
J2vf: Hot Lava
Bad. Like labratkid said, the eyecandy is quite overdone to the extent of getting annoying. I kept getting confused between layer 4 and 5, because they both have the same speeds. Still, it doesn’t look too bad in some spots, but it’s confusing. I’ve noticed in a lot of your levels dx dc, that you have spent a lot of time on the eyecandy, I respect that, but the eyecandy itself isn’t the best.
Not the best, but it could’ve been a lot worse. There are a lot of big gaps in the level, which reduces the level’s size. The level itself isn’t that big, a lot of it is empty space for eyecandy.
Weapon/Ammo Placement:
It was very bare on the right-hand side of the level, and overdone on the left-hand side of the level. Try to balance it out a little more next time.
Like I said in most of my review, none found. :P
Bleh. Not too good. It could’ve been a lot worse though.
The Rating:
5.7 from me. Sorry if this seems a little harsh, but your other levels were better.
Another level to review. Hooray.
Well, at least I don’t have to complain about balance too much. But I have to say, I don’t like the way the layout looks at all. Either it’s a squared-off corner or a hideously shaped platform. I couldn’t bare to look at it anymore after several minutes of hosting it. But… I must. Another thing that annoyed me a lot was the platform above the carrot. The platform is thin, so it naturally looks like the entire thing would be covered with one ways. Some different tiles should have been used where there aren’t one way events. A few of the narrow passages annoyed me, such as around 37,20 and 63,20. As for the flow, it could be better, but considering all of the problems I mentioned, it’s not half bad.
The tileset was misused throughout much of this level. If the set wasn’t misused, it just looked dull and ordinary. And I detest the way the background looks. I also detest the yellow and black tiles pointlessly placed in front of the carrot.
Carrot and powerup placement actually isn’t that bad; it’s the surrounding areas that irk me. I can’t say I like that huge open space near the RF or the toaster powerup. The placement of ammo needs much improvement. Too much ammo is too close to the ground, and distribution needs refining.
Nope. And the last level was better. 6.2 is my rating.
I would say it’s “kind of boring” no matter how many players.
The flow is mostly good; I sort of liked it. The balance is almost decent, aside from a few flaws. It feels like there should be something else at the top left, like some more space to play in. Overall, there’s nothing new with the gameplay. This is pretty much a typical CTF level.
The eye candy is good, although nothing incredibly innovative, but I’m glad to see an underused tileset was used here.
The full energy carrot is at the top middle, though it’s a bit closer to the blue base. Powerup placement is probably the worst part of this level. The toaster and bouncer powerups are too close to each other. Also, the blue base has the RF powerup near it while red base has nothing. I probably would have placed the toaster powerup closer to red base if I made this level. As for ammo placement, distribution could have been a little better, but it’s mostly good.
No, but at least play it once. 7.2 it is.
Hmm, lets start
1. Be original, censored it. espically the level name.
2. there were some eyecandy bugs you only see when its light. but hey! there is light
3. Ammo placement, was kinda nice, and matched
4. Good thing you dont see the bugs.
5. “Im having trouble finding ammo” – I wasnt testing it alone, but dunno what was his problem.
Overall, not that bad, a 6.
Thats because the level design was an over-used idea
Ok, when I joined blur’s server I just saw the flag bug and ran away.
So, anyway.
-No PU’s, I like it.
-Eyecandy and tileset bugs (one at each counted, not that bad)
-A small level, thats nice too
-The eyecandy is nice
-Ammo placing, not.. not.
-Well, Im nice ;D :D ;D
Hmm.. after all Im going to change the rating I wanted to put.
I would say it’s “kind of boring” no matter how many players.
I look at this level and I wonder WHY. Well, it’s not much of a level. It’s small, unbalanced, and bland. The size of the level restricts the player limit to about two, although this wouldn’t be much of a dueling level. The layout is incredibly unbalanced, with the blue base near the top, the red base near the bottom, and nothing to make it equal. To make matters worse, there’s a bridge directly above the red base, making that base even harder to defend. Avoid using bridges as often as possible since they tend to cause “Divide by Zero” errors. The poles are just another pointless obstacle—might as well take them out. There’s also the issue about no borders around the level to prevent the flag bug. The flag bug is when the text saying that someone captured the flag keeps showing up across the screen repeatedly. A border of at least 2 tiles (3 tiles recommended) can stop this from happening. Despite all these flaws I mentioned, at least this level has team-based start positions.
While the tileset wasn’t used extremely badly, the eye candy isn’t really good. It would be average eye candy if it wasn’t for all of the tiling errors. I especially don’t like the way the leaves were placed thoughout the level.
A full energy carrot instead of three +1 carrots, two of which are hidden, would have been a better idea. The bouncer powerup and the nearby carrot should have been placed a little closer to the blue base. Ammo placement needs work; a little more would be better, and the TNT ammo isn’t needed.
Definitely not. It’s a 4.2, but keep trying.
I wasn’t going to review this at first, but it seems too overrated not to.
Eyecandy – Bad
The eyecandy seems overdone to the extent of getting annoying. It’s difficult to tell what is in layer 4 and what is in layer 5 (and layer 6) a lot of the time, too. Most of the level consists of the girder type blocks, which are very poorly done, thus making it look worse.
Pros: Not many.
Cons: Very confusing, and very ugly.
Gameplay – Very bad
Bleh. The layout is very confusing, especially with the confusing eyecandy, and the flow is very non-existant. The springs are very poorly placed, too… the gameplay is just overall very poor. The level seems rather empty.. there is a lot of empty space. I like open levels, don’t get me wrong, but this is just too… empty. There are places where I am falling (or jumping) and I can’t see any layer 4 at all! (74, 35, for example). There are dead ends, and everything… this is just no good.
Pros: None to speak of.
Cons: Bad flow, layout, and gameplay.
Ammo placement – Half of the level seems very ammoless, and the other half seems overdone. There is also a shield.. bleh. The large amounts of ammo crates make this level very laggy during online play.
Pros: Not too many here.
Cons: See above.
Overall: Bad
Download reccomendation: Well, you guys seem to like it… but no.
Quick review here…
Gameplay – Good
The gameplay is good for the most part. The layout is nice, and the overall fun factor is nice, but the flow is rather suck. The springs are poorly placed, for one thing. In many places, I don’t even know why springs are used. Springs also tend to get you to where you never want to go in a levle – into a slope on a ceiling. There is nothing worse when it comes to flow than hitting a slope on a ceiling due to a poorly placed spring, as it slows you down a lot.
Pros: Good gameplay and layout.
Cons: Bad flow.
Eyecandy – Good
Although the Mega Megatropolis set looks very nice, it’s very limiting in the eyecandy section. Anyway, this tileset doesn’t quite go to the max with eyecandy, but it’s decent and gets the job done. A little more would’ve been nice; I’m not particularly fond of the background, for example.
Pros: Decent eyecandy.
Cons: Not the best I’ve ever seen.
Ammo placement: Good
The ammo placement here sort of reminds me of the ammo placement in my own levels, so I’m naturally going to like it. There’s never really much to say about ammo placement in levels, as long as they have ammo that is decently placed.
Pros: Nice ammo placement.
Cons: Still, no ammo placement in any level has come close to the goodness of the ammo placement in Distopia.
Overall: Good
Download reccomendation: Yes[This review has been edited by labratkid]
PS: Cooba, stop spamming. It will only get you a warning.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Polyglotics by Labrat Kid, here goes:
Pre-review comments: Polyglotics was indeed a level started a long time ago. It was hindered from being released for a few days, mostly since I kept promising lab to add something special to the level, but never got the chance. On a side note, imo the levels name is even stranger than the name of my recently released level.
Gameplay: The gameplay is ok here, its diffent than you would expect. There are more sucker tubes in the level then springs. Although I don’t have a problem with this, and the sucker tube locations are clearly pointed out, some people might, but not me. Next, the water. It fits in the level, but imo it slows down the gameplay a bit, and I don’t like it all too much. You could of made it a bit lower. Anyways, I just don’t like it in its current state. The hanging peice of ground at 108,75 is rather annoying. When I come from the left side, its not that easy to avoid the green springs and continue going right. In some places the gameplay to me feels a bit tight (mostly around the bottom under the water). Overall, the gameplay isn’t bad, but there are several things in it which, at least to me, are annoying.
Layout: Around 10 seconds to each base when you take the top route, around a second shorter going from the red base to the blue base if you double jump onto that high piece of ground at 139,57 instead of using the sucker tube which if you are jazz, you are forced to take if you want to get up there. I dont like it around 110, 77 where that stup hanging ground and the springs are, since to the left of that it gets crowded. Layout is alright.
Eyecandy: I don’t really like it all that much, nothing new or special in it, it just looks plain and average. There is a layer 3 bug (132,82), and the sparkling stars in the bg don’t make too much sense (stars in the daytime?). The gems in the walls, in some areas, are too repetitive. Also, the eyecandy around the top areas of the level is very dull, nothing up there in the bg layers (except the bg) and it looks a bit boring. Overall, the eyecandy is average, nothing that really makes me go “WOW RUX!!!” or stuff.
Placement of Stuff: Some things about it I dont like. Carrot placement is good, one full energy in the middle of the level. Ammo placement is dullish, the ammo is mostly placed in squarish rectanglish clumps, and more effort should of been put into placing the ammo. Sometimes I feel as if there is too much ammo, and you shouldn’t place crates containing 15 of one type of ammo together (96, 62) since 30 RF ammo in one place = too much, and if a person keeps repeatedly shooting the crates constantly, there will be a lot of ammo in one place causing ammo lag (like in the seeker area in b1), so never underestimate ammo crates. Powerup placement isn’t so good. The seeker is placed fairly well, although some may complain its too close to the carrot. The RF and blaster are way too close, and makes it biased to the blue team, since they have two powerups right next to them. The bouncer powerup is placed on the red side, although it is farther from the base than the RF and Blaster are from the blue base. This makes it even more biased for the blue team. 4 Powerups in this is also too much. Overall, I don’t like the placement of powerups or ammo too much.
OVERALL: The level could of been better, if some things could of been fixed and/or removed, the rating of this could of increased significantly. Although in it’s current state, I don’t think I’d really duel in here. The music rux though.
Gameplay: 7.7
Layout: 7.3
Eyecandy: 7.3
Placement of stuff: 6.9
Overall: 7.5
Final rating: 7.34, which I’ll be nice and upgrade to a 7.5. The level is good, but there are too many cons in it, a few more work with it could of improved its rating.
Ok, ok, I’m reviewing this at last.
BR’s “The Zerox Factory” is a rather interesting CTF using the somewhat-too-popular 7th Lava Fall tileset. Heaven knows where the name came from, although my own efforts aren’t any better. It sounds good anyway. Regardless…
The main gimmick of the level is that if you fall between a number of small platforms at the bottom, you get warped back to the last base you came from. However, this effect lasts as long as you don’t go to the opposite base, so you can potentially do some evil things with a little planning. Outside of that, there isn’t anything too unusual about the level design, outside of the fact that it makes frequent use of sucker tubes, including sticking the bases in them. Flow is good, with few, if any, spots that would hinder normal gameplay.
Unfortunately, the problem with overused tilesets is that it’s hard to come up with new and exciting things to do with it. In this case, the bottom and background looks nice, and several layers were obviously used. The top is somewhat less spectacular, although still not at all bad or boring. Several long, streaming lavafalls, chains, and cables the stretch from top to bottom are scattered about the level in several layers, so it rarely feels empty. My own opinion is that it looks better without the lighting, as the tileset is dark already, but that’s probably just me. In BR’s defense, he’s done a great job with an overused tileset, there’re no tilebugs, and the eyecandy in general is great.
BR has provided a nice variety of ammo to suit any given situation, but RFs, Pepper Spray, and Seeks are probably the most useful. For that reason, of the two powerups, the RF is harder to get than the Bouncy, though Jazz players won’t find it difficult thanks to coptering. Both of them can only be gotten with the relatively rare Electro Blasters, thanks to their location in the walls. Basic ammo is scattered about, although a tad sparsely for my tastes. I won’t count off for it though, as what is there is enough. Unpowered weapons will probably be used the most, though, as the powered weapons should generally be conserved until they’re really needed. One Full Energy carrot can be found at the top and center of the level, so no complaints there either.
All said and done, this is a great CTF that is far above the vast majority of the levels that are currently produced. I had fun testing it, and I expect that it will show up more than once in the future.
Download: Unless you want to miss out on a great level, yes.
Host: Please. New material is always nice to see.
Hmm what you call tilesbugs
it’s full of it,
but nice too play
it’s just better then Spazie’s
level (that i review)
but it can be very better
but i don’t like to rate low
rating = a 6
niek be happy with it
the others give it one
point lower
and i don’t know realy
what good is and what not
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)
(Piggybacked: You have received a warning for rating a level with an author whose IP matches yours and the author has received a subwarning. Do not do this again. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hmmm, my first review,
I not realy like this level
It’s bored and it sucks
i rate it but i don’t review it.
rating = a 4.5
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
What’s wrong with it,
it’s still a original level,
some tilebugs don’t explane
the gameplay, rate higher please.[This review has been edited by niek]
This is great!
Well nice! NOT BAD! great eyecandy. layers used and nice housed on background nice choose.
No i found none
Well nice… good placed some powerups and carrots!
Well its fun to play. so its quit good. just download and you will see.
Host this:yes
Download r.:YES!
( 8 )
Yep, lava’s hot, we all know found out it in Hot as Well… :P
***Default points : 6***
Eyecandy shocked me. It is really strong point of level, but it’s A BIT boring. This black BG from Fifty Feeds Laterstill is black. The second lava generator, on bottom, looks great with these 1ups.
++1 point wishes you Happy 2004++
Gameplay is very nice, many of springs, and sometimes you must have a fall down, and you don’t know where you’ll fall. Maybe on the ammo box.. or on head of enemy sniper. But no sucky tubes. And no bugs also.
++1 point awakes from dream here++
Placement of events is good, very good. Ammo is placed on original places, Full Energy Carrot placed in middle of level. Not too much powerups like in FFL. Generally, good. BUT, WAIT! HERE’S A THING THAT WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT!!
Shield?! Oh, shi… eld! It ruins the gameplay! However, it’s some tricky to get the Fire Shield. Get the EB and shoot it at wall. It should fly through wall and destroy the shield. But there still is a shield, tricky or not tricky to get. BAD DX.
—1 point get killed by Agent Cooba when he’s using this sucky shield—
The only original thing is that shield trick, everything other isn’t so original. I’m saying about items that you CAN get.
Music – Ctrl.Alt.Terminate (Ctrl_alt.xm) fits as well. Hahaha.
Overall -> -> -> 6 + 1 + 1 – 1 = 7
Seven points to be exact.
Rank for level : BELOW (very below) BEST
Cooba of J2VF
- Good eyecandy
- Nice ammo placement
- Original
- Nice gameplay
See? I have reasons for the rating!
Lol that a reason lol lol
You have to say more about eyecandy and gameplay You DONT talk about bugs
You say only fast WOW COOL LVL
Say Why you say goof eyecandy And do you know what eyecandy is?
I give an 8.2 because of the following points:
- Good eyecandy
- Nice ammo placement
- Original
- Nice gameplay
See? I have reasons for the rating!
(Repeatedly reported unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.