Ha, nice work DarkSonic,
Big level, and good space to battle,
not to easy to get the flag, not
realy a hard tileset but the
tileset is good used,
nice walls, i am happy with it,
how do you think of a 7,7?
Download it and try.
niek of J2vf:-)
Not rating as high as Snooz. Yay.
EYECANDY – - 7.7
The eyecandy is OK. Mostly average. The level is kinda symmetrical. I like teh eyecandy. You used layers 3,4,6,7 and of course 8. Fun.
GAMEPLAY – - 7.4
The level is symmetrical, like described at the eyecandy section. Blue has an advantage with their RFs than the red with their bouncers. And a seek powerup in the middle (-1.0 points). The seek powerup.. It ruins the game already. It would be fine in battle, but NOT IN CTF. If a lot of people are playing, you won’t stand a chance without it. This level involves a lot of camping at the seek powerup. No, it isn’t a good thing. Gameplay needs improvement. 7.4 is fine for gameplay.
PICKUP PLACEMENT – - 7.4 (-1 points)
The -1 points are for the seek powerup. I happened to describe above that blue has an advantage. It is, for the RF powerup they have and red has bouncers. No advantages to other team pleaseee..
Also close to blue base are 4 +3seeker ammo. Guess are they close to RED base? No. This is a blue biased level. Wee. Snooz overrated on THIS section. Carrots are placed good. One +1 carrot and a fullhealth carrot. Good if the fullH carrot is taken and you need a little health. It’s like 7.4 for here (-1.0)
FUN FACTOR – - 5.4
The seeker powerup ruins it all. And the bluebiased stuff. This level is fun to play.. if you got the seek powerup that is. After being roasted the first time, you probably get roasted over and over again every time. Camp-ability at the seek powerup and the full health carrot is not good. The fun factor is 5.4.
OVERALL – - 7.2 (-1.0)
At least not the worst level available. Download recommendation if you like annoyance. Otherwise, NEVER. Host this often? NO NO NO PLEASE PLEASE. SERVERS WITH THIS LEVEL ARE AWFUL AND BORING ;(
Little below average, catch it out![This review has been edited by the WINNER]
Hmm, this level is very good, probably the best one of the Author. I decided to review this, and i have lot of time, so be prepared for a long review.
hmm. eyecandy is ok, so is the gameplay. pickup placement is good, tileset use is quite standard.. i think this is a good level for download, and i must admit that this is the best level of the author. but lets continue.
EYECANDY:Eyecandy is quite standard, i see no tilebugs, and there are lots of eyecandy in the background layers. i think i have no other comments about eyecandy..
TILESET USE:Hmm, standard, like it usually is. ;p
Tileset was used rightly, and i have no major complaiments.. ;p
background layers look nice, but it moves little bit too fast, and looks confusing sometimes. Standard use of the tileset.
GAMEPLAY:Hmm, good. its quite smooth, there is ramps, etc.
no much comments, but its ok/standard/smooth
by the way, i have one complaiment, dead ends near the bases.. i would rate this higher if there would be no dead ends..
ITEM PLACEMENT:Hmm weapons are rightly placed. I like about placement, and there is full energy/seek powerup on the middle. good.
CONCLUSION:Well, a nice level by Da man.
and yup, i give a Download recommedation. this is quite nice level, and my final rating is 7.5, and i don’t think its over-rating.
HOST THIS:occasionally
~Snooz of J2VF – master of the blue chairs
***Default points : 6***
Eyecandy is strange. This fence makes it. And, these black pixels moves along red cloud. But it’s Dethman’s fault. Mystic Legends LOLOL. Layer 4 is used very well. Some stars should be on sky, though.
++1 point zips here++
Ouch. Map is a bit too small. However, if you want to host the InstaGib, this level is ideal. Placement of goodies, items, objects, boosters stuff is above average. Fifty Feeds Later – all of ammo that you need!. But back into topic, it’s a bit too much powerups. It’s good having the all of ammo types and using ‘em on small battlefield. And coin warp. They makes level more good ~DX :D Generally, good.
++1.5 points beep beeps here++
Gameplay : Ouch. It’s good for duel, but not for 4playered match. ICK. As I’ve said, small. Good or bad for Instant Gib, it still small room.
—1 points gets narrow here—
MISC. STUFF:Level uses Dethman’s 7th Lava Fall. As we’ve seen it fifty feeds before this level. Music (Stardust) fits as well.
++0.5 points for this slot++
Overall -> -> -> 6 + 1 + 1.5 – 1 + 0.5 = 8
Rank for level : SLIGHTLY BELOW BEST
Download reccomended as well.
Agent Cooba from J2VF
Ok, time to review this level
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. Excellent gameplay, great balance, the level is small. That its small is not bad, but the two ways that go up at every base, could be better cause you can camp there and there is not many space in there.
Eye candy: Good/Very Good. Also, excellent eye candy, although some places(like BlurredD said)have less then others.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. Excellent placed, but three power-ups is maybe 1 too many, but its OK, cause my levels often have three power-ups too. Thats the only thing what keeps it from very good. The Full Energy was just in the middle, but if it’s a symmetrical level that’s always good.
Overall: Good/Very Good level.
Host often: Sometimes.
Download this: Yes.
My Rating is ¤7.5¤
He, this is good, the layers
are good used, and the lava
falls are good, nice space
to battle, good for a hard tileset,
the only error is: It’s
hard to see what mask is
and what not, but it’s
still a good battle level,
a 8 from me.
niek the admin of J2vf,
(Name chached of Vipsy
to my old account niek,
if you want to join, ask me).
Well, well, well. Here we have the last level of the old year, being reviewed by my first review of the new year.
EYECANDY: There is no background eyecandy (to the point of Layer 8 not being textured), but the author makes a gallant try in layer 4. And fails. The ground is a flat surface which alternates between grass and ground with no apparent reason – oh, right, forgot to mention. This level uses one of LRK’s tilesets, but I can’t say which as they all look the same. Regardless, it’s not included in the .zip. Anyway, a few extremely fast animations and some odd signs are presumably intended as eyecandy, but they don’t really do the best job.
Pros: The author tries, and a number of eyecandy tiles are used.
Cons: Animation too fast, just not enough stuff.
Rating: 2.5
DESIGN: It is at this point that I sincerely hope this level is a joke. The level is a small hollow box (straight lines and all) with six one tile platforms scattered around. There are a few hooks on the ceiling for some unknown reason. I can think of nothing else to say about the design.
Pros: None.
Cons: I liked the design of Zappoman’s Egypt better than this, I think. Couldn’t the platforms at least be situated so an easy jump will get you to the bottom ones?
Rating: 1.2
GAMEPLAY/FUN FACTOR: Playing in this level will consist of jumping on those platforms. And all you have is blaster. And the platforms are small. And you get the idea.
Pros: And there are no pros.
Cons: And I could go on like this. And the level is really the type of level which would let me.
Rating: And I give this a 1.0 thingy.
ORIGINALITY: Two signs are connected by a V-pole.
Rating: 1.2
OVERALL (not an average): No. Just, no. Don’t download this. It has one or two good points, but the author not knowing how to place a start position and being undecided on the level name just sealed the deal for me.
Pros: The eyecandy is actually kind of ok.
Cons: Nothing else is.
Rating: 2.0
I tried something different once more.
The layout is mostly balanced aside from it being a little lopsided. There’s is a larger playing area to the right of the carrot than there is to the left. I would prefer another method to make the flow work other than placing a lot tubes in the walls everywhere. The level also looks like it should have a lot more in it. It feels restricting, and I probably wouldn’t want to duel in a level like this, but the gameplay isn’t bad.
It’s average eye candy, but it looks good, and I like the atmosphere. Nothing too original, but it gets the job done.
A full energy carrot and a seeker powerup are placed at the center of the level. This arrangement makes the central area perhaps the most important part of the level. I wouldn’t suggest changing it, even though I would like it better if the seeker powerup and the carrot weren’t so close to each other. I almost like the placement of the other powerups. It would be better if the blaster and the RF powerups weren’t so close to one another. Better yet, one of those two powerups should have been taken out. And the ammo placement is questionable. The ammo on one side of the level isn’t completely balanced with the other—perhaps because the level is lopsided? Lopsided or not, it seems that the type of ammo in each cluster should have been better chosen.
Once or twice. I didn’t really like it, but others may differ in opinion. 7.5 is my rating.
That level name is teeming with originality.
Here’s another one of those levels that I could replicate in no time. It’s a small level that severely limits strategy. I could probably describe the layout as squared-off and dull. The flow is surprisingly not that bad, aside from the occasional obstacle and the one-tile high passageways. The one thing I dislike the most is the warp target above the spring at 29,19. Players who get shot just before or right after warping will get stuck bouncing on that spring indefinitely. And about getting stuck near the toaster powerup: it would make more sense to prevent getting stuck entirely instead of just placing a few warps in the ground. That’s just what I think.
I can’t say I really like the eye candy. It isn’t bad, but it’s so average and ordinary compared to almost every other level I’ve seen with this tileset.
I’m not going to say that there should have been a seeker powerup or something like that. I would say that a full energy carrot would’ve been a better idea than two +1 carrot, but it’s not that bad as it is, considering the size. However, the ammo isn’t distributed well, and all of those crates at the top aren’t necessary.
Nope. Bigger is better. 6.5, and that is that.
Let’s see how long this takes.
The layout is symmetrical, and the flow is mostly good, but there are a couple of huge downfalls. The first of these is the size. There simply isn’t much to the level. It could be used for dueling, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The second downfall is the warp targets directly above the springs. If a player gets hit before or right after entering the warp, that player will be stuck bouncing on top of the spring indefinitely. That’s about all I can point out that’s bad about the layout, yet it’s enough to hurt the rating a lot.
The eye candy was made well with this tileset. It’s a little above average, although there are some parts I don’t like all too much. I don’t have anything else to say about it.
Well, it’s a symmetrical level, so the carrot and powerup placement can’t be that bad. Too bad the level is so small. Three powerups aren’t really needed, but they can all stay. Ammo is placed well enough, so no complaints there.
I would say no, but it is a good level for its size. Maybe host this on occasion. 7.2 is my rating.
Ok, I review this.
Gameplay: Good/very good. Excellent gameplay, great balance, the size of the level isnt that good, that water makes it a funny level, and the use of suckertubes is very good
Eye candy: Good/Very Good. Alse excellent eye candy, but not enough to make it very good.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. Its also excellent, but there are two things:
1. Why is there a RF powerup at the left side and no one at the right side?
2. There is a bouncer power-up at the right side with at the other side a Blaster. I dont think that that’s fair, cause bouncers are better I think. There was 1 other: Seeker, with a Full Energy above it. That’s good.
Overall: Excellent level.
Host often: yes, but not every day.
Download: Yes
I give this level a 8. Good job;).
ok, I am first rater.
Gameplay: Good. It is good, but I saw many warps on JCS that are unnecessary. Spring placement was good, and the level is small.
Eye candy: Good. There was not that many, the background was good and the sprite layer and layer 3 didnt have alot. layer 5 also didnt. Other layers were used too, except 1.
Pickup placement: Good. This is the best point in the level , although there was not many. There were 2 +1 carrots, which one at each base. Its not that good, cause one full energy in the middle should be better. There were 2 power-ups. There is not many space between them, the bouncer is closer to the red, the toaster to the blue.
Others: Host often: Not often, 1 or 2 times maybe.
Download: maybe.
I give this level a 6.7[This review has been edited by da man]
Out of Scizor endlessly nagging me to review this, here I go. Quick review here.
Eyecandy – Very good
The eyecandy took more time than the actually level did. In fact, the gameplay was done about a week or so before the eyecandy was done. All 8 layers are used, and there is fog (which is nicely done). Overall, the eyecandy is great.
Pros: Nicely done fog, all layers are used, great eyecandy.
Cons: Due to the massive amount of layers used, there are no clouds in the foreground.
Layout – Good / Very good
There is nothing wrong here. It’s hard at first, but once you know the level, it’s easy to get to know. For example, it’s hard to memorize that the red base is on the left in this (the blue base is usually on the left simply because most people start building their levels from the left and to the right, and the default CTF base setting is for the blue base). Nextly, the flamingos… in case you are lost and don’t know if the fountain that takes you up to the bases is to the right or left, you just look at the handy flamingos. The flamingos always point to the fountain. Third flamingo to the right, straight on till morning! Neverland!
Pros: Nice layout.
Cons: Hard to learn at first.
Ammo placement – Good / Very good
Even though Scizor probably had a nightmare not being able to put ammo on the steady light events, thus making it impossible to make long straight lines of ammo and/or large rectangles of ammo, he somehow managed to do very well in this category.
Pros: Good ammo placement.
Cons: A lot of it is limited since there were steady light events all over the place that Scizor had to work around.
Overall: Good / Very Good
Host this often: Unfortunately, I enabled my firewall, so I can’t host anymore (I’ll disable it when I’m ready to; I have my reasons for enabling it), but if I could still host, I would host.
Download reccomendation: Indeed.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Lets get started!
eyecandy… hmmm its oke very basic but its very nice.
the level is big and its fun, gameplay rocks and
the ammo placed is also nice.
some carrots fnry and normal one’s.
again a nice battle
from Labratkid.
i did’t found bugs so..
Host this:Yep
Download r.:Yes
7.9 >>> 8.0
Ðx[This review has been edited by dx dc]
This is not a bad level, a little
bit to small, but i like
small CTF levels.
A good level made with a hard tileset,
nice space to battle, not to easy,
J2vf rules, thank you very much Snooz,
a 8 from me, yipeeee.
Cooba, could you reveiw this? ;p
yes, the blue chairs are weird, and i am their master.[This review has been edited by sNOOZ]
And let JJ2 Vipsy Factory lives forever.
***Default points : 6***
Eyecandy is fairly good. These ground-like tiles in background, the color of the TXTured BG, and layer 3 used not only for secrets. I’ve not see tilebugs. Well done.
++1 point boingboings here++
Next’s gameplay. Yep, it’s too small. But there are two alternate routes to opponent’s base. It’ll be ideal for InstaGib, when hosted for Battle. Every CTF can be Battle, any Battle can’t be CTF. It is supposed to be a duel CTF, I think.
—0.5 points explodes along the fireworks—
Placements of objects, goodies, items, and generally events : Wow. Any team isn’t biased. The ammo is placed in the central point of level. And bases are placed at bottom, on two opposite ends of corridoor. No shields. But also no coin warp. Next time place a coin wrap they make level more good ~Dx. Hahah. He has right. Placement is generally above average, though.
++1 point is now inside the review++
And tileset use/music/other stuff that makes levels rox0r: Level uses Disguise’s Space Warbase tileset. Use of it ruxored. Really. Music – orion.xm- adds a gloomy mood for this level. chills. This OSTMLR or whatever : aargh, nope. These are stuff that makes levels non-rox0r. And these are:
So, boo.
++Half of point? Weee.++
Overall -> -> -> 6 + 1 – 0.5 + 1 + 0.5 = 8
Rank for level : SLIGHTLY BELOW BEST
Download reccomended.
Cooba of J2VF
Snooz, Blue Chairs are weird :P :P :P
OMG Bjossi has uploaded his levelpack. So it’s not last upload in 2003. OMGROTFLMBORTFMLOLPLZTHX.[This review has been edited by Cooba]
oke i review this!!!
Good!!! There are a lot of eyecandy things like a good background and much on the other layers. The foreground is good like lava and stuff and there is not too much on layer 5. The level looks good and is not boring. The animations are good. On layer 3 are good things to. There is used a lot of tiles and that is also good. That red fog bye the ground is good too. After all that eyecandy on the background it is black and that`s not really good the rest is really good and this level has the best eyecandy so far of you`re levels good job Dx.
Good!!! The ammo placement is really good. All the ammo that you need in a battle level is there. There is enough ammo but not to much and are on the right places. There are also a lot of powerups like Blaster, toaster, bouncers, ice and seekers. There are maybe a little bit too much powerups.
The springs are good placed and are not annoying the spring get me where i want too go and that`s good. There is also a coin shop. The coins good placed and if you have all 20 coins you will be rewarded by a seeker powerup and a ful energy and that`s good. The suckertube`s are also good placed.
Good!!! It`s not a spaz or jazz baised level and that`s good. i don`t have to jump to much and that`s also good. I can run without stopping much and that`s good too. I think that there should be a wall around the hole level because if you stand by a end of the level it`s difficult to hit you. Don`t know more to say about the gameplay.
Good!!! The level is quite small it could be larger but it`s not too small for a battle level. The music also fits good in the level. The layout is good too.
It`s a good battle level good job Dx a €8.0€
yay! i finally got TSF! :D
well, i’m not in the mood for a long review so i’ll just stick with this extra short one for now. ;p and like labratkid said, these 2 levels are very similar, so i’ll review them as a whole.
eyecandy: the eyecandy in these levels was great! layer 2 nicely used and the author didn’t forget to place the fire in the foreground for the inferno night level. however, some of the eyecandy wasn’t very balanced. eg. i spotted a lot of tilebugs here and there. still, i think the eyecandy overall is good.
gameplay: the layout of these 2 levels is fairly average, and it’s very spaz biased (even more in the inferno night level). but i guess it’s fairly average for a level, maybe a little more then average.
placement: good. both these level’s placement is good: has a good and balanced placement of ammo, etc. nothing there which i really stand against, so i guess it’s pretty good.
overall: these 2 levels are fairly good. and as you can pretty easily tell by my review, the eyecandy was probably the best aspect of these levels. still, gameplay and ammo placement weren’t bad, so i think they’re both pretty decent levels. good job.
download recommendation: sure… why not?
(Rating removal due to IP match. You receive a warning for this, while the author receives a subwarning. Please do not do this again. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This is a nice little level from Blackraptor, that uses the popular “7’th Lava Fall”.
GAMEPLAY: This level has a similar gimmick to EvilMike’s old “Islands” level. That is, if you fall in the “pit” (in this case, lava) you are warped to your base. However, this level adds a small twist. The bases are hidden in sucker tubes, and going through the tubes will also set some triggers that will warp you to the corresponding base the next time you fall into the lava. This adds some nice strategy into the mix, and is definitely a nice addition. This makes “Zerox Factory” stand out. The level, fortunately, doesn’t favour either Jazz or Spaz. However, it’s possible to get stuck in the tubes in the lava, which is annoying, and the level’s biggest flaw.
EYE CANDY: Eyecandy is a strong point of this level. The tileset is used to great effect, as many BG layers are used, with buildings, lava flows and such. Nothing particularly special in the foreground, but the BG layers make up for it. Plus, the platforms near the lava look like they’re floating in the lava, which is a nice touch.
ITEM PLACEMENT: Basic +3 ammo is all placed well, and for once, there is no Seeker powerup. Instead, RF and Bouncer powerups are hidden in the walls. The RF is the most important weapon here. Get it, and you’ll own the level. The carrot is placed well, in the giant middle tube. It’s not biased to either side.
CONCLUSION: This is a very nice level from Blacky, that, with its interesting gimmick, makes it more interesting than yet another cookie cutter CTF level. All the bases are covered, and there’s nothing wrong with it at all. Plus, the music is nice. Download reccomedation.
EDIT: It’s come to my attention that the trigger bug is not Blacky’s fault. Therefore, I’ve raised the rating a tad.[This review has been edited by Iam Canadian]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.