ther ar many bugs. ther is graas
ground and ther is a bug. no UP
no down and many others.
the tileset is small and ugly.
i think you made it with PAINT ( MS )
a 6 from me
Sorry for the fast review my mother is sik :’(
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Test,1..2..3..ROGGER!Over and out!(He I have to make an intro!!;)
hmm nice
I haven’t see ONE tilebug, but the eyecandy is a bit boring.You have no textured background, only something on layer5.
enemy placement:
Well,Fine! But I died on the first time becouse you putted 3tuff turtles on one tile!!That’s to much! But the rest was fine! And then I mean realy fine! Not to much and not that way of no enemy’s!
Ammo/food/carrot and other:
“Where is my space-food mom?”“I thaught I was in the stores! But not!”
Hee dx!, how can I live with no chips, chocolat and milk? And a carrot is realy good for your eyes! Maybe you must eat a carrot, so you can see that you putted no food, carrot and other things in the lvl! There was only one blaster-powerup in the lvl! I can only hope, that enemy’s(afther they died;)give me some gems and others!This is very bad!!
Good…Your starting with…puzzles? are this puzzles? Well if you say so…
Where was I? Oh je…So you can open a door. If this open, You can get in a space-ship and fly trough some lizards.
So the flow and things is good!
A nice lvl! Some ammo can be placed in the lvl when DX got his carrot in his stummic(HAHAHA) and the tuffturtles can be placed on other spots and it’s nice to make a round in the space in a space-ship!So a nice lvl!
Download this : YES!
HOST this : What you whant!
Final rating : An 6.7!
What I want to say: DX,Spend more time on your lvl, you can do better!
Okay, real one Bjarni. There are many flaws with your review:
1) Ugh… in Diamondus Battlezone there is “Only one powerup” according to you. Where there are actually two powerups: a seeker and a blaster powerup. Where as in Blackout Basement you say, “A ton of powerups”. No offense or anything, but if there isn’t enough powerups in Diamondus but there are a “ton” of powerups in Blackout Basement, surely you must not know how to count, eh?
2) Blackout Basement has “many hooks”? I don’t think so. 2 isn’t a lot. Tsk… tsk…
3) You say in Blackout Basement that it has “cool poles” (finally, something good you said about my level), well, there is only ONE pole, so you can’t use the plural.
4) In all the levels you say, “Too few start points”. These levels are duel levels, so they are only meant for 2 players.
I hope I haven’t been to critical, but the real one Bjarni, correct your review and don’t be so critical. Many of the things you subtracted points for in my level are your mistakes. These levels took me almost a week.
That is all I have to say, don’t question my authority. If anyone else wishes to rate or comment on this level, don’t hesitate to do so.
And Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon (as you like to be called), could you please correct your review? Thanks.[This review has been edited by Jaws3k]
Oh, its a time for review, too bad that i don’t have much time now, so i have to reveiw quickly,
Okay, what do you find in zip file? well, one short single-player level, using highly-overused Mez1 tileset.
I don’t think that eyecandy is too good, but its ok. Dx, please put backgrounds to your levels. that makes people rate higher. trust me.
Gameplay, isn’t too good too, its quite boring.. (again.) lets say, that your other levels, ( like thunder mountain) are very god, ( fun, etc)You should do levels like that. not so shrot ones like this.Placement is ok, no complaiments, and overall its ok level.
( too bad tht i dind’t have much time, oftherwise, this review would be larger.) so anyway, here is a 6.7.
Diamondus Battle Zone:
Two powerups
Too few weapons
Too small
Blackout Basement:
Too few weapons
Too small
Cool pole
Two hooks
Two powerups
Deep in the jungle:
Too small
Too few weapons
Too few powerups
Overall rating: 5.2 have a nice day!
~Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
Ok, but please don’t change the rating intro N/A, I just did mistakes, everybody can do mistakes! I didn’t know those mistakes! I’ll try better on my next five reviews!
Happy now?
[This review has been edited by Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon][This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
So, this is a battle pack so it’s quite hard to rate for me because I haven’t created those sections for battle levels/levelpacks with which to rate it overall because I’m not interested about battle levels so much, especially not interested to rate them. Well, because I saw that this had got that high rating, I decided to download it, well I’ll tell about my opinions soon about the levels, but that I at least this time also interested to rate this. Yes, this is hard to rate because this is my first time when I rate a battle level. Ok, let’s see what can I create to sections, and what points do you get.
This is really great. Not wonder if this levelpack has even got already an overall rating of 8.6. It looks some times confusing, this amount of eyecandy would be better in sp-levels than in battle levels, because you have to be more serious, or ugh… It’s hard to explain. Well, anyway cuz I didn’t find any eyecandy-bugs, I give a 10. :] (Btw, I thought that the darkness-level’s tileset was made by Blade because it looked so simple, but Disguise surprised me!) :O
(Notice, that I’m rating the overall of all levels.) Well, “To the darkness”-level could be a little more bigger and the fill of tiles, etc. could be some bigger. Or no, the size of it is very good but not the fill. And actually the space fortress is a bit too small then.
Good start pos. Or actually the placement of start pos. isn’t very important except if someone would place them into a wall, heh then the level could be like nothing ;D
Placement of ammo and pickups is…Err, I think there’s a little too much of it, but otherwise they’re well placed.
Custom tilesets but not YOUR own. Your own made levels. That’s again a 9.
+1 Good music choice
-1 No readme and this is unnamed or whatever.
OVERALL 36:4=9
LEVEL RANK: Very good level
HOST THIS: Yes, but the eyecandy may look confusing in some places. Especially when you duel, the background will move really fast, etc.
ENDING COMMENTS: So, this was my first battle-level rating so I don’t exactly know that did I rate it very well, that could there be more sections, but at least I think this levelpack is available to deserve an 9. Well done, just make some more cool things to your levels, make them more, fill them better and balance the size of the levels. Just only change the layout with the tileset.
-Superjazz was here! Btw, nice smile-river yeh? >P
[This review has been edited by Superjazz]
Your works are just amazing…
Okay, this was a rather ‘interesting’ pack made by Spaztic. Out of all my years playing JJ2 I have never encountered a level pack like this. I am not in the mood to review ALL these levels individually, so I’ll review them as a whole:
The Nothing In Particular Pack (NIP)
Like I said, this whole pack was interesting, and it had HUGE replay value. A good challenge, but to me, it seemed stressful with all the enemies and such low supply of carrots.
Gameplay: It was all good, but at some points I kept getting stuck with all the puzzles. :\ Maybe I’m not the brightest boy, eh?
Eyecandy: Good. It all blended in and I couldn’t find very much tilebugs at all.
Enemy Placement: Great! Placed just at the right points. However, it didn’t look very pleasent (especially all the rapiers in Sticks and Stones and all the norm turtles and tough turtles in Emerald Isle).
Pickups Placement: Good I found it was fairly balanced. Not much ammo though.
Length: Well, I found all the levels to be the perfect length: about as long as the official SP levels.
Difficulty: I found some levels, hard, others not so I’ll just give it an Average/Hard.
Overall: Excellent. A long level pack with excellent replay value. I’ve played all the levels at least 4 or 5 times. Out of all the levels and packs uploaded on Jazz2Online, this HAS to be one of my favorites! Great job!
And that concludes my review… I think this level fully deserves a 9 for providing a challenge along with puzzles and other original ideas.[This review has been edited by Dago]
Nice to see my sets are still used. No one ever tells me when a new new Blade-tileset level comes :)
What? Oh, the level rating, yeah… I’ve seen better battle levels in JJ2. Da Man’s Death Metal Arena is easy to explore and memorise, but that simply isn’t enough. A good JJ2 must be memorable in some way, otherwise it will sink into the large ocean of oblivion. Metal Death Arena will surely sink, I’ll tell you why: 1. There’s not enough eye candy. 2. The level design not interesting enough.
When these two points are combined, it is quite sure that playing Death Metal Arena isn’t fun enough. Da Man does what he is capable of, and maybe in future we will see more interesting JJ2 levels from him.[This review has been edited by Blade]
That`s the risk on uploading stuff: you can get a lower Rating then you hope to get… Sometimes you may would say: wrfrerfsrefsfsrääää!
(you can speak the Ä like the one in ``amazing´´ more like e)
I don´t like it uploading only the half of an episode! (you will get under 7 from me) I`fe got an 14 level episode on my cpu and i do not upload it over two months because its not ready……….
Okay thats all.
RATING: 6.9 :-)
This is something what I was looking for. Few months ago when I did’t know this site I was wondering if it’s possible to get JCS for JJ1.
Now I know that it’s possible and everything works.
Only I would like to see the animationn blocks in this JCS – I would be very happpy!
Oh and as aconvertor of jj1 tileset I think that this is one of the most useful things on j2o site. Doing the convertions JCS94 is helping me a LOT.
Really nice job and I couldn’t rate it any way because I think that this is not a correct way to rate this wonderful programm, I only would give off points because there are some bugs (well.. not exactelly bugs)
Yeah it’s great- I would give 9.5
Ok, I am not going to give a rating at each subject from now on.
Jungle Battle
Gameplay: Bad/Okay. It was quite good, but the spring placement was bad and there were dead ends.
Eyecandy: Good. It was good for a small level, not more then that
Pickup placement: Good. It was also good, but you could select other types of ammo. There was a Full Energy so it can also be a CTF level. I saw two powerups, Seeker and Blaster. Well, I already said, I think one powerup is enough.
Rating for this level a 6.2
Labrat Battle
Gameplay: good. It was good this time. Good spring placement and no dead ends.
Eyecandy: good. It was also good for a small level.
Pickup placement: Good. There were 4 types of ammo used in 5 groups of 9. There were also some fast fires. Also, there were chests of ammo. The level also has a full energy, so it also can be a small CTF level. There were two powerups, Blaster and Toaster this time.
Rating for this level a 6.7
Diamondus Battle
Gameplay: Good. It was good, but this time I liked some other colors of the springs. Example: There was a red spring which could be a blue spring.
Eyecandy: Good. It’s still good, and the eyecandy in this one was the best of the 3 levels.
Pickup placement: Good. There were 4 weapons used, and 1 in two crates. 4 of the weapons you used are the ones I also do in my levels. There were also some fast fires here. And a full energy, so I can say this pack can also be a CTF pack. There were also 2 powerups ( this time Seeker and Blaster ).
Rating for this level a 6.7
-da man
(Unsupported rating removal edit. What were you thinking? ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
The LabratBattle
Well its dark :) and ther ar nice
spring placed.i found a few bugs on the ground, ther is one at the end of the seekers then ya can see.
the eyecandy is not bad at all.
food ( OMG ) nothing ( DUH )
Well nice
Nice! But this is very small and SPAZ
Ammo is nice. a carrot fnr but make a coin
warp to it with a powerup or something.
This is nice eyecandy! nice, but again
to small. you make nice levels but to
no bugs and the ammo… nah….
ther not VERY much :S
Bugs.. NOPE!
A carrot Fe but why? you can get it in 1 sec.
Host:Mayby twice ( all the levels )
7.6 >>>>> 7.7
Maybe try to not uploading your first levels (or work) here if you know that this is bad.
Try to do more levels and try to be better in this, every body are improving their work after lot of practice :)
Yes this is the really good episode (the mez level is really confusing) Everything is originally designed, but I’m going to take off points (HA HA)
Well as this is the multiple I will take of points for that tileset which is used in intro-it’s not the best because the sky doesn’t fit togeather (this is clearly visible) and graphics have a lot of transparent area.
I found some bugs in the levels during the game but there was a small amount of bugs and they aren’t so horrible :)
The levels you have made are almost perfect (in some parts) and I like it!
I like where everythink (in tilesets o levels ofcourse) is perfect.
So because not everythink is perfect and the intro tileset is scaring me I’ll give you a 9.0 – I was thinking about 8.7 but oh well.. I had so much FUN playing your cool episode, it was quite simmilar to that times when I was playing JJ2 The Secret Files my first time.
there is your 9 for really nice job.
Well here is my review(again).
Basic!!! The Eyecandy is not really good but also not bad. There are no textured background. You only used layer 5 for some things. No tilebugs but still the eyecandy is a little bit boring.
Enemy placement:
Fine!!! The enemies are well placed not to much and not to little. It`s annoying that lizards come out of nowhere. To many Tuff turtles on a spot.
Item placement:
Bad!!! There is no item placement. No food no gems no ammo even no carrots. There is only a blaster powerup.
Okay!!! In the beginning there are 4 doors. To open those doors you have to do different puzzles. But I think it are no puzzles. When you did al those puzzles the doors are open and you will go in a ship. When you are in the ship you have to fly To the end. That puzzle 2 is a little bit boring because those destruckt scenery can take to much it take`s a lot of time to destroy one.
Fine!!! The level is really short but not boring but also not fun. The music fits well.
You can do better Dx next time spend more time and make the eyecandy better.
A ¤¼6.7¤¼
i can ask DA MAN to do levels to 1.23. Oke?[This review has been edited by dx dc]
Beep beep! Link broken! beeps away
Ok, this will be a fun review.
Gameplay: Okay. There were dead ends and there was a flag bug. Also, I would like to put one blue spring in the place of the full energy instead of that platforms without one. the spring placement was good, so that makes it okay.
Eyecandy: Okay. It was ok, but I would like more caves that would be good. The other things were okay too.
Pickup placement: Good. It was quite good, but there were too many crates of ammo and there wasn’t many ammo in the other places. There was one powerup, the blaster powerup. I think that a small level like this doesn’t need more than one powerup, so that’s good. The Full energy was good placed.
Others: It’s an okay, but small level.
The final rating:6.5+6+5.7:3+6.066666=6
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.