Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tek Track
Level rating: 5.7

Ok, this is interesting “very lazy eye candy” I said it before: lazyness is a sin. If it really has no eye candy, then I’m afraid it won’t look good for your level…

Ok, this starts off well: the level has no start positions! Upon closer inspection the level has nor Jazz or Spaz, nor MP Start positions. Single Player doesn’t need start position, but unfortunately MultiPlayer does (Please, test the levels in MP too, it’s what they’re mostly designed for!). That’s why it gives a Fatal Application Error when run in MP. Please fix it as soon as possible, or else no rating ;p

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus CTF
Level rating: 6.1


Well the ammo is basic placed. nothing secret thats boring and no powerupds, only crates.


Well… its not originallt but the gameplay is OK.


Nice. i can say you must host in a duel level.

Overall: Ok
Host:Mayby only in a duel.



Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus CTF
Level rating: 6.1

This should have been a quick review.


Well, I’m a little surprised. I can’t say much about the balance since the level is semi-symmetrical. The layout actually isn’t bad—for it’s size. This is one of those levels for 4 players or less, although I myself probably wouldn’t want to duel here. The flow isn’t completely smooth, I can get around easily enough. The biggest flaw has to be the missing borders around the level. Why add borders around the edge of the level? To prevent the flag bug where the text saying that someone captured the flag keeps repeating itself. I suggest using at least two tiles (three tiles may be a better idea, though) around the entire level to prevent this bug, even if you still aren’t sure what it is. Other than that there’s its small size, which I personally don’t like, but others might not mind.


The eye candy here is typical for a Diamondus. It’s not over the top, but it’ll do. I feel no need to write anymore about the eye candy since nothing is wrong with it.


Surprisingly, it all works for a level with this size. A full energy carrot is located in gap in the middle of the level. There’s also a blaster powerup between the two bases. It’s simple, but it works. Ammo placement works for the most part, although I would prefer fewer crates. Can’t go too wrong with symmetrical, though, and I don’t care what anyone else says.


Probably not, but the level is good for a first multiplayer level as well as a second level. After playing this level for some while, it started to seem a little too ordinary. And small. I’ve decided to give this a 6.0 for simplicity.

PS: I wouldn’t be surprised if this level gets overwritten in the future. The filename “DiamCTF.j2l” has a good chance of being used by someone else. Try avoiding generic names like this one next time.

Review by wadledee

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

Well, it’s an nice lvl!
So I come to review!!

Good, many good things(triggers,coins,background)the background was really original, and that from“give me a pumpkin so I can let you trough the blocks” was also original
Great!, if you ask it on me! Also if you get the tail from a cat, that you warped trough the time!That’s very interesting!(Can you tell me how to do that?)
-ammo,food and carrot placement
Good, food will you see ev’rywhere in the lvl on the right places! Carrots are placed also good. But ammo…OMG! Was it really one crate with ammo in the lvl or was there more? I haven’t see more! Very bad!
-Enemy placement
Good, enemy’s are placed well, on the good places.And it’s not that there where 1 or 2 kinds of enemy’s, no more!

Well, I haven’t see much bugs!
Or there where few bugs, or no! The only one I have seen, was on the begin of the lvl, you walking over bridges when stones falling down. If you wan’t to get that pumpkin(to go trough the wall)you must buttstomp on the bridge. If you’re not jumping in the hole in 5sec., an stone will fall in the hole and will be stuck! First you must shoot 10minutes against that stone, so it go’s out the hole.That’s bad!

A nice lvl with great music, background, triggers and more!
It’s a GREAT lvl with the Carrotus tileset! So download it!!

Lets see… 7+7.3+6.7+7.3+7= 34.3:5=…
………that will be +- a 6.7!Good man!
Download: YES!!!!
Host This:Yes!
Review This: Yes!(Haha)

this review has been edited by Wadledee

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tek Track
Level rating: 5.7

any other reviewers?

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Un-named Battle pack
Level rating: 8.4

Because you wanted so badly here is my review!!!!

To the darkness.

Good!!! A good eyecandy with a good background and no tilebugs.

item placement:
Good!!! There is enough ammo and ammo of al kinds of weapons. I Say 2 powerups in the levels of gun 8 and 9.
There is also Fast fire in the level.

Fine!!!It`s not big but big enough. The music fits okay. Can get stuck in the wall by those fast fire things with the one way. Layout is also great and the springs are well placed.

This level is good a 8.5

The food factory.

Great!!! The eyecandy is really great because the background rocks and the animations are good to.

Item placement:
Good!!! Again ammo of al kinds except the tnt. The ammo is great placed to and again i found 2 powerups pepperspray and bouncers.And there is a lot of food.

Good!!! The layout is good the gameplay is good. The springs are again well placed BUT sometimes it`s better if you replace the bleu into green springs. Also It`s confusing because on some places there are springs hidden in the wall. The music fits great in the level.

Also a good battle level a !!8.7!!

The space fortress.

Good!!! The eyecandy rocks again good background and foreground like flying ships and tubes But it`s a little bit confusing. Sometimes i almost can`t see a thing.

Item placement:
Good!!! Again well placed and all kinds of ammo again except freeze and TNT. I again found 2 powerups of bouncers and pepperspray.

Good!!! The music fits some funny text things and a good layout and gameplay.

To bad that the level is a little bit confusing but still great a $€8.0€$

crYsTaL MaNiA.

Great!!! A good background and foreground. A cool fog on the top. I didn`t found any tilebugs.

Item placement:
Good!!! Again well placed and again i found 2 powerups of Bouncer and my favourite RF missle.

Good!!! The layout is great and the gameplay is great. The spring well placed and the suckertubes are well placed to. The music really fits in the level.

Again a great battle level a ¿?8.5?¿

Wow this rocks all the battle levels are great. 8.5+8.7+8.0+8.5=33.7 33.7:4=8.4>8.5
The total is 8.5 great.[This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Martian Megatropolis
Level rating: 8.7

Ok, here is my review.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It was very good. There was good spring placement but that horizontal springs were annoying. You don’t have to jump alot that’s very good. There are dead ends, that’s the only bad.
Rating: 7.8.
Eyecandy: Very good. The eyecandy was also very good. There were lots of things in layer 3 and 5, and the other layers were used good too.
Pickup placement: Good/Very good. It was almost very good, but I liked to use one type of ammo less, that would be good. The other ammo was good, because it was on the platform and not above. The full NRG was in the middle, thats good.
Rating: 8.2
The final rating: 8.2+9+8.7=8.633333=8.2. Edit: 8.7 seems too high, but this is an 8.2.
[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dreamy Diamonds(updated)
Level rating: 6.6

It feels like I reviewed this level before. Maybe that’s because this is the fifth Dx level I’m reviewing where “D” is the first letter and “(updated)” is at the end. Never mind—I’ll just download the level and give my review.


While the layout is better compared to the previous levels, it still looks too flat in places like at the bottom left. The spring placement is also better, the balance is okay, and spaz-bias isn’t much of an issue. However, it seems too easy to go from base to base in this level and some areas need to be more open like around 55,39 to 72,38. The coin warp also puzzles me. Why make the left warp go to the red base on the right side and the right warp go to blue base on the right? It would make more sense if the two warps were changed around for the sake of being less confusing. Moreover, I think there should be fewer coins, and they should be harder to reach. I’m not liking the coins placed so close to the carrot and the powerups. The coin warp isn’t even really needed, especially with this small layout.


This level uses basic Diamondus eye candy. Correction: basic Diamondus eye candy with flaws. In general, the unmasked background tiles on layer 4 were misused. Also, the ground tiles look to repetitive in most places, and the foreground can get in the way. There are some additional eye candy bugs, but a good beta tester could point it out. Take out all of those flaws then this is at least average eye candy.


There’s a full energy carrot hidden at the top left just in case anyone was wondering. The carrot is on the right side, but it would take a similar amount of time to get there from each base. Powerups were placed well enough: the bouncer powerup on the far left with the RF powerup on the far right. As for ammo placement, it’s decent for the most part.


Most likely, no. Almost a 6.7, but just falls short. 6.5 is my rating.

PS: “the bonus is original its the same as in Bblair”—That’s a paradox if I’ve ever seen one.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Un-named Battle pack
Level rating: 8.4

I wanted to say, that if you downlaod this, please also rate it. thanks! :-)

[This review has been edited by The ChaiR]

Review by Spazie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: A Spiky Tubelectric
Level rating: 6.8

A very strange level _

Eyecandy: 8
I didn’t find bad tiles, they all fitted, and a ok background.

Originalty: 7,5
Good! I dont remember seeing hidden spikes in Tubelectric… But for the rest its all basic.

Placement thing: 7
in the beginning there were always 2 Sparks? Why not 1, or 3?
Later there were more, thats good. Item placement is good!

Gameeplay: 7
It was long, and funny _ only a bit easy, it was quite long. Too bad the Spikes were actually “easy” too dogde (Spelling?)

Download recommendaton: yes!

i have no idea how the real rating works… sorry

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The_Black_Krazz_Episode
Level rating: N/A

It’s average episode. could use some foods and enemies. good tileset use too. this would be a good episode with foods and bad guys.

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tek Track
Level rating: 5.7


ther is’t eyecandy so ther will go pints off.
ammo is nice placed
originally: nothing
Gameplay: Its little bit boring
Its good that its BIG


Yes yor right 007 sorry[This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by 007

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The_Black_Krazz_Episode
Level rating: N/A

Dx why you upload this You can Make exits you can putt food in Testing for bugs. Go reupload plz then i rate it
The chair Dont talk the same text like me go read the other messages first plz[This review has been edited by 007]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Un-named Battle pack
Level rating: 8.4

Snooz its finally finished!

1-great eyecandy
2-good food + ammo placed
3-i found LITTLE bugs
4-nice light type Sg
5-Tileset Used Good

i hope everybody will review it. i don’t overrate now ;p

a 8.7 from me!



Make battlepack 2 :P:P

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dreamy Diamonds(updated)
Level rating: 6.6

Well, there were only MP Starts and the bonus is original its the same as in Bblair. But you’re right that other bugs are bad I shall fix it. P.S: BlurredD: I am not Ðx.[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dreamy Diamonds(updated)
Level rating: 6.6

First off all: I did’t betatest everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so why did you upload? Because satan betatested?


oke you will see

1-nice eyecandy
2-Many and MANY Bugs
3-nice coins
4-small/big :)

Next time let me betatest it full..
Tileset is nice choosen
also the ammo placed is good
coins Placed Good.

here a 6.7

( Not because i did’t tested )


Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7

Extremely useful, but as Violet said, it could be used as a cheating program. We’re very fortunate that it’s even aloud on the site. I’m not going to rate it because I don’t really know how to write a good program review, but it’s a great program. Download it.

Review by wadledee

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dreamy Diamonds(updated)
Level rating: 6.6

Hello, lets review again!
OUCH!! Horrible! The secret you putted in the lvl, was ugly! Gates in the wall!! Please fix that!
The background is good…The music is standard and the tileset… Well, it’s good, I dont count points off or on for ugly or good tilesets.
Well… The bonus is very bad! I mean, how can you make a warp to the base!?
I think it’s unceptable! You must SEARCH to the bases! That’s make the game better.That’s fun!!
Well, the ammo is great placed!
Not 6kinds of ammo on the same place, no better! ev’rywhere is ammo and not to much!GREAT!!
The gameplay is good…
The eyecandy is good…(HEY!, can you tell me how you do that with the colour from the lvl and spaz&jazz, or is that from the tileset self?)

Well, one thing is the baddest thing of all… There is no jazz/spaz/mp start!!How can you make a lvl with no start!? An very big bug is it!Please fix that! You can score higher if you fix that!!

Overall:A good lvl but with some bugs.
Host this:no
Well,all this means a………………..6.7.

[This review has been edited by Wadledee]
[This review has been edited by wadledee]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blue Spaz
Level rating: 4

Ok, I saw that someone gave the first review with a 6, well, I’m going to find out if this is really a 6.
Gameplay: Bad. The gameplay is really bad. I saw only a few springs and some unnecessary events.
Rating: 1.5
Eyecandy: Very bad. I saw almost nothing, there was a background but it was not complete. That makes it very bad and there were no other things here.Rating: 1.
Pickup placement: Bad. The ammo was way too many and the powerups were ok placed but there were 2 RF power-ups I dont understand that. There were some carrots and full NRG, but it was too many.
I’m sorry but this level is way too bad for a 6. There were many bugs but for its size it gets a 2 instead of a 1.5

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The_Black_Krazz_Episode
Level rating: N/A

“Don’t rate because it’s not my best” is not a valid excuse.

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