Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spaz Simple Battle
Level rating: 6

Almost every time Dx reviews a level, I review the same level. Why? Just feeling like giving constructive criticism to a new author, unlike Dx ;p

First Impressions:

The title says it all folks: a simple battle with a simple tileset. While that wouldn’t sound like a good level, somehow the simplicity of the tileset used is it’s charm. Eye candy isn’t that important.


Everything is kept simple, even the layout. The level is divided into two parts, each having smal platforms in the sky. That would sound like lazyness, but the author tried making it Spaz biased. Jazz can move around freely, I couldn’t detect any areas where Spaz has a real advantage. OK, Spaz has a double jump in mid-air, that may be the feature that’s focussed on most: easy get-away. The platforms are too high for Jazz in one jump, but not for Spaz.

Tileset use and eye candy:

Because the tileset is so simple, one would expect no eyecandy possibilities. The level has a cliché, but effective type of decoration: the checker board motive. There are areas with only solid colors, but a different one used in each area. Given the set’s simplicity, it’s decent. I recommend playing with 3D background on, it turns the bright (almost blinding) yellow sky to blue. Interesting how he did that tho :P

Ammo, food, stuff that’s good:

No food, but lots of ammo, very close to eachother. Of course there are coins around, so there’s a coin warp (20 coins). Where is it you ask? Right on top below the green ceiling spring, but it’s invisible. The bonus may not be worth it: 12 seekers, nothing else. I’d expect at least a powerup, but the seekers aren’t anywhere else in the level, so it’s kind of a bonus, don’t you think? Nothing else that’s special.

Miscellaneous Stuff:

I could only find one “bug”, but it affects you only in Single Player: the bonus room has an Exit Signpost event. When you shoot that event, the level is cleared, and you go to the next one, much like in JJ1. Also in Single Player, when you use the coin warp, the coins turn into gems. That doesn’t go for Multiplayer, the coins remain coins. That’s all :P


This level definitely earns its name. It’s simple, but Spaz biased (what’s with Spaz anyway?), so Jazz is at a somewhat disadvantage when chasing possible roasts. Some may like it, some may hate it. The level is directed to Spaz-only players, so I’ll just recommend it to them for now. The rating? The layout’s decent, nothing to complain about the ammo, the coin warp would stand out if visible (and riun the charm)… I’ll just give it a 6 for the effort. Keep on trying :)

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by Jazzyman

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blue Spaz
Level rating: 4

Nice battle and tileset,
i give it a 6.0 nice[This review has been edited by Jazzyman]

Review by Dago

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss Practice Levels
Level rating: 1

Hey guys, would it be alright if I did something like this (except of course bother about eyecandy, the arena, the weapons, etc.) and upload it here? Or would it get deleted?

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spaz Simple Battle
Level rating: 6


Eyecandy is bad.. the background is also
bad and the ammo is good but also
to close
Don’t make a level with this tileset again? oke?

Bugs. ther ar many bugs

Overall: Bad




(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by n0

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7


I see what I did wrong with the program. I’ll fix it all and let you pick the amount, then I’ll reupload it as G2C 2.0

And violet, both Gems and coins, every amount to health will have this problem.

Sorry about this, it was 3 AM when I tested it, and I missed that major bug.

I should have the next version up before christmass (BIG week ahead, not sure when I’ll get a chance to re-do it.)

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7

Hehe… I started a trend that leads to something big.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Too Much Pun CTF
Level rating: 7.8

Ok, I review this 2 levels
Just got Carrot Away
Gameplay:Good. I saw the gameplay was good. But there were some places where I liked to have springs.
Eye Candy: Good/Very good. The eyecandy I saw was good/very good because there was lots of stuff in the layers but its a small level, so that makes it not very good.
Pickup placement:Good With one carrot energy+1 and not many ammo, it could have been much better. There were no power-ups, but a small level doesn’t need one powerup I think.
Gemneric CTF:
Gameplay: Good. It was good, because again, there were some places where could be springs. rating:6.7
Eye candy: Very good. The eyecandy was very good. The background layers 5 and 6 had good stuff and 3 also had lots of stuff.
Pickup placement: Good/Very good. Ammo placement was better, I saw 2 full nrg, and they were good placed. I saw two power-ups, and they were also good placed
8+7.2:2=7.6. Rounded up to a 7.7 not a 7.5. [Edited][This review has been edited by da man]

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7

You know something really horrible? I don’t care how easy this program was to make, it’s simply incredible. Ultra-simple layout, full functionality… what more could you ask? This program does what it advertises.
…ok, actually, there are one or two bugs. However, the only ones I can find is that it works in SP (making it usable as a cheating program) and that the Coins-to-health conversion takes away all your coins.

PROS: Incredible program, very useful.
CONS: A few bugs. Reupload this with them fixed, please please please. Also, instead of the set multiplications, it would be nice if you could choose what each commodity was multipled by.
Rating: 8.7

On a side note… Yay! There is a coin limit, after all! …which causes the program to crash, but oh well.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

Hmm, congrats, Dx. Good level from you. Keep this work up, and here is my review:

Hmm.. good. tiles were rightly used, and Dx used almost every tile of the carrotus set,( wich is one of my favorite sets, by the way ) i have some complaiments though, i think you didn’t use enough eeyecandy tiles, like those leave tiles in cave, etc. And that background is bit buggy, but it’s ok mostly.
Pros:Good tileset use.
Cons:Some bugs in that background..
Rating: 7.2

Its good, and nice.
No complaiments, except that its little bit too easy.And you should use more foods, so player could get a sugar rush. Don’t overruse foods though..
So, average gameplay.
Pros:Nice flow, easy to play..
Cons:Hmm.. too easy.
Rating: 7.0

Okay, i think that placement is quite good, but there are bit too many gems.
Ammo and foods are goodly placed. No complaiments.
Pros:Good placement..
Cons:Bit too many gems..

It is original, but it is bit boring… ofterwise its nice..
Pros:Nice, and bit funny.
Cons:Bit boring…

Well, i think that level is ok, and like i said before, keep this work up, Dx. :)
FINAL RATING: 7.2 ( 7.2 + 7.0 = 7.1 + 7.0 = 7.0 + 7.5 = 7.2 )

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

Well here is my review!!!!

Okay!!! I did`t really say any Wow in it but still a okay eyecandy. There where some tilebugs.Background could still be better like clime plant`s.

Enemy placement:
Okay!!! They are good placed and there are Tuff turtles, norm turtles, lizards and float lizards. On one spot there are tuff turtles above each other it`s okay but you did to many above each other. The rest is fine.

Item placement:
Okay!!! There was enough ammo but still not really much could be more in it. There are also a couple of gems and food. Carrots are well placed.

Good!!! It was fun to play and a lot to do but the coins could be better because you always need to fall if you want a coin and then you need to go in that suckertube again. 5 coins are to hiddin i needed to search for to long. The boss is not really good next time only do Devan.

Good!!! A style that you only find in this level and the background is cool to. Music also fits in the level and it`s fun to play. No easy normal and hard mode to bad. Level lenghte is okay.

A cool level here a €-€7.5€-€
[This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

Wow, a old tileset! but a great battle!

The level is nice, the ammo is nice also the caves and hidden powerups. mayby to close to eachother but okey. the carrots ar nice placed. the eyecandy
is great. great really!

I don’t know WHER you get this idea but
its deserves a 9.7!

Download: NOW
Host: Right now


Review by 007

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

about the lvl
Its fun to play in it there are puzzles with triggers I like the cat ideas.
But there are some bugs at the tube.
Backround is nice but blue thunder ;):P
The gameplay is good but there is a bug by the endboss By me devan goes in the wall:P
The enemie place is nice you have choose the good enemies to place.
The layer with that stars is nice to
But why you have use 1MC a jazz in a box.You mispelled this text:§1When jazz was falling:@hmm wher is Devan?@
you forget a e;p

at last
A nice lvl with good music and blablabla
I give it a 7.2


Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crazy Metal Battle
Level rating: 7.1

sigh Am I underrating or rating fairly? I don’t even know anymore. I’m not going to write a long review. I just want to even out the rating.

Eyecandy – Good
What can I say… another Wasteland level. You can’t really make good eyecandy with this tileset (unless you’re MaGoo =P). It’s good enough, anyway. There’s a layer 7, a layer 5 (?), a layer 4, and a layer 3. Good enough.
Gameplay – Bad
Ewww. First of all, there are dead ends. You should never put dead ends in your battle, CTF, or treasure levels unless you have a reason to (and you know what you’re doing). Second of all, the flow is pitiful. There is no trace of any flow here. Third of all, the layout is very confusing, and when you learn it, it seems very small.
Ammo placement – Okay / good
Pretty nice… but is the only carrot in the coin warp? It takes too long to get 10 coins to use the carrot. You should’ve put some +1 carrots in a few places in the level. Two at the most. The coins are placed pretty nicely, and so is the rest of the ammo.
Overall – I’m not writing a long review. Like I said, I’m only reviewing this to even out the rating. This basically has bad gameplay, decent eyecandy, and decent ammo placement.
Download – Maybe.
Host this often – No.

By the way, is it just me, or do the bad levels get higher ratings and more reviews than the good ones do nowadays? It just seems odd that something like this is being given almost the same rating as my Floating Town level got.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

First, I would like to speak a little bit more on my review system.
Very good – The 9-10 range for the category.
Good / very good – 8-9 range for the category.
Good – The 7-8 range for the category.
Okay / good – The 6-7 range for the category.
Okay – The 5-6 range for the category.
Bad/okay – The 4-5 range for the category.
Bad – The 3-4 range for the category.
Very bad / bad – The 2-3 range for the category.
Very bad – The 1-2 range for the category.
I also do NOT average the scores I give out together. I just prefer to go about reviewing in this way.

The review…
Quite impressive.
Eyecandy – Good
Well… I’ll have to admit, DX DC finally has an excuse not to have a classic layer six and seven background here, because you’re on a mountain, which is too high up to be able to see the things that go in layers six and seven. Instead of going at it that way, DX DC uses lightning in the background layers, and a dark background in layer 8. Since the lightning uses the water from the classic Carrotus background, it’s going to look a bit buggy no matter what, but the sight of it looks okay. The timing of the animations is a bit bad, though. It’s not random enough; in other words, you can eventually memorize the pattern of the flashes easilly, and it looks repetitive. Nature is random!! -Disguise. You should look at the lightning from the example levels in the Wartorn set for help on making it look better. It looks decent, though. The rain is pretty well done, although I think you should’ve had one background layer of rain as well as the one foreground layer of rain you already have. The rain is well done enough to not have the, “raining up,” effect that many levels have. This occurs when the Auto-Y and Y Speeds are not perfected. As always, DX DC included lots of eyecandy in layer 3 as well as layer 4, and maybe layer 5 (I’m not positive on layer 5). It looks overall good.
Gameplay – Good
Good gameplay overall. It’s a bit hard at parts, and the part where you have to jump from carrot to carrot annoys me. I also think that you shouldn’t make levels where you have to randomly guess where to buttstomp in order to find something. You should also try to master the art of level transitions, in other words, you shouldn’t make it so when you don’t have an idea on how to make you get from one part of the level to another part that you desperately want in there, you have to use a warp that is randomly placed. These are hard to do, but if you’re able to master how to make them, your levels will be a lot more interesting to play. I find it quite annoying to have to warp so much.
Ammo placement – Okay / good
Overall good ammo placement, although I think the carrots should’ve been spread out more. The part with the spinning maces (I forgot what the event was called as I don’t use these in my levels often) has way, way too many carrots. You should evenly distribute them throughout the level. The food placement isn’t the best, either. The food is randomly places in straight lines a couple tiles above the platform that you stand on, most of the time. The food seems random, too. You might have, for example, a line consisting of a pie, a pretzel, a banana, and a bad of peanuts. It’s good in the long run, though.
Enemy placement – Good
Well, the enemy placement is good, except for the enemies you chose. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen bees on a mountain, especially if it’s pouring rain and there’s lightning. I’m not good at reviewing this area of levels, so I’ll just leave it at that.


Download reccomendation: Sure.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MEZmerized
Level rating: 1.9

Ok, time to review this level.
Gameplay: Very bad. The gameplay is too bad. I think that you already know how to make something better, because this is one of the worst CTF levels. And the springs are bad placed and hurt?! What is that doing in a CTF level?
Eyecandy: Very bad. Too bad because there’s almost nothing, only a background. There were also some animations, but they were ugly too
Pickup placement: It was bad. There were shields and that’s not good. There was almost no ammo, and some full energy carrots randomly placed. This is not a good example of a CTF level.
Others: There were lots of tile bugs
Host this: NO!!
Download: no
I give this a 1.2 because there was a background and some animations, but the rest is bad. Edit: A 1.2 seems to harsh, so I will raise the rating to a 2.[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

Ok, I already reviewed volume 1, but that had only 10 levels, so that was a small review.
Wasteland battles: They were so good with lots of eyecandy in layer 4 and good ammo placement, everything good.
Glacier battles: Also awesome and big. Eyecandy in this levels were awesome too. This is a good example how you can make awesome eyecandy without using many layers.
Rocks battles: Also awesome. All levels were that so I can’t say more about it.
Well you know that all levels were awesome and it’s a big pack, but not enough to get a 10 from me. But still, it’s the best battle pack.
I give it a 9.7

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

Ok, Dx asked to review this, well here it comes.
Gameplay: Good. The gameplay was good, because there were original things. Coins, triggers and the background was original too. That isn’t used before I think.
Eyecandy: Good/Very good. The eyecandy was good/very good. There were lots of things to see here but I have seen more
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. I saw that it was good but almost no ammo. Food placement was very good and carrot placement could be more.
P.S. my reviewing system is not as that of yours.
Very bad is exactly 1.
bad is 1.1-3.
bad/okay is 3.1-5.
okay is 5.1-6.
Good is 6.1-7.
Good/very good is 7.1-8.5.
Very good is 8.6-10.
It’s a strange system, but it’s also a experiment.
7.5+8+7.6:3= exactly 7.7[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

cooba i stopped the tempel episode for a while.

Yay Lababratkid give’s a download r.!

;p[This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2


Level is alluring, these mysterious music and layout. About the BG, the idea with blinking black is innovation, but the light blue blocks (probably water)that appears sometimes, looks like CRAP. Also too less eyecandy tiles. So some points get removed.

Originality – sometimes yep. The moment with cats and and the Coin Bunny aka Bonus Bunny. Cats appears from nowhere, teleports you to other locations, hang you to the way up and open doors. BTW I wasn’t opened door at start due to I can’t get the pumpkin. Pity. Coin Bunny send you to cavern, which is actually filled with Tuffs (is it a cruelity of Bonus Bunny, or just he forgot?). What the Bonus Bunnies does. A strong point of this level.

Music – fits. No comments more.

Level is interesting but I am sad that level finishes too fast. Not that it’s too short. I’ve just a some fun hunger. Yep, that’s a stoopid name. Tisk tisk.

No death pits as in other levels. So I am happy. (But you did rip that strange sign that makes text a more narrow by the way :P) So happy that I give you extra point.


Your levels become more cool, DX. If a Tempel Episode II (you’re always spelling Temple bad) is done with levels like this or better I’ll give it a 9. Or even 10. You didn’t never receive a deserved 10, huh? So prepare for bitnumber strike. Hahahahahahaha.

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crazy Metal Battle
Level rating: 7.1

Well lets start

The eyecandy is nice again. pretty basic on wasteland
but great! This is reallly yor best
Battle. Ammo is good placed
also coins.
you get the seeker and full Enrgy when you collected 10
coins. nice!
The gameplay is nice. i told
it was broing… but now its much better!

Forgrond and background is nice used.
Ammo /Good
Food /N/a (DUH)

a 8 from me.

Overrated? NO!
its nice

Host:yes ( not everyday ;p )


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