What Toni said. This is deffinetly one of the examples of the new possibilities JJ2+ brings!
This is very good!
It’s a very nice level! Congartulations! ;D
The Freezes are probably the coolest thing I’ve seen in a streetfight level… Not to mention the oranges…
I usually switch off at street fights but this was pretty cool.
A small level with a simple yet solid layout that is pretty fun to play. The float ups, while an interesting concept and work in the context of the tileset choice are annoying at first but can be adapted to. This level can be quite chaotic due to the open layout with few safe areas. However, this is less of an issue in smaller games. Give it a go!
EDIT 30th April 2020 I wanted to come back to this as well to try to try to justify my rating a bit more.
What probably stands out the most in this level is the bird cage, which is a rare find in multiplayer levels these days. The tunnel layout lets you utilize them in an interesting way, The powerup choices also work well with the layout and I like how all of them are relatively evenely spaced out from the center of the level. Not a huge fan of the eyecandy, but it’s not distracting. If I recall correctly the contest did not have much emphasis on eyecandy, so that’s okay.
While not DS’ best CTF level, it’s still a good effort. The level has a solid layout and is appealing visually, even if slightly on the monochrome side. Not sure if I’m keen on the cramped Full NRG area, but at least there’s two 2 +1s to balance things out. Maybe more could’ve been done with the background too.
A very good and also original level by PurpleJazz. It uses a tileset that is really limited, but he made a really good theme out of it with fitting eye candy. The layout is pretty unusual, but very good. The level should play well in small team games, not sure about JDC events. Also, really nice script and level name (xP)
Download recommended.
EDIT 30th April 2020 – My opinion on the map has changed a bit, but it’s mostly still pretty good. Despite what I said in my old review, this wouldn’t be something I’d use in a duel tournament. Though, there’s no use in me judging the level by requirements from a contest that ended years ago. It’s still overall a very good battle with good powerup and carrot placement. You capture the classic levelmaking style very well with this level and improve on it.
Jelly Jam’s ODT entry!
First of all Jelly Jam, don’t be to harsh on yourself! I get what you are trying to do with this level. You need to climb towers by jumping on springs boosting yourself up. Trying to have a vertical gameplay instead of the 10.000 horizontal based levels.
Level has for duels/2on2’s enough power ups, enough carrots, plenty of ammo to go around. The gameplay feels fast and has some what of a nice flow to it. Seekers will be a complete pain in the bunny butt during some intensive battles.
But there are 2 major flaws in the design. It’s the 2 huge dead ends. You cannot escape it on any way, if you accidentally end up in 1 of the 2 deadends you will be completely rekt. If you look at the design you hoped that Jelly Jam would have made a small tunnel from the left side to the right side. This would have solved the issue and brings a little more dynamic to the level.
Eyecandy isn’t important since it’s made for ODT, however.. ugh, it barely has any. It is blunt and boring. Absolutely no use of layers.
Anyway, keep on JCSing, you have some original ideas in mind and if you put a bit more attention for detail in a level and try to experiment with eyecandy.. I think you can come pretty far. Please do not be dis-encouraged with building levels!
Tilesets like these are fun in 1998.
First glimpse of this tileset is, colorful and happy. You can clearly see that some parts are hand drawn. Some tiles been borrowed from Nick Stadler’s tilesets but most are original made. I really like the countless of bunnies and that some are even animated!
This tileset is screaming for a single player level.. perhaps for an episode that is story heavy. I mean, there are so many bunnies, you can use them for small dialogs, which is perfect for story telling. The tileset can be used for multiplayer things like.. hotel levels, remember them 90’s and early 00’s Jazz Jackrabbit players?
What this tileset lacks is a proper use of layer 1 and 2. zapS, went the easy way by using rain for the first layers, which is sad..it limits the possibility for some nifty eyecandy.
I do honestly believe that zapS does have some love and put some passion in the tileset. You can make some decent levels out of it, but don’t expect to much out of it.
I wouldn’t download this and build any level out of it. Pretty much impossible to build a level with this, it is way to simple.
Castle bunnies for life – This level has good gameplay, I like the concept and theme but I dislike the ammo placement and that you don’t have ceiling. It could be buggy sometimes. I give it 7.7
Hell’s foundery – Better level than castle, but again you don’t have ceiling. I give it 8.7.
Average rate is 8.2
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.