The whole level
is a bug.
i mean ther ar many
bugs in the level
Stupid things
okey i get 22187129821912 times
get stuck!
i did’t play the whole level i got stuck
and i preesed alt+f4.
i agree with lol ….. but
the review will be removed ;p
here a 1.0 i can’t rate lower.
if i can i give it a 0.2
well… I have no idea.[This review has been edited by dx dc]
Wow, lotta conversions uploaded this week O.o;. Time for a short review:
Orbitus has a hell of a lot of animations, it doesn’t look THAT hard to use, but I could be wrong. There are even stumps for the carrotus and jungle poles added, yay! Lots of tiles to use, and looks like it can make a promising level. Plus Violet says the pinball and snow will work, and the poles will look weird but work, yay!
Doesn’t look as good as orbitus, but it looks as if everything is included. The animations are OK, some more detail could of been added to the destruct (I like that the numbers look line the ones on my digital clock and vcr. There should of been belts included here (unless those silver animated platforms are suppose to represent belts). The BG doesn’t look that good, and not that much of a color variety. Poles are suppose to work, except for the psych pole, at least thats what violet says.
Lagunicus: I liked this the best mostly because its like the beach tileset except it can get really dark underwater, and that owns. I love this set. Pinball is all suppose to work, brown snow just isn’t right, and the poles are suppose to work (except Psych) but “Some things look weird”. Also, on a side note, good job on the example level =D!!111111!!1 (no I’m not rating the example levels, stups)
Overall I would probably build a level with each of them sometime, especially lagunicus.
Ratings: Orbitus: 9
Lagunicus: 9.7
Megairbase: 8
Overall: 8.9, rounded up to 9. Good Job and download reccomendation, and apologies for the short review (I’ll extend it sometime, seriously, WHY WONT U BELEIVE ME OMG =(!11)
Really awful. For some reason, I have this gut feeling that you are the user, “Pete,” who uploaded two race levels yesterday.
Okay, first level…
Eyecandy – Very bad
Just awful… most of the tiles don’t go together, there is nothing in the background, the rain goes too fast, the water blocks don’t use layer 3 (or the water block event), there is no textured background, there is a pole tile thrown down in a place that it doesn’t belong in for an unknown reason, the ground tiles are used incorrectly, there is no layer 3 in front of the trees that you can go in, etc.
Gameplay – Very bad
I can’t even tell you how dull this is. Jazz and Lori can’t even beat it.
Ammo placement – Very bad
Too poorly played boxes of ice.
Overall – Very bad
Really, really sad.
Level 2…
There’s no exit. Wow. I won’t review this, in that case.
-1.0 for this.
Level 3…
If there is an exit, I never found it, so I’m not reviewing this one either.
I also fail to see why you think Disguise is Agama and vice-versa. Agama is a girl from Czech. Disguise is a boy from…. umm, Notczech! (somewhere in Europe).
This doesn’t seem as amazing as it seemed when I first recieved it from Violet to make the example levels because I’ve seen so much of Noka’s stuff lately. I’ll pretend I’m reviewing this one week in the past so I’m only comparing it to CelL’s conversions and the other JJ1 conversions.
Yay. I like this tileset a lot. ;D Everything is here. Nothing is missing. The only thing that is missing is a green version of the tiles on 6, 16 and 6, 18. The green versions were never used in the levels, but they are in the tileset, revealed by using Project that (J1CS). They’re rather ugly, Violet explained, and they are not used anyway, so that’s why they are not there. As for the masking, everything is great except for the tank. It’s not as smooth as you’d want it to be. As for the rest, the conversion is good and complete.
Good conversion, but the masking gets annoying with the slopes. You’ll know what I mean when you try to use the tileset. =P Violet took an extra step and included not only the tiles as they should look, but the tiles as they look when they are underwater in JJ1! You can make different levels of darkness without using ambient lighting – it’s completely tile controlled. You can have it be light, dark, darker, or really dark. You can see different levels of light in the example level. What I don’t like is the destruct block with the seastar on it. The black edges on it are too thick, IMO. Anyway, the conversion is overall good.
Ah, the nightmares I had making the example level. This tileset is a pain to use. Not that it’s Violet’s fault, though… it’s just very tough to use. There are tons of animations in the set, and they all take a long, long time to put together. Moving on to the masking, I’m not too fond of this either. Tile 2, 4 could’ve been made a lot smoother, first of all. I also don’t know why the ceiling tiles on 2, 25 had to stay jagged like that. I would’ve smoothed them out, since the grooves are too small to make a difference. They only make it easier to get stuck in. The conversions are nice, though. Nothing is missing.
I’m not in the mood for a long review, since JelZe’s review told all most all you really need to know.
Download reccomendation – Yes
Build with this – After the nightmares I had with Orbitus, no. =P I’ll use Lagunicus and Megairbase, though.
I would give this 8.7 if I was comparing it to Noka’s work, but 9.0 should do since I’m trying not to compare.
Never mind about that rough edge in Orbitus on 2, 4. Violet corrected it before my review was done. (I told him about it. I = special ;o ;o ;o)[This review has been edited by labratkid]
OMG here is my review!!
Fine!!! There are no tilebugs and a good background and foreground.
Ammo placement:
Fine!!! There is ammo in the level not much though.
BAD!!! It`s annoying all those springs suckertube`s and h-poles. It still fells like a race level you can`t call this a battle. O Warps weird placed to.
I agree with Labrat kid that it is difficult to go where i wan`t to go.
Remove al those annoying springs and make the layout better than it`s a pretty good battle. A 5.2
well i don’t overrated…
well the eyecandy is very good.
nice layers used and nice background
and forground layers used!
Well i None! Bravo!
yeah mayby some others will find
Ammo placed
Its not very much. but its okey.
you must putt
powerups on special places. or
with a coin warp….
Nope not one of them…
hmmm i give it a 6.8->7.0
Final Rating
Better then yor old one’s :D!
OK, I set my score to 10 and it’s time to rate.
First, it is a mod of “Hit the Ball” in GameMaker 4. (takes off 5 here) The bg is good, (6) but the border is still ugly. (-2) (6-2=4) and nothing new has been added. (4-2=2) After all this is just a hack, so I suggest you make your own games instead of making modifications. My final rating is 2.
it is my first BUHHUUU im not good(have to fix those bugs anyone got a bug spray???)
okey lets started with it.
One thingie:WHY!?
WOW a new record of bugs.
rain go’s up?!!!
buggy tree’s abd its ugly.
the racé’s ar bad sorry
Ahum… the eyecandy brake’s? OMG!
thats new:P
the eyecandy is kindy bad.. mayby
more plants and more
Nope no ammo oeps
Well its overall very buggy and ugly ( get it? UGLY BUGY! :P )
here a 4.2[This review has been edited by dx dc][This review has been edited by dx dc]
Ok… this I gotta see: three conversions in one. No wonder Violet hasn’t uploaded anything in ages (and the fact he’s an admin now)
Ok, three tilesets in one zip = three seperate reviews = one long review. I’ll start with Megairbae, then Lagunicus and lest best Orbitus.
Mega Airbase
(Note: yet again, Violet used the wrong music file for the example: Song10.s3m is Crysilis, Song16.s3m is Megairbase. Does he even test the music?)
Conversion Completeness:
As always, Violet didn’t miss a tile of Megairbase. He even managed to find that blue block that was only in the boss level. And much to my surprise he put in the rare animations: those thin lighted platfroms, and that square block like thingie? Good job.
Smooooooooooth. Need I say more? Ok, only one smal hidden message. Need I say even more?
Added Extras:
No conversion is complete without added extras, and they’re present, as always with Violet: destructible block, sucker tubes, arrow shaped poles, vines, the usual stuff. Violet also added a new background (enlarged version of the original, and it shows: very pixelated), those big missles (in the background of the example), JJ1 signs and even that Devan boss tank. That’s all :)
Conversion Completeness:
As always, nothing missing. I should remind you that Lagunicus has two sets of colors: the light ones for the surface and the dark one for underwater.
No bumps, no problems. One smal message announcement an upcoming episode.
Added extras:
You can guess what extras are put in, so I’m not gonna bother putting them all in. They’re both in a light colored version, and a dark one (except for the standard Textured background) so it’s your pick :P The water gradient isn’t working at 100% (I’d say 90 to 95), but big worries: the color don’t go hay-wire :P
Conversion Completeness:
As always, nothing missing, even the many aminations are there. Orbitus has two different layer 4 walls: horizontal and vertical and each relevant tile has both :P
Not again… Ok, no bumps, just smooth. One message: it seems this conversion is made for BlurrED as prize for a contest. :)
Added Extras:
I’m starting to regret this…Ok, the usuall extras are there, even a new textured background and an enemy: a static Beholder (cyclops thingie). Take in that BlurrED sprite, and pole standards, and I’m done phew. And don’t worry about those bouncy walls: Violet found a way to make them work in JJ2. Just read the readme.
Verdict (finally!):
These are conversions you must have. These planets had the least chance of getting converted (Lagunicus and Megairbase being the least appealing and Orbitus being too hard with all the animations). One thing tho: I suggest you all read the readme. Violet put in some extra info about what works in the set and what doesn’t (like poles and snow). Definitely recommended for the JJ1 tileset collector.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
P.S. Just to let you know: of all 30 planets of JJ1 (9 × 3 + 3 = 30) Turtemple has not been converted at all, or at least at an adequate level. Who will be the first to convert it? ;)[This review has been edited by JelZe]
Here is my review:
It don’t works by me.
Geez DX. Don’t you know that a rating above 6 is actually a good rating? It’s not a bad rating at all you un1337 foo! :P
I gave the lowest rating because:
1. I hate the fact that the music is dull.
2. It’s all the same tilesets.
3. It’s all the same thing, same puzzles, no climax. Blah.
However, it’s a good pack. Lots of good gameplay. It doesn’t really appeal to me though.[This review has been edited by Cazz NP]
Okay, it was possible I’d rate a -1,000,000,000.
I can’t load the second level. -5
(No bashing. You recieve a subwarning.-Violet)
Your booby traps weren’t thought out well and too easy to figure out. There’s no FUN to it.
Pros: Um, what pros?
Cons: (WAY too long! You crashed IE for half the members! You recive a warning.-Violet)
You didn’t think it out well, the backgrounds are screwed up.
Overall pros: Huh?
Note: The Warnings and banning were fake!
You get a 1 (IT DOESN’T GO ANY LOWER!)
Tihs lvl si teh suX0rz[This review has been edited by Cazz NP]
OK, I’ve set my score to 10, and now it’s time for a review.
Intro Level:
Eh, pretty basic. You have to run to the end of a Carrotus lvl to reach the interlude when you can decide to save & quit or continue. Enemies abound in many places so watch out. (deduct to 9.7) The music is: The Voice. I think that the music REALLY suited this lvl.
Interlude Level:
You just are in a small box using DiamondusJJ2 1 and it tells you to either save, quit, or continue. You are also allowed to start from the interlude level in the Home Cooked Levels. Music: Star Reach Menu (short), which is hard to hear. Ehh, nothing to be upset about.
First Jungle Level:
Well, here we go. Obviously some flaws here. Starting with the intro log, once you watch intro and drop into main area, you’ll see flaw 1. How it’s found: Jump into the intro log. You’ll see the same text again and drop into the house. So, just venture on over to the gate. Here is where it suffers a BIIG design flaw: you must be Spaz to pass, otherwise you will need to use jjmorph or jjfly to get over it. (Deducted to 9.2) Music: Helmet Shake.
Second Jungle Level: Surely a pain in the butt when using Jazz or Lori, because you must double-jump to get up through the tree part. Afterwards, you’ll get over to a giant fort. Watch the edge or you’re gonna go back to the tree area, which the author decided to make a small I-candy error along with a design flaw. If you stand on where the sucker tube is Jazz’s foot will go into the ground, and if you stand directly on TOP of the sucker tube you’ll keep getting blown upwards. Ehh, on to the base lvl. Music: Empty Forest.
Base Level:
This is a cutscene. You go down a Mez03 level in a sucker tube and the narroration explains that their leader (Devan ofcourse) brainwashes you. Once you watch it, you’ll see the next level and your first mission: destroy a rabbit tribe. Music: Cracking Ice.
Carrotus Level:
When you’re walking along you’ll soon run into collapse scenery and fall into an area with a bunch of Eva events. hehe, just don’t morph into a frog!
You’ll have to speak to one of them to open up a box in the top area. You’ll then be warped up to start, and you’ll have to walk into where all the enemies are to get onto the next level! Music: Introspection.
Spaceship Level:
This is a cutscene. You’ll just find out that the village that you visited earlier had been completely destroyed, Eva events and all. :-P Your next objective is to go onto Devan’s space station. “Eat at Joe’s” will appear early in the movie. (up to 9.5) Music: Distort.
Mez03 1:
You’ll find out that the crew’s gone off-duty. Go ahead to the restricted area, but don’t bother finding triggers. The start area can leave you scratching your head for a while so find the ventilation grate and stomp it. Afterwards, you’ll get the message, “What would any spaceship self-destruct sequence be without ventilation shafts?” (lol, 9.7) Afterwards you’ll see a bunch of computers. Go upwards, and you’ll see an, err, “nice surprise” when you turn on the self-destruct. (enemies, of course :) Next, you’ll run past the main reactor which looks cool. :) Music: Access Granted.
Mez03 2:
This is a cutscene. The name is a little rude so I won’t say it. :O Anyway, it just shows you being sucked around (and you control ofcourse), and after being sucked around for a while, kick back and relax 2 minutes while you watch Spaz fall to the ground. (back to 9.5!) Then you see the finale. Music: Water, which is a rip-off of the NES Metroid title theme. :)
Ending Level:
This is a cutscene, which you can also see in RHG: The fortress. You’ll see the station blow up, and yourself zipping down in a small ship. Afterwards, you’ll land inside a small area, level complete. As a prize for finishing Another Story, “Fatal Application Error – Could not find level or tileset for ‘.j2l’.” Well well! (to 9) Music: The Nightrunner.
This is a pretty good level. Download it or I will summon a swarm of flying monkeys to attack you.
(just kidding! :-)
Wow!, nice battle lvl Satan!!
The rain is irritating, but I won’t count it from the rating! Lucky you!
P.S. It would be nicer if you put a golden coin in it, becouse you fighting around, but you must fight(it looks like 15minutes!)very long untill you can going in the warp!But here’s the rest of review!
-Great eyecandy
-Some coins(place more coin in lvl)
-Nice weapon placemend
-coins warp
OvErAlL:Small but Great lvl!
I give it an 8!!
This review has been edited by WadledeeAnother great conversion by NOKA. Let’s review it, shall we?
Ceramicus was the most sucky planet in JJ1. I didn’t enjoy playing it’s levels, nor did I like the way it looks. But against all that, NOKA has decided to convert this tileset. Well, it was already converted once by CelL, but he did only the basic stuff and even that wasn’t too good (the colors were a bit strange). What he did would be a shame, BUT he managed to make it great thanks to all the additional tiles! He has made a sky (maybe this changes the look of planet, but you can also use the original background), a background eyecandy (very good, but one of the vase colors must have gone invisible so that it has a color of the grey ground) and has made the furthest background layer 4 compatible. He also made all the JJ2 event stuff – poles, hooks, blocks and many more. We can also see some nice bonuses, like the “Now approaching” (keep it up!) or the JJ1 in-game bar.
The masks once again are perfect – you can only get stuck if you really want to. All the added stuff is also greatly masked. I did not search for hidden mask texts, but they never change my ratings, so don’t mind.
This conversion is a R0X0R. If you convert a planet that really needs it, for example, Fanolint (you all expected me to say that, didn’t you? :D), and you do it the same way as you did with Ceramicus, you’ll get a 10 from me and I will start a new NOKA religion. So thumbsup for NOKA!
I hope this is going to be a fun review. Lol.
race to evil
Gameplay: The gameplay is very bad. The level is not a real race because with that traps it can take a long time.
Eyecandy: There was something, but it was very strange and the tiles were randomly placed
Pickup placement: there was none here. Only a gold coin. So I can’t say much about it only that it sux.
the money room is waiting
Gameplay: Still very bad. No good thing about it so nothing else to say.
Eyecandy: I liked it (not). That very strange tiles on the backgrounds. At least there was a background here so that means this is better.
Pickup placement: Still no pickups only some gold coins.
Host one of this levels: No.
Download: no.
I think that you all know what the rating is that I am going to give: 1.
Well, a remix of Technoir. I must say I really like the official Technoir music. But I don’t like this. Most of it sounds really out of place and freaky. Too freaky for me (and I hear much of freaky things). Sry, try again.
PROS: you can hear the official technoir melody (that’s rare in 2003)
CONS: too freaky for my opinion, too slow
PHT[This review has been edited by PHT]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.