Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis (1.23 version)
Level rating: 9.1

Why does a female dominant race suck? Those girls use the nature as their clothed, have a visit in fall.

Review by Unhit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis (1.23 version)
Level rating: 9.1

Pink masks=gosu

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis (1.23 version)
Level rating: 9.1


1-not better then the old whan :’(
3-nice tiles
5-good ex-level(s)

i give this a 9.

Review by Amstel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 7.2

Originally posted by Martijn_haan:
Dx this was to hard

to hard do you hear me? TO HARD!

oke here is my first review:

i must say this was the hardest level ever made but oke, you must never do this again.

i give this level a 9.5

good ammo placed only not very much.


With this coment you cant give this 9.5!


Now me review :

Hard, to hard to short,
This is to hard to play
Simple made in any minuts.
A 9.5 is to hard a 7.0 is better.[This review has been edited by Amstel]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Familiar World
Level rating: 7.5

Good eyecandy
nice story
good ammo placed
good food placed

Very good cooba

a 7.7![This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by the real one Bjarni

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 7.2

dx dc, you much understand that you have TSF, you can’t make 1.23, you much understand that, you just much!

Review by Vegito

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dx dc UGLY tests
Level rating: 1

I gave it an 1! I wanted a 0 but i couldn’t do that ;’( LOL it is a ugly test jah

Review by Vegito

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ðx Høtél
Level rating: 6.3

Hmm.. its samll, but i don’t see bugs… I gave it an 7

Review by Vegito

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: vegito hotel
Level rating: 7.2

I update it now… There are more coins in it, and I gave it music almost everybody can hear… Hope ya like it now, BTW,k i can host again >), and i included the tileset in it… what bugs can you detect more?? nothing i guess…[This review has been edited by vegito]

Review by Vegito

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

I gave it an 9.7 Its a very cool prog. only 1 problem, it works only 1 time at my comp, and then.. IT CRASHT :’(
But it will help many peoples.. Like stealth kick, its very usefull,,,

Review by martijn_haan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 7.2

Dx this was to hard

to hard do you hear me? TO HARD!

oke here is my first review:

i must say this was the hardest level ever made but oke, you must never do this again.

i give this level a 9.5

good ammo placed only not very much.


(Suspicious rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Vegito

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 7.2

It is a good but an hard lvl… WARN YOU.. Don’t fall in the lava, or your death… Real death :P, but i think its a good lvl, only very very hard… I were almost at the end when i died :’( So i know what to do… It is a good lvl… gave it an 9.5

(Rating removal. Please provide a longer, more sense-making review. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 7.2


SORRY! LSdx2! The level will crash.

If you whant to fix it lissen: OPEN THE LEVEL: THEN GO TO LEVEL PROPETIES AND THEN next level: endepi!

then you fixt it by yorself :P


[This review has been edited by dx dc]


Tolt you martijn! Its hard, mayby i dont make EVER again such a hard level like this whan :P



Its hard i know vegito

___________________________[This review has been edited by dx dc]

WOOOOOOPS! i forgot to set it 1.24! SORRY!


If this level wasent enough for you.

you can make the level harder.

1-play as spazz
2-dont use ammo.


Use ammo!
dont die!:P
shoot the enimies
you must fallow the springs…..


[This review has been edited by dx dc]

AMSTEL! easy to make?

it took me 2 days to make.

and finding out abput the springs!!!!!!!!!!

[This review has been edited by dx dc]

(Enormous horizontal line removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Amstel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Winter Thunderland
Level rating: 7.6

Darn i wont rate Music, but i must, cuz this is my favorit one (forgot NWcryst =D)

This is a nice one, but, make a harder beat from boom boom boom!!! thats cuz i like hardcore make the beat harder and i give a higher rating!

Review by Gecko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Winter Thunderland
Level rating: 7.6

I’d Say this Music is cool, now we just need a tileset for it…….

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Amstel CTF time
Level rating: 5.9

Late CTF Level Review Number 12: Amstel CTF time

(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)


This level isn’t incredibly unbalanced, but it is small. It takes me only a few seconds to run base to base. This level also suffers from a few of the typical first level mistakes: bad spring placement, Spaz-bias, and borderless edges. Actually, the spring placement isn’t too bad; it just needs work in a few places. However, the layout is still much easier for Spaz to get around than for Jazz (since Spaz can double jump, of course). Also, the missing borders around the edges of the level are a big problem since this can allow for the flag bug to occur. I advise adding two tiles (three tiles recommended) to prevent this from ever happening. The only other major problems that need fixing are the few small dead-ends and pointless areas around the level.


The eye candy in this level isn’t great. There are a few tiling errors here and there. More variety in tiles (as with the ground tiles) should have been used. And worst of all, there isn’t much of a background; there’s just a textured background to stare at while playing.


There’s just a +1 carrot near the top middle (slightly closer to the red base). I suggest using one full energy carrot (or two on some occasions). And always try to make the carrot the same distance from each base. Ammo isn’t placed evenly much at all. Some places need more while others need less. Moving around some of the clumps of ammo would help. As for powerup placement, there’s just a blaster powerup which is much closer to the Red base than it is to the Blue base.


No, but not too bad for a first level. This is a 5.7, but keep trying.

PS: To make better CTF levels, one must player many CTF levels.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Floating Town (reupload)
Level rating: 7.8

Late CTF Level Review Number 11: Floating Town

(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)


This level seems to be better compared to the last time I saw it. It has a lot of platforms, especially near the top, but the flow is nice so I don’t mind. Base placement is questionable, even though I can see some effort was used to make the level more balanced. It’s still much easier to attack Red base than it is to attack Blue base since the Red base is in a much more open area. In fact, I don’t like that entire empty area right above the Red base. I also don’t see the point for that Float Up event near the bouncer powerup. That event might as well be removed.


While the tileset used isn’t loaded with eye candy tiles, it does have a nice variety of tiles. The large solid bricks weren’t even used at all. This is the kind of tileset that requires eye candy to be one of the things added first, so I can see why eye candy was such a problem. But still, the eye candy could have been improvised. Anyway, the eye candy in this level is more or less average.


The full energy carrot is placed alright, along with the three powerups. Ammo placement is decent, although it could have been distributed slightly better. For example, there seems to be too much ammo around the bouncer powerup. And maybe there should have been less pepper spray on the left side of the level. That’s all I have to say.


Maybe on several occasions, but not too often. This level looks like it’s worth around a 7.5 or something.

PS: Towns were never meant to float. And this level loops to another level I don’t have.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Some CTF level.
Level rating: 8.1

Late CTF Level Review Number 10: The Junkyard

(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)


So far, this is the best level I’m reviewing in a long while. The layout is balanced for the most part, and it has decent flow. The only thing bad about it is I got stuck apparently where Labrat Kid did, but it only happened once and it seems avoidable. Extra one ways should have been added in any case.


I suppose the eye candy is average (I never played JJ1 so I can’t tell for sure). What I can tell is that this level looks a little dull compared to the levels CelL and Violet made. But overall, it’s good eye candy.


The full energy carrot and the +1 carrot are placed in the middle, so no complaints there. The ammo and the powerups are also placed well enough, so I won’t mention anything specific.


Every now and then. This was a nice lazy review. I’ll give this a 7.7 for the time being.

PS: Some guy named “necros” made the “Grey Void” music. And no, not necros(FM). It’s all in the comments section of the mod file.

The Edit: Okay, so maybe an eight.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrot Chase CTF
Level rating: 6.4

Late CTF Level Review Number 09: Carrot Chase CTF

(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)


This level has all of the things I now have come to expect: dead-ends, pointless areas, bad spring placement, lack of balance, not much flow, and annoying obstacles. Base placement could be a little better (mainly in surroundings, that is). And to my dismay, there are missing borders at the top. I don’t know why, but it’s missing.


It’s average in some places while horrible in others. There are more tiling errors, so basically not much has changed since the last level.


The full energy carrot is sort of in between the bases, so that’s almost good enough. Ammo placement is as bad as ever and powerup placement needs work as well.


No. My rating is 5.5, so there you go.

PS: This review probably means nothing to you, but that’s OK. I like typing for fun. If you actually do care, read all of my reviews twice and see where your faults are.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Persian CTF
Level rating: 5

Late CTF Level Review Number 08: Persian CTF OMB

(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)


I had low prospects after seeing how small this level was. Small and boring. I can’t really say too much about the balance, the flow, or the base placement, but the small size and the simple layout is enough to make this level no good. Actually, I can say a few things about the balance: the level should have been completely symmetrical. Since it’s not, it’s easier to climb up on the right side with the vines than on the left side with the palm trees. On second examination, it looks like the entire middle area of this level should be moved a few tiles to the left. I also don’t like the sudden pause in the tube. Slow tubes would have just been enough. And maybe there should be more coins required to use the coin warp. Or maybe those two coins should just be moved to opposite sides of the level or something like that. To conclude, this is basically the kind of level I could have made in less than five minutes.


The eye candy has to be as boring as it could possibly get without actually being horrible. On second thought, the eye candy isn’t any good at all. Barely any tile variety is to be seen. The background is completely missing aside from the textured BG. This level also has its share of tiling errors. Make an attempt to add good eye candy next time.


Seeing that there is a full energy carrot accessible through the warp, I’m not going to say anything bad about this. On the other hand, I will complain about the horrendous ammo and powerup placement. It’s all either near one of the bases or near the coin warp. This leaves the bottom left and right completely empty of anything whatsoever. How fun. I could also question Blaster powerup vs. Toaster powerup, but this level is bad enough so I’ll just stop here.


I doubt anyone would anyway. 5.2 so try again.

PS: I don’t know if you’re actually trying to make good CTF levels or if you’re just trying to lower your average level rating. Use more effort in the near future. And this is TSF and it doesn’t use the Beach tileset, BTW.

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