Review by niek

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Deluxe
Level rating: 8.8

My review,

1: colors
the colors are cool and 3d liked,
Realy deluxe.: 8.5

2: tiles
Cool 3d hotel tiles like people
and walls and Sofa’s.: 9.0

3: big/small
This is a big tileset, and
all the tiles are filled.: 8.5

4: animation
Nice animation’s like water drips,
But not very long one’s.: 7.5

5: The ratin.: a 9.5

Download it: Yes !

[This review has been edited by niek]

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1

Not realy bad for your first try.

This level haves a good eyecandy and a good layout. I miss only one thing, the end boss, i hope it is in your next level. Downloading reccomination : yes

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1

It’s nice. It’s some faults with eyecandy and enemy placement, but overall is very good. Why you don’t use textured BG? Also i HAVE the music and i like this one. Good job.

Review by 007

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1

Really your first
i can see that..

at the start:
A lot of flowers dont do that.
the food is good there
enemies nice place

The middle=nice but strange

the end

you must get money for a bonus and you get food?
There are some jazz undfriendly thingies
and a chuck thats nice.
but why a morph?
and put a boss at last
more fun
for your firs SP a 6.7

Review by niek

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1

Here is my review.

1: Gameplay
the gameplay is good,
good events are placed,
ammo food enemy’s
but there are many bugs. 5.7

2: Music,
No music in the level: 0.0

3: Replay
Good replay,
For 10 times ect: 5

4: Graphics
Good, but it shoult be better.
( the bugs of course): 4.5

5: The rating: 6.7

6: Download it: Hmmm Yes

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1

Your first try? Really?

Nice BG eyecandy, with the trees and rivers and stuff like that, but it lacks on the sprite layers. Some platforms aren’t done, some vines stop in nothing. It’s simple to fix, but watch out for things like that if you make a level.

Great. You’ll have fun and you can choose many paths, so if you play this level five times, you’ve finally seen all things. The only bad thing is the end, I don’t see any end area’s or a boss. Did you forget the “Activate Boss”-event? There are many secrets, and it’s hard toy find them. Sadly, perhaps there are too many Sign Points so it’s a bit easy.

The enemies ae great placed. Not too many of the same, and so that you have to evade them very quickly, like a Dragon Fly above a spring that you must use and things like that. Not only the enemies are well-placed, anyway. The weapons, coins and food is crazy placed all over the place, what makes it fun. Like I said before, too many sign points, which makes it easy.

A great “first try”. It lacks eyecandy, but it0s a fun level. Download this right now. Don’t do it tomorrow.

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phantasmic
Level rating: 7.1


1-good ammo placed.
2-good food placed.
3-i found some bugs.
5-good-bad eyecandy!

its GREAT for yor first level!
Its mayby better with a boss!

i give this a 7.

good job Hardtana!

Review by Bjossi

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Small easter level
Level rating: 4.6

Personally, I like death traps. They make you die in this game, which never happens to me. :P

I can´t review sinse I´m using version 1.23.

Review by cooba

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: What rabbit swiming fastest?
Level rating: 1.2

This good idea has been presented in mega-dumbest level than i see. No springs, no poles, only freeze ammo and some crabs. The eyecandy is horrible (since it doesn’t exist)

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Persian CTF
Level rating: 5

Again a CTF level.

One base with a blaster power up with tree’s and one base with seekers and vines!? for the red team its much easyer to score, blue must go on the tree’s and score so… its not even, and its to small, i think you must next time much harder to get a 8 or higher. ah 4.5.

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Persian CTF
Level rating: 5

This is TSF. Not 1.23. Not 1.23. TSF. (-1.0)

Horrible. No BG eyecandy, only the same brown or nothing. Bah.

Bad. There is a stupid bonus of 10 coins with two golden coins surrounding it. It’s in the wall, and if you warp, you choose for red or blue base. You can quicker run to it, it’s a tiny level and not orginal. Only *.

Hmm. Just Night. Not very good.

Great! For the 6 events that are in here.

Overall: A 5.5 (-1.0). This level is really boring and you should not download this if you don’t like tiny levels. You can do better, Winner.

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Persian CTF
Level rating: 5

1-good/bad ammo placed
2-good for a duel level
3-small :(
4-hmmmmm base placed…….. bad/okey
5-Tileset use: good


i give this a 5.7[This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Deluxe
Level rating: 8.8


Sadly, this is the weak point of the tileset. There isn’t background eyecandy. The details are shocking, like a jazz running through Battle 1 on a TV and some penguins. But overall, I hope this will be better in a (perhaps) next version.

The masking is OK, but you can’t sit in the bath or something like that. Further there’s nothing to say about the mask.

Again, great, but it reminds me of Hotel Dream, because of the same tiles again and again used with different background. Because you haven’t made any background eyecandy, you should make the wallpapers one tile and you can use layer 5 or 6 for wallpapers. If you delete the background again again and then put something new, it would be a lot better.

Overall: Not better than the earlier tilesets, but a nice one. I hope more versions of this, with better masking and background eyecandy. Download this.

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battle1val
Level rating: 2.3

dont make covenvendors of orginal levels! make some orginal!

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrottus of the flag
Level rating: 5.8

Hmm to big! its to hard to get by the other flag, to much blocks, you cant run this isnt nice but the layout is avarage maybe funny to play with much ppl, a 6.7

Review by Lutijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evilville
Level rating: 7.4

This is a nice level with a good layout. Next time dont push a password its not 1.23 so i cant use TECJCS but now i have see it its a nice level, about the secret :P thats not need in a SP level, good job!

Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Deluxe
Level rating: 8.8

It’s best hotel tileset. Yes. But it can be much, much better. One hotel has cool graphic, second has lot of things… What about mix? It WILL much better!

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Deluxe
Level rating: 8.8

I LOVE THIS TILESET. Firstly, I just love the detail. Those red carpet rolls on the stairs, the TV where jazz runs through a castle level, the penguins etc. This is just great. Now, the coloring, it couln’t have suprised me more. First thing that really caught my attention was the roofs. They look like the ones from Hotel Dream, but they are a nice shade of green and they are just good to look at. The brick tiles look so textured and detailed, its just awesome. Though I already mentioned it, the stairs are nicely done. There are also some backround bricks added in and some spiffular doors. There is also some nice creamy white backround tiles which are just great to look at. There are also green and white bg brick tiles which remind me from the blue and white ones from hotel Dream. The stairs, ground tiles and stuff are redone twice with those two backrounds persisting behind them. There is also a cool fireplace (The flames look cartoony and well done as well btw) and the green roof tiles which I already discussed. Just like in every good hotel tileset, there are letters and numbers, done twice (one with wood behind and one without). There are golden elevators and pipes (which again remind me of the green elevators and grey pipes in Hotel Dream) and then come the furniture and extra stuff. There are a whole bunch of little penguins doing various things. They look so miniature and cool that I can’t resist keeping them out of any future levels of mine made with this set, no mattter the gametype. Let me just say that there is a good variety in the furniture, and the coloring of it is great. The furniture is redone twice more with the creamy white and green white backrounds. Then comes the MIRROW BABE =)))) and some palette tiles, the layer 8 backround, and a wodden board that says Mirrow, Dis(h)guise and Hotel Heroes. There is also small pools of water of which the coloring looks good, and they fit into the set well.By looking at this set carefully, I can tell that there will be many hotel levels made with this. The masking of the solid tiles is good, the masking of the invisible tiles ok (there is a larger variety of invisible tiles here). The furniture isn’t masked (though some of it shoulda been..).

Overall, this tileset looks like a re-colored improved version of Hotel dream, with some tiles from Mirrow’s kingdom (as someone probably mentioned this before me), except with some new tiles added. This looks great, you’ll be missing out on a LOT if you dont download this now. This definately gets a download reccomendation from me and a nice 8.7 from me.

Edit: Argh, after making some levels with this I found out it only has room for 13 animations. Therefore you cant possibly make a good trigger filled hotel and stuff. <(. This results in -.7 points downgradign the rating to an 8. [This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Review by Spazzyman

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Deluxe
Level rating: 8.8

I liked the tileset plenty yesterday when trafton was hosting it. The graphics look good and it looks to be a very happy place. I love the little golden pole thingis and hey look — mirrow’s babe is in gold ;). Anyway, its a download reccomendation for me for its uber gfx, and also, in my opinion, no masking > masking (in relation to furniture) the only reason this Doesnt get a 10 from me is the annoying furniture and poles and everything look like they are BEHIND the ground instead of on it. I realize that this would take up more tiles to do, but still, It would look a lot better and be much more rewarding (to my eyes anyway). Get this now! :D

Violet: if the overall is 8.2, why did you rate it 7.7?

Review by dersproedel

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack
Level rating: 9.5

This is my first serious attempt to rate an user level.

This pack is just amazing. Amazing tilesets and even more amazing levels.

I just love the BetonBattle2-level.

(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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