RecommendedReview by Ragnarok!

27 Sep 2014, 02:31 (edited 27 Sep 14, 02:33)
For: A Giant Drifting Log's Jungle
Level rating: 8.6

Hi, long awaited review but I finally started…


I don’t intend on writing too much on this section, however all I can notably say is;
- This level uses the set in a manner that is slightly atypical, the level is mostly made of the logs and the wooden structures of the tileset.
- This level features a cool effect using one of JJ2+‘s later features (scripting) allowing a “glimmer of light” to show from the top of the level, showing the player that they are in some sort of woodland with light showing through the greenery above.
- In terms of distinguishing what is masked and what is not masked, this level is pretty simple once you play it for at least 5 minutes; most of the masks are wooden, and there is one section through the middle (which most existing players) will recognise as passable terrain. There is one section spanning form about 9, 19 to about 29, 29 which looks massively plain but a little amount of carebears are present…
- Unlike a lot of levels in this type of tileset, the use of greenery isn’t overdone and is in fact rather “minimalist” in a pleasant way. It doesn’t clutter the level and it just positively adds to the look of the level.
- Functionally, it’s not hard to distinguish between what is decoration and mask, so the level is fairly easy to navigate, so this isn’t a negative factor.
- Cool Devan events in the box!!! And also the text xoxo

GAMEPLAY – (90%)

Okay this is most of the weighting of this section:
- The main balancing factor of this level (in comparison to the remake) is the fact that it boasts a system that makes the team not matter. It’s not really the “balancing act” i was hoping for, but it does balance the level anyway…
- Rather than just one powerup (which the original level pretty much revolved around in the past), this level features three; all of which can be used to different effects and can drastically alter the gameplay from the vanilla version. These powerups are seeker, bouncer and RF. In addition, the level also features a Lightning Shield which can be obtained for the duration of 10 seconds. This also drastically changes the gameplay of any CTF in a dramatically interesting way. The lightning shield has a huge effect on when you have the advantage of the flag, however, 10 seconds probably isn’t enough to break a game, but it is enough to “dd” for a few extra seconds (which makes a huge difference) in a team-game.
- Moreover the “box” from the original level now has a 20 second timer, by the end of which, Devan “devours” you and causes you to die (and subsequently lose the flag). This removes the quirk of control and camping the box, but adds a further degree of control. What I would have liked to have seen was a range of different warp targets from the box though, as now this poses the problem of making the box as a whole, a hazard to begin with…
- Since the bases follow a 2x “onespot” system, the level seems, on a glance, balanced between the two colours. While this is a balance fix, I feel it isn’t quite the fix I was hoping this contest would sprout but, still a fix nonetheless.
- There’s quite a few areas I would much rather be Spaz, but no notable areas I would rather have the ability to copter; not something I penalize, but something I take note of…
- A lot of the spring/layout changes are very fitting to the level and drastically improve the flow, however there are some areas I kinda don’t like as much, mostly around the top right and top left. I feel most of the areas in the level serve no purpose and since this level runs a “one-spot” system, most of the gameplay relies on finding appropriate places to hide and camp once you have the flag, and then safely rush to a score spot. I feel the small narrow area under the right “spot” is very very good for this purpose. The “campiness” of the bases is still somewhat maintained however, since you can jump around these areas, but the main obstacles which made them safe have been removed, so perhaps not…
- I outright feel there’s a severe lack of ammo in this level and it would greatly benefit from a slightly higher amount, especially since their delays are quite long… Perhaps this level is more suited for smaller numbers, and there are more powerups but I really think the level would benefit from a bit more ammo.
- One of the main layout changes in this level is the giant vertical “log” in the middle of which you can drop down. The poles have been removed and I am quite thankful for this change. This makes the level slightly more fluid…
- There is a copter at the bottom of the level which can drastically increase your “climbing” speed in this level and I feel it’s a really awesome add to the level.

There’s not much more I really wanted to add to this review, but I did like the level all in all. Thank you very much for making this stellar level, FireSworD and I hope the review was mildly worth the wait.


Review by Louis K

23 Sep 2014, 10:22 (edited 23 Sep 14, 10:30)
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 3DX(JJ3DX)
Level rating: 10

First Uploaded version was have a problem about uploading.
So I delete previous version and then re-uploaded it. :p

Sorry about that..

Quick Review by MjinzO

20 Aug 2014, 21:34
For: 3rabi language file
Level rating: 10


Quick Review by MjinzO

13 Aug 2014, 21:29
For: Cool HaX 4 U2
Level rating: 9.1


Review by DennisKainz

11 Aug 2014, 14:32
For: green world
Level rating: N/A

This is your best tileset so far, especially if the palm was drawn by you, and not copied from elsewhere.

Review by DennisKainz

11 Aug 2014, 14:30
For: simple tileset
Level rating: N/A

Sorry, I don’t like it.
10 tiles of 2 types isn’t enough. I prefer tilesets with all background and sprite layers, shapeful and filled with eyecandy.

Review by DennisKainz

11 Aug 2014, 14:27
For: Max Payne 3 is here
Level rating: N/A

80% of the tileset is a copy of the MaxPayne stuff, but with much less colors, which makes it look really awful!
The remaining 20% is nothing but squares and triangles.

If this is an attempt to introduce Jazz Jackrabbit fans to MaxPayne, submit a new thread in JCF instead.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

9 Aug 2014, 18:43 (edited 9 Aug 14, 18:49)
For: Jazz Ski Rabbit (not jj2!!!)
Level rating: 9.4

I somehow missed this fangame in the old days, so thanks for pushing it to the top of the downloads list again!

This fangame is a so called ‘Click Game’ made with the software from ClickTeam. I played it under Windows 8.1 and it works surprisingly well. Only fullscreen doesn’t work which is expected as 8.1 has problems utilizing DirectDraw.

The game starts with a menu screen sharing similarities to that of JJ2. Once starting a game, you see a charming intro movie with Jazz waking up in a cave(?) being surprised of something. It looks nice for a fangame, but doesn’t necessarily make it clear why Jazz sets off to a snowy planet.

The gameplay involves Jazz automatically skiing down off snowy slopes, and you have to move left and right to avoid obstacles, and move up to brake and down to accelerate. All while jumping in the air through ramps and grabbing Gold Coins. The game’s simple to control but I had problems getting used to the very sensitive hit detection and amount of precision that’s required at times. This means it’s easy to move over ramps and coins, but also that it’s a tad too easy getting hit by rocks and especially trees.

After 3 levels comes a fun bonus level involving a big jump, followed by another fun cutscene. The final level doesn’t have anything to do with skiing, but instead takes on a traditional platformer where you having to walk, jump, duck, and roll through what appears to be Devan’s base. It’s fun to see how all obstacles here make Jazz die in a different way. Yes, it made me want to try getting hit by fire just to see the different yet simple animation.

The only problem I had in this level was again the sloppy hit detection, which is more a problem of ClickTeam’s standard Platform Movement engine rather than Et’s. But once getting used to that it’s actually a pretty solid level to explore with a good tileset and fun obstacles.

The game ends with another cutscene which makes clear what the intro didn’t. Jazz lost his gun and chased down Devan to get it back, who apparently stole it in his sleep! Next comes a screen that let’s you unlock bonuses with the coins you collected. You can buy the ending movie or one of the levels which is kind of unnecessary. But 300 coins gives you a bonus level, and I had 215 coins so that means back to start..

In my next run of the game I kept hitting obstacles on purpose whenever I missed some coins. Getting 300 required a near perfect play, but I managed to do it and finished the festive bonus level!

I recommend this game as it’s probably the best Jazz fangame made that’s actually finished. The graphics are pretty rough and sometimes out of proportion, but also very charming and nostalgic. It’s too bad Et doesn’t have the source anymore, otherwise compiling it with newer ClickTeam software would make this an excellent HTML5 or mobile game! I give it a solid 9 for quality and a bit of nostalgia, and recommend it for download even in 2014!

Not recommendedReview by Slaz

9 Aug 2014, 15:54 (edited 9 Aug 14, 15:56)
For: House Adventure
Level rating: 5.2

This pack takes you through 6 fairly short Single Player levels all using the Haunted House tileset.

The gameplay involves traditional JJ2 gameplay in a more linear level design. In all 6 level you start moving to the right and will eventually move up and turn around once or twice until reaching the end point.

The biggest problem I had with these levels is the utter lack of consistency. A lot of different enemies show up not really fitting in a haunted house, and there is enough (evenly diverse) food to get at least 3 Sugar Rushes. 1ups are spread all over the place, ammo is mostly Seekers, Freezers, and some Toasters.

The tileset usage is mediocre, but not distractively bad. There are little to no tilebugs, yet eyecandy and diversity are almost nonexistent. The background is just the layer 8 texture, with some levels having the textured BG enabled while others don’t, which is another weird inconsistency.

I assume this is your first run in JCS, so I try not to be too harsh here and add a little to the 4.5 rating I would’ve given it. I think a 5.2 is alright now, but in your next level(s) you should focus on the things I pointed out above. Even if that means it’s going to be shorter, as a short yet memorable level is better than a long, linear one.

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

6 Aug 2014, 11:53 (edited 6 Aug 14, 11:57 by Moonblaze)
For: Chrysalis (Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Crysilis remix)
Level rating: 9.2

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Crysilis until I started listening to this soundtrack. I’m not very familiar with the genres so don’t shoot me if I get this wrong, but it definitely sounds like some dubstep which I’m not usually that much into, but the climax sells the track so well.

The intro just draws you in with the classic melody, the climax is amazing and the outro is beautiful. Overall this probably going to be one of my favorite soundtracks and I have a few friends I’d like to listen to this as well. Download recommended.

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

6 Aug 2014, 11:41
For: Labrat Remix
Level rating: 8.7

It sounds amazing. I like how you managed to preserve so much of the track’s original feeling while also taking such a different approach on the soundtrack. It was definitely a very interesting experience to listen to and I think you did a remarkable job of recreating it.

I feel like the climax around 2:05 could have been richer though. You take this break from the beat to listen to this tune and it’s just not as an interesting as when the beat resumes at 2:19. Alexander Brandon’s original soundtrack does that part better because the sound is just richer and more enjoyable to listen to.

This is still a true work of art and it’s definitely worth listening to for any JJ fan.

RecommendedQuick Review by MjinzO

5 Aug 2014, 16:11
For: JazzTool V1.2
Level rating: 8.9

Nice :D

Not recommendedQuick Review by DennisKainz

5 Aug 2014, 12:15 (edited 6 Aug 14, 09:33)
For: 1st Tileset
Level rating: 1.2

Wow, that’s an awesome forest tileset!
No, seriously, is that a tree or a dynamite cartridge with a slime upon it?
And where are the ground tiles? And the backgrounds? I only see red and blue squares!
At least, they’re outlined!

Review by DennisKainz

5 Aug 2014, 12:08
For: Buddha's Zen Alley
Level rating: 6.7

Yes, there’s a bug that I need to inform you about.
There are lots of translucent, fully red 32×32 tiles all around the map.

Review by Violet CLM

2 Aug 2014, 00:57
For: City by Dollar Studios
Level rating: N/A

Note for those who, like me, don’t have a numpad: Do a find and replace in the script file and change “0×6” to “0×3”.

Review by TreyLina

28 Jul 2014, 21:20 (edited 2 Aug 14, 00:12)
For: 2014 SUMMER Beach Battle (updated)
Level rating: 3.8

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot there’s generators now. I didn’t check in JCS, my bad.

You know you can just update an existing upload right? You don’t need to make a new one.

To be blunt, I don’t feel like reviewing this in detail anymore. It still has a lot of the same flaws as before (tilebugs everywhere, questionable layout, a giant bottom path of nothing), and I don’t want to repeat myself.

Fortunately, the screenshots are a lot more bearable. They’re saved as JPEG for some reason though. Stick to PNG.

However, there are a few improvements, with there being more pickups and another start pos and some more layout, albeit no effort to make it tile with the tileset, which is the main flaw of this level.

Also counting a level version as plus isn’t meant to be used that way on J2O. It’s whether the level requires plus to play it. However, saving a level on TSF JCS makes it require 1.24 unless you have 1.23+. However there is a TSF to 1.23 level converter (and yes, you can load 1.23 levels in tsf jcs).

Quick Review by Ja22

28 Jul 2014, 13:22
For: Resurrection of Evil Episode 1: Time Lapse
Level rating: 8.4

Really nice ;)

Quick Review by Ja22

28 Jul 2014, 13:03
For: Buddha's Zen Alley
Level rating: 6.7

The eyecandy looks very nice, but when I start, I always get stuck!

Quick Review by Ja22

24 Jul 2014, 13:25
For: tropical beach battle
Level rating: 5.5

Hey, this is not a bad map! I played this in singleplayer, but it’s good! And it’s working with TSF+.

Quick Review by Ja22

21 Jul 2014, 13:49
For: Rabid Hotel in Miskolc
Level rating: 8.7

Magyar vagy?

[This site is English only. ~cooba]

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