Personally I think this tileset does not justify Kirby. I’ve been playing lots of Kirby games lately, and this only includes poorly ripped sprites. The rest looks MS Paint Quality.
If you’re a diehard Kirby Fan, this is probably not good enough for you. Sorry, I don’t think this is good as everyone else does..
One more thing, stop releasing lots of tilesets. Take some time and release one GOOD comprehensive tileset. Lots of versions just makes the whole process very messy.
Snooz, are you nuts? ;p The masking here sucks badly. The tiles look very nice, and have a lot of detail. There isn’t much missing here, either. A custom made textured background, slopes, caves, blocks, and lots of nice stuff. The thing that I’m taking off a whole 0.5 points off for is the mask masking. It’s unnaceptably bad. The rest of the tileset is great. Overall, download reccomendation.
Oh, yes, another 0.1 points are taken off since this is TSF.
7.6, rounded up to 7.7. So, the -0.1 doesn’t mean anything. ;p It’s your lucky day.
Yeah, what Mikee said about the pinkness ;p And, gosh durnit, DX, the animating tiles are not Ryo’s! They are ripped. Just a hole in your jeans except there’s no nudity involved. So, don’t change your rating because of that.
The masking… it’s decent. It could’ve been better. The shootable block, for example. It should be completely masked. You automasked the block. There are other places with poor masking.
Now, this tileset lacks more things than my little sister’s mind lacks.
Buttstomp blocks.
Custom animations.
A nice background.
Background eyecandy.
Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
This looks somewhere between a beginner’s PSP tileset, or an expert’s MSPaint tileset. Whatever the case is, it’s a very average set.
-0.2 for the excessive pinkness. I know, it’s not fair, but it gets to a point where it hurts your eyes. Kirby games are NOT foo-foo games. You used shades of hot pink – girl stuff X( Kirby shades rely on light, rose like pinks, and very bright colors. Not Lizzie McGuire Face shades.
Beck, Partybunny, and all other girls: Download it.
Boys: RUN!!!!!!! IT’S ALIVE!!!! AAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET AWAY FROM IT!!!!!!!!! IT WILL KILLLL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAIL OUT!!!!!!!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. Okay, get the point? ;p
Eyecandy – Bad
Very boring eyecandy, but the background eyecandy is unique. For an easy tileset like castle, I am going to have to be very strict with the eyecandy.
Gameplay: Very bad
I don’t even want to get into the gameplay. There are lots of bugs, and boring things. The level is also too short.
Enemies: Very bad
Very badly placed. All there is is tough turtles.
Ammo: Very very very bad
Basically, no ammo, and badly placed food.
this is very, very hard to use. Lot of layers (Lot is not only 20…), no named events… This is not completed. And how I can run my level?
But, this is only fan project, then…
For fan of JJ1 d/l recommended. Maybe this is interesting, but… too hard for now. You must wait…
Let’s see, the first level is pretty good. Unfortunately it’s not your work.
Should come with an elipsy warning. Ouch.
Pros: Could be kind of interesting, I can’t really tell
Cons: Enemy placement is bad, eye candy gives you a headache, boss is too easy.
Looks better, has, er… interesting gameplay.
Pros: Not too bad
Cons: Not the greatest
Way too easy…
Pros: Interesting, in and odd way
Cons: Odd looking, easy.
It wasn’t a warez request. “Where do you get that version?” is an innocent question asking which retailer one would buy it from.
Ahh! Ugly pinkness!
All the sprites are done in odd shades of pink that makes it incredibly hard to play. Once you get over that, it looks ok, but not the best.
I would give it a 6.7, but the ugly pinkness!
What? I think this is pretty good, and I didn’t see any bugs. Interesting, but few enemies. I understand that it is the city of Tuf Turtles. I made a level similar to that once. Anyway, it warrents a 6 from me.
Pros: Good looking, not too hard, not too easy
Cons: Hard at some points, at some points lacks originality.
EDIT: Oh yes, and I wanted to say that I love creating Single Player levels too! And please make more levels, especially if they are like this![This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]
Very bad gameplay, and very short… the eyecandy is okay for a simple tileset like the one you used, but it’s nothing great. I don’t think this deserves anywhere near an 8… Maybe this is even too high.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Warez request. Evil. Go to (coughs and sneezes).org for it.
The second level didn’t seem to change too much, so I’ll just mainly review the first one since I already reviewed the second.
Dark forest terrain
GAMEPLAY: Almost close to balanced. Bumpy flow. Too cramped in places.
EYE CANDY: Somewhere around average. But annoying lighting.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Full energy carrot in middle top. Decent.
AMMO PLACEMENT: I’ve seen worse.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Nah. Like once.
Overall review: Dark forest terrain isn’t a bad level. It’s just not great either. It reminds me of a bad version of Slab Ratz in a way. Players will be able to get around, but the flow could be much smoother and less restricting. And I’m not sure why players have to hit the crate for the fast fire. It seems to be pointless and just another thing that gets in the way. As for eye candy, I hate the lighting in it. It looks bad in 16-bit and worse in 8-bit. I know the lighting is needed to make the name of the level make more sense, but a darker forest tileset would have been a better idea (yes, there are some somewhere). Also, in 16-bit, the bright pink BG is a bit distracting and annoying. As for carrot placement, I suppose I can live with it, although it could be better (and I’m mostly referring to its nearby surroundings). And ammo placement is so-so. As with Snooz’s strange universe, the only thing I see that change was the thin border at the top. It’s not the biggest fix, but it helps. For my rating of this pack, I have to give it a 7, just because. I feel delusional…
BTW, these two levels don’t loop too well. And your description confuses me.
You can’t review your own levels, or anything that you may have helped somebody else with.
And now, more CTF level reviewing fun. Joy.
There still seems to be not much of an improvement with flow. And once again, the left side has no easy route up. And to no surprise, it has an unbalanced layout and various areas which may tend to slow down players. This level seems to have a few more useless things like the tube near 24,34. I’m not sure what it’s for, but there isn’t enough reason to use it, plus it might be safer to avoid it. Also, there’s the same start position for each team again, which of course doesn’t help with the balance. Furthermore, the top edges of the level need some border tiles (you SHOULD know why by now), and the bases are placed in the same boring way as in the last level. Please do something different next time. Thanks.
More or less average eye candy. I can’t complain too much, but it is just average. Perhaps TOO average (except for the BG which is almost different but not really). Hmmm.
The carrot placement is somewhat better than in the last level. And I could almost live with the ammo placement this time. But this level does use the bouncer powerup as its main powerup once again. Argh.
I still can’t say you should. It feels like these last few CTF levels were made in under a day or something. I’m giving this a 6.7 since I’m not entirely sure of what to give this. What an annoyingly short review I made. Bleh.
Medium sized? Maybe. Really worth a download? The rating tells all.
This level has some flow but not much in it. At a glance it doesn’t look too balanced and after playing it for a little bit, it still looks unbalanced. Is there a way to get up on the left side of the level? It feels as if a spring is missing. If there’s a blue spring on the right side, why not on the left? There is one way up, and that’s by jumping through the bridge although it is spaz biased (I can visualize jazz players complaining about the unfairness at this very moment). And about that blue spring on the right side, if a player was to jump on that spring an go far left, he/she would have to double jump/copter to make the platform. The ground tiles at 66,35 should have been extented a few more tiles to the right (not that this alone would save the layout, but it’s the little things that help). Other than that, there’s the wide open area on the right side and the closed up area on the left. This isn’t the worst thing, but it certainly could take away from gameplay. Also, the bases seem to be placed too closely together. It feels like a dull dueling level. That means “medium sized” may be an inaccurate description of this level. But at least the start positions are better than the last time, except maybe for maybe what I presume to be a Jazz start position. Use only MP positions unless a neutral start pos somewhat in the center is desired (I really recommend this, though). Too bad that’s not the only problem. In short, general gameplay could be a whole lot better.
The eye candy isn’t bad for a Diamondus level—four years ago. It’s decent, but after seeing like a billion Diamondus levels, it’s nothing too special. OK, little bit different (by the smallest margin), albeit not enough to make the eye candy above average. It may help to use top-notch tilesets.
The full energy carrot is placed closer to the blue base, while the bouncer powerup is closer to the red base (all in the bottom area). Could be worse, but I don’t like it at all. It unbalances the level a little bit. The ammo placement also isn’t as bad as it could be. I just don’t like it too much either. It also doesn’t look like it was distributed well enough. But do you know what I hate about this level the most? NO SEEKERS. What is with that? Too afraid of seekers? Are you worried that seekers are too hard to dodge? Wimp. The bouncer powerup was the only powerup once again. Nice variety. Not that a seeker powerup is really needed, but at least include seeker ammo. Sheesh (great… You just had to make me say “sheesh,” didn’t you?).
Don’t, or else. My review tells all. 6.5 and thanks for trying.
sorry, you said PACK?
1 level is not an pack with whan bonus.
i think its just whan level ( i reviewd already strange universe! ) ( I think +D )
but ok. yor levels ar very better then first!
so i give you an 8.2
well done Sñøøzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, i must say that if you downlaod this then also review this.
its good
First whan thing: The red and the blue ar very close to eachother. The rest is good, good eyecandy. ammo placed very good.
and the rest is ok ( only the bases)
Rating from me an 8
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.