Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Marshland of Evil
Level rating: 8.8

Its really good ctf has it all(like platforms,weapons,etc)
It also has good tileset use and music choice is very nice.

rating:8.7(Download recommendation)

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Explanatory (Good idea too take a look at...)
Level rating: 5.1


Eyecandy is….hmmmmm,little bit lower average. why?? because tiles were placed wrongly in someplaces.there were also some good things in eyecandy , like the those trees in the middle of the level.there were also many, many platforms( i think, :p)but im not an a fan of them, so no any bonus-points from them.

Tileset use was…yeah pretty average..
…..hmm, tileset use was good in someplaces(like those treesc in the middle of level).Ok, i dont have more to say about tileset use….
Overall, tileset use was average.or maybe little,little bit over average.

This level werent so original, there were an little cutscene, in the level.Ofterwise the level was very original. shooting bad guys,(like monkeys)colecting goodies, etc.
(By the way, if you think why i have taked originality in my rating system, the reason is simple.Because i like originakl levels.And yeah im sorry if i havent spelled some words right…. :P)

enemy placement were….hmmmm….little bit above average.In one part of the level, there were soo much platforms.some platforms had gems above them, some had enemies in them.but, i dont like if there enemies on platform, were jazz should jump.But anyway,enemy pacement was average…….

Difficulty level was good.level was quite hard, but fun…..I liked about this level of difficulty…. :)

Event placement was average. there were many pickups and gems in the level , and i think that their placement was average…..

Like i said before, this level was fun it was nice to jump around , and collect pickups.

This average level what should have more good eyecandy in it.
Good luck with your next level… :)


Review by FoD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz2 List Server Patch
Level rating: 9.3

I’m not entirely seeing what difference this makes and I don’t play Jazz2, so why’d I download it? Oh well. Hi Beto. ;P

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzTool 1.4
Level rating: 8.8

(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Kaa

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons JTF
Level rating: 7.5

Well this a cool level with lots of class. Its cool by turrets, ground holes where u can hide.


But turrets are bad couse your archer and enemy archer can be in same turret. And its too linear to shoot enemy from turrets couse they can run very fast. And there isnt any stoppings on ground to slow them down.


All classes are very good. There are holes in the ground where everyone can shoot enemies and mages can hide in deep holes where is electroblaster ammo! Its so cool when some mage fires electroblaster from ground!

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: kingdom of death
Level rating: 6.7

ok, it`s small, the gameplay is not that good, but there is enough ammo for a battle. And the eyecandy is great i can`t make that many eyecandy. So i up the rating[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: kingdom of death
Level rating: 6.7

ok Neon ill up it

im making it biger and Stuff ! and this my TAKE a log time…. =([This review has been edited by Acid Psy] im puting a up on it now![This review has been edited by Acid Psy]

Review by Neon PSY

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: kingdom of death
Level rating: 6.7

Nice about the same size as my crazy metal.needs more wepons on the side w the water. I think its better than the orginal. good job!

its good in good weopon layout.
and good in rain and such.[This review has been edited by Neon PSY]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans time machine
Level rating: 7.6

THis levels have all they need. Triggers, Food, Bonusses and other things. So i think that this are very good levels. Hey GAMER, you didn`t overrate, i do it too

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans time machine
Level rating: 7.6

Agh. I’m first rewiewer again. That means I will overrate, again. Anyway, this final version of “Demons time mashine” isn’t bad. The levels are kinda small and easy, but ewerithing else is good. This is just another SP pack, nothing realy original.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans time machine
Level rating: 7.6

There can be some finnish language in these.horever it can be very weird, so sorry.I hope you still enjoy.

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons JTF
Level rating: 7.5

neon is makeing more Eye candy for it i saw it for my self ! he his be working on it a lot made a new class neme Knignt/Marsnary ( @$# cant spell it) well i cant wait to see it !

and soo far i think it wis/mages are the Best for poping out of there holes and attking then hide some more for Ammo and if you think Wis is siting in a hole think some more! and bowmen are fun for the upd Seekers ! he made it so you cant get out now ! the Flag runer hes Working on that, the ammo stuff i think. (Eye candy) well i think the Eye candy is cool i like the lighting. and all the other Stuff (GAME PLAY) all i think there needs to be Bigr it is canda Small ! (rate) soo far on it i think the level is Fun ! i give it a ! 8 i saw the ete candy[This review has been edited by Acid Psy][This review has been edited by Acid Psy]

Review by Acid Psy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons battle pack 1
Level rating: 6

well i think neon some thing is good

and the cezymatel i help w =) and the Spece level is cool ! i give it a 7 !

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons battle pack 1
Level rating: 6

small and not good, the third level is nice, but the other two not

Review by Sun Fun Dude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crazy Aztec
Level rating: 7.7

This was pretty cool and chalenging but to short make it longer :P.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons JTF
Level rating: 7.5

It’s been so long since I’ve reviewed a CTF level. This will be fun. I don’t even know if anyone minds if I review this, so here’s my review.


For a CTF level it would be bad, but as a JTF level it’s much worse. It’s way too linear for me to ever enjoy it. You basically just run back and forth. The players shooting seekers out of the turrets could be a challenge; however, this alone cannot make the level less dull and unplayable. The classes in this aren’t too good. The Warrior/Brute class is the only class where you can capture the flag; too bad it has no powerups. You are forced to only use RFs poorly placed throughout the level. The Archer/Bowman class keeps you (or at least tries to keep you) stuck in a turret. I rather dislike that. The Wizard/Dark Mage class gives you a weak ability to hide in the ground along with some ice (ICE?) and electro blasters to, by a slight chance, shoot incoming enemies who run over your area. This class is probably the worst of the three, and you would be quite foolish to use this one. This level seems to be the perfect example as to why EvilMike thinks there shouldn’t be classes in JTF that keeps you from capturing the flag. And I must agree; what would happen if everyone chose the turret class? And I have to mention this about the turrets: easy to get stuck in and then unstuck in. In other words, I can go through one side of the turret then come out on the other. This could be useful to get the seeker powerup when in the Warior/Brute, but I truly doubt this was the author’s intention. And the one tile wide border may still allow for a flag bug, and the area above the castle seems only easily accesible to spaz. I should also mention it’s annoying to see hook tiles without hook or vine events on them.


The eye candy is right in between average and below average. It uses most of the tiles as they should be used, but it doesn’t use enough tiles to make the eye candy nearly as good as in Disguise’s example level (which is where Disg set the standard). Not to mention some tiling errors here and there.


Perhaps some of the worst carrot placement I’ve ever seen. When I said add carrots, I didn’t mean put a semi-fast regenerating full energy carrot right on top of each base. The +1 carrot, only suppose to be available if you choose the turret class, is almost useful. Too bad it’s really is just something to keep you in that horrible class even longer. The weapon placement also isn’t great (as I started to mention earlier in this review). The seekers and the RF missiles were placed lazily. They were just large clumps of ammo barely placed strategically.


That’s a trick question, no (to put it harshly). Don’t make your 2nd CTF level a JTF level. Work harder next time. A 6.

PS: You forgot to include the music, which would be fire.s3m.

Review by RockeR RHSP

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chaos
Level rating: 3.9

the ammo is not very well placed and the rest is not good at all. the tileset is not bad but the gameplay is boring.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just two survivors.
Level rating: N/A

Let me just say this:

“I know [my survivor levels] are Ground Force levels (I forgot to credit ET for the concept, too). ‘Survivor’ was originally suppose to be the name of the pack of Ground Force levels I made. But eventually, everyone started to call the concept Survivor and making ‘Survivor levels’. (I can’t help it if ‘Survivor’ is more catchy than ‘Ground Force’). So technically, Survivor is the 20 Ground Force levels I made, not the name of ET’s concept.”

That was an old quote, but it still holds true (althought at the moment it’s now 25 Ground Force levels). So please, stop labeling your GF levels as survivor levels, because I don’t want to hear Violet complaining about it.

On another note, these need work. Did you even try testing these? The Kosmic Destruction level doesn’t even have a usable warp at the bottom of the level (most events on the lowest tile of a level don’t work). And on top of that, the end area isn’t completely masked. There are also some gameplay issues, but I’m not going into that. I’ll save you the trouble and not actually rate this, although you can imagine it wouldn’t be too high.

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Good Battles
Level rating: 2.3

Sorry about this rating, but my last was critisized as a owerrated. So I’m forsed to rate harshly. Sorry :( The first battle level is definatly liniar, which lowers your rating to 4.7 The second one has a better gameplay, but the eyecandy sucks, which lowers your rating to 3.5 Owerall, i think, its a bad idea to use crates in battle levels, and, the battle levels must be ideal in all: eyecandy, gameplay, a little originality, pickups placement, which is also bad in these levels. Owerall lowering: 2.5

Im realy sorry. ______________________________

Hey, I also got a low rating from one guy. But I didn’t complain, no. If this realy is a low rating, it will be deleted by addicts. So don’t burn up for nothing
[This review has been edited by GAMER]

Review by Neon PSY

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Neons JTF
Level rating: 7.5

Updated it. now it has 1 more class.
ANd the mages dont just sit in their holes and wait until the enemy runs by they go after the enemy but if they are low on life they hide! Thats y they are soo mean! [This review has been edited by Neon PSY]

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