Review by Fanden

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bjossi´s LevelPack - v2.1
Level rating: 8.4

I agree whit labratkid exept that he havent wrote about all of “tile missing” problems (like the canon in 1st level is not whole etc.) and the cold hell level where the ice blocks are. when u destroy them it turns in to ground and walls!!
Download: you should wait too its uptaded. but its not so bad that u shouldnt download it. DOWNLOAD it NOW!

( This Review was Edited By Fanden)

Review by zero

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: vera ss hotel(2)
Level rating: 1.2

ey dont mess with my clan friend because it aint that bad it isnt finisht yet i hope vera

barf ;p

(Please do not rate higher because a user is a clan member or friend. Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

Great tileset.
It’s huge!
Nice looking.
It’s huge!
Not too much animation.

You should make another version that takes out some of the more “unneccasary” tiles so you can make a 1.23 version. I’d make levels with this, but I’d have to make them 1.24… and therefore, not many people would download them, and I’d get all messed up because the versions would confuse eachother and throw all kinds of mean errors.

Edit: After staring at this for about 20 minutes, drooling with amazement, I’m going to have to raise my rating to 9.5.

MegaM > Heaven[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by DanX

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

I have to say only one thing…

I’ve never seen something so wonderfully wonderful like this!

Great job!

Rating: 9.8 (would be 10 if not TSF mwahahahaha) joking..
You really deserve a 10 on this!
And so it’ll be a 10!


Review by zero

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: zero 's home world
Level rating: 1.6

this my lvl it isnt finish yet but im working on it so the updated version wil be on this site next week

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bjossi´s LevelPack - v2.1
Level rating: 8.4

First level…
1.) Pretty big
2.) Good enemy placement
3.) Good ammo placement
4.) A boss
5.) Skill settings
6.) Fun to play
7.) Pretty good eyecandy
1.) Very easy
2.) Too many powerups (there are two bouncy powerups and a freezer powerup)
3.) Too much freezer ammo. Freezer weapons suck. =P
4.) A few eyecandy bugs here and there.
5.) Not much food, if any at all.
6.) Too many blue and green gems. You should make these very rare in your levels.

Second level…
1.) Good eyecandy in the sprite layer.
2.) Harder.
3.) Food.
4.) Good enemy placement.
5.) Good ammo placement.
6.) Fun to play.
7.) Average sized.
8.) You put the shield in such a way that you have to go through speed blocks while you have it, and on the other side of the speed blocks, there are enemies. It’s all most impossible not to take damage while you go through them!
1.) Food is not in your path. In other words, you have to go out of your way to get food.
2.) Jazz can not reach the first super carrot, and at that point in the level, you’ll probably need one badly.
3.) You will probably have a lot of shield time left by the time you fight the boss. Probably at least 15 seconds, maybe 20 or 25, considering how much damage you took, and how fast you were. You can beat the boss in about 5 seconds with the shield.
4.) Bad background eyecandy. You’ll see what I mean.
5.) One of the sucker tube tiles lacks a translucent setting, so it looks funny. You can see this at the very beginning of the level.

The third level…
1.) Good food placement.
2.) Good ammo placement.
3.) Good enemy placement.
4.) Long.
5.) Good sprite layer eyecandy.
6.) Other stuff that I’m too lazy to note.
1.) Bad background eyecandy.
2.) Bad foreground eyecandy.
3.) Food is scarce.
4.) Not many gems.

The forth level…
1.) Good eyecandy, considering the author has bad eyesight.
2.) Better food placement.
3.) Better enemy placement.
4.) Better ammo placement.
5.) Long.

1.) Very bad background eyecandy.
2.) Rather bad foreground eyecandy.

The fifth level…
1.) Good sprite layer eyecandy.
2.) Good background eyecandy.
3.) Good ammo placement.
4.) Good enemy placement.
5.) Good food placement.
6.) Long.
1.) Some bad eyecandy.
2.) Easy, again.
3.) One of the warps isn’t in your path. You have to jump up half a tile to get to it.
4.) Too many hatters.
5.) Spaz biased.

The sixth level…
1.) Lots of monkeys and dragonflies, yay.
2.) Unique.
3.) Big.
4.) Fun.
5.) Lots of weapons.
6.) Very hard. (see cons)
7.) Some good sprite layer eyecandy.
8.) The textured background is rather nice looking.
1.) No background eyecandy.
2.) No foreground eyecandy.
3.) Not many monkeys that walk. Too many stand monkeys.
4.) Very hard. (see pros)
5.) Fun to play.
6.) A lot of bad sprite layer eyecandy.

The seventh level…
1.) Long.
2.) A witch is here. Not many levels have witches.
3.) Good eyecandy.
4.) Good ammo placement.
5.) Good enemy placement.
6.) Fun to play.
7.) Sort of easy, sort of hard.
1.) You can get stuck in some places as a frog if you don’t go directly to Eva.
2.) Some bad eyecandy here and there.
3.) Uses an overused tileset.
4.) Sort of easy, sort of hard.

The last level…
1.) Uses Medivo, instead of D*mn.
2.) You remembered to put in Devan. Yay. Okay, nobody forgets that.
1.) You are given a lot of stuff at the beginning, like it’s your birthday or something.
2.) Devan climbs inside the wall, than dissapears. Than the game crashes. At least that happened to me.
3.) You forgot a tile in the wall, to the right. It looks really ugly.
4.) Short. Many last levels are extremely long, like the one in Blade’s Energized Action pack.

Good pack, you’re a foo not to download it. =P[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hamtaro's Hotel V2.0
Level rating: 1.8

This version is just as bad as the other. The coins don’t regenerate, so it’s impossible to get into more than one room. If you do get into the HH only room, there are a bunch of powerups. The room was made so people would want to join HH just to see what was in it. Anway, the new thing is a very badly designed battle room. A rectangular room with a bunch of airboards.

Review by Tobi

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snoozs newest battlepack
Level rating: N/A

The Levels are very, very good, but when i play them on the Internet, i get sometimes an error and JJ closed automatic.
Is that a bug?
or i have only this problem!?

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

Argh. I don’t know why I have to be the one to give this tileset it’s current highest rating. But anyway…

With this being the huge tileset that it is, it shows that Disguise put much much much much effort into it. And with this, I’m making a rare exception of using a TSF tileset (just to prove Wisety wrong). But it’s going to take an awful lot of work to misuse the entire tileset. I sorta have a theme in mind, but it’ll probably get warped the more and more I work on my level.

I don’t know if I’m crazy, but I’m giving this 9.2 just because. Now make a night version.

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snoozs newest battlepack
Level rating: N/A

Please download this, and review and rate it also!

i have used also them in net, and i didnt have any problems.

and please rate this battle pack [This review has been edited by snooz]

Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

Nice big tileset. A good last resort :)

I lost interest in making tilesets months ago, but I still want to merge my two last projects into one last tileset..

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hamtaro's Hotel V2.0
Level rating: 1.8

Jeez, those crazy ppl just dont understand that hotels are d00f and they still uploading them. Or maybe I don’t fit here? Maybe I’m stupid? Nah, it can’t be.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Lava Cave
Level rating: 7.6

Ah, it’s always nice to see new additions to J2o’s already very extensive single-player section and this particular one is a level made by Bjossi, a new-comer (I presume?) to JJ2, and uses the tileset D4mn.

The Lava Cave, is Bjossi’s 3rd level. It’s uploaded completely by itself and there is no story whatsoever nor does the player know what to do, apart from getting to the end of the level, obviously. This is ok, but most players like their single-player levels to come in packs and also have a story. That way it won’t feel boring.

The level is quite large and one can immediately see that the author likes big, empty spaces because I would estimate that 60% of the level is…air. There are numerous platforms, bridges, cliffs to walk on and they are very well placed, giving the player a feeling of distance between one place and another. But, apart from that, there doesn’t seem to be much to walk on. However, I can’t see why it matters because the level design is so good that one won’t ever notice the in-efficient use of space in the level. The springs are placed in decent manners and so are the poles, although there seems to be a little too much of them. Variation never hurts. I would recommend using float-ups, more suckertubes, or simply more places for the player to run on.

The enemy placement is one of Lava Cave’s strongest points. Although few, they are placed so that you can almost never avoid shooting them. This adds to the difficulty, but there are simply TOO FEW of them. Also, add to this the fact that there are way too many carrots, way too much weapons and a way too easy to reach bonus warp, an experienced jazzer will be able to complete this in 5 minutes without getting hurt once. The Lava Cave is far too easy to make it fun to play. Add more spikes, more enemies, boulders and perhaps more challenging situations where you have to do more than one thing at a time. For example, you’re running. Suddenly you hear a rumble. Realizing a giant boulder is racing towards you, you sprint towards the nearest cliff. When you arrive at the edge you discover the bottom is full of deadly spikes, and the gap is too wide for you to jump. You notice the swinging vines above you. Climbing onto one of them, the boulder rushes past you. But then the ravens come, swooshing down from above forcing you to jump onto the other swinging vine in order to get to the spring and onto a platform where you can fight the ravens more easily. THAT’S something which people want to see.

Not only is the Lava Cave too easy, the eyecandy is far too average. Although there’s nothing wrong with it, I couldn’t spot a single thing of originality. It’s just plain BORING. Use lighting effects, put more stuff in layer 3, use ALL available tiles in the tileset (I noticed you didn’t use the skull) and be creative! It doesn’t matter where you put it or how you put it, just make sure it looks nice.

The Lava Cave is a very good level for such a new level-creator and therefore I’ll be much more lenient. Let this be a lesson for everybody. Good level design will not make a good level if there is not enough eyecandy and challenges.

A 6.7. Wish you good luck next time![This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

City + Town + Sewers + Subway + lotsa backgrounds = great tileset![This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]

Review by 007

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

again a verry nice tileset from disguise i give a 8.5 for this

1 good eyecandy
2 nice layers (like layer7 and 6)
3 no animated tiles, but i don’t care
4 nice trains and cars

Over the lvl: Verry nice lvl with a verry nice eyecandy

a mega 8.5 from me :)

RecommendedReview by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mega Megatropolis
Level rating: 9.5

Awesome tileset. I’ve never seen anything like it before! It has heaps of tiles and you will, I hope, never have to use background layer 1 again because you can have practically EVERYTHING in the sprite layer, leaving you with more space to put even more eyecandy!!! :D Mega Megatropolis has got two themes, one country and one city and puts them together so you can make a lvl with a city and some nature together. The eyecandy is exceptionally good, and some of the small stuff that most ppl doesn’t notice are excellent. My favourite are the trains. :) Too bad they aren’t animated, but the tileset couldn’t get bigger, which is obviously not Wisety’s fault.

The tileset’s size may scare away some, maybe even veteran, lvl creators (I’m still reluctant to use this tileset). In the hands of an able and inspired lvl creator, Mega Megatropolis could be used to create awesome lvls! I just wish that maybe you had organized the tiles better or even wrote some kind of Beginner’s Guide to Mea Metropolis but I don’t think I can take away bi chunks of the rating because the tileset is so hard to use. Good job, Wisey. 9.2.

This is a more than worthy last-tileset and even if you don’t want to make lvls with Mega Megatropolis, you should, I’m sorry, you MUST still DL this because you will be stuck for ages trying to DL this beast on JJ2!!!! :-D

EDIT: Raised my rating and added more comments. I didn’t feel like such a great tileset creator like Wisey should have a measly little 8.7 for his grand finale. :-D

Review by Biohazard UOI

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Townsville ][ Night
Level rating: 8.3

Yeah, it’s Townsville ][ at night.

Cool, though. I really like this set.

Good Stuff:
- eye candy
- variation
- color
- theme
- music :)
- background
- layering (personally, I prefer rain in the foreground, but that’s just the demo level anyways)
- depth/dimension

Bad Stuff:
- pretty much the same as the daytime version (well, I guess that’s not a bad thing)
- bricks can become distracting, especially the large ones.. maybe they should be smaller and/or darker.

Hey, this tileset rocks! Great job, Disguise![This review has been edited by Biohazard UOI]

Review by Biohazard UOI

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Eternal Agony
Level rating: 8.2


Good Stuff:
- choice and application of transparencies
- detailing and gradients
- layers harmonize well

Bad Stuff:
- needs more variety
- somewhat dull-looking

This set has wonderful eye candy for what it has, but it needs more stuff in it! It seems that this tileset was begging for some kind of intensity. What I mean by that is that this tileset is very suspenseful, but has no climax. There could be something included that frightens or surprises the player that would make this set much more intense (i.e.- skulls, flames, or faces). This reiterates some of what Blackraptor was saying at the beginning of his review. Other than that, it has awesome eye candy and tone.
Great job, yo!

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: World Of Crazyness
Level rating: 7.7

I see what you are doing… you’re releasing a pack level by level. Well, you shouldn’t do this, just to tell you. You should make all the levels you want in this “episode” and than release them all at once. Level packs generally get rated higher and downloaded more if you release all the levels at once, trust me on this. Are you making each one of these levels in one day? It sure seems like it, but they’re too good to be made in one day. Anyway.. the item and enemy placement was good in this level, and the eyecandy was a lot better than in your other levels, too. Keep up the good work, and you should just release the whole pack at once, like I said.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dark Reign
Level rating: 7.9

Never make tilesets 1.24 as it can easilly be avoided. Now only 1/4 of the people who could review and use this can.

  1. 1
  2. 728
  3. 729
  4. 730
  5. 731
  6. 732
  7. 733
  8. 734
  9. 735
  10. 736
  11. 1302