Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Hotel
Level rating: N/A

Kindly include the tileset.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cannon Calamity
Level rating: 7.4

I dont have enough time for a long review so a short one will have to do:
The level is kinda nice. Layout may be a bit strange and I don’t like it all that well, and at first the powerups were very difficult for me to find, so I cant imagine a new player dueling in this level who has never seen it before. Gameplay is ok. Eyecandy is also ok, nothing very new or special about it. I would say that a person who knows this level the most would have a greater advantage in a duel, due to the fact that there are no clues to where the warps and powerups are. But the level is worth checking, and Scizor improved it a lot from its original state. You should download this to see it or try it out.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that little camping is involved. For some this may be good, but for others like me who like to camp, it isnt. Where the powerups are hidden is also a dead end. You can easily be trapped in there with another player covering the exit and shooting. Though finding all the powerups was fun, I think I would of liked it better if they were in the open. To comment more on the eyecandy, it is a bit boring. Your basic colonius eyecandy, more or less. This could of easily gotten a higher rating if the eyecandy was improved a bit. As for the ammo, I find it placed ok, I usually go for the powerups cause the one who has them has the advantage. Also, about the warps. I don’t know why they are there, and there is no hint pointing to where they are located. I would of thought of them as ok if they were more efficently placed and had some hints pointing to where they are. There are several other cons in this level, but they dont damage the rating much. The level is good for a first one, and with just a little improving you can reach an 8 or a 9 with your levels. Anyways, 7 for now, and a download reccomendation. [This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir Remix!
Level rating: 6.1

Technoir is one of my favroite songs (I pronounce Technoir), I have to agree with JelZe. And no offence, to me this sounds messed up.

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Megairbase Remix!
Level rating: 5.7

Um..too messy. No dowload recommendation, sorry.

(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: NWCryst
Level rating: 8.1

I kinda like it but I preffer the origional. Don’t like the beat so much.

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus (Techno Mix)
Level rating: 7.4

It sounds like it has a rip from the menu song and tubeletric one..
I like the first part, I love techno ;p
A bit too fast for me though..

Review by grazzkid

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: again a battle!
Level rating: 1.6

sorry i cant make good lvls
what lvl are the best?
what most i make?

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jetpack
Level rating: 6.8

I have jetpack also, and i love that game! this tileset were good!

Review by Ðx

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

tilesets ar good

the levels ar big and ver very good

ammo placed very good

eyecandy good


this pack is very very big
mayby you must host these levels.
the musics ar very very cool-good

so my rating from me an 10!

if you make another pack dont make it SO big LOL :D

[This review has been edited by dx dc]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: again a battle!
Level rating: 1.6

I truly was wishing that I did not have to give this a 1, and happily, my prayers were answered. While this level does show a complete lack of any quality whatsoever, it does have a few – emphasis on “few” – places in which some JCS skill is demonstrated, which is at least worth a few points onto the upside. Not that I am praising this level in any way. The truth is, it is much below average and barely misses the lowly distinction of getting a rating in the range of 1.0 to 1.7. Now, on to the review.

EYECANDY/TILESET USE: What can I say in defense of this level? Not all that much. Pretty much the only thing that this level has going for it is that it could have been much worse. The level by itself is not a looker – far from it, in fact – but it is not what it does do, but what it does not do, which saves it from the ultimate disgrace. A few things that this level does not do include: misuse tiles absolutely horridly; use tiles that do not in any way, shape or form fit the area in which they are located; ignore eyecandy completely and totally (which it almost does, but not quite); and, most important of all – it has a background. Now for the guilty parts. This level not only uses Mez01 (boo, hiss), it uses it badly. There is no innovation here. The only thing that I noted which was even close to showing effort was a few loops in the tubing eyecandy. However, just not making horrible mistakes is not enough to distinguish a level. You have to be creative with eyecandy. Unfortunately, not only is this level uncreative with it, the level is so minimalist, Philip Glass would be proud. And, no, that is not a good thing.
Pros: This level does not look absolutely horrible. In some places, there are small bits of creativity attempting to peek through a very, very small hole.
Cons: Very little in the way of eyecandy.
Rating: 2.2

WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: Unlike some previous levels that I have seen lately, this level actually has a few weapons. I am unable to tell whether this is a good or bad thing, in this case. However, this level is so poor, it would probably be a bad thing either way. There are a lot of RF-related things, including powerups and several 15-ammo crates. There is also a seeker powerup. What really bothers me, however, is the amount of carrots in this level. There are, in one place, six carrots all together. One is left to wonder exactly why there are so many carrots. It makes battles profoundly uninteresting. Not that this hurts this level all that much. Anyone to play this level long enough to become annoyed by this is either a reviewer or someone who really, really, really needs to find something else to do.
Pros: To quote the infamous BOB_ALLEN, how about a nice bag of no?
Cons: After that, there is an enjoyable sack of yes with your name on it.
Rating: 1.7

ORIGINALITY: I have been through this a lot lately, it seems. I have yet to see a Mez01 level which is in fact all that original. This is certainally not one of them. What you have here, for the six hundreth time, is a poor Mez01 level with absolutely not a ray of creativity in it. It is not even that there are a few things which are fairly uncommon but have been done before. There is nothing – nada, zip – that is different from any other darned Mez01 level out there. The only things you probably will not see in many other levels? The worthless trigger zone that rids of a perfectly fine walkway which was, needless to say, simply going about its business and supporting up a few choice springs and, probably a tad more common, the giant wall of pointlessness only scalable via copter (which is, thankfully, there, respawning quite functionally) that barely suffices to somewhat make an attempt at interrupting what is still a long, monotonous run that spans the length of half the level.
Pros: The wall-by-coptor thing at least is not found in many levels. Not that it is a good idea. However, it is still something that is not entirely aggrevating while still being uncommon, so it deserves note.
Cons: Everything else.
Rating: 1.2

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: If the Dopefish had to chose one level to live in, this would be it. And I am not calling this level dopey. As most devout platformer fans know, the Dopefish (second dumbest creature in the universe) has a mind which understands only swim, swim, hungry, hungry, and, of course, sleep, sleep (or some ordering of those three.) This level has enough of all three. It is a standard Mez01 level (for hopefully the LAST TIME) with springs on the side that allow for some odd transportation method. Inbetween on the bottom is a lot of water (swim, swim). On the top, there are a few strawberries (hungry, hungry) and a long runningway which is only interrupted by a wall which needs to be coptered over. The bottom part is equally as long and annoying, but at least there is the water to keep things interesting…somewhat interesting, that is. Gameplay in this level is nothing much at all. One just runs around shooting the other players with the absurd amount of ammo and healing frequently with the absurd number of carrots. This level is, in every way, boring, which brings us to the third Dopefish favorite – sleep, sleep.
Pros: The level runs.
Cons: The player also runs. For a really, really long time, if they play the level, and as fast in the opposite direction from this level if they know what is good for them.
Rating: 1.7

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: Who here enjoys a monotonous, boring, plain, pointless, dull, and uninteresting level with absolutely nothing to offer other than hapless gameplay which is equally interesting to its lame and conformitive eyecandy, and which has horrible weapon placement, equally bad (if not worse) carrot placement, and is, above all, made in Mez01? If you do, you will love this level. If not, you will hate this level. Or maybe you will love it, but for a different reason.
Pros: Yes.
Cons: No.
Rating: 1.0

OVERALL (not an average): There are very few things which I would not enjoy more than this level. It is poor in every aspect, from gameplay to eyecandy and back, and shows no creative function. I would seriously recommend spending much more time on your levels, concentrating on one thing at a time, and reducing the number of annoyingly long platforms in the level. Until then, you will get more low scores. Please try harder next time.
Pros: It sometimes works.
Cons: It sometimes works.
Rating: 1.7 (Yes, I changed my mind.)

Flow: F
Layout: D -
Creativity: F
Bugs: F

Tileset use: F
Eyecandy look: D -
Creativity: F
Bugs: F

Weapons: D -
Carrots: F
Enemies: N/A



Pros: It sometimes works.
Cons: It sometimes works.

- Trafton

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: again a battle!
Level rating: 1.6

Again a battle, again a failure. This is bad. BAD.

Eyecandy: Very bad
There is no eyecandy, all though the author actually made a textured background, which isn’t bad. It uses the newb-level-maker-attracting Mez tileset or whatever it’s called, too.

Gameplay: Very bad
What gameplay?

Weapon placement: Very bad
An RF missle powerup and 3 crates of RF missles in a row.

Everything else that I could’ve written about but levels like this don’t deserve to get ratings for – Very bad.

Put effort into your levels. This level is huge, but just linear, and there is NOTHING… well, SOMETHING. But nothing good.

Edit, I felt too bad giving it a 1, so I gave you 1.5. Merry Christmas, I’m in a good mood. :-p[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by (Other)Jazz Killer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dune Wars (version 1.1)
Level rating: 6.7

Hey!I didn’t now the password.

Review by Gun sniper

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzEd 0.74 Beta
Level rating: 9.2

Well…I don’t think it’s not good for me.

I have my own tileset and map. :(

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: J1: Warzone v2.0
Level rating: 6.7

(transferred from old version due to Trafton’s request)

There is nothing in the foreground layers. Of course, this is to be expected, as JJ1 never had a foreground, so you are unlikely to have usable foreground eyecandy in JJ1 tilesets (an exception that comes to mind is Haze’s JJ2 Muckamo), but still, a few trees or something might have been nice.
Reupload: For the most part, this remains unchanged. About the only foreground I can see are a couple of trees in front of some layer 3.
Layer 4 is just about all there is. While the author seems to have replicated all the platforms, not much attempt is made to make the level look all that nice. This is sad, because under ordinary circumstances, JJ1 Diamondus can produce some very nice looking levels. The strictly platform design of the level hampers this a bit, though, so I will not come down on this problem as hard as I could. In other news, there are a few interesting things here and there, mainly at the bottom (if such attention to detail was spent in other layers, and the rest of the level, this might have turned out better).
Reupload: This basically stayed the same.
Pretty much empty. Layer 8 consists of an attempt to make JJ1Diamondus’ background textured (which looks ok in 16-bit, but blah in 8), and the other three have pretty much nothing at all. None of JJ1 Diamondus’ black mountains, or the little starry things, or improvised stuff. Really, the background is positively barren.
Reupload: The author has changed the background to the more conventional pipes, and added lots of clouds, which looks a little strange at first, but you get used to it. Still no mountains, but at the bottom you’re surrounded by trees, which is kind of overdone, really. Maybe a few in the foreground, but this army of trees behind you is too much.
Due to the lack of just about any layers other then 4, I suppose there is a lack of tile bugs in any layers other then 4, unless you count a lack of tiles as a tile bug. As for layer 4, there are indeed a few bugs which could concievably be ironed out. First among these is the grass. Sometimes it alternates between tall and not-so-tall grass (you may know what I’m talking about if you’ve seen the tileset) without using the tiles that connect them together, ending up in a way which doesn’t look incredible. Other ‘features’ include a lack of good sides for the cave stuff, as well as broken edges for a few of the platforms themselves, the 4-tile-wall-gem-thing not completely assembled, and some bad connections between walls and ceillings.
Reupload: Some of this is fixed, some isn’t. Still, there are way too many tile bugs for my tastes.
Pretty much nothing to speak of here. Everything is what you’d expect it to be, and while this is generally true with JJ1 tilesets, I know I wouldn’t have minded a little more daring from the author. Ok, so he uses tree branches for both Vines and V-poles, though sometimes not where there were tree branches in the original level, but this does end up looking kind of weird (in the case of the V-poles, anyway). I would have, myself, used the black tree branches from the background, which are more centered and believable for the job.
Reupload: The V-poles are now the black background branches, and the bridges are branches again. Still, there is nothing much that is very new.
OVERALL PROS: Most tiles fit together, no seriously jarring mistakes.
OVERALL CONS: No background or foreground to speak of, some tile bugs, lack of originality, and that absolutely weird secret level OMF bot floating around where it shouldn’t be…
RATING: 6.2 (from 5.5)

The main part of the level is taken directly from Diamondus Warzone, as I presume you already know. Thus, it shall not get a rating.
Reupload: It still won’t.
For the most part, the level remains intact in these factors. However, as you might expect, there are one or two differences, the main one being the trees. In JJ1 Diamondus, treetops are solid, and they are solid here, albeit with one ways. In JJ2 Diamondus, and the original level, they are unsolid. I’m not sure how much of a difference this makes on the gameplay, or if it’s a bad thing or not. Second is the addition of some bridges, where tree branches would have served just as well. Third, a few places where there were springs in the original (the top left area comes to mind) have no springs now. This is quite a problem, as it does effect the gameplay. Especially in the case mentioned previously.
Reupload: As far as I can tell, everything that was listed here has been fixed. Nice.
OVERALL PROS: The author keeps this as a tileset change, and not a remake, so the level is essentially the same.
OVERALL CONS: A few bugs, as can be seen in the second category.
RATING: 7.0 (from 6.0)

The only thing that comes to mind is that the plasma shield has been removed in this version. I’d have to say this is a good thing, but it’s obvious enough it doesn’t paticularly effect the rating.
Reupload: It still doesn’t.
PROS: The shield is gone.
CONS: None to speak of.
RATING: N/A (from N/A)

The level is basically the same as it was before, as you will probably know if you read the text preceding this. About the only difference is the graphics, and I think I have covered that factor already. Are there any relevant things that didn’t find their way into the above things? Not that I can think of. An interesting point is that the music is still from JJ2, and not JJ1, but I probably won’t (consciously) adjust my rating for this. Could certainly be worse.
Reupload: No change.
The tileset was converted by Toxic Bunny. The author has added a ceilling to the level, lowering the chance of flag bug.
Reupload: No change.
This is an ok tileset change, but tileset changes rarely get a paticularly high rating, and this is no exception. Thankfully, the gameplay remains for the most part intact. If you do download this, don’t download it for the background or foreground. I don’t know what you should download it for, but not that.
Reupload: As previously stated, the graphics are improved a bit.
OVERALL OVERALL PROS: Layer 4’s ok, the plasma shield is gone, flag bug is lowered.
OVERALL OVERALL CONS: A few (mainly graphical) bugs, lack of all that much eyecandy, some springs missing.
RATING (not necessarily an average of the previous ratings): 6.5 (from 5.7)

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dune Wars (version 1.1)
Level rating: 6.7

This is an average level. It’s kind of small, though. You’d have a heck of a time trying to cram 12 players into here, let alone 4 players. The eyecandy was too much, no offense Violet. There IS a border line with eyecandy. When you start getting background layers confused with the sprite layer, than it’s too much. The eyecandy was very nice, but very intense. The rest of the stuff was kind of so-so. Okay weapons placement, and a good balance of secrets. Download reccomendation, I guess.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dune Wars (version 1.1)
Level rating: 6.7


sorry foos. i accidentally wrote that the tileset author was ‘blaze’, when in reality it was Blade. sorry. no, i will not reupload it.

Review by the real one Bjarni

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rocky Roads
Level rating: 3.2

Your right, Acld! It needs trees, goos and lot of things! Your right, Acld! It´s not like Rocky Roads!

Review by byggemester

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Darkness Tower
Level rating: 7.7

Good Work ! —-/o\—-

Review by chandie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Half-Jazz: Amen 1.0
Level rating: 3.3

Making black and white levels makes people get bored. Also there were too much levels that I couldn’t understand what are they for. Because of that I cannot give you a higher rating. I hope you will work for more colorful levels in these following days..

Review by chandie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

Download recommended!

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