download dis level! dis is goooood!
(Rating removal. Next time, explain why you are giving such a level a 10. Not to mention, I have suspicions, since you happen to be in the same clan. Do not do this again. You receive a warning for this offense. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Kinda useless, but fun.
very hard but very cool! so i give a 9.7
I nice documentary on SCEs(I think that’s the name). A few I didn’t know in there, though I couldn’t get the Early Electroblaster to work (nothing shows up).
Fascinating. It has a lot of good information, or at least interesting. Since I could tell by the infliction of your typing, you didn’t want it rated, I’ll just say that I reccomend (SP?)downloding this.
How about this…
This is bad and i shall put it into one word “ Bad” then another word “ Trash “
Okay, this is the worst hotel I’ve ever seen, with the worst tileset I’ve ever seen even if it’s a paint tileset.
yeah i know
sorry for that copying that
Good for a first try.
Cool tileset! :P
Tileset use: very good. A few bugs with flipped tiles, but mainly good.
Eyecandy: not much of that, but it’s a race, so we’re not there for sight seeing…
Events: ice gun, a few warps, springs. The warps were kind of interresting. They made the game a bit like a “game of chance”, you know… Not always sure where you’ll end up with these warp. They have several targets.
Layout: this level was made “on one side”, and then flipped to “the other side”. Rather basic. But not bad.
Overall: an average level, worth a download.
I give 7.2.
This is a fun gametype idea especially for hosting. It has very many entertaining levels and i personally like this, some of you may not, but i like this gametype.
Edit: Since Violet and Trafton made such long reviews, i will too.
Survivor, being named that because it is more catchy then the ground force name, is played in treasure mode. There must be 1 controller, the person who hosted the server should usually be the controller, unless he or she lets others. First, you must sidekick to the left to get into a box. There is a morph near the place you must sidekick in. The morph generates, and is meant for all jazz players to shoot and become spaz. This is because the survivor levels can only be played as Spaz, not jazz, because spaz falls faster, which will make the game end quicker. When in the box, the controller quickly scampers to a secret passage in the top left, gets the coin, triggers the scenery, then stomps the crates if all the players are in the box. You must not enter the secret passage when flashing, itscrews it up, there also must not be more than one controller, or it also gets screwed. BTW: Dont be surprised if you get error saying de\ivide by 0. Diz told me this is caused by bridges, and this error has nothing to do with the levels themselves, it just like popping up in any bridge filled level. Once everyone is in the box, the controller stomps the crates, which makes the ground in the box collapse, making the players fall into a warp below.b This happens to the controller as well. Then the ground reappears, so newjoiners cant play. This is good, because ppl will keep rejoining when they are out to keep playing hoping to be the last one left, hence the name, survivor. The warp leads to a battle field. The ground at the verybottom has a warp which takes you to a box and you keep spinning in circles, if you fall and warp to the spinning box, you are out and loose. You must avoid this, so you can be the survivor. The blocks you stand on can all be destroyed if you shoot them, except the walls, which prevent you from falling off the level. You must try shooting the blocks which the other players stand on, and try to make as many go out, so youll be the lastone left. That is basically what you do. When the controller, or person with the coin goes out, he or she warps by a special coin warp to a place covered by layer 3. There, he she gets a blue gem, and there is an area end of level nearby. NOTE YOU MUsT SET TREASURE HUNT, NUMBER OF GEMS TO WIN 10 OK PPL THNX IN ADVANCE. Then, when there is only one person in the arena (the controller could find that out by asking who is still in and who is out) the controller goes to the exit, wins the level, and then the next survivor level comes on and u do the same thing.
OK my level review
ONE MORE THING BTW: Dont be surprised if suddenly 100 tnt crates fall down and blow up seversl bricks that ppl are standing on an make them fall out, its part of the game ok.
Survivor 1 aka thermal scorch
This level uses the 7th lava fall tileset, and its basically oneof the average survivor levels. It has some RF ammo and such for more fun. It has toaster ammo,which is good for blasting close blocks, and bouncer ammo, which is VERY useful in survivor levels, youll find out why as you play. This is basically one of the average survivor levels, nothing new or interesting about it except that its fun. The eyecandy is a bit interesting, but nothing really special. This ranks as an average level. Music fits, but could of been better. Another thing, though this has to do with the entire pack I thought I’d just put it here: I like the idea of putting gems in the sucker sqyuare when you’re out (I dont recall that being in the previous survivor)
Survivor 2 aka System Clogged
The mez tileset survivor level, it has more different tiles to blast than the thermal scorch level, which the only blocks you blast are the grey ones with nails. This one, has TNT ammo, which i must say to me, its the best and funnest weapon to use in the whole survivor pack. IT blast many blocks at once, therefore causing the blocks to go away quicker. Eyecandy is fine.
Survivor 3 aka Waste Drain
Hmm, a nwe version of blades wasteland tileset, except the only thing added was layer 6 and 7 eyecandy, not bad. This level, is again average, TNT is inlcuded, i dont got nothing more to say about this though. Note: When I try vieiwing the new version of this, I get application errors, therefore I am unable to review it.
Survivor 4 aka Heaven Sent
well, it has a variety of destruct tiles, and is more expanded in width, and contrassed in hieght. THe warping ground looks nicer here, and this even though its also and average survivor level, has better eyecandy then the others, maybe its because of the tileset quality. In the newer version the already nice looking eyecandy is enhanced even more. I also like the music.
Survivor 5 aka No escape
A strange name for a level like this, it uses Skulg’s lava lamp tileset, but like everyone said, it uses no lava lamps. The flash bacround just WOAH, but i use it as an advantage. While the players’ eyes are recovering from the flash,i quickly blast the blocks they are standing on >:D IM evil@ In the newer version the flash is gone, which is better for your vision I guess.
Survivor 6 aka Electrical Wipe out
Hmm, a non custom tileset, tubelectric, predictable name, to short in width, springs to help you..I like this level, although i suck at it. Whenever someone wipes out all the blocks the floating springs are the only support. Everyone keeps shooting me and i cant hit the springs while im flashing so i die all the time. I think its a tad harder for me to survive in this level. The level is quite tall, so It may take longer.
Survivor 7 aka Polar chill
This is one of the better ones, the destruct blocks have a big variety and such, the tileset looks cool, well, i cant describe this more except say that this is the better one, and it uses the ground force tileset, by ET i think, and such, i like this one, nuff said. The eyecandy and level isnt enhanced very much in the newer version, the only thing that I think might have been added was the foreground snow, but Im not sure.
Survivor 8 aka Tri-sides
A level using the Cyberspaz tileset, this one is a bit different. In the arena, not only can you not touch the ground, but the walls are lethal as well. Yes, infact the walls have the same warp target as the ground and if u touch the walls your automatically out, so this survivor level is a bit more, how u say this, extreme. Beware. But its still fun anyways. It doesnt take very long, and its chaotic. The freeze enemies is very evil here.
Survivor 9 aka Diablo’s Outlook
A level using the Medivo tileset, its abit different as well. There are 2 arenas which u start from, both only about 20 tiles wide. They are linked togehter at the bottom, but only at the bottom. Though this is a new idea, im not sure if its good, for if there is only 3 ppl playing, 2 will warp in one tower hysterically shooting each other while the 3rd person warps to an empty tower having no care in the world waiting while the 2 others kill each other so he or she can be the survivor. This is very evil and fun, though its good that there are more crates falling from the sky so that if there is a person all alone in a tower, they will be blasted lower and be part of the action. I have grown to like this level.
Survivor 10 aka Uncharted Territory
This is a level using Blades space tileset, there are 3 different warp targets to arive in the arena in, and you arive in midair and start falling. I think once i got out and not even touched the ground, because i was falling into a space with no blocks*stupid me* and i was the first one out. There is a variety of destruct tiles here, and the level is fairly wide.
Survivor 11 aka 26 second frustration
A level suing MezmemerIze by Dethman i think, im not sure, when you get into the arena, you start off in a box which u have to shoot to break open. Also, the walls have the riccochet event on them, so you could shoot at the wall and the bullets will riccochet off them. Everything else is basically average, except the name, which is……….well…………Strange, or so to speak. The backround eyecandy is ok, and there is a variety of desturct tiles.
Survivor 12 aka Insidious Illusion
A level using BlurredD’s own tileset, Castle 2, i didnt really like this one. It was well, to confusing, thedestruct blocks being the backround o course, and i just didnt like this much, its an average survivor level that i didnt like. It wasnt very tall, but it was fairly wide. The destruct blocks are very creative though they may confuse you at first. I have changed my opinion about this, and think of it as ok.
Survivor 13 aka Safety Precaution
OMG BLURREDD 13 IS BAD LUCK NUMBER U FEIND. anyways this tielset is by ET, and the survivor level is just way different. Its VERY small, about 20 tiles high and 50 or 60 tiles wide. There are floating red springs above the warp zone, which u can only loose if being shot, because u cannot jump on springs when flashing. Though small, this isnt that bad, and it is more of a quicker survivor level, which takes less time to beat. Before I thought that if you had the coin and where the only one left in, you couldnt skip to the next level, but you can by getting hit by the lasers or the delayed spring, which was added in the new version. Im glad the delayed spring was added in, since it doesnt hurt the gameplay at all, and the lasers take forever, and they might miss you.
Survivor 14 aka Mechanical clock chaos
Another tubelectric level, again. There are some cool effects here, like when u start those moving pipes, cool. It an original survivor level, so i cant say much about it. This is a tall one though, but not very wide. The backround is cool, with that moving orb or whatever it is. The main key in this level is the bouncers, since you need them to reach the TNT, springs and crate.
Survivor 15 aka Chain Reaction
The reason i liked this one is becauseof the tileset, and thats its wide, not tall, i like wide levels more, because tall ones take to long. Well, there are more bircks on the sides than in the middle just to tell. Also, I like the effect of how you fall along with the crates, and how airboarding jazzes come out.Survivor 16 aka Vacant mine shaft
I also liked this one, it uses the mining operatino tileset. There are 3 turtle censored at the top (There are 4 in the improved version), which when u shoot down destroy a heck of a lot of blocks, and thats fun and gives nad advantage to the ppl at the top and a disadvantage for ppl on the bottom. There are lots of destruct tiles here, and the backround is better than most. This is definately the level with the most turtle censored, and its fun to play.
Survivor 17 aka and insidious illusion 2
Using the battle ships conversion, this isnt that bad. It uses backround tiles like the insidious illusion 1 does, but this time its a bit better. Maybe because of the tileset. There are way less destruct tiles than usual, which makes this level quicker to win/loose.
The stars in the BG are cool and the level looks nice.
Survivor 18 aka Mean Green Elevator Machine
Woah, probablt the longest name, uses the j2lc alien space lab tileset, which i mistook the creator for Disguise, but ppl told me quist made it so.. This one is one of the smallest, but hardest of all survivor levels. You are trapped in a fairly small box, which all sides you touch cause you to be out, woah thats hard. But its also fun and challenging, so overally i liked this one. Though the ground tiles are oftenly mistaking with the backround due to similar color which may lead to dangerous moves. There is a lot of eyecandy, but all of it is the same color: Green.
Survivor 19 aka Crater Maker
Space Warbase tileset-Disguise
I liked this levekl and the tileset it uses. The bomb crate idea was interesting, that you can wipout more blocks at one time. The destruct blocks are yellow, and the name of this level was one of the most creative. Other than all that, this is your basic survivor level wihich i liked. The music is great and fits the theme. I noticed more added eyecandy (Or it just stuck out more) and I like the cool BG effects. The crate idea was fun and interesting, instead of falling crates the crates are already there and when youi shoot them they cause a chain reaction etc. Another new idea.
Survivor 20 aka Tower of death
The last and probably around the hardest. BlurredD wanted to make the last survivoer level, different form all the rest. The arena is very big, although the blocks are moslty found only in the middle formed as a tower. They collapse over time because of special tricks blurredD used(lasers, and to be the survivor, you must continuesly climb out to get to the top. Once youve reached fairly high hieght, the arena gets smaller and the blocks begin to take up all the arena, not just the middle. Thid one probably having th most blocks, is the most funnest, differentest, and most effort was put into it. Thats why blurreDD saved it for last. It uses Skulg’s where bad rabbits go tileset btw. Also, let me mention that in my playing with FS (FiresworD) I found this level EXTREMELY fun and addictive to play, Amazing work BlurredD! It may seem hard at first, since you have to think fast, but then it gets really fun, you climbing up to avoid being lasered and having blocks destroyed. The finalists (The ones who manage to get to the top) will fight out in a small arena high up and to summarize this, I’d say that its really fun.
Well, hope u enjoyed reading my review, it was probably the longest i’ve made, evne thpugh not as long as Violet’s or Traftons. In conclusion this is a fun creative pack reccomended for EVERYONE. It has a good new idea, and is veery good. My conclusion is……..
~Blackraptor aka Blacky
Now, for the 5 new ones.
Cursed Pharaoh Ruins: I found this level interesting to play. The eyecandy and everything is good, though I found it could use some more TNT (Tnt rocks in survivor). I found this level good, like the rest of the survivor levels, though it unfortunately doesn’t stick out like Tower of death. It looks awesome though, and has that realistic nightish feeling.
Intergalactic Space carrots: The name actually sounds interesting, like a black and white movie made in the 80ties. The level is also good, it fascinated me (great bg) and it was just fun to play, I felt like I was playing a true well made survivor level. Unlike Trafton, I actually liked this level.
Bathtub Catastrophe: Well,BlurredD managed to make another great and unusual level out of a basic epic tileset. Firstly, the starting did make me think it took place in a sewer, but then that all changed when I entered the arena. I actually beleived i was in a bathtub (which is good, since its the levels theme). I had some fun playing this level, and liked the tile placement, eyecandy and that water effect. Another great level. There is not muchTNT here, but I dont mind, since the TNT would be used to hack into the powerups covered by certain ammo blocks.
Devastation: I didn’t like this level as much as the other new ones, but it was still awesome. The level has lots of crates in it, but not much bricks. It only consists of a few bricks near the bottom, (about 3-5 rows, approx.). The level was ok, it was different, but I didn’t like it much, which doesn’t mean that you wont.
The sludge grounds: Firstly, let me comment on the good variety of destruct blocks, instead of having plain and simple blocks. The warp on the top did get me, I had no idea it was there. The level did appeal me, and Ill comment more on it after further play. After further play I found the warps on the top a great and new idea, since there are springs there, but if you get shot you arent affected by the springs and hit the warps. This is a bit like safety precaution, but the springs are on the top. I also like how you enter the level.
New level comments: Most of the levels here were spaced theme, and I had no problem with that, since I like space. I was amazed at how inspired and well made these levels where, and when playing I had that ‘good feeling’. I like how interestingly the tilesets were used, and it was great to play these.
I’ll give this a whooping 9.5, which I dont give much these days, and a great download recc. The new levels were amazingly great, and the whole pack was plain awesome. You can have many strategies while playing survivor (I have a good strategy that helps me win when I play, though Im not going to say it out loud) So not only is survivor well made, cool and fun, but its also strategic as well. This definately makes it into my top 10 downloads!
Great Work BlurredD!
Wow, my longest review =)
One question: In Safety Precaution, how do you skip to the next level without using any programs if you’re the player with the gold coin, and you’re also the survivor, those springs do not let you fall and there isnt anyone to injure you. Im going to look for a way to fix this, my rating stays 9.5 but may be decreased to 9.2 due to the minor problem.
Edit: Thanks for telling me this, I missed this in my tests, but thanks for telling me. I have also made updates to my review since you want me to include all the extra new stuff you added in (That was included in my mark in the first place, BlurredD, I just didnt add it into my review which I did now)[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
I don’t have time to write a real review so I’ll just say it’s VERY good, EVERYONE DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! :-p
Why wouldn’t you give this a 10? What’s NOT perfect about it? I give it a 10 because nothing is wrong with it, and it works.
Good level. nice idea but, too many carrots in the monkey dungeon.The monkey dungeon is way too easy. Just like what Violet said about that you used some Iceland tiles. I don’t think you should do that but, everything else was fine. Can you make a third level?
I haven’t played the whole thing yet. I’ll tell you some more things about it when I finish it.[This review has been edited by BloodRabbit][This review has been edited by BloodRabbit]
It is not often that you see a Ground Force / Survivor level that is completely standalone. They usually come in packs, preferably of 20 or so. Ground Force levels, by nature, are fairly easy to make, so I was a bit disappointed by this offering. It is indeed a somewhat functional Ground Force level, but has far too many bugs to be enjoyable or fun. Pound for pound, this level is of inferior quality to a single level from BlurredD’s Survivor pack. Now for the review.
EYECANDY/TILESET USE: It is usually an important thing for Ground Force levels to have good eyecandy. Why? Because, in such a small level, it is difficult to keep the attention of the players for very long. One of the absolute best things about BlurredD’s Lost Gemz levels are that they are immersive. The environment is themed and it is not like BlurredD just uses the tileset in a normal way. In fact, usually, there is a manner in which the tileset has never before been used that is used in those levels. This level, to the other extreme, never ventures far from the basic Wasteland eyecandy. In fact, it never ventures at all. Everything here is just the basic Wasteland eyecandy and nothing more. All of the blocks are simply the basic ground blocks for Wasteland. This would not be as big of a problem if it was not that the walls were the same blocks. Oftentimes, it is difficult to tell where the bottom of the level is. Perhaps if a more diverse arraingements of blocks was used, it would be easier to tell, and therefore the eyecandy score would be improved.
Pros: There are not many tile errors, if that is anything much.
Cons: There is only one type of tile used. The tile looks like the wall, and the wall looks like the tile. See the problem?
Rating: 1.7
WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: There is not much of ammo at all. In Survivor levels, one generally expects a good arraingement of ammo, ranging from bouncy to flamethrower to ice to TNT. Unfortunately, the only part of that spectrum that is provided is the TNT segment. The level features several groups of fairly fast-respawning TNT and nothing more in the way of ammo. As for the falling crates that create all the pretty explosions, they are completely absent in this level. The only thing even somewhat remescent of that effect is a crate that unleashes one exploding TNT thing. Snore.
Pros: None to speak of, really.
Cons: There is only TNT. No falling crates.
Rating: 1.2
ORIGINALITY: There is nothing original about this level other than the fact this exact level has never been made before. Everything is pretty much ripped out of BlurredD’s Survivor levels, from the somewhat functional anti-Jazz method to the flawed ending area. Nothing here is new by any stretch of the imagination.
Pros: No.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.2
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Here is where the level runs into some very major flaws. The first major flaw, as Violet mentioned, is that the level uses a highly mangled version of BlurredD’s anti-Jazz system. The system, which consists of a bridge, wind left, and warps is about 97% effective in BlurredD’s levels. Unfortunately, in this level, the wind right has been removed, and about 40% of the time, the player gets stuck. Not good odds. The second problem I noticed revolved around the ending area. Instead of having the usual system of sucker tubes for players who are not the controller, there is one sucker tube which just lets the player out of the loop, allowing anyone to end the level. In other words, it is not difficult for a player to just accidentally end the level. Beyond those bugs, gameplay is not exactly the picture of perfection, either. It is not really all that enjoyable and the TNT’s annoyingly fast respawn time makes all of the layout decisions that went into this level practically useless. But at least there is no layer 3, so you get to see all of the cool underworkings of the level.
Pros: The level works. Sometimes.
Cons: The level works.
Rating: 1.5
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This is just one level. Normally, that would be okay. But in this case, it is a little dull. After all, it is uninteresting to play the same Ground Force level over and over again. Not to mention that this is just a bad Ground Force level overall.
Pros: It is kind of a working Ground Force level.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.5
OVERALL (not an average): Labrat and Violet are both completely correct, although I must strongly disagree with Labrat on the rating. This level, despite its flaws, is just not a good level in general. The combonation of this with the huge array of bugs and glitches makes this one a definite level to avoid. Not to mention that it is only one Ground Force level and is a 1.24 level. A good effort, but unfortunately, it falls way too short of its goal.
Pros: It sometimes works.
Cons: It sometimes works.
Rating: 1.5
Flow: F
Layout: D -
Creativity: F
Bugs: F
Tileset use: F
Eyecandy look: D -
Creativity: F
Bugs: F
Weapons: F
Carrots: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Pros: It sometimes works.
Cons: It sometimes works.
- Trafton
First, I’d like to mention the disappearing bullets is a JJ2 bug, and only happens in SP.
TILESET/TILESET USE: Ugh. Pretty much all the walls are the single 1×1 block Wasteland (the used tileset) provides. This means all the walls, all the trigger scenery, and all the destructable blocks. There is nothing to let you really know where the edges of the arena are, or where the bottom is, for that matter. There is nothing to speak of in the way of background eyecandy. Also, there is no layer 3, so some things end up looking kind of weird to those of us used to BlurredD’s levels.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 2.0
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Bad. There’s some really fast generating TNT ammo in the top right corner, and that’s basically it. As for the falling crates, there are none – just a single TNT crate somewhere in the arena.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.0
ORIGINALITY: There is nothing to speak of in the way of originality. The whole level system is from BlurredD’s levels, which I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t so mangled (more on that later). The arena itself has nothing interesting, nor does the tileset use.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.0
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Well, the arena itself is a bunch of semi-randomly placed blocks, all fairly thick. They seem designed so you can get down to the bottom without using the TNT, but why would you want to? It generates fast enough, you shouldn’t run out of it any time soon. However, the biggest problem is the start of the level. The author uses BlurredD’s improved (I think it’s the improved version) Spaz detector – but without the wind left, causing you to usually get stuck, unless you know of the problem and move left into the area yourself beforehand.
Pros: Brief flickerings of design.
Cons: Low gameplay.
Rating: 1.5
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: There is nothing paticularly entertaining about this level. And then there’s the fact that it’s only one level. This is not usually a ground for complaint, but when it comes to Ground Force, it kind of is, as they go best in packs.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.5
OVERALL (not an average): This level does not have much of anything going for it. Although I distrusted labrat’s review upon first reading it, it is actually kind of accurate, though I find the rating a bit high.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.5
Edit: Fixed italics.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I’ve played this several times on Hamtaro’s servers, and it’s very bad. It’s not very possible to make a hotel without a hotel tileset.
Look, man, as much as I think survivor is cool, this is really, really plagurism in a way. You are copying just about EVERYTHING from the original survivor levels, and it’s unfair to the author. Also, sometimes you can’t shoot straight and the bullets dissapear right as you shoot them. Plus, there is NO eyecandy, and NO layer 3, so you can see EVERYTHING. Originality, if I could go lower than 0 or 1, I would make it negative 1000000000.[This review has been edited by labratkid][This review has been edited by labratkid]
Also, Survivor is BlurredD’s name. It’s called GroundForce. You even copied the name of BlurredD’s pack.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
one question How have you do this with a 3D game?
That music in the test level is from Jazz1
And your write it has a bit weird palette, but you know it realy hard to convert 3D graphics to 2D graphics.
Answer to 007: I just took screenshots at the right time and the right places from the right position.[This review has been edited by _Jaws]
little bit bad palette i think.
but you cant get beter palette.
but is cool !
btw: you maked that music right?
Its looks just like rayman 2. I think its great and it has a 3D look . Good job
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.