Good. But not so much enemies
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Is this a HOTEL!? its more a city. If you make a real HOTEL or a episode (i love HOTELS and EPISODES), i rate it.
Very good level! Download highly recommended! Good and big with lot’s
of changings.
STORY: No story.
TILESET/TILESET USE: The author uses automasked versions of Muckamo and Deckstar, and neither are used incredibly well. Muckamo fits together, but there’s no background eyecandy, and the levels are sparse enough it ends up looking really dull. Deckstar isn’t really used correctly, and it comes off way too boring. The author could have at least used conversions (NeW’s Mayhem has both of them.. or he/she could have used Haze’s Muckamo Day), but he/she didn’t, so the slopes in Deckstar don’t work, but the windows are masked, while in Muckamo you stand on top of stars in the background.
Pros: Muckamo fits together.
Cons: Very plain, masking difficulties.
Rating: 3.0
WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: There are actually quite a lot of weapons. Mostly Bouncy, but towards the end you get some Toaster, Ice and Seekers, while at some points there’s TNT to blow open a secret. It isn’t placed with too much care, but there is enough of it, to be sure. In levels 1, 2 and 4, there are 100 coins scattered about the level. Collect them all, and you get some sort of reward at the end. This is interesting, but the coins are all a bit too out in the open (in fact, they’re on the linear line of gameplay, for the most part), so they could be done better. The other various goodies are placed ok, with the notable exception of the Gem Rings, which are placed directly next to the ice powerup (!). As for enemies, I can’t say too much about them. They seem to be placed basically where there’s room, though some places show a bit of thought (like the dragon flies).
Pros: It’s decent.
Cons: Ice + Gem Stomps = No.
Rating: 5.2
ORIGINALITY: These levels are, to put it bluntly, not very original, with the notable exception of the final level, where you fight Uterus on either swinging vines or a bridge (your choice!). This surprised me in contrast to the previous levels, which were very linear (except for the maze in the first level) and (for the most part) uninspired. Muckamo, overall, came out tops in terms of originality in this pack.
Pros: Some originality.
Cons: Not too much, and the Deckstar levels are just dull.
Rating: 4.5
DIFFICULTY: These levels are, for the most part, not hard at all. It’s a little challenging to remove the orbiting spike balls from around Uterus, but other then that, there are enough carrots and weapons to get you to the end of the level basically (if not completely) intact.
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
Rating: 2.7
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: These levels (again, with the exception of the last level) are not paticularly entertaining. They consist mainly of walking through the enemies, jumping up and down a little to collect the coins, and reaching the exit with not too much thought required. There are one or two trigger crates, but they are not incredibly interesting (though they did help the first level out).
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
Rating: 3.0
OVERALL (not an average): The author shows promise, but the fact of the matter is, these levels are not all that good. The eyecandy is plain (try to use conversions, and not the original things, next time), the gameplay boring, and the difficulty low. However, if he/she tries a little harder, I can evision better levels coming our way.
Pros: Levels 1 and 5 are ok, Muckamo fits together.
Cons: Nothing too interesting, gameplay poor.
Rating: 3.2
Don’t worry…..This just how the level is made
I am making the rest
Hey Sk8terboyJJ2
I said it’s only a show what the level looks like! I am continuing the episode![This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
Now I have just uploaded the tilesets for you to a level pack called: The Kingdom Of Bilsy(tilesets) which can be found in the single player section!
Hmmm… wasn’t there already an oddysey tileset? I’m very certain there was, but this looks a lot different.
Anyway, very cool eyecandy and coloring. Download reccomended.
(Marquee removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Nice!!! Cool!
But the musics scary me and are
creepy…….the levels too
Please if you make a new episode don’t include creppy musics they just scare me
Cool Idea i have the game Jetpack, too.
Did you want to have, too?
Make a tileset with the Junior and the Christmas Jetpack Art, too! (Update)
The tileset is very, very recomendent for newcomers on creating levels…..
My rating: 7
Because it doesn`t include the Christmas and Junior Art of Jetpack(^^^)
My friend, I LOVE IT. I like the way you re-made the classic jetpack game…Which one did you get it from, Xmas JetPack or JetPack 1.3?
Not a rating, but good job on actually creating a new game mode!
The tilesets and music WERE uploaded to J2O, but the .zip file was too big, and it got deleted. I am going to assume I have all the tilesets used, though, as I usually do. Yep. FYI, they’re Jazzed Realm, Slimy Land and Winter Wonderland (in Wisety’s Wonders).
This is all very strange. I could have sworn this file was uploaded to J2O before, as I already have it. Looks helplessly at Chandie for explanation
Later edit: Well, there seem to be no explanation coming, so I’ll just review this normally.
STORY: The story is that Bilsy did… something, and you must find him and defeat him. Who says to be good a level pack needs a good story? Still, a little more in the way of plot would have been nice. Moving on, it is followed fairly well throughout the levels, with a brief excursion to defeat some queens which ends up tieing in anyway.
Pros: Handled fairly well.
Cons: Does it really matter what Bilsy did? The plot’s just very standard.
Rating: 7.7
TILESETS/TILESET USE: Once again, Chandie here uses Slimy Land (ET), Winterland Wonder (Disguise) and Jazzed Realm (Everlasting?), and if you don’t have these tilesets I don’t know what the world is coming to. Slimy Land is used completely as the author intended, with nothing paticularly strange. Winterland Wonder is mostly normal, with a few interesing transparency effects which end up looking good in 8-bit (and I could care less how they look in 16-bit). Jazzed Realm is hard to say, as I don’t know if it does have an intended way of use. Anyway, tileset use is good, some interesting things, nothing ends up looking bad.
Pros: Pretty much all works.
Cons: A few tile bugs in the Winterland Wonder walls, some masking problems here and there.
Rating: 8.5
WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: This pack did quite well here. Everything was placed well, and while there may have been a few too many 1ups, everything else is balanced. Weapons, Items and Enemies are placed with the same care and precision you see in the official JJ2 levels. Bravo.
Pros: Yes.
Cons: Maybe a few unbalances.
Rating: 9.0
ORIGINALITY: Chandie is very good at balancing originality and non-originality. Chandie’s packs seem to start out with ordinary Jj2 play, then slowly grow more and more different as you progress. The three ice kingdoms were really quite interesting (though I can’t say I care for the foreigner text), and it must have taken some work to get not one of the Queen bosses to conflict with the others. Still, there was not quite so much originality as there could have been, and I felt it was a bit lacking at times.
Pros: Some interesting things.
Cons: This factor was a bit missing sometimes.
Rating: 8.5
DIFFICULTY: This pack is… well… easy. It’s not just that there are actually a decent amount of weapons – I used only blaster and plowed through the enemies with no problem at all. It just does not present enough of a challenge. No spike balls, spike platforms, paticularly dangerous weapons, or anything. The queens are fairly simple to dispose of (no spikes or anything), and Bilsy’s not too bad either. If there’s one thing this pack fails in, it’s giving the player a challenge.
Pros: Not beserk fifty enemies per tile stuff, or no enemies at all.
Cons: Too easy.
Rating: 7.5
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This lack pack is fun, and I may end up playing it for a third time, and possibly a fourth. Again, the replay value might be a little higher if it was a little harder, but it is fun nonetheless. Enjoyable.
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
Rating: 8.2
OVERALL: This is a good single player pack (probably better then NiP), but nothing too amazing. The eyecandy is good but not spectacular, and while it’s solid, it seems to be missing a certain something now and then. Regardless, it would have gotten My vote for LoTW if it had actually been held Saturday Evening, and not Early Afternoon.
Pros: Quite good.
Cons: A few problems here and there.
Rating: 8.7[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
THEME: The theme is, presumably, a big space station with an evil computer which will not open the pod bay doors. Except there is no evil computer. Or a monolith. Or, for that matter, much of anything to make it feel like a space station. Yes, there’s a big (and incredibly grainy) view of Earth in the background. Yes, there are stars. But it doesn’t feel too much like a space station, and I’m not sure if it feels like anything, to tell the truth. It’s not quite a factory, a spaceship, a space station, or anything else. There is such a distinct variety of tiles it’s very hard to pin this tileset down. And I completely give up rating this area.
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
Rating: N/A
GRAPHICS: Here’s a hint for you: Play the included CTF level. The tileset will end up looking horrible if you only play BlurredD’s example level. But Stripe’s CTF thingy shows that the tileset actually Can look good, if you put a little time into it. That said, the graphics vary, as does most everything here. The plug and the textured background do not look paticularly good. The fans, in contrast, are simply incredible. The blocks and the light blue 3Dish platforms look good. The diagonal pipe does not. The brown stuff looks good. The 2-tile sloped blocks don’t. For the most part the graphics for this tileset are quite good, but there are several blemishes which bring down the overall quality a bit. I maintain the fans are incredible.
Pros: Most things look good, the fans are great.
Cons: Some things show little or no work spent on them, no shading for the 3Dish blue platform hole.
Rating: 8.5
INVENTORY: */!/[]/=/ blocks, hooks, sucker tubes, fans, spikes, vines, maybe belts.
Pros: Most everything necessary is here.
Cons: A few blocks missing, the spikes are boring.
Rating: 8.2
ORIGINALITY: Hmmmm. Hard to say. Some parts of this tileset are certainly original (like some of the moving stuff, the background, and the manhole like thing), and some are just very boring and seen-it-all-before-and-done-better,-too. However, the tileset is prey to a very large deal of possible original tileset use, so it gets a fairly high rating here. The possibilities factor is high, but what would you expect from BlurredD?
Pros: Lots of possibilities.
Cons: Some things are rather boring.
Rating: 9.2
COMPETITION: Well, the main competition is the earlier version (without a number) of this tileset, which had some tiles I’ll admit would have been nice if included. After that, the vast collection of space tilesets is open for inspection. This tileset is probably better then most of them, but I have to say there are also several tilesets I like more (this MAY change if I see more levels made with the tileset, maybe not), so I forgot the point I was planning to make.
(No pros given)
(No cons given)
(No rating given)
EASE OF USE: The author brags, as do several people, that the tileset is hard to use. I’ve been looking at it for a little while, and it seems all mostly straight foward, aside from the fact that way too many tiles need to be flipped. Most things are where you’d expect them to be, with a few exceptions, and while the various Inventory tiles are scattered randomly throughout the tileset, it could be worse. I do not plan to try, however, as to be honest, I can’t say I like it too much.
Pros: Many things fit together sensibly.
Cons: Some things do not, and some notable parts of the tileset are missing from the example levels.
Rating: 8.0
MASKING: Everything seems to be masked well that I’m seeing. A few too many little sloped corners for my tastes, but I suppose that can’t be helped too much.
Pros: Masking good.
Cons: Not too much work required to get it to be good.
Rating: 8.7
OVERALL: The author (BlurredD) has included four versions of the tileset, and most of the review applies to all four, but I thought I’d talk about them anyway. There’s the normal version (1), a Pink/Brown shade (2), a Green version (3), and a bad looking night area (4). They are all, in essence, the same tileset, though I think the pink/brown is probably the best. Overall, this is a good (but overrated) space (I think) tileset, with good quality but lacking an overall feel. I think I’ll go review something that doesn’t try so hard to be better then it is now.
Pros: Most things are pretty good.
Cons: Flaws here and there.
Rating: 8.5
I have this Game on my computer but these Tilset is not very Big.
It’s a Basic Tilset!
The main character (‘jetpack-man’ or ‘santa claus’ (X-mas version)) is missing.
There are not enough tiles.
But the idea was very good.[This review has been edited by Art Rabbit]
Now, the sewers I thought were awesome, but the the top area wasn’t as good, so I thought I’d review the sewers as one… and the top area as one… than average them together.
Could have been better, some of the tiles just didn’t seem to cut it. Nothing “special” here, either.
Nice, but I think you should never put food in your battle levels; Sugar Rush isn’t fair sometimes.
BUGS: 9.5
Good, but at the upper left corner of the map, after you climb the one way window-sills… there is a small area (like 5×1) covered up by Layer 3. Nothing is here. Was there something in an earlier version?
Sewers area
Perfect. Nothing is wrong here, but not too much is impressive. Great, though.
Still, too much food, but not as much here. Also, I think it was smart to make the carrot in a place where you needed bouncy ammo to get to it. You can’t give away free carrots, now can you? :-b
BUGS: 10
No bugs.
OVERALL: 9.3/10
9.3 + 8.0 = 17.3
17.3 / 2 = 8.65 = 8.7
8.7 (ding, ding, ding!)
I think this tileset is better than “Heaven,” and I’m not kidding. People say, “Spend time on your things!” Well, BlurreD did, and here’s what you get… a perfect space tileset.
This review is too small and has been set to N/A[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
wel ok bud a pit jou kannoty get out is a better trap then somthing where to die why cause if jou die ja now where the trap is and then jou dont trap in it anymore bud a non-die trap is a place where jou never kome out[axpect if jou are cheating] that makes the level un easyer and it stil stays better than devil traps1 and devil traps2 deel1 and for a bigginer i find a 2.0 ore a 2.5 nod bad bud houever this was mai answer have fun with this[better] lvl poket!
And at last. BlurredD’s Oddysey. Coming in 4 different versions, and with 5 example levels. w00h00.
The theme of this tileset is probably a space station, since there is a pic of the earth for the background and it looks quite… metallic or something. No grass-tiles in this set. There are a lot of eyecandy tiles though; animated lights, fans, electric cords like in tubelectric, animated platforms, animated pipes, and a big bunch of other animations too. They all look awesome and are very useful. For layer 6/7 there is some 3D-ish texture with a window and it also looks good. In fact, everything looks good.
Negative stuff? Yes. It would have been nice if there were some more blocks in the set. Now there are only 4 blocks, if I’m not wrong: a “locked” block, a blank block, a buttstomp block and a destruct block. Counter-blocks are maybe not used very often, but they should be in every tileset in my very humble opinion. Another bad thing is the userfriendlyness (or something). Or better, the lack of it. It is not always clear what the tiles can be used for. For example, I have no idea how to use the tiles in the upper left corner.
Apart from that it is very good. I suppose you already downloaded it.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
just like mi first levels always include the tileset if it is custom bud i am not mad i just want to say that so please re-upload bud then with tileset
Well, it has a gameplay, not so good, but it has a gameplay. Work on your event stuff, as chandie said. Good weapon placement, but the levels are to small. You have to work on your eyecandy. There are vines obove carrots and the vines doesn’t even have the event “vine”. The eyecandy is flat, it looks if no attention payd on eyecandy but only on gameplay and pickups.
In overall shows this level a lot of promise, and that’s good. The only thing left to do for you is practising!
P.S.: If you don’t know how triggers work go to JCSref. That’s a site with info about it. :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.