Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps2 deel1
Level rating: 1.7

First: ALWAYS INCLUDE TILESETS WHEN THEY’RE CUSTOM!! I’m getting tired of people who don’t understand that we don’t all have everything.

I only rated the two levels that use carrotus and castle, since I didn’t have the other tilesets.

Both the levels were very bad. Tileset use was horrible, layout disgusting, I won’t even talk about event placement.

Spend more time on your levels, leole. Cuz this really won’t do. A good level at least takes 3 hours to make, mostly even much, MUCH more.

EDIT: Calm down, little man, calm down. 10 levels in 5 days and get 10 is impossible, even for the best. i’M NOT an expert, but, I’m far from beeing the worst member of this society, so I know what I’m talking about(look at my rank. It’s not the first time I rate stuff), and I know that you are new here. And it’s not because I’m not an expert that I won’t give bad ratings. Even the real under-rookies rate low. These bad ratings I give are nothing personnal against you. You must understand that. And don’t expect people not to rate when they don’t like your stuff.

Since you’re new here and you seem mad that I gave you a bad rating, I’ll remove the rating this time. But, next time, I’ll have no mercy. Just spend more time on your levels. And take my advice: begin with easy-to-use tilesets. Like MEZ01. And view the “help” files if you don’t know the things you need to know.
[This review has been edited by Waz]

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Twin Mega Battleships v 2.0
Level rating: 7.9

Cool set.

I don’t know if it’s a good conversion since I don’t have Jazz1, but I like this.

A 7.5

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unimatrix Zero
Level rating: 5

Not bad for a first try indeed.

There was a kinda simple layout in the level, but it wasn’t that bad. The ammo placement wasn’t great, but it will do.
The worse thing in this level is the tileset use, which wasn’t good. I saw bugs everywhere.

Overall: still good for a first.

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Diamond CTF
Level rating: 3

Way too straight level.
Too much eyecandy(that’s new. usually there’s not enough).
Bad weapon placement.

Not too bad for a first try.

I would have given a 2, but I’ve got a habbit to give a little higher ratings to first stuff.

A 3.

Review by FireSworD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hustar Blast: Road Rage
Level rating: 6.4

41… Ahem, AI Falcon creates a semi – original gameplay concept. Is it good? lets see…

Well, all i’ll say is that it’s just pretty basic. You hop on ships over and over again… Until you reach the end. It’s long and repetitive, however the ships aren’t placed in patterns it just gets to the point where it’s the same ol’ same ol’. The eyecandy was ok, but nothing that caught my attention, in fact the fast, very fast, too fast background layers were annoying. I know the author was trying to give a great sense of speed but this goes a bit too far, though this isn’t one of the bigger problems.

The fun factor is here however, though it can get boring after the first for second try. Most of the fun I could imagine would be bumping/shooting (which would be very difficult to do with out ice) other players to the ground which also makes it quite frustrating if your a very competetive player.

The tileset usage was boring but I guess it was ok for the tileset (though I noticed one tile error).

This is an ok race level, it’ll be fun maybe for a few rounds of play but you may get tired of it after that.

Download reccomendation: If you like race or need something to do when you have a lot of time.


Review by 4I Falcon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hustar Blast: Road Rage
Level rating: 6.4

The reason that there were no weaponry and stuff in it was because I put the events there, but apparently nothing happened. I originally wanted to have several places around the level where you could pick up ice p/us, but they simply never showed up. I’m not sure if it’s because of a sprite limit, event limit, or mix of both, but the concept was indeed there.

Well, a whole bunch of sixes. I was expecting something like this. Don’t worry, my next level will be better.

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Easter Elves
Level rating: 5.5

Hm… an interseting level…


It’s good. No long partsand stuff. A bit difficult at some pionts, expesseliy with the end boss, I’v got to less carrots :( . Only 1 spring combination, too bad, I like spring combinations… And you aren’t “pushed” together, so you can jump freely. Enough save points, and a nice idea of triggers. Too bad you copied that idea of that Turtles and that Trigger Crate…

PROS: Nice trigger stuff. Good ideas, some new some bad.
CONS: Only 1 spring combination. At some points you have to jump very long and thats makes me crazy! :)


Good, well atleast at some points. Some stuff is just “flat” and it isn’t looking very nice. And layer 5,6,7 and 8 are used for background eyecandy. I don’t like it when you use that layers for layer 4 eyecandy. Good cave part, it’s difficult to make eyecandy in that. At some points there just too much eyecandy. There are just too many eggs liying on the ground! And with that Trigger Crate, I only see a part of the platform… Some platforms are ugly and some nice…

PROS: Good eyecandy, nice layer 3 work for secrets and stuff. Nice work, with that grass on the ground.
CONS: Bad layer 5,6,7 and 8 work. You just used it for layer 4 eyecandy, next time make it better. Too many eggs and flowers at one place. And some platforms are flat.


Huh? Christmas enemies in a Easter level? Oh, wait I’v read your review. Okay, nice idea. But if you set in on hard there just too many enemies! Don’t put so much enemies in a level, okay? And when I destroyd that Trigger Crate, “millions” of enemies coming out of the floor. In this level you can find this enemies: I will count them :P
Oh, wait there just to many enemies! Xmas Turtles, Xmas Floating and normal Lizards. And the End Boss: Bilsy(You know that fire demon.)

PROS: None.
CONS: Too many enemies at one place.


Almost no ammo and almost no carrots and only one Bouncer Power-up. More I have not to say…

PROS: None.
CONS: Too less.


Easy-medium. Between there



This is a kind of good level. Sometimes to much enemies, and strange enemies also! To bad some platforms are flat…
But the save points are okay, as you realy need them! Try to make some more action in your levels, make a story, make a good episode or something. And, instead of making that Bilsy Boss, I should have used the Tuff Boss. That Bisly boss is far too strong, because you only have 1 Power-up, a bit of ammo and low health.


Spent more time in your levels and practise, practise and practise. Maybe then your level will be realy good! And woud you please use layer 5,6,7 and 8 good? Mabye a download reccomend, it’s up to you. But if you realy want to play good eyecandy levels, don’t download this.

EDIT: Hey I got the longest review!
Forgot the rating. :P


spazz[This review has been edited by spazz]

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hustar Blast: Road Rage
Level rating: 6.4

Good things about this level: idea was kinda original. Eyecandy is OK. It uses my tileset(the last thing doesn’t influence on the rating, but I’m happy to see someone is actually using one of my sets).

Bad things: no ice or TNT. Boring layout on layer 4( the stuff on layer 7 looked very good, by the way. But, sadly, it was only background eyecandy.) Tileset use wasn’t that great. About the tileset use: the rockets weren’t supposed to get mixed actually, and the stuff on layer 7 wasn’t supposed to go there.

Overall: give it a 6.5

Download: yes, the idea was kinda fun.

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DanX's Old Levels Pack
Level rating: 6.5

Heh, I’ve downloaded this just for… Let’s say: to view what things can make other Polish Jazzers. First of all, I want to say that I hate writing.

I’ve played all levels, expect the Diamond Rabbit, because Polish Jazzers have it on TSF CD :).

The eyecandy is good. No bugs like flying trees. I must agree with other reviewers and say that there are too much enemies. I like the Morph Machine on Tubelectric. Fun get-safe-to-exit level (it reminds me a map called Jailbreak when I played loong ago StarCraft).

Overall, a 7.5. It isn’t a perfect pack, but isn’t d00f like Bjarni-style levels.[This review has been edited by ScionFighter]

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hustar Blast: Road Rage
Level rating: 6.4

Well, I don’t write points this time, so let’s say it straight. And seems, that I’m the first reviewer.

So the level has quite lot of bad things, but the tileset looks ok and the music were from that fun game “lotus III.” I just luv that game, I would still play it, if I could have my old dos-computer still. But the music wasn’t original, it was remixed some. So I checked the tileset it was ok. But the level was quite bad. I tell ya now.

The background in the level moves tooooooooooooooo fast. And the level is also too long for a race level if there’s also a trap that if you fall, ya get back to the start. Eyecandy looks good (except the background.)

So, maybe I rate this pack by these files.

Level 6/10
Tileset 8/10
Music 8/10

+ or – extra points

Overall 7.3333333 Level rank: Medium level.
Download recommendation: If you like to try, but not good to play so that’s why I take 0.5 off. So 6.7 is the real rating for your level. See ya!

Superjazz was here!

Review by FireSworD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Diamond CTF
Level rating: 3

Well, this turned out exactly the way I expected, especially for a first CTF level. However, this levels gameplay is barely playable and not the slightest bit enjoyable. The layout is mostly straight and totally unbalanced.

They’re no borders so you know what that means… FLAG BUG. Next time you make a CTF level make sure you border the edges with at least 2 or 3 tiles to prevent this.

The flow was ok, but with the straight layout what do you expect? the layout is just too flat and uninteresting for CTF or any gametype for that matter.

Event placement was probably the worst aspect here as the way it’s placed both to unbalance the teams/bases and the evil hurt events (That can kill the server unlike the client)and another problem is that there’re two +1 carrots placed some what in the middle, this would be ok for a full NRG but not this way. Also, you can shoot the +1’s to the bottom of the level below the warps with are in the same area, I haven’t fully tested this, but they may be impossible to reach this way.

No new strategies in this level or hardly any strategy at all, your best bet is to camp at the 2 +1’s (risking them being shot to the ground. Probably out of reach).

The eyecandy is below average since it only uses layer 4 and 8, the tileset use is average. No new interesting uses to talk of. The eyecandy is simply below average and and really nothing new about it, however, i’m glad it’s not in any way ugly (though the gems aren’t very pretty when overused like that).

I feel no need to further explain this level, for a first attempt at CTF all I have to say is good try. Keep making CTF and other levels of any gametype, just take the adivce of the reviewers, practice, and you’ll make decent or even good levels in the future, don’t be afriad to try new concepts with gameplay and eyecandy (If they are good ones ;P).

Sorry, no download reccomendation.


[This review has been edited by Fire Sword!]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1 Nippius
Level rating: 5.7

I give this a 5 because you did a good job getting TILES there, but hardly any. I hope to see Violet or Cell make a conversion of this in the future……

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evanescence
Level rating: 7.1

It took quite a while for me to convert this from 1.24 to a somewhat unstable 1.23, but I did it. And I suppose it was worth it. This is not a bad level at all. In fact, I must say I like it. Still, it is not the best.

TILESET/TILESET USE: The tileset used was Blade’s somewhat overused “Wastelands” tileset. This tileset has clasically looked somewhat bland in color, and it still does in this level. Frankly, eyecandy is by far not the best aspect of this level. Some may like the metallic look of it, but I can not really say that I do. As for bugs – this level does not have many, and none of them are noteworthy enough to make the eyecandy quality worse. Overall, good, but nothing spectuacular eyecandy and tileset use.
Pros: Very few tile bugs
Cons: Uninteresting eyecandy.
Rating: 6.7

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Weapon and item placement was good enough. There was not all that much ammo in some parts of the level and, like with many battle levels, the main concentration of placements involved powerups. There was not too much clumping going on, which is a good thing. Some areas, however, had too little ammo, and I thought that there was generally a lack of non-powerup ammo (even if it is not used all that often, it is still nice to see well-placed basic ammo). Food was also used, though not in sufficient quantity to cause sugar rushes.
Pros: Placement is generally well-done and thought over.
Cons: If you dislike food, you might object to this level. Possibly too little basic ammo.
Rating: 7.2

ORIGINALITY: This level is not that original. The theme is pretty much what the tileset provides – a wasteland-like factory – and has been done many times. Eyecandy was nothing original, nor was gameplay. While it was somewhat enjoyable, there was just nothing new or fascinating in either gameplay or eyecandy.
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: This level disagrees with me for some reason. I am just not sure why. The flow of battle levels is no where near as important as it is in CTF levels. Still, it is generally a good thing to have a nice flow in a battle level. And, for one reason or another, I did not feel as if this level had a very good flow. Layout also did not seem as anything special to me. This is all relative, and the level did not have that bad of a layout or a flow, but for some reason it did not agree with me in several respects. Regardless, the build quality of this factor is worth a 6.7.
Pros: Pretty well done.
Cons: The flow just felt odd.
Rating: 6.7

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level does not offer much to make people play it over and over again. Sure, it is solid and well done, but there isn’t anything INTERESTING that makes people want to play it much. I can see it being hosted a bit, but I doubt it has much staying power.
Pros: Good level, good eyecandy.
Cons: Nothing new.
Rating: 6.7

OVERALL (not an average): This level is not bad, but offers nothing that is very new. It is also 1.24, and therefore deserves to be smacked with fish. Still, it’s worth a download for TSF battle fans or 1.23 battle fans with enough time on their hands and Overlord’s TSF to 1.23 convertor.
Pros: Overall a good level.
Cons: Nothing really amazing.
Rating: 7.0

Flow: B
Layout: B
Creativity: B+
Bugs: A -

Tileset use: B+
Eyecandy look: B+
Creativity: A -
Bugs: A -

Weapons: B+
Carrots: B+



+ PROS: Solid level.
- CONS: Nothing new. TSF.

- Trafton

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cracco LMS Pack 1 - 10
Level rating: 5.8

CraccoBoy: that link does not work for me – Can Not Find Server.

And now for the review…

#1: A fairly boring level featuring nothing but a few uninteresting platforms, some ammo, and an OK background. This just was not a very enjoyable level, bland, bland, bland.
#2: Don’t have tileset.
#3: Crashes whenever I load it for some reason.
#4: Some water and a sucker tube surrounded room. Nothing interesting, much like all of the other levels. There is no ammo, but a lot of springs. Snore.
#5: An interesting level with warps and some odd-looking eyecandy that detracts from the quality of the level (yet again). Again, there is no ammo in this level, but fortunately the general flow and quality of this level is slightly better than the previous ones.
#6: Another level featuring absolutely no ammo. This one has an OK flow, though not much. Again, there are quite a few platforms in this level, and it is small. There isn’t anything interesting in thsi level still, and well…no ammo still. Snore again.
#7: Crashed.
#8: Uses some trigger zones, pyramids, and such things. Nothing outstanding here either. There are quite a few platforms of varying size, but again, this is a very linear level with nothing to distinguish itself from any of the others.
#9: Belt rights, waarps, and more. Flow was alright with Spaz, but when I played as Jazz, it was more difficult to get from place to place. This could be because double jump comes in such use in this level.
#10: Crashed when I attempted to load it, even after I did find the tileset, which took awhile.

Overall, this is an interesting pack. If I could get all of the levels to work, it might be a bit of a higher rating. Invincibility carrots, as Violet said, do not function in multiplayer, which causes problems here. This is an interesting idea, but from the levels I have seen, the levels feature a lack of creativity. They all feel like they use the same formula, and turn out to be linear and uninteresting. If you are going to make small levels such as this, try to put more effort into the eyecandy and gameplay. Still, this is not bad for its minute size, and is worth a download if you are a fan of the gameplay type. Overall, I give it a 5.5 and a download recommendation for fans of the gametype.

Review by darkhelmet

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unimatrix Zero
Level rating: 5

thx for te reviews guys

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Diamond CTF
Level rating: 3

The joys of rating a first CTF level. Let’s begin:


Not good at all. No balance, no borders, lacks flow, and too open at the top. The layout is too wide and wasn’t planned too well, and the only start position at the bottom left reflects it. And on top of that, it manages to include some hurt events (which kill the server and no one else).

My advice: Use borders around the level at least two tiles thick (three tiles recommended). This will prevent the flag bug, and even if you don’t know what it is, that’s ok. It could help raise you ratings for CTF levels in the long run. Secondly, use Multiplayer Level Start events only. And place at least one of them near each of the bases. Of course, you’ll have to set them to be the same with the bases. Team=0 is for blue team and Team=1 is for red, although that’s not too hard to figure out. Also, in my opinion if you make some of the tree branches use one ways (which I recommend), you might as well make them all have it. It’s less annoying this way. And futhermore, poles are also annoying so limit the use of them (or better yet, don’t use them at all).


For a first level (or first CTF level, same difference), it’s rather typical. It misuses the tileset in several places and it overloads on the diamond tiles in the walls. And apparently it only uses layer 4 and 8. I could probably assume that you don’t know how to place tiles on other layers well or what not.


I think I only saw two +1 carrots in the level. Full energy carrots are generally better (preferably one or two spread out), but I’m not going to go into that at the moment. Ammo placement was not that good with some ammo here and there. The powerup placement was worse: just a bunch of powerups placed throughtout the level. And better yet, you placed one of the least useful powerups (the pepper spray one) in a warp. If anything, limit the number of powerups to two or three.


Definitely not. This level needs a lot more work before it can deserve a higher rating. I’m giving this a 3.

My best advice: Read my review for Dapete’s level ( for some more CTF basics. And play some other CTF levels and see what makes them good. You can use some of their features in your own levels. You also might want make your levels loop in the near future. I loathe levels without next level settings.

BTW, the boss2.j2b file you used overwrites the original boss music. But that’s not entirely your fault since XpandoZ is the one to blame with his “Single-Player Time!” pack.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unimatrix Zero
Level rating: 5

Ok, i have played this many times online, and given many suggestions to this. I still think 2 powerups are a bit to much for this level, but its better than the 3 that were in the level in the first version. The ammo isnt that creative when you look at it, but it shows that the designer at least understood how to use ammo properly, though it could of been better. I didnt like the layout much, the warps could be quite unexpected to new players and they can be quite irritating. Also, when you look closely at the level you see many tileset bugs in the wall. Some places were sorta pointless, like the spring arena, and the level looked empty and bare. Anyways, the level is about average, so I have to agree with Trafton on the raitng. Nothing new about this, but definately good for your first level. keep trying!
Ill actually give this a 5.2, sincethe tileset use, though buggy, is a bit better than average and brings up the mark.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Diamond CTF
Level rating: 3

Well, this is not much of an improvement over the author’s previous works, but it does show some effort. Still, it needs quite a bit of work.

TILESET/TILESET USE: The used tileset was “Diamondus”. Not only is Diamondus generally overused, but this level does not use it all that well, and it ends up looking pretty bad. While there are not tons of tile errors, there are a lot of parts that look questionable or generally bad that severely detract from the overall look and feel of the level. Not very good eyecandy.
Pros: Does not have tons of tile errors.
Cons: Boring eyecandy. Questionable tile uses.
Rating: 4.0

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: There is some good weapon placement, but mostly this level consists of a lot of badly done clumping. The basic ammo placement is good, but definitely good have been better. There are far too many powerups for a CTF level and a small one at that.
Pros: Basic ammo placement was livable.
Cons: Clumping.
Rating: 4.7

ORIGINALITY: This is not very original at all.
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay and design is where this level performs worst. The most noticable problem is that there is quite a good deal of flag bug. In order to prevent flag bug, the level must be surrounded by a 3-tile mask on every side of it. Because of the flag bug, this level is everything but unplayable. The rest of the level does not fare well either. There are warps to the start where there should not be, and the “warp center” sort of messes up any strategy that could be planned. Gameplay is possibly the weakest aspect of this level.
Pros: No.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 2.0

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level is not enjoyable at all to play, which obviously makes for a poor replay value. Mix that in with the flag bug and you’ve got yourself a 1.7.
Pros: None.
Cons: Not interesting, bad eyecandy, flag bug…
Rating: 1.7

OVERALL (not an average): This level has quite a few problems. It is buggy, has flag bug, and even the values in which it is not flawed greatly it shows very little quality in. This level does show a tad bit of effort, but not much. I would recommend that the author test their levels more thuroughly and next time put more effort and time in JCS into them or they will continue seeing poor scores.
Pros: None really.
Cons: Flag bug. No pros.
Rating: 2.7

Flow: D -
Layout: D -
Creativity: D -
Bugs: F

Tileset use: D -
Eyecandy look: D -
Creativity: D -
Bugs: D

Weapons: D



+ PROS: None to mention.
- CONS: Flag bug, poor eyecandy, poor gameplay, poor placement. Nothing really good about this level. Spend more time on your levels in the future, please.

- Trafton

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unimatrix Zero
Level rating: 5

I have played this online and I must say, for a first level this is quite impressive. But it still needs work.

TILESET/TILESET USE: This level uses the classic Tube Electric tileset. The worth of this tileset is somewhat debatable, as it has been used quite a bit in the past, and has gotten a bit old. This level, unfortunately, makes no attempt to make Tube Electric look any better. The eyecandy is generally all-around average, and the level takes no chances with eyecandy. There is pretty standard Tube Electric eyecandy here – nothing to write home about.
Pros: Does not look awful.
Cons: Not very interesting eyecandy. Not very interesting tileset.
Rating: 5.0

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: This is a fairly small level with slightly above average weapon placement. Some areas, weapon placement was quite good and obviously had thought put into it, but in others weapon placement was lax and clumped. All in all, this measure came out pretty much slightly above average but nothing interesting.
Pros: Not horrible.
Cons: Clumping.
Rating: 5.2

ORIGINALITY: Originality is definitely not the strongest category for this level. It uses “Tube Electric”, which is quite overused, and makes no attempts to make Tube Electric look any more interesting, nor is gameplay very well done.
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay and design was OK. The big problem with this level is that it is fairly small, but if you can see past that, gameplay is alright for the size. There are a lot of areas in which there was not all that much room to move around, but after you get used to the layout of this level, it is not so bad. It shows promise, but it definitely needs some tweaking before it is good enough to get a higher score.
Pros: Good layout for a battle level, sort of.
Cons: Small. Flow problems.
Rating: 5.2

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level is not all that fun to play more than once. This could be because there is not any interesting eyecandy, and because the level does not provide anything new or interesting. Regardless of the reason, this level is not enjoyable to play frequently.
Pros: I suppose it is somewhat interesting.
Cons: But not really that interesting.
Rating: 4.0

OVERALL (not an average): All things considered, this level is slightly below average overall. It is not bad for a first level and definitely shows some promise, but the level needs to be larger and more original before it can stand a chance of getting a better score. Still, if you are the kind of person who enjoys seeing promising first levels, this is definitely worth a look.
Pros: Not bad for a first level.
Cons: Not all that great either.
Rating: 5.0

Flow: C -
Layout: C+
Creativity: C -
Bugs: B -

Tileset use: C
Eyecandy look: C
Creativity: C -
Bugs: B -

Weapons: C+



+ PROS: Promising for a first level.
- CONS: Not all that great. Needs some work. But keep working on levels – this definitely shows promise.

- Trafton

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evanescence
Level rating: 7.1

A pretty nice level. Good layout, not too big, reasonnable weapon placement… I lik it.

But two big minus points: 1-you placed an enemmy.
2-you placed food(though it could be handy to get a sugar rush, but that’s not funny in battles)

This would be a good level for an online server.

Download recommandation: yes

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