Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Niek level-pack 1
Level rating: 1.9

This are good levels for a beginner…


The gameplay is not the baddest I’v ever seen. It was a bit funny, because when I played it, it not get’s boring. Some new ideas for levels. But when you download this, don’t expect too much.
Nice idea of the carrot field, though…

PROS: Some new ideas, not to interesting.
CONS: Make some chain reactions in the level(for example first a blue spring and then you bumb into a H-pole and then… you know what I mean.)


Some stuff is too difficult. I din’t get enough carrots and I almost die. There are enough weapons, I think. That weapon 4 in the first level realy come in handy. But don’t give any coins when there isn’t a bonus warp! Just put gems in it.

PROS: Almost enough weapons, but some weapons are just too weak to complete the level.
CONS: Put more carrots and save points in your level at difficult parts. And don’t put coins in your level when there isn’t a bonus warp in it, because otherwise the coins are useless.


Enough at some pionts, but to much at other points, because then you have low health.



A good eyecandy, because this is one of your first levels, I think. But when you jump above in that easter level it is ugly, no underground stuff. And don’t use carrots in easter levels!

PROS: Good for your first level, but keep practising.
CONS: Too flat and stuff, if you know what I mean.


Medium, some parts where easy and some parts where a bit difficult.



Some realy good levels, for one of your first time. But make a bit time free, and practise enough and maybe your levels will be realy good! And please, leave that ugly Rayman titleset out.



Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz jackrabbit-dimension 3
Level rating: 3.4

Originally posted by DanX:
Ok… here we go again

Story: no story? umm… N/A

Tileset use: not so good… Especially the background is made very badly… 5

Desgin: Everything is a bit monotonious… and there’re few places I couldn’t get out from… 4

Eye Candy – well… didn’t notice to much of that… 4

Weapons and Enemies – the balance is maintaned but there’s one place where there’s too many enemies… There’re pickups here and there but perhaps too much of some of them. 6 will be enough

Originality – This is a very average two-level episode… nothing interesting nor original cought my eye… 2

Difficulty – T’was quite easy… 2

Gameplay – gets boring very fast… 2

Replay Value – none what-so-ever – 1

Overall Rating – Practice more and never use that music :) – 3


Hey! Daniel is my real name you know!

Review by Hugela

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

It’s good. The rain feels cool. ;)

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: StarStation 55
Level rating: 6.3

Oh well. I’ll make a note to carefully make sure my tileset looks ugly to me next time, so I can get a good raiting.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: StarStation 55
Level rating: 6.3

I dislike reviewing TSF things, mainly because I have to transfer them to another computer with TSF in order to rate them, but I felt that as a non-biased reviewer, sort of associated with J20, who steals other’s reviewing criterea, I should rate this since it is plainly quite overrated. Here is a space tileset, and not a very good one. Still, it shows some promise

THEME: The theme for this tileset is perhaps the most common in JJ2’s history – space. The problem with having such a common theme is that there is a lot of competition. To be more specific, the theme for this tileset is a space STATION. There really is very little difference, but oh well. Anyway, for a space tileset, this is not high-quality. It feels kind of like a space station, but still, there are so many other kinds of space-y tilesets out there, this offers far too little to be worth consideration.
Pros: It is kind of like a space station.
Cons: Not very well-done. Too much superior competition.
Rating: 5.2

GRAPHICS: The most important thing about a tileset is probably its graphics. The quality, appearence, and overall ability of the graphics pretty much decide how useful a tileset is. Unless there is one area in which it is particurally poor in, a tileset generally will get a high score if it features a high score in the category of graphics. Unfortunately for this tileset, its graphics are by no means its strongest category. While some parts are drawn well, and there is a variaty of different sorts of colors, shapes, and so on, the tileset just can not compete with tilesets in a similar field. The author’s previous work, “Vector Reality”, was (in my opinion) superior to this one, but there are a few things that have been improved since it. The gradient looks sort of odd on this tileset, but not awful. There is not much in the way of things to put in the background. It is always important to have background eyecandy, and this tileset does not have much. While some parts of it are well-done, most of it comes off looking pretty bland.
Pros: Some of the things within the tileset are done well. Things are not the same shape and color.
Cons: Graphics quality just was not anything interesting.
Rating: 5.7

INVENTORY: This tileset does not do bad at all here. It has all of the standard things – polls, destruct blocks, etcetera. Still, some of the “extras” which are nice in space tilesets are missing. For instance, there are no conveyer belts, nor anything really high-tech looking. Also, the “countdown” destruct scenery in this is kind of hard to distinguish. Oh, and did I mention the lack of background eyecandy?
Pros: Almost every required thing is here.
Cons: There are no belts, nor are there any fabulous extras. A lack of background eyecandy. Some of the countdown blocks are hard to read.
Rating: 6.0

ORIGINALITY: There really is not much original about this tileset. It’s a space tileset. There have been plenty of space tilesets before. Nothing new.
Pros: Not much.
Cons: Everything here has pretty much been done before.
Rating: 3.7

COMPETITION: There are plenty of other tilesets that happen to fall into the same realm as this one. And they are mostly better.

EASE OF USE: Due to its simplicity, this tileset is more or less easy to use.
Pros: Easy to use.
Cons: …Mainly because it takes no chances.
Rating: 6.5

MASKING: In testing, the only thing that really caused problems were the vines (they looked pretty suspicious in JCS). Otherwise, this tilest has OK masking.
Pros: Generally OK masking.
Cons: The vines, and a few other things, need some work.
Rating: 6.0

OVERALL (not an average): This is a small tileset of average quality. Really, one can do a lot better than this. If more time, and more quality, was put into this tileset, it might have came out better. But it did not, unfortunately.
Pros: It’s not horrible.
Cons: Lack of background eyecandy. Generally not high-quality.
Rating: 5.7

Bugs: C+
Eyecandy: C
Background Eyecandy: B -
Foreground Eyecandy: C -
Masking: B -
Tile Variaty: B -
Tiles Included: B
Quality: C+


- Trafton

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: StarStation 55
Level rating: 6.3

Ok, I didn’t plan to review/rate this, but it is so hideously overrated I feel it is my duty as an unbiased reviewer not associated with J2O.

THEME: The theme is a space station. It does feel kind of like a space station, I’ll admit, but there are nowhere near enough animations (or even things that Could be animated, but aren’t), and the background doesn’t make you feel like you’re in space so much as standing against a big drawing of outer space.
Pros: It feels kind of like a space station.
Cons: Not too well executed (needs more support from the background in paticular).
Rating: 5.5

GRAPHICS: Graphics are about the most important factor of a tileset, but this tileset doesn’t do too well here. The whole thing reminds me of Vector Reality, a previous tileset by the author which I think I liked more. Most everything in this tileset is a gradient (a grainy grey gradient, in fact), with very little color to speak of. Most of the color is in the background, which should be kind of muted in contrast to layers 4 and 3. As for the rest of the stuff, it’s not that great. The warp would look great if it was animated, but it’s not. It’s also too hard to make out the numbers on the countdown blocks.
Pros: Some things are ok, it’s not all single color.
Cons: Not too well done, and it still needs more animations.
Rating: 5.5

INVENTORY: H/V poles, spikes, a warp, warp target like thing, */!/4321 blocks, hook, vine and a sign. While high tech tilesets should probably have belts, this tileset does do fairly well in the Inventory category.
Pros: Most everything is here.
Cons: The countdown blocks are hard to see, no belts. Some background eyecandy would be nice..
Rating: 6.2

ORIGINALITY: Look, it’s a not-too-well-drawn space station, which is fairly common. It’s just not (for the most part) original.
Pros: All right, the satellite thing is kind of original (though tiny).
Cons: Nothing much to speak of here.
Rating: 4.0

COMPETITION: This tileset has a great deal of competition. Vector Reality (same author) is probably better, Space (Blade) certainly is.
(No pros given)
(No cons given)
(No rating given)

EASE OF USE: This is a fairly simple tileset, and quite easy to use.
Pros: This tileset does well in this category.
Cons: Too much layer 5 necessary, not enough possibilities.
Rating: 6.2

MASKING: The masking for this tileset is all pretty good, though I do not approve of the diagonal things being automasked, or the masking for the hook. (and the vine looks a bit questionable)
Pros: Everything’s pretty good.
Cons: A few things need work.
Rating: 6.0

OVERALL (not an average): This is a rather average small tileset, and horribly overrated. You can not do much with it, and most everything you can do can be done with other tilesets.
Pros: It’s ok.
Cons: It’s merely ok. There are some problems.
Rating: 5.7

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Killerbattle
Level rating: N/A

Well, in my endless quest to rate uploads which have not been uploaded, I arive at this. There are a few reasons why this might not be reviewed. For instance, the entire pack is zipped up and then zipped again. Yes, the ZIP leads to an installer program. Normally, this would be okay, but that is not exactly what you expect from a not super-amazing spectacular release such as this. Anyways, now for the review.

Killerbattle1.j2l, or “Kill You”
This interestingly titled level uses Mez02, which is quite overused. And the eyecandy is not anything amazing. The beginning part was OK playing but the rest was just…err…read on.

TILESET/TILESET USE: Tileset use was quite mediocre. Mez02, which is already plenty overused, was not used in an interesting nor creative way. In fact, it was used pretty plainly without any interesting eyecandy.
Pros: The level did not look awful.
Cons: No interesting eyecandy.
Rating: 5.2

WEAPON/ITEM/CARROOT PLACEMENT: Placement was, yet again, mediocre. At first, there was a nice arrangement of basic weapons surrounding a carrot. This looked nice, and if all of the rest of the levels’ eyecandy had been like that, I might have liked this pack more. But they were not, by far. Most of the rest of the level is completely over-ammoed, with clumped powerups and stuff. Some areas just completely lack ammo.
Pros: One area of good placement.
Cons: And quite a few areas of poor placement.
Rating: 4.2

ORIGINALITY: This level has no originiality of any sort.
Rating: 2.7

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay is chock full of bugs. There are many areas where one can easily get stuck, and abound places where someone can sink into the ground tile, much like the spikes in Psych. Gameplay, when it is working, was not so good. This was mainly because there is not anything to keep the player entertained.
Pros: None really.
Cons: Buggy and bad.
Rating: 3.5

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: Basically not enjoyable to play more than once.
Pros: None.
Cons: Everything.
Rating: 1.7

OVERALL (not an average): This level is…well…not so good. It may look OK at the beginning, but it quickly falls into mediocrity as you play on.
Rating: 4.5

Layout: C-
Creativity: D-
Bugs: D

Tileset use: C -
Eyecandy look: D+
Creativity: C -
Bugs: C+

Weapons: D-
Carrots: D-



Killerbattle2.j2l, or “???”
Fantastic naming here. Anyway…

TILESET/TILESET USE: Mez01 is used, and not particurally well. The destruct scenery looks weird, and the dimensions are entirely wrong. Yet again, this pack just does not have good eyecandy.
Pros: The level did not look totally awful.
Cons: Eyecandy bugs galore.
Rating: 5.0

WEAPON/ITEM/CARROOT PLACEMENT: Yet again, this pack has a below average placement level. There is less ammo in this one than in some, but all of it is still clumped and poorly done. Not good at all.
Pros: One or two areas of good placement.
Cons: And quite a few areas of poor placement.
Rating: 4.5

ORIGINALITY: Yet again, this level lacks originality. Mez01 just does not allow for any.
Rating: 2.5

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Yet again, gameplay was nothing impressive. There was a chat room which asks that no one shoot, even though there was not much preventing one from shooting in some areas and sidekicking in all. Chat rooms just are not a good idea in modern levels. The rest of the level had fairly bad gameplay, as well.
Pros: None really.
Cons: Buggy and bad.
Rating: 3.2

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: Basically not enjoyable to play more than once. (Hey, I said the same thing for the last level, didn’t I? Imagine that.)
Pros: None.
Cons: Everything.
Rating: 1.7

OVERALL (not an average): Yet another not-so-good, not very playable, and very buggy level.
Rating: 4.5

Layout: D
Creativity: D
Bugs: D+

Tileset use: D+
Eyecandy look: D+
Creativity: D+
Bugs: C -

Weapons: D+
Carrots: D+



Killerbattle3.j2l, or “Egypt XXL
I had no idea Egypt was measured in shirt sizes.

TILESET/TILESET USE: Finally, a more flexable tileset, “Egypt” by Agama, was used. Unfortunately, this level came off looking a lot worse than all of the others. There was little eyecandy and what was there looked horrible.
Pros: No.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 3.7

WEAPON/ITEM/CARROT PLACEMENT: Carrot (or “Caroot” as I seemingly accidentally type it several times) placement was no where near the most interesting aspect of the level. Not by far. Weapon placement was also uninteresting. Powerups dropped by trigger crates and nothing else. The worst placement of any levels so far.
Pros: None.
Cons: Read above.
Rating: 2.0

Rating: 1.5

FSAFDAS. (Translation: bad.)
Pros: None really.
Cons: Buggy and bad.
Rating: 1.5

Pros: None.
Cons: Everything.
Rating: 1.2

OVERALL (not an average): This is definitely the worst level of the pack so far by far. And that is saying quite a lot.
Rating: 1.5

Layout: F
Creativity: F
Bugs: D -

Tileset use: F
Eyecandy look: F
Creativity: F
Bugs: D -

Weapons: D -
Carrots: F



NOTE: This is, of course, not the entire review. I will review the other three levels soon.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here at long last
Level rating: 6.8

Heres my review:

Enemies: Too many. And it’s a bad idea to hide enemies or put them , where they can easely reach you, like a bat near abowe the second v-poles, or raviens, hiden under layer3.
Events: Nothing special, average.
Gameplay:Too hard, because of enemies. And its only playable by Spaz.
Weapon plasement: only bouncers, but bouncers realy fit in this level.
Enemies:Not so many, like before.
Events: More hurt events, which make this level better.
Weapon plasement:The same.
Gameplay:Good, a nice level desing.
Weapon plasement:Only fire.If this goes on, this pack will get 8.0 from me (coes if you make a pack, you must put one or to types of weapons in each level(Not more)
Peculiarityes: a wery good level(after the previous two)
Enemies:Not bad, exept the place, wheres a lot walking lizards.
Gameplay:It,s strange to see a perfectly still lava ponds, and you can even walk on some of them.Als, theres a 2 dragon hall, in which if you fall, can only get out by Spaz.On the other hand, the MEDIVO elements realy do fit with CARROTUS.
Weapon placement:Good, althow the extra live is easely reachable in tha level.
Peculiarityes:A very nice level.
eNEMIES:too much.
Events: Average.
Gameplay:Too hard.Why even in god mode i barely past this level, and you must add more carrots, or savepoints.Also, theres only 1 safepoint, and its not so easy to reach it. This level is good only for people like Aiko, Evilspaz and other prous.O, and the music isn’t included in this pack.
Weapon plasement: only freezers.
Peculiarityes:Despite the hardnes of this level, I realy like the lovering things.But, maybe< im a lozer (sorry, addicts), and didn’t saw this thing before. Still I like it.Also, the text is very original.
Rating(now, I know, its not fair to lower the rating just, because the level is hard, but, still, I vont give 10.0)So the rating is 9.
Level 6:
Enemies:TOO MUCH.
Events:Little events.
Gameplay:Again, very hard. Its almost impossible to fight in the dark.
Weapon placement: only homing missles.
Peculiarityes:The text is pourer in this level.But original too.
Tileset:Not yours, won’t rate this.
Readme: Just plane ol readme.
Final rating:7 [This review has been edited by GAMER]

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: StarStation 55
Level rating: 6.3

Let’s write a rating. No comments sorry.

Tile amount 8/10
Tile linking 9/10
Anim tiles, spikes, etc. 6/10
Realization 7/10

+ or – extra points
+3 points because the example level.
-1 point because the simpleness.

Overall 8 Rank: Good tileset
Download recommendation: yes!

So you are pretty good tileset maker and level maker too. But there is a little simpleness and it doesn’t make levels very exciting. But hey, you got an 8. And your tileset might be useful.

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blockland Arena
Level rating: 6.1

I guess it’s a pretty good level. Now, not spending the time to make a hyperlong review like Trafton AT, it is quite pretty for a mez2 level, and I have never seen waterfalls in a mez2 level before. I guess the ammo is placed OK, considering the nice long stretches would seem to let you outrun seekers (I havent played online for a while, hence the ‘would seem’). Ah well… what I would really want to see is something made by mez4

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 11 Dec 11, 21:56)
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

Yet another nice conversion by BlurredD, and not a jj1 conversion either. I think the palette edit was quite good.

Probably the new, most memorable aspect is the water falls; when you think of Psych you probably don’t think of water falls, but they fit in nicely.

BlurredD made a CTF level with this tileset that I saw long ago, I’m surprised he didn’t release it along with this conversion, since it shows just how well you can use this set.

The biggest down fall of this conversion is what it was converted from: Levels made with Psych will probably look very similar to one another, like Carrottus and Diamondus levels (You’re welcome to prove me wrong IF you can make a level that looks totally different from what the tileset is mainly designed for).

The most use out of this is the fixed spikes. I’d say this is a VERY important factor and one of the main reasons you should download.

…And I can’t think of anything else important to describe about this set, just download and use it if you will.


Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Shellion's Extreme Revenge (SXR)
Level rating: 9.3

OMG My long review that I did for some reason got deleted, so I will start all over. I should get paid for reviewing this. Anyways, the download has been fixed and I can finally see this. It wasnt as good as I expected it. I hope my review will be longer than traftons, and this tiem I will just talk about all the levels altogether, since I am not willing to rewrite my whole review again in the same old fashion. The intro level (SXR INTRO) looked a bit screwy, but at least it was understandable. It confused me a bit though. Level 1 I started right on top of the boss. Reading Traftons review it made me think if I was suppose to start right before the boss, or if it was a glitch. Anyways, you basically have to fight 2 robot bosses, thats basically it. The next level (level 2) named Carrotus Chaos had interesting music. The enemies were poorly placed, some where placed in poor locations and they were overused. There were barely any pickups in this level, except for some ammo and coins. The level was short and easy, and was boring. I didnt like it much. The next level (3) has a name ripped off from lord of the rings, the fellowship of the rings (mines of moria). The level had a serious case of having to many enemies, so much that I thought I would get an enemy error playing it. I felt the backround could of been warped, since it was a bit dullish. The storyline in this level was quite amusing. There were some spiffy secret passages. In one place i thought I was barricaded in because I had no clue there was a warp in the top right corner. A lot of places were very narrow, and I’ve gotten stuck in many places in this level. The food, when it appears, is usually all clunched up. This level is also quite difficult, especially the maze which takes forever to beat.The next level (level 4)is named sandy censored. The eyecandy isnt bad here, but the enemy placement is. It is all clunched up and sometimes you cant get out without getting hit by an enemy. There are way to many gems in the crates, and due to the enemies the level lacks in fun factor. I have nothing much to say about this level except that its nearly impossible. The next level (5) named Holy Tree, which I think is a weird name. The level is a bit better. Only in some places zounds of enemies attack you, while in others its all peaceful. There is barely any eyecandy and the backround is dull as well. In a lot of places you are forced to get hurt because there are tons of enemies around you. The only place which really caught my attention was at the end, the mystic forest, except for the annoying generating bees. The next level is also made with the diamondus set and I didnt like it. I got stuck on a vine (you know how after you warp if you wall onto a hook or vine you may get stuck) Also, the part of the level with the control panel was difficult and bored me, i didnt like it. The level itself was confusing and took a while to beat. Level 7 is named Knight Fight and uses the medivo set. The whole level is sorta narrow, and I didnt like the fact that enemies are placed right on top of one ways. I found some eyecandy bugs, and like most of the levels this one was confusing. There were some fiendish parts, and some fun parts in this level. Next level (8) has a strange name (mmmm….sugary =)) and it uses a candion conversion made by dethman or sometimes (i had no clue he made conversions). This was one of the funnes t levels in the pack. At first glance the level looked quite nice. I liked the backround. The enemies were still clunched up though. Eyecandy is ok, soemtimes strange, but ok. Soem of the puzzles were really fun here, and there were a lot of fun parts. I enjoyed playing this level. Next level, Radical and Funky something (I kinda forgot the name) has funny music =P. Sadly, the enemies dont give you a break here and they are clunched up again (I can easily relate the enemy placement in these levels to those of RHG) and some parts were also fun (like that spring place and the hat trick place) The level had a lot of creativity in it, but some parts looked kinda ugly. The level isnt that hard, nor long. Lvl 10, tech central has some cool secrets, good music and stuff. The eyecandy is decent here, I loved the secrets. Though the goodies and enemies were clumped again, the level was still interesting, but kinda short. The next level, which I mistook for the last, is called JAzz cloned. ITs basically a boss level where you have to fight 3MCE jazz bosses. Nothing that interesting. Level 12, named electric slide, also has great music (most of the levels do). Though I think the enemies were still overused, some parts of the level were fun to play (like the beginning). I liked the eyecandy here though, except for the many tile bugs, though the eyecandy possibly could of been better. I think that in some places the soda pop food item was way overused, and ther could of been more variety in food and ammo. In the area around pos 40,40, I couldnt get out. Also, the level is easier to play with spaz, since he can sidekick all those enemies at once while it will take jazz a while. Bunny BBQ also had clumped enemies. The text was interesting, and so where the puzzles. Good music BTW. Just when I thought I had finally reached Eva and that this was the last level, it wasnt. The pickup placmeent is ok. Mount puzzle was an amusing levels. I dont remember any enemies being here (though I may have forgotten) and the puzzles were cool, though extremely difficult. Again, I saw some tiling bugs. the first puzzle wasnt that hard, though I couldnt solve the second puzzle. The 3rd puzzle was quite easy. I felt that there could of been some hints in the puzzles, because sometimes I had no idea of what to look for or what to do. Im surprised there werent any clumped up enemies here O.o. The next level, flames of revenge, is evil. The music was good, but the level was EXTREMELY annoying. There shouldnt have been 2 poles together in the beginning, the enemy has a godo chance of hurting you there. I also had no clue that the lava was a hurt event the first time I played ,because I jumped over the text sign that said that. The enemies here were espeically clumped up. The warp parts were usually annoying and sometimes made me loose lifes and stuff. Some parts I didnt like because it was hard not getting hurt there (like position 191, 42) and you cross that place multiple tiems. The spikeball part you must get hurt at, because the spike balsl are almost impossible to avoid. Yay, you finally found eva. Last fight: OMG finally, the last level. First of all, the backround irritated me because of the speed it was moving at. The weapon stock isnt as good as I hoped it to be. You have to fall like 600 tiles down before you finallly land in the battle arena where you face 3 devans. The last credits level was fun =).

OVERALL: Firstly, I wrote this whole review on paper, then typed it out, then had to retype it because something happend. It took me 4 hours playing and reviewing this level, and i hope i wont do this again. It is hard to add up the mark for this pack, because the levels all have different quality levels. I havent played the extra multiplayer levels, but will soon after. I think ill give this about a 7.5 and a download recc. Great work!

Review by Alister

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: PiGgY
Level rating: 3.6

No, you’re not the last.

Yes, it’s crudely drawn pigs. I don’t know, perhaps he’s trying to drive down his average rating so that it reaches his favourite number. Maybe it’s a back-to-basics trial so that his future output will be even better.

It has to be said that, given the style, there is a wide range of tiles.

Not including the transparency, this tileset uses 7 colours. It consists of light pink solid tiles, with a dark pink line for borders. And a blue tile for the background.
But that’s not all! Download today, and you’ll get an eye, a snout, feet, a curly tail and even a flying pig!

Still, at least he produced something (unlike yours truly).
It’s worth a download if you want to see what all the fuss is about. :)

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Christmas
Level rating: 7.7

i REALY LIKE THIS LEVEL. Exept the fact, that the boss doesn’t fit, I think this level deserves 9.5.

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Iceman's Return
Level rating: 3.9

Since im a SP freak, who downloads all SP levels and rewiews & rates 90% of them, i must review this. Nothing to say:). Exept, that this level has weapons (homing missle, freeze and bouncers power-ups).I accidentaly found the warp, which leads to them.

Best wishes.


Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Phosphorus Revenge
Level rating: 3.5

I won’t rate this. Just review.
LEVEL:Can’t play it. “THE TOO MUCH ENEMIES” error.
LEVEL1:A nise maze. Didn’t end it, too hard.
LEVEL2: When I was near the crate, I desidet to go to the right, and bounded up, like I think, in the unfinished level area.
LEVEL3:Boring, the background with the lava is not realistick. I mean, the lava can’t stay so still.

SUM: reupload this .

Best wishes

GAMER[This review has been edited by GAMER]

Review by Waz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps 1 of 3[full version] [re uploaded
Level rating: 1.2


“Battle room”: this is a horrible level. You must defeat a few queen bosses. No eyecandy, and a horrible layer 8 background. It hurts my eyes when I play it, really.

“Devil Traps”: not worse than the first one, but horrible anyways. The goody placement in this level really sucked.

“The lvl1”: It’s probably the start of the story(I didn’t play the levels in the right order, appearantly). I won’t take this level in consideration.

“the poke joke”: “a joke level”, as the author calls it…

Overall: just bad levels. Bad event placement, bad backgrounds…

I’m sorry to say this, but this stuff really sux. I can’t say anything else about it.
You should spend more time on your levels.

A 1.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cheese is green on tuesday
Level rating: 7.9

Random review pulls through yet again, with a true classic. Well, at least the name is classic. The rest of the level is, well, pretty good. It is definitely worse than it was when it was originally uploaded. Still, it is an enjoyable bit of nostolgia.

TILESET/TILESET USE: BioLab is the used tileset. It looks okay, but nothing really ultra-amazing, per usual. After all, it is an old level. The tileset is more or less good, but there are a few limits to its usefulness.
Pros: Spiffy-looking.
Cons: Nothing that by today’s eyecandy standards is amazing.
Rating: 7.0

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Being that this is a race level, there is nothing special about weapon and item placement. What is there is placed well, though this is not a significant part of my grade whatsoever.
Pros: No comment.
Cons: No comment.
Rating: No comment.

ORIGINALITY: The level itself is not extremely original, but the name is. I suppose that is worth something. For its day, I am sure this level was quite original.
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay, even after these years, was still quite outstanding. There isn’t anything much more to put here. Simply, these are great levels.
Pros: Great design.
Cons: None really.
Rating: 8.5

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: Far underplayed, in my humble opinion. This is a really good race level which is fun to play over and over again. Sure, it gets boring after a while, but not very quickly. Well done.
Pros: Good level, good eyecandy.
Cons: None to mention.
Rating: 8.0

OVERALL (not an average): EvilMike’s classic race level, J2O’s tenth upload, and the best named level in existance. This still remains one of the best race levels there is out there, even after all of this time. Any self-respecting race fan (all four of you, that is) has this in their arsenel and hopefully will host it frequently. Truly one of the great race levels.
Pros: The review speaks for itself.
Cons: Some quality loss over time.
Rating: 7.7

Flow: B+
Layout: B+
Creativity: B+
Bugs: A -

Tileset use: A -
Eyecandy look: B
Creativity: A -
Bugs: A

Weapons: A -
Carrots: N/A



+ PROS: A truly historic race level.
- CONS: None really to speak of. Maybe a few too many springs for some. Not everyone likes race.

Review by FoD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Contention
Level rating: 7.8

As usual with your levels, I had a pretty tough time finishing this one. Having played Claw, i expected some of the traps and also expected there be vine swinging (that was a toughie in Claw as well). I liked how similar it was to Claw (badies in the narrow slots where they are sometimes tough to kill, etc.) and think you used the tileset pretty well. I guess the good level makers never forget how. ;)

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle rabbit episode (Reuploaded)
Level rating: 8.5

First of all, I must say that I like this uploaad A LOT more than the previous ones by this author (not to mention the author’s previous somewhat questionable reviews by “relatives.”) Regardless, this is quite a good pack and definitely an improvement over some of the author’s previous works. The only level I really did not care for highly was the puzzle one, generally because the puzzle was not much of a puzzle at all – more the luck of finding something. Now on to the reviewity.

TILESET/TILESET USE: Tileset use is good enough all around, except in the levels that use the author’s own tileset, which is something Space-y. It definitely looks like the author actually put quite a bit of thought into eyecandy this time, and it came out well. Nicely done.
Pros: Looks very nice.
Cons: The Space levels using the author’s own tileset are of questionable eyecandy quality.
Rating: 8.0

WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: Weapon, item, and enemy placement was quite strong. There were not excessive hurt events like in the author’s previous levels, but there were enough things to keep this pack challenging enough to hold interest.
Pros: Nice placement.
Cons: Nothing that really sticks out in the cons column.
Rating: 8.2

ORIGINALITY: I have no idea what this being a demo has to do with originality, but oh well. Simply put, this pack features nothing amazingly original, though it does have a few cutscenes. The plot was, happily, not abandoned mid-game in order to stray off to search for something else (more of an accomplishment than one might think) and everything was well-crafted. Not extrodinarily new or anything, but adequate.
Rating: 7.5

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: All in all, there really is not much to say here. Definitely improved over the author’s previous less-than-amazing works. For instance, in other levels by him, there were quite a few unneeded hurt events. Not so in this pack. Well done.
Pros: Good gameplay.
Cons: Nothing huge.
Rating: 8.0

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: The cutscenes, along with the fairly good gameplay, make this not a bad second play in addition to the first. There is nothing ultra-creative about this level, so there isn’t a huge amount of incentive to play it twice, but it is still solid the second time. Well done.
Pros: A good pack.
Cons: Nothing that boosts the replay value, specifically.
Rating: 7.7

OVERALL (not an average): While it is always nice to get high marks in everything, I think the most important victory is bettering your own skills and improving your own level making abilities. Satan is obviously doing so, as this is a certain improvement over his previous levels. The jury still seems to be out on this level – DanX obviously does not like it, and Violet really seems to. I think I will take a stake between Sun Fun Dude and Violet on this one. I do not think this is anything amazing, but definitely a vast improvement over previous works. And that is possibly the best achievement out there. Nicely done.

Layout: A -
Creativity: A -
Bugs: B+

Tileset use: A -
Eyecandy look: B
Creativity: B+
Bugs: B+

Weapons: B+
Enemies: B
Carrots: B+



+ PROS: A vast improvement over previous levels. Very well done.
- CONS: Not an amazing replay value, but nothing bad either. The space levels are bad-looking.

- Trafton

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